HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-06-02, Page 1THIRTEENTH POWER
Large Credit of $13,237.96 Comes At
Opportune Time
At a meeting of Wingham Utilities
Commission last Saturday morning
the 13th power bill was' received and
this proved to be a credit for. $13237,-
96, This credit came at a most oppor-
tune time with the Commission facing
heavy expenses for flood damages, and
also the heavy expenditure of exten-
sion of lines into the new housing
The Commission agreed that any
suggestions or complaints as to water
or hydro service should be submitted
in writing and duly signed and they
would then be considered at the reg-
ular meetings of the Commission held
on the first Tuesday of each mont:
at 10 a.m. In considering applications
for water service outside the town,
it wast decided that no domestic appli-
cations be granted as all available
water, would be required for the many
new homes to be built within the Cor-
John W. Hanna and Hugh Hill
Oppose Each Other For
Second Time '
The electors of Huron-Bruce will
in this election have a choice of only
two candidates. When Mr. G. H.
Ruttle, Returning Officer, declared the
nominations closed on Monday, only
two candidates had filed papers, the
C,C,F, as had been expected, failed to
present a candidate. The candidates:
John W: Hanna, Progressive! Conser-
vative; Hugh Hill, Liberal.
The meeting was one of the shortest
on record,. only laeting long enough for
short addresses.
Successful Spring Tea
A successful Spring tea and sale of
Widen° was held by the Women's As-
sociation of Witighatu United. Church
on Saturday. The newly decoratee
school room was attractive with bask-
ets of tulips and iris. A special fea-
ture was the sale of children's play
suits. The platform represented a
summer garden, with flower., small
tables and chairs, into which several
-children gathered, wearing different
styles of the Play clothes, Those. who
served as models were: Patty Burnie,
Lynn Stuckey, Philip Adams, Doug-
las Henson, Dale Thompson,!! jill
Thompson, Anne Iilowson, 'Shirley
Acute Jeffs, Following this the little
suits were all readily sold.
will be present and act as .Ittljudi-
icatoi, Everyone is invited to ;Awe
l and see what is being done with music
in the schools.
Come To Whitechurch
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
Single Copies — Five Cents ., WINGHAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1948 Subscription, $2,00 a Year in Advance
who is contesting the Riding of Hurs
cn-Bruce for the second time, as the
Liberal candidate, is a sucetesful farm.
er in Colborne Triwnship,
in Guernsey cattle and poultry. He
has served tin' municipal Council
for ten years, three -if which a., Rvvve,
In 1940 he was Chairman of the I.f.cal
Committee for the International Plow-
ing Match at Port Albert.
,••11...1 1..
Engagement Annottnced
Mr. and Mrs. H. Elmer Zinit, Del-
more, announce the engagement of
their younger daughter, Bethea Jean
(Detty), to James Alan Darling, eld-
est son of Mt: and Mrs. Adam J.
Darling, Carrick. The marriage will
take place in Knox Presbyterian
Church, 'Delmore, on June 19th, at
2.30 p.m.
iirday, June 12th.
T. W. Platt,
Sanitary Inspector.
Reception Whitechurch
Come to the reception being held in
the Whitechtireh Cortuntinity Memorial
Hall on 'Tuesday evening, June '8th, in
honour of the newlyweds, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ross. Music by Garnet
Varrier's Orebeetra. Ladies please
bring lunch. Everybody welcome.
wish to anhounce that during the sum-
The Women's Auxiliary to the Leg-
ion will hold tuck annual Spring Tea
and sale of Home-made baking and
Annual Spring Tea
by making such visits he is eottfer-' All citizens of the Town are hereby
ring favor upon those visited. Its a notified that all properties must be
eery real sense just the opposite is j cleaned of ashes, rubbish, etc., by Sat-
true; they present us .with a privilege;
invariably they tender tie a service,
There is no greater corrective for bur
distorted vision and false sense .of val-
ues than to talk with one who has
made and totitinuet to make the skit-
ful adjustment to the restraint and
:restriction that is the normal life of
:the Shut-in. Anyone who has had the
close :friendship of one of these has
experienced the enlargement of his
own life, One .comes to teali2d haw
:feebly be exercises the full measure of
health :and strength, foil powers of
body and mind which he possesses,
as compared with the attlaiitig use
that other's. make of Their lintitedtcap-
ital these reSoUrceS.,..Truiy they live
*alarge life in Sittall •rOOnl." .
