HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-05-26, Page 8Wednesday, May 26, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE '1 E101-IT emmumummiliummimmummumummumillmoloffillommilliimonoommommiiiiimommuniiiimo CATALINA SWIM SUITS MOM. 1•••••• TOOKE SHIRTS 11.1.11110 .11•11400 ••••••• KING DEPT. STORE "The Friendly Store" mittee, prectented by Mrs. William McInnis was accepted and the follow- ing slate of officers was installed by Mrs. Munro. Honorary President, Miss Mathers, Kincardine; President, Mrs. Guthrie Reid, Teeswater; 1st, Vane Pres„ Mrs. A. McAuley, Ripley; 2nd. Vice-PA-es., Mrs. John Campbell, .Molenworth; 3rd. Vice-Pres, Mrs. Russell, Lucknow; 4th Vice Pres., Mrs. W. Sutherland, Whitechurch; 5th Vice Pres„ Mrs. A. Nimmo, Wingham; Treasurer, Mrs, John Bell, Kincardine; :Secretaries- Recording, Mrs. R, Mowbray, Wing- ham; Corresponding, Mrs, I, MacIvor, EINEM. MOEN. •••••• 11•10.18 .1.111•11 IMMO. .1.101.1 EMPOIN YEE, DIENOIE 4.011110.1 PRESBYTERIAL SOC. MET AT LUCKNOW (Continued from Page one) Miss Gwen Stewart favored, with a solo, accompanied by Mrs. William Trenderson of Hillsdale. Mrs. R. McWhinney read a compli- mentary address, expressing appreela- 'Ogg of the 25 years of faithful ser- vice rendered to the Executive, by Mrs. Harry McGee of Wingham, and who was unable to he present, due to W health, She will be presented with a -certificate of honorary membership. The report of the nominating 7.nu- Smith's Economy Food Store Fabrics that set the Style for Summer Loveliness See KINGS large selection of Ginghams, Chambray, Voiles, Dimities, Seersucker OWEEM Tip Top Choice Quality I Red Glo Ungraded PEAS, tin 19c TOMATOES, 20 oz, tin 21c Extra Special Value! Morning Cheer Coffee lb - 51c FRESH GROUND WHILE Y OU WAIT 11.111.11011 Superfine Heavy WAX PAPER, 100 ft. roll . 33c WOVEN GINGHAMS- in checks of brown, blue, red, green. Always popular for any age. 36" wide . $1.25 - $1.49 CHAMBRAYS- You'll love this smooth texture ma- terial, in a combination of colorful stripes, green, biege and white, yellow, brown and white, navy, gold and white, red, grey and white. 36" wide $1.49 DIMITIES- Ideal for little ones. Cool, crisp, and easy to launder. White back- ground, with variations of rose bud designs, 36" wide $1.19 STRIPED LAWN- Cool, colorful and washable in stripe designs, back-grounds in navy, red, brown, 36" 95c SEERSUCKERS- 11Y1 11•1Y • MEM. 1.I••••• NY. SPECIAL VALUE BORDO GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 28c 48 oz. tin Dreadnought TOILET TISSUE, 3 rolls 25c fotedefted dot Ardenette fiif... •••••• MY, Frontenac 70s White SERVIETTES, pkg, 18c York Brand Tomato Juice, 20 oz. tin 14c =▪ MEM KRAFT CREAM CHEESE in Swanky Swig Glasses •••••• MOINE Clark's 15 oz tin PORK & BEANS 15c E A.= 0•110100 11••••• 11#M110 11.1•••• Four O'Clock Black or Mixed TEA, lb. 98c 1.0111111•• 25c Pimento, Pineapple, Relish, Plain IT'S NEW ! Kre-Mel Lemon Pie Filling Peppermint Chocolate Vanilla Chocolate Kremel Dessert 2 pkgs 19c Butterscotch am110111 dIENNINI Omni. loom. mism •••••11. .111.1.11011 Trilby Assorted Bulk Chocolates, lb. 59c Another shipment of Carr's English Biscuits Chocolate Varsity, pkg. 47c Lemon Creams, pkg. 33c Custard Creams, pkg. 33c Chocolate Wheatcake, pkg. 39c •••••11* OMEN. 111••••• •••••• •••••11 McCormick's A. B. GUM DROPS, lb. ..33c SPECIAL VALUE! E. D. Smith's Pure GRAPE JELLY 12 oz. jar 25c ••••11•1 111.1.0111 Pat-A-Pan 24 lb. bag PASTRY FLOUR .. $1.15 Available in simulated Alligator of black, brown or red-also simulated natural rawhide- CHIPSO, OXYDOL, RINSO, LUX, IVORY SNOW, pkg. 34c PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE 'PHONE 161 Dots, stripes and floral designs. Easy to launder and requires no ironing; ideal for summer in house- coats, sunsuits and dresses. 