The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-05-26, Page 7See the beautiful ey.sortment of these Diamond rings and Wedding rings. There's o Blue River ring you'll love, at every price. EVERYWHERE AT BETTER JEWELLERS FOR •Ay. LIFETIME Guarantee Corllflcale with each Blue River Diamond Ring free leserance Age) ul HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW DISCUSS . . kls1/4, , . • • : a.,:year. was. ....... 4.0 over 32 miles of primitive roads and tangled AvOodlancl. trails walked six Canadian pioneers... arguing fiercely as they went. Their purpose: to hill each other's vot e 1 Yes, these six early settlers knew they were evenly divided in opinion that three -would vote for one candidate Dr. William Dunlop, The Canada Company's man y . . and three -would vote for the other candidate, Col. Anthony Van Egmond. Yet they made the gruelling march to Godericki, Ontario, there to cast their ballots in the 1835 election of The Upper Canada Legislative Assembly, Not one of the six,said "There's no use tnygoing—tny ,vote will be killed." When YOU cart your secret ballot at every election—manicipal, provincial, federal—you exercise a duty and privilege planned, worked and fought for by yourferelathers. Your vote protects toe, uture of children. To fail in this duty is to be lets than a good 'citizen. PUBListati to tuE INTElitSTS or tOob etTIZENOtp BY ooderham tillforts LIMITED Pistil/ono • Poraneo Established 1852 114114 yid r it—►m- rm.= tei Vatertron tot i6 Volvo a York '(now trinitito Gbodetbsta & Wont in totegionn 1832 .‘111Z 18fiNCI 0.11.g/IPC8119 pr THE LINEMAN One of a hardy, indispensable army of men— men who keep vital electrical energy surging through countless miles of transmission lines to Canadian homes and industries—men who untiringly, without thought of personal safety, fight to keep the lines "up" through every mood of weather. Men like this, some of Canada's finest, are in the public's gervice—at your service: DAWES BLACK HORSE BREWERY Wednesday, May 26, 1948 THE WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE SEVEN° eetetteeeoeteelelemetneeremeeetamewrit, WROXETER (Continued from page six) hymn, "When Mothers of Salem" and the repeating of the purpose. Donna Copeland led in the repeating of psalm 23. The Lord is My Shepherd. Grace Paulin led in prayer. Thirty answei:ed the Roll Call. The second hymn chos- -tn was Come let 1,16 sing of a Wonder- Love. Evelyn Anger and Shirley McMichael favored with a piano duct. A group of the younger girls sang, Open the door for the children. Evelyn Anger told the story "Fish in Ink, Trees give paper" taken from the Study Book, Around the World with the Bible. The hymn What a Friend we have in Jesus • and the Mizpah Benediction brought an interesting meeting to a close. The children gath- ered on the lawn for a period of gam- es, under the direction of their leaders, Mrs. S. Higgins and Mrs. Harvey Reidt. Fishermen Attention! From the Wroxeter Bridge, Bill Martin of Guelph, during the week- end caught a brown trout 24 inches long, and weighing four and one-half pounds. Pictures were taken of the beauty. We believe this is a record for this district. Can you beat it? Business Changes The Michel Egg Grading Station during the week was purchased by our local merchant, Mr. Pete Dobson. Young People's Union Dor is Wray arranged the program for the weekly meeting of the Young People's Union, which was held in the church school-room, On Monday even- ing, president, Jean Moffat conducted the meeting. Thelma Denny b rought the meeting to order with quiet music. Rock of Ages was the opening hymn, Bob Cunningham chose for the scrip- ture reading, Corinthians, Chapter 10, verses 1-13. Rev, U, E. Cronhiehn on the half hour of Bible Study told of the choosing of the 12 disciples, They were always sent out to their work in pairs. Happy the home where God is there, was sung, Doris Wray in an interesting topic outlined the cir- cumstances under which the hymn, "Rock of Ages" was written, The con- cert committee gave , a report. The proceeds from the play "Dutch Detect- ive" was presented to the Church Building Fund. The final meeting of the season was planned for Friday evening, May 28th. All members are urged to attend this social Get-to- Gether. Refreshment Committee, Lyle Hart, Jean Moffat, Frances Wylie. Program Committee, ' Doris Wray, Shirley Newton, Scott Hunter, Billy Hart, Eleven answered the Roll Call, The singing of The Church's One Foundation, and the Mizpah Benedic- tion brought the meeting to a close. Women's Institute The June meeting of the Women's. Institute will be held on Friday, 4th, at the home of Mrs. James Sangster, Motto, A thing of Beauty is a -Joy Forever, will be taken by Mrs. Cal- will, Current Events will be reviewed` by Mrs. George Lane. Roll