I In His table "41 was ttelti
and ye visited tile let us unite its
the first Sunday of :Writ a
tare -unforgettable day, for the, gioN
knit company of the 8lutt4n and for
Miss Armitt of Western University
Was Guest Speaker
Last Friday :evening, the ! Lions
Club held their Ladies' Night at the
Parish Hall of St. Paul's Anglican
Church. The Ladies' 'Guild served
an excellent dinner, and later at the
suggestion . of Eion Stan Hall they
were accorded a `earty vote of thanks
by the Lions. Mrs. Fred Fuller replied
briefly thankiegethe Lions.
Tailtwister Welly Armstrong was
quite busy during the evening keep-
ing the Lions in hand. 'Lion Clarence
Richey received considerable atten-
tion with his fleshy tie. Lion Wally
claimed it was e "false front" but
managed to detell it and Clarence
settled. Lions Ches. Roberts and Clar-
ence Richey were accused of pulling
hair on the stree 'and both were fined.
Lion Don Nas ith was reported as
parking in wron places while driving
a "Baby" Lincol and Lion Bill Gal-
braith was blam d for letting him off
and had 6 to sett e,
President Frank Madill welcomed
the many guests who were present,
Mrs. Wm. Dawson, one of the senior
guests, was gives a big hand by the
Lions. Members of the Junior Drama
Club, Mrs. Greer and Mrs. Hinde,
Mr. and Mrs. John Brent and Mr. Vin
Dittmer were guests of the Lions.
Lion Norm and Mrs. Welwood were
called to the floor by Failtwister
Wally Who announced that this was
their First Wedding Anniversary.
Lions serenaded them with the song,
"Girl of my Dreams."
Rather lengthy explanations were
offered by Lions Sala Burton, Ron
Rae and Hugh Carmichael about a
trip to Toronto recently when it was
reported this some, of the party were
left behind mid had to walk home.
Lion MacWilliam addressed the Club
irequesting assistance for the Recrea-
'mer program of supervised sports. His
tional Council to lint across the stun—
request met with a quick response
when Lions }3eb Hetherington and
Chas. Roberts put f,q-,.\ alse a motion
to make a donateei of $500 tc, start
a fund for this pnrpose. Thi: was
Tromptly approe.,,r by the Lions. •
j Tw.etity-fivc ear slievrone were
u*ceented to Charter members Jack
'Hanna, Bill Galbraith, \Vibe Hanel-
Jim, 1)r. J. A. Fox, 1/r. tiro.
1.1oward tike rhotely and Hal :MacLean.
Ten year chevrons were presented te
Charter menthere Dr. Wm. Conoell.
Harley Crawford, Bill Mc•Cool; W. t 1,
Hamilton, Bill linshfield, Walton Mc-
Kibbon, Bob Hetherington, Jack Mc-
Kibbon, Stan ball and H' ii Rae. The ,
recipients were congratulated on their
terms of service in Lionism.
Lions Wally Armstrong and Doc.
Irwin were masters of ceremonies for ;!
an impromptu . broadcast spone•pred
by the \\*cistern Foundry 1.7o. makers ;
of the "Spry Gem", "Roberta" and
"Tiffiny" Ran.,es. Several fine mis-
icai were given by Lions
General Hospital, as the tesult of be-
ing struck by a car on Monday. ,Mr.
Galbraith suffered a fractured right
wrist, possible back injuries, and is
suffering from shock. The mishap oc-
curred in front of 'the Wingliam Post.
Office when a tar driven by a tourist !
from Detroit struck him as he attempt-.
ed to 'cross the street.
LocItrulge, .A. Hetrzhan, Norman
MUSIC FESTIVAL Rinteul, W. R. Hamilton.
' And attend the play in the 0-Alt-
mann!: Bail, Friday,
June 4t h , at 8.30 p.m. Dance after to
the nimec of Garnet Farner's orches-
tra. Adults 50z. ehildreAz 23c. Lunch
place the middle of June. Harold Py nt, piale,A, Sam Muttons, •
OPENS NExT WEEK the tNening v.as reached when a ,
'Tonsorial" quartette appeared. The fhb June meeting the 1,a, lies, Morris Council Meets June 5th
emirbasne, ,ss someaseipms.nuanalha
Assisted During Spring Floods
As,, all across the country Spring
unlocks the rivers and streams, rush
ing floods drive out families and in-
tindate small communities, and we
Inave reports of Red Cross Disaster
Relief Units in • these communities
springing into action.