36" wide, per yard . . $1.00 to $1.49 WHITE. ALPINE- 54" wide, perfect for that new Sum- mer Suit, Skirt or Dress„ yd. $1.95 You'll adore it-the Ardenette Kit by Elizabeth Arden I It's the perfect partner to travel, fitted with exquisite Elizabeth Arden Essentials for Loveliness. The Ardenette Kit assures you of beauty ... wherever you god Cranbrook; Finance, Mrs. Wm. Black, Kincardine; Evening department, Young Women and Girls, Mrs. Morg- an Henderson, Lucknow; Mission Band, Mrs, A. Lounsbury, Ethel; Home Helpers, Mrs. H. Spier, Brus- sels; Student, Mrs. Donald Rae, Wing- ham; Life Membership, Mrs. R. Thompson, Brussels; Glad Tidings, Mrs. H. McGee, Wingham; Supply, Mrs. Ringrose, Teeswater; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. W, F. MacDonald, R, R. 6, Lucknow; Literature and Lib- .rary, Mrs. George Day, \\Ingham ; Press, Mrs. Parish Moffatt, Langside; McKibbons 0011•••• Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Free Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY 42 Brunswick St. STRATFORD - ONTARIO' Enquiries should be left at R. A. Currie's, Wingham, MEOW. ACCESSORIES for your Summer Wear PLASTIC BELTS A full complete range in all colours, buckle designs and widths EYELET EMBROIDERY A very smart trimming washable and easy to sew on. In white, pink, blue Per yard 75c GIBSON GIRL TIES Plaids or Plains, Taffeta or Crepe. They add smartness to that blouse or dress 65c to $1.00 BUTTERICK PATTERNS in stock-The newest for summer in dress 'de- signing. BUTTONS and NYLON THREAD. Everything complete for making your summer sport and dress apparel. ••••=0 yo. Imoma 4 (00g ten.e Pinilet-e o r GOOKED TO PERiECTION WITHOUT ammo. MEM. Sy• 411••••• ••••••• Immia• ElYS NYE •••••• •••••• 1•111M. FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Bricks always available MEALS LUNCHES ••••••1 UMW. effiY SIEIME 1...10111, IMMO. M▪ EM* MEMO YR. IN•11.• MIME. •••••• ••••••• •••••• YE- I •••••• ammo. isniontion ............. inn ........ . 000000 'WOW.' noon imitin ttttttt Win ttttt i tttttttt 11111111i ttttt illIl ttttttt I tttttt Iii.11111.11111111111111111.1 ttttttttt 01111111111111 tttttttttt 1111111410111: E - New Arrivals! Our stock of CANDY is complete-Bulk and box CHOCOLATES 11.1114.141 MEMNON toy Summer Handbags yEs yEE, SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP Next to Lyceum Theatre 1 1 = in glistening white plastic, or smooth' satin plastic. New straws in colorful stripes. These are really new in design and colors and combination of colors. New Beach Bags all add up to a wonderful assort- ment for summer wear . - $4.25 to $6.50 i tttttt • ttt tIn Y1Y1111111111rr1Yrn1r11rnlrin11t1111 r11 tttt Mini11111.11 ttttt MY. IENNY• fly. 401•••0 ••••••• •••••• YONO YOE •••••• Yee. O▪ NY Y▪ EE Imy 1•••••• 1•••••• •••••• •••Y •••••• *Y. ..ENE ••••••I Ey. •••=1.1 1•••••• NONE.. VEY MOM. •••Y •••••• =Mani YE. •••••16 e•X••• Y.* MYR •••••• KEN WOOD COATS MONARCH SWEATERS TA▪ ilownin Complete dinners cook themselves in a Westing- house "True-Temp" Oven. All you do is set the super- accurate oven heat control to the predetermined tem- perature and . . • forge't it! And Westinghouse oven is BIG, Will cook a whole oven dinner at one time... casserole, roast, pie, vege- tables, bread . . to the highest standards of the culinary art, BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 0. J. Coupland, Paster K. D. S. 11 a.m. "Hezeltiah", 7 p.m.