Call, My Grand mothers Housekeeping and Mine. Paper, "Grandmothers", Pro- gram in charge of Mrs. J. N. Allen. Hostesses, Mrs. Denny, Mrs. Moffatt, Miss Hazelwood. LADIES: READ THIS! Unwanted hair removed instantly from face ,arms, legs, with Flash Hair Re- mover. Harmless—leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose, Money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application with no ques- tions, asked. Complete treatment 52 postpaid, (C.O.D.'s—Postage extra). Kapex Products (Dept. 436) Box 22, Station B, Montreal, Que. n,,,,,,,,,,,,,llllllllllllll Jill llllll llllll Montreal Life INSURANCE CO. "The Friendly Company" Flans-designed to fit your need. Stewart A. Scott Representative 'Phone 293 Wingham. iitillilltill lllll Allillilli1111114111111•111.11er CIGARS S MOKER'S SUNDRIES MAGAZINES Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP The East Huron District Annual will be held in the United Church, Brussels, on Tuesday, June 1st. Morn- ing session at 10 a.m., afternoon at 1.30 p.m. ,Miss Anna P. Lewis, Super- intendent of Institutes for Ontario will be a guest speaker. Mrs. Hamilton of Atwood, Provincial Board Member, will also address the gathering. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. MeKenney fie- e.,inpanined by Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, spent the 24th week-end with Mr. Jack Newark at his cottage on lower Muskoka Lakes, Bracebridge. Mr, and Mrs. Dave Draper had their guests, Sunday and Mond:*„Mr. and Mrs. Len Draper, ‘VeskY and Doreen, NIT. and Mr., B. f!.• Dra.otT. mr. and Walter (`'. ''.1)""1 ;!"'' also 'Mrs. of 'I or- ai tilt! 'li nk di. 'cilia MI'', F. D. ,Millwar.l. Mrs. George Newton The populAre of the \A nes- vter and 1:•trid was 1,a,1011.se..1 Tues,lay of last 06xdi, wheat it h Arno! of, the pAssiti4, ..rf a Vielt•tal itla. ix the 1101.41 ^st 11r, Newton of that %idia.x. Thu 11,:issed ay.ay its 'Vim Ada 1 i L..41.1. 41. Death vame dux st illness. The late Nit... New,t.,n, lta LiellID2 was Myrtle Dill was thee ,I•ountest daughter • the hate Mr. au,". M rs. Robert of Carthage, thit• he re,itle.1 at her hate 1'i-4,10141.J attil -,urt,,nnaing 3i.triet feet' the 1.4:0.: thirty years. Di:erased membev • the \\"tta-ri,.. the Wr,Auter ruitol ChureL The late Mr.:. lqy her gat-bawl, Mr. lieu •.t' Novtem, three daugith.r.,, Mi-, C. Mown, Ham-. Mon; Mrs. Win. xiths .n, It, H. Wroxtter; Mrs. I :lbw iel..ntaitit., •,tie son, Wesley Newton of Wr..‘ctet% There are six ow nichiLlren tuis , 113% v,ratalm are clue sister, Mr,, A. 1,1:44natt t;errrie aria one brother, Mt-Y. 1-1111 HAMILTON'S Blue River Diamond and Wedding Rings Wingham, Ont. "THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION JUNE 7" FRIDAY, MAY 28 — 8:30 to 9 p.m. - CBL 740 TUESDAY, JUNE lst-10:30 to 11 p.m. - CBL 740 FRIDAY, JUNE 4th-10:45 to 11 p.m. - CBL 740 Vote PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE JUNE 7 Published by the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario 611 *IINV 6111 '41rOtilt G TALKIN FtEPORT ER1' says .4, • MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH and ACCIDENT ASSOciATION Industry travel's et the right hand of fortune° Another welcome traveller is Protection, and with Mutual Benefit coverage it it always with you. It helps hospital expenses and gives an income while you are laid up. Fill in the attached coupon and learn how you may be pro. tected for just a few cents n day. 34 KING ST. EAST TORONTO 0-30 ieeeueeti I LISTEN TO JIM HUNTER "-m-"-""-CFRB EXCEPT SUNDAYS One of a series of advertisenze7zis in tribute,to those Canadians in the service of the public Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks 15.. PARTS and ACCESSORIES It,, • SHUR-GAIN 24", POULT STARTER is used by farmers who are successful turkey producers. Your baby turkeys get the best start when you feed the SHUR-GAIN way--- • A N D • Keep your turkeys GROWING FAST all the tirne, by feeding SHUR-GAIN Turkey Grower at 10 weeks of age. Turkeys thrive on SHUR-GAIN.F'oult Starter and Turkey Grower because FOOD VALUE is HIGHEST. PROTEIN Quality is HIGHEST., VITAMINS ensure BEST Health. • The Best Costs You Less * SHURaGA1N 24% Pot& Starter SHUR,GAIN 20% Turkey Grower CANADA PACKERS, *NAM BUJEVALE MILLE% CU. LTD., BLUEVALE E. *NEE BEM DAUPHIN MAW IMAM eigite Feed Shur-Gain for Bigger Profits qffiliffillit11111111111111111111101111111111111111111M11111111M111111ffilffillitifilMP Stratford.iday afternoon with interment in A private service was held on Thurs- Wroxeter cemetery, • 1 1111111111111111111111•111111111111111111111E1U1110111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111 Edwards' Motor Sales I Telephone—Days 417, Wingham TRIIIIII•111111111111111111111111111(1111111 4 1111111111111111111111111MALIMIIIKINIMMUNTIV1111 • ,r1,1 kiront.o.