It is interesting to know that during
the recent flood emergency in our own
-community, the Wingham Branch of
The Red Cross was at work. The Presi-
dent, Dr. W. A. McKibbon, directed
• the work of evacuating those who were
trapped in their homes by the rapidly
• rising flood waters. The Branch has
esent letters of appreciation to a num-
ber of persons who volunteered assist-
ance in this work,aiid wishes at this
time to thank all others who helped in
any way.
The following is a statement of Red
°Cross expenditures since March 1st.,
Flood Relief
Brunswick Hoteelodging and'
board, $ 135.25
Mrs. M. Foxton, mealsgiven
to flood victims 20.00
Fire Dept.' work of evacuation 50.00
Hospitalization and Ainbul-
lance service, flood victiiii 41.50
$ 246.75
To the Canadian Appeal for
children .. ,,,, 300.00
To Blood Donors, Wingham
General Hospital, .50.00
$ 350.00
Every Saturday night at the Royal
T. to the music of Ken Wilbee's or-
chestra, from 9 to 12. Moderate ad-
Showers For Bride Elect
Mrs. R. II. Lloyd and neIrs. W. H.
eierney entertained at the former's
home last week in honour of Miss
Elizabeth Here, bride elect .4 this
2.aontli. About forty guests were pre-
Sent who showered Elizabeth with
.:zany lovely gifts.
On Monday evening Mr.. eV. 0
Hamilton and Mrs. 0. H. Roe, were
7;ostesses at a pentryehelf ',hewer at
-i.e latter'sehome on Shiner St.
Dr, and Mrs. S. M, Bushy, London,
entertained at their home on Feilley
evening last, for Elizabeth Hare end
Howard Waller, whose marriage takes
place in New St. James Church, on
;Nile 12th. The host and hostess and
friends also presented them with a
"Sick, And Ye Visited Me"
To those, who thiuk of sickness in
terms of the periodic headache or the
:tasonal indisposition of a cold, there
is a whole world unknown to them.
It is the world of close and lengthy
eenfinentent where folk who for one
reason or another must view the world
through the eyes of Others. 'There re-
males for the ehutsin the newspaper,.
the radio, the 'personed visitation—
these three—and the greatest of these
is the personal visit.
The setting apart, therefore, of the
first Sunday of Jutie, annually, by the.
Shut-in's Day Association, -wheu the
invitation - to visit et least two folk
who ate ill is given to us, iS of snore
than ordinary significatiet, Not that
one should .ever feel he has discharged
his full obligation by such observance
cue, Sunday in a year. It is but a 'tok-
en of our recognition and ,reineme
brattee of the Shut-in at all mites.
Furthermore, let no Disc think that'
Playground Leaders Needed
Last' week an article' entitled "Lead-
ers Needed" appeared in the Advance-
Times, Many people read it but nobody
did anything about it, Possibly those
who would be willing to help thought
a special skill or talent would be nec-
essary. This is not the case. Any
mothers of young children who can
serve one morning a week for possibly
a month are needed. Those who can
be present for an hour in the morn-
ings would also be a big help. '
Skilled Leaders Also Needed
In addition to those who are un-
skilled, the programme is in need of
skilled leaders. Anyone, who has had
experience in craft work br who has
an interesting hobby would be most
helpful. Remember, this programme
is for Wingham children and if it is
to ftthction at all it must have plenty
sf volunteer help.
Last week the question was asked
"What will YOU do for Wingham's
children." Is your 'answer "NOTH-
ING?" Of course is isn't! Phone Sam
460, right
five of which he was Mayor. The
mune of Hanna has been connected
in the business life of this commun-
ity for nearly 65 years, and at present
he conducts two stores, a ladies' ready-
to-wear and a befits' furnishings.