--"Zacchaeus". You Are Welcome, "So then every one of us shall give acc.nint of himself to God". --Rom. 14:12 11110MMIMIIIIIMIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111MIIMM111111111111111111111111111111111111111011MMIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIM I frie nds, spent in community singing, speech Mrs. Hamilton and Miss Burns making, contests and social chat, made a suitable reply. The evening Was after which lunch was served. IN MY 'Westinghouse ELECTRIC RANGE LY C,11.411i AT R All four speed-heating surface heaters are controlled by a five-heat switch. No watch. ing here, either! Once the cooking temper- ature has been reached, all you do is select the switch-setting best suited to complete the cooking and forget it! These are features that make your day-to-day cooking sure and safe and, at the same time, save you costly cooking failures. TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 730 MATINEE Saturday Afternoon at 2.00 p.m. We'll be glad to show you the Westing- house Deluxe Range (illustrated) with convenient storage drawers and illuminat. eel, extra-large cooking top. should you require a smaller raise, you will be inter. ested in the Westinghouse A41V1 Range with all the Westinghouse quality features combined into a compact cooking unit ideal for the kitchen where space is a problem. SEE US MGM' AWAY ABOUT PRICES AND DELIVERY. tlnYirnln ttttt tttttttttttttt tt ttttt /1011111 nnnrrntnr rrinnlY11lYl YY11i 111nY11 i1111111Y'ir111H Ir1YlYnftYillY IlrlritlYnt tint THURS FRI SATURDAY, MAY 27, 28 29 Assistant Press, Mrs. Jorgensen, Blue- vale; Historian, Mrs. R. McWhinney, Dungannon, The president,,Mrs. 6utli- rie Reid gave a very impressive clos- ing message. She asked the question, Are we giving our best? Are we put- ting first things first; God gave His son to save the world, therefore should we not giv6 our best. Mrs. Raymond Elliott expressed appreciation to all who had assisted in making the meet- ing a success, and to the Luckhow ladies for their kind hospitality. Brussels extended an invitation to meet there next year, which was ac- cepted. Mrs. Russell closed the meet- ing with prayer. "Springtime in the ,Sierras. Wednesday evening and presented them with a lovely clock and pyrex. The following address was read by Mrs, Alvin Fitch. To Mrs. Hamiltons We have assembled here tonight to spend a social hour with you and Miss Burns before you leave for your new home in Gorrie, and to assure you of our continued friendship and good will. During the years you have lived in out midst we have observed your many fine qualities and. your devotion as a wife and mother. You and your late husband always maintained a high standard in farming, and your home is one of the most attractive in this com- munity. Your industry and thrift are worthy of mention. We also remember the many acts of kindness. We realize it -would be difficult to carry on the work here and ate happy to know that the new home you and your sister have 'chosen will have ad- vantages that will contribute further to your'convenience and comfort It is our wish that in it yon both may enjoy many more years hi good health and contentment. We hope you will take with you may pleasant memories of the years you spent here. We ask you to accept this gift as a token from yottr neighbors and friends, Signed on behalf of neighbours and • ROY ROGERS BELIVIORE The school children attended the Musical Festival at Teeswater Wed- testily, under the direction of Clifford Ireland, Mr. and ,Mrs. Thody front the West visited at McNeil's on Wednesday. Mrs. Thody and Mrs, McNeil are Sisters. All visited in Teeswater. Prior to leaving for their new home in Game, neighbors and friends of Mrs. Hattie 'Hamilton, and Miss 'Attie Burns, gathered at their hotne on nnwimmitit t t tt t inioninvionnuutoninaiin If 0 HMO .4 SERVICE .Stieving you sinee I035 MON., TUES., WED., MAY 31, JUNE I, ESERT FURY (Adult Entertainment) Ll2ABETH SCOTT JOHN HODIAK fachfiv•E loft WestinAbouse nia'',4\14/17/i1W74.'R'lliiliaii114151-4t11711116 /11.,:n0lliv,Z41,:i1i1';(06,;-00",..alliii1Z/t. #1. .#4