Brother-in-late Dies In England
Mrs. Bert Collar received word last
week of the death of her brother-hi-
law, Mr. Fred Merriweather in Liver-
01, Eugl.and, while he was home on
Work of constructing lovers on the
streets ill Wingham not already ser-
viced was begun last week. The con-
tract for this project bad been let last
year to the Blythe Construction Co.,
of Toronto,
The large steam shovel started dig-
ging operations on Scott St„ and the
neat street will be the north end of
Centre. Other streets will be Alice and
Albert in Pleasant Valley, the North
ends 'of Minnie and Leopold and the
south portions of Catharine and Carl-
ling 'Terrace where the 'fifty new war-
time Houses will She 'erected,
When this work is completed practi-
cally the whole town Will 'have sewer
connectiatt, with die exception 'of the
portion of the town north of the 'Mait-
land River.
snag1.131 mho on,
Your Chamber Of Commerce
What is a Chamber of Commerce?
"A Committee of CITIZENS interest-
ed in the well bang of their Commun-
ity," We won't ask if you are interest-
ed in your community, you probably
are. BUT are you satisfied with things
as they arei? If you are not -Owe is
much that you can do about it.e.Yohr
Chamber of Commerce can be YOU,
Join nowt Your ideas and your e sup-
port will be welcomed heartily by the'
74 members whose names appear be-
W. T. Cruickshank, President,
Rhys Pollock, Vice-President.
Sam Burton, Secretary.
Elmer Wilkinson, Treas. (Wallpaper
A, 0, Garrett, Robert Mowbray,
Frank Thompson, R. H. Lloyd, John
P. McKibbon, Charles Crosett, R. S,
Hetherington, Ronald Rae, Hugh Car-
michael, Robin Campbell, Norman
Welwood. ea.' ,
Owen King, 'Wm. I3rownlie, Armi-
tage Bros., Templeman's Cleaners,
Beaver. Lumber Co., Dr. J, A. Fox,
Murray Johnson (1949); Bert Arm-
strong, Harry Adams, Jim Cameron,
Percy Clark, Al. French, Don French,
Howson & Howson, Adair Transport,
Charles Roberts, Fred W. Spry, G. W.
Tiffin, R. :Macintosh, Chester Stewart,
Carl Deans, A. I), Mac-William, Dr.
NV, A, McKibbon, John W.' Hanna,
Clare Cantelon, Howard Machan, Dr.
George Howson, T. F.d. Powell, C. W.
Lloyd, G, W. Buchanan, Fred Dav-
idson, Alex Cuutts, \V. J. Hamilton,
Viii Dittmer, Fred Russell, Wm. Mc-
Vean, Gerald Cruickshank, John J.
Cruickshank, Ross Hamilton, Jack,
Caesar, Tory Gregg, John Brent,
Scott Reid, Margaret Brophy, John
Strong, Robert Clark, Athol Purdon,
W. A. Galbraith, John Pattison, Wal-.
ter Woods, Miller Wholesale, Ken.
Kerr, \V. B. McCool, Alton. Adams,
Harley Crawford, Brunswick Hotel,
D. NV, Jeffs, Vic, Laughlean, Alfr
Our Mailing been correct-
ed up to and including Tn e s,lay ni,,re-
ine, June 1st, Owing t.' riteh r,h elee-
film printing our lists have been
corrected le•r tight weelee If pill hate
paid, 'luring that peri,-,,t please 30,1
at label; if it is nit c' netify
us as ,
make the necessary elan,:'.
were three deep, even with stumps
making quite an array. There was
only one line of logs 'ran •the North of
the road, but the south side had been
built up some years ago, to actommo
date Modern trarl. Part.of toad,
neat Kennedy's side-road, is still to be
done, but the part through this swamp
has been gravelled and graded and is
ready for traffic.
Ross Willets Injured In
Blasting Accident
A regrettable accident occurred ore
Wednesday afternoon of last week
when Rots Willets, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Webster Willets, of Turnberry
Township, lost his right hand at the
Ross, who is employed by Town-
ship of Turnberry, and drives the
diesel grader, was working with Har-
old Moffat, the Road Superintendent.
They had just loaded a stick of dyna-
mite in preparation for blasting a.
large stone on the B Line just east
of town, when in some unaccountable
manner it exploded,
He was rushed to Wingham General
Hospital by Dr. W. A. Crawford,
where he is still a patient.
The local Fire Brigade had two
calls last week, both of which might
easily have been disastrous but for
their prompt action.
Wednesday- morning they were call-
ed to the home of Lloyd Saunders, a
mile east of town on the Bluevale
Road. The lire started in the chimney
and spread to the roof.
Early Thursday evening a fire
started in the wall of the kitchen of
Jelin Falconer's home on McKenzie
Hill, The kitchen which had been re-
cently remodelled was considerably
Eight tables were present on Thurs-
day evening for the final game of the
season of the Wingham Bridge Club.
The ladies served a dainty 'Much at
the end 4.4 the play. The result vs-a;
North null South-1,4.. Mai. H.
Campbell and CI. Haselgrovet .2nd„
Mrs. R. S. Hetheringt..-in and D. It.
D. Kennedy and
McKay; 4th. Mrs. D. Nasrnith and
Mis- McPlier.-on.
Ea-: and West—1, t. Mee. lierearet
'eleteleein and I. IL Crev.e.rtl: :bel e
Candidates Financial Agents
The two ean!ileates i1i the Huron-
Bruce riding have named as their fine
ulnced aecnt: J. Harley Craw-lord,. ter
elie W. Hanna: anil J. Arthtir Wil s on
i +r Howell Hill.
Anniversary Services At Calvin
Anniveeeere services wen bas heri
in Calvin Presbyterian (Intel). Fast
Wawaieeth, Stnelay juntelkh. Ser.
.vices will be condi:en:A v
who successfully contested the riding
in 1943 and 1945, is seeking re-elec-
tion as the Progressive Conservative
candidate. He is a native and life-
long resident of WinIehatn; fie. eight
years he served on the Town Council,
You'll HAVE o see our Midgets
in action against Auburn this Friday
at 6.80 p.m., in the Wingham Town
park. They will be wearing the smart
new uniforms so generously donated
by the Wingham Lions Club. You like
hardball? Then 'support our "Stars of
Burton away!
E ngagement
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kew %%We.-
to !annellitee the enetetemeet of their
daughter, Teresa, to Mr. Harvey Prit-
chard, son of Mr. awl Mr-. Roy PHI-
ehard, Guelph. The otarriue to take
LOCAL. BOWLING :lin and Bill Convene The high spot of Hospital kominary To Meet
er mottle., lawn sprinkling hours are
t (3 to 9 am,. and 6 to 9 p.m. daily. otniaaY
eration drawing out the logs, about
MIDGET HARDBALL , make the old corduroy road across this
ten feet long, that had been put it to
stretch of swampy road, over sixty
RimySTARTS years ago. Iii litany places the logs
buried. These were put on the float
Wingham Lions Midgets and drawn to Nat. 't homson's field,
ti I Will • t 1( •i teat rain
. Natalie:tee and R. S. 11.11t- USIts i.‘i\vi,o ,bzili:Itlien 4.1t. Friday even. \
erheeton; Mr-, Dybl, awl the ,.
'Nees. Ti. C. Ma Leant
niist-i,in 10c, evenino, z`11(1 1\11— C.
ein f. ,rata
.Cv.unter Teeswatt.e. at 11 a.m.. anti
11, S. T.
The bowthig season Will officially
si nners wcrc m{lilea' It'll
K or,it z,.. ill.S.,:iilila ir.v to NVit::.,0;ittnn.i Hcilisnit',131i. will i r 11,. M"i'ris 1•_ovnship Council Will HURON COUNTY
ifami umar ,Te „,,, Jack Mzi , ieih,,„ ant i. .se le • in the ,, -tenet ,.., 1. in er. mil:oil. their regular tinettilly. nice-title
open at the Wingham greens on Wed-
will .he two games in the afternoon .
tiesday afternsion,,. June 9th. There !Stint Burtensle Heilete. with leen ! , . ..,, , A •
Harem v. p.3,.im ,rst.i, ar tiiv o ath,. A dock l'Jis veld be the last tittsvting stead k d TM.. ,10,y, AIM till, 0,, bee,,..1 • Monday atterno.ni June 4th, at tnrce .on SalturdaY. June 5tb. at 1 •pan., in- i
. .
. . . .... .
commencing at 2 o'clock,start• - • 41 but 1 !.htisly stated.
, Vet, sevent% annual !faro:. 42..unty lunch and an evening ganief.ul.:Ikt)1\lvelidovIvidy- ,.g"d
In t etheiiNiNi.::titl't%sl'z't
' u nt i l f all .
G roup Meets Cars Provided Election Day
trs are urged to attend, and also any •
w(aescinit'ii:tIntidt' °n page fly° The CEILIDH met a. the Wine,- Persons tequnlli,4 a car . b,.: e,,,n..Fcsti‘al ..ii Music uas Kehl in Godericit
rs who may be interested in bowl- . . . ...,. . liain General Hospital on Monday Iv.-4.ed •to li,te „ye 11„aday, J une 71 7,4 ..t .lt Ma!' 17th to May :Inn. Tlle atimel.
Set a
ough trout Africa. He is survived - All persons Laving outside tails will be' Brunswick lintel i ga,tmoit a their &molter. shirk): .1117.-, Mar1.41 Madlonald, Miss Deng-
by three daughters, all in Calla4a• billed at $20.1 for the season. tAmirev, to Stewart NV. Grant, Tees,. Miss Elaine Walsh, Me. Ramie,
Mrs. Dorothy NViiite, Toronto;! Nits.
Mamie Bowles, Toronto and Mrs. 6.:80. Three chokes of meat, one fowl. #!; 'alit, t7rant, nee:water. Marriabe t o take I Mr. Fenwiek c.enmended the rural
Floreece Strickling, Belleville.
Struck By Car Monday
John Galbraith, retired Wingliam
' Courteous servite, „ ;11ae.e early in June. sehotds for the hil.411 statektel of work
they are doing, and also approved ten::
business than, is a patient in Wingham ' - i Celebrated 25th Anniversary preliminary festivals weiel: were lle:d
Of Ordination this year to eliminate solo entries.
The following awards will lie oi Ott Trinity Sunday, May 2f3rd., at BEINfi REMOVED St John's Church, Globe, A r izona, the particular interest to the people ,,,f this
reie _ district. The Turnberry Township ' Rector Rev. E. O. Gallaeller,
NOTICE TO evening, May 31st. After the monthly ;et„ta aet ix& prosres,e,.. conservat ive ieators were Mr. U. Ito Penwi:k. Dir.
tenses during the social half-Ii our were ;as pkis before or tilt election eny. ‘4. „.')Ivta„ti-• '"'
Mrs. Chas. Hintle, Miss Christine Is. Poll hours, 8 alit, to 7 p.m. Margaret Butler. Nr.VUI C 'it ,: .ratiry
The Wineliain Utilities Commission bi6ter . iss 1v • is o ins. and Al' Pl • I -1
\W.'S the heS-: Commit st e Phone 521, ae t'ai'l' '-f l it l'artmt"t .17 a. WATER USERS: quota of !sewit4;
• Many have been quite interested i orated , the 25th Anniversary of his Girls' Chorus Placca second for the
the road-building project west of
Whitechurch on Highway 86. The
Provincial bulldozer has been in op-
Ordination. The Bishop was present county and the 11..ys. chums fourth.
Served front 12 to 1.80 and 5 to )water, s:nt of Mr, and Nits, Ales; 'Mt. Sheldon Iletxter, and Mr. Gill.
of Masi:, T,.,ronto. Ontario.
-"- - '' "" •
Engagement .Arniounced . Seinede from eleven ova-inhips par.
goer At ; Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon Yeoman of -tieinateti. Time musk enilvffiseire it:
. . - .NA:ingliatn, wish to at:watiees the vu. I'llebe t•AVII-hit”. al's' Mre. Wen•lore,
for the Rite of Holy Confirmation, and Finalists in their respective classes
the con Gal- were the union chorus from S. S. No. g regation presented Mr.
lagher with a Chevrolet car as a token 9,, T urnberry, Kenneth Holmes and
of appreciation of 25 years of service . Rettinger.
to the Church. The Guild of All Saints Certificates were awarded to solo
Chapel, added a gift of $25,00, e contestants obtaining eighty marks or
a former more. Those receiving certificates were Rev. E. O. Gallagher was Eleatior Smith and Joyce Hof man rector of St, Paul's Anglican Church both of Bluevale, here. We congratulate hint on his good it, Pen wick's remarks were helpful fortune. and encouraged those who took part.
He explained that singing is a matter
of 'forming good habits, and asked the
boys and girls to Ity to make their
words vital, the vowels pure and
round, and the consonants crisp, He
reminded all that the aim of a festival
worts, in the Legion Home, johnOS not to heat each other, but to pace
St., Saturday, June .5th. Tea served 'one another along :the toad to excel-
front to 5, ° hence.