The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-05-26, Page 4WHITECKURCH A. reception is being held in the Memorial Hall here this Thursday. eveniug in honour of Mr, and Mrs. Herb Ikirehill, newlyweds of Culross. The play "Peek-a-boo Penny, pre- sented by the young people of the Port Albert Church in the 'Memorial Ball here on Friday evening, was played to a packed house. Mrs, Foster sang between acts, and Farrier's Orchestra provided music for the dance that lol- j°wd. Mr.c and Mrs. Robert Fear of Blyth, spent Sunday with her patents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Coulter, Mrs. Harry Tichbourne, Mrs, Reid anti Mrs. Toynbee Lamb, of Godevich, Spent the week-end with the former's mother, Mrs. David Kennedy, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Cameron of Lucknow, visited on Sunday with Mr. WillIam Pardon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butt of Elora, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Purdon, Anniversary services In the Pres- byterian Church here were largely at- tended on Sunday, with Rev, I , Mc- Ivor of C ranb rook P res by terian Church in charge of the services, The ehoir rendered special Anniversary anthems and quartettes.' A concert was Presentee) in the church on :Monday everting, followed by a pie ,Aleiai in the basement. Mr, and Mrs. Tin*. Etttekton of Tor- onto, spent the 'week-end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Thos, Moe. iison. Little Jimmie Morrison is ill with measles. Mr, and Mrs, Carman Farrie oh Sect' Toronto and Miss Winnifred Farrier of Toronto, spent the week- end with their parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. W. harrier, Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Shumons and Saucy of London, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr, awl Mrs, Chaa. 'Martin, and Miss Louise Martin of Kincardine also spent the week-end at her home here, Mr. anti ,Mra. Ridge Seholtz :and sons, awl Mr. Carman Scholt;-, tlf Westfield, spent stma;ty it the of their brother, Mr, V:ra Mr. mid :Mrs, J. F. McLean spent the week-end at the home of their,' datazht er, ai rs, \V. A. t ;abaaa, at rot!, Dalhoasie. Mr. and Mrs, Robert :\,l rots at. CARD OF THANKS Ntr and Mr a. Joseph Bai:ey of I owes \\*tn.:ham, wish to thank 'all who donat e d ta „la c f,„,00,a r e':ca. NIT P 11.c.gs and the I tons Club tor the de-natant it:CY TeeelY4;.4, 1.4 repair their prorert", CARD OF THANKS Mrs swctild tag tier frien4s • and ttetss,hb,,-strir i.-sr the oet, toy,* easrds, Zotets ;nal pits DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS GUARANTEED S'ERVECT AND INSURED FREE AtAINS4 LOSEe- DavidCrompton Gifts For All Occasions $250 $350 WINGHAM PHONE 59 RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. 1. Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom CARD OF THANKS 'Ms a...1. 'Mi.,: '!1 ,•, Ts. st"..'" oi" ;c.:?, tt.t.tr.os 11t„..ro- s-T.tds 1. • 4. tat'....n. and Is-, Mr . . r CARD OP 11-1ANR.S, e,14". .• sr.,2 stria s the. IsinsInstrks sAinstbbat'.n sl-tswafros en ottr tecztt su• kr.raT.er.t.ssnt. 'Ms ,:sitt,If 'Mrs t.'ezil rtal, 411.1 MvS, klate.n.41, itlYat :t Wits 'Cat.-o".2 t4regg, Ertanst and Itieztge NOMINATIONS TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK Notice is hereby given to the Mimi- cipal Electors of the Township of tiowick that in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf, 1 require the presence of the said. Electors at the Township hall, Gorrie, at one o'clock p.sn,, E.S.T. on Friday, May 28th, 1948, for the purpose of nominating candidatee for the office of Deputy Reeve .and one Councillor, and if than the necessary number are nominated and a pull demanded, same will be held at the usual places on Saturday, June 6th 1948, from 9 a.m., until 5 p.m., D.S.T. Philip Dust, Returning Office*r, TENDERS WANTED Temiers will be received by the un- deriened up to June 1.501, for wiring the followieg schools Aabfiehl Townshin, S. S. No, 10, S. S. 10, S. Ss 7, 5. 5, 5, S. trt, t o he eon-mkt:ed. by Atteust 15111, 1948 Specifications may be obtained from the Secretary or Mr. J. 11., Kinkead, 1.1),S., t;oderich. Low- est or any tender not. neeestiarily ac- cepted. Richard Itilpatreils, Seeretary, R, R. NO. 7, 1.411.1010W, TENDERS FOR PAINTING 'renders will he received until June list, 1948, by Morris School Area Board for the painting of the interiors. of schools number 1, 4 and 7. and ceilings t o 'be t h o r oug lily before Palming and two coats of paint applied if necessar y, Work, to be done during simmer vacation. Ralph S., Shaw, Secretary, llincyrde, Ont„ TEN DERS Ten,lers will be vee e i ve d a t th e office of \\"est WM\ 0110Sil I I.111.1.1,11 Fire JUNK:Wee COMO:My, Dungannon, up to and including May 29111, 1948, to suPPIY instal a deep well pressure system itteluding 1 horsepower mot o r, 180 gallon tank, 120 wet of 1.2. itch galvant..,ed piping and 2 inch brass eyelonler. lowest lender It o Durtnn Phillips, See.- l'reas, Dungantion. DRESSES Spun Rayons and Crepes We have just received a large shipment of these Dresses in very attractive colours and patterns. Sizes 14-20, 38-44, 46-52 at value for your money prices- 4.95 to 5.95 LADIES-Don't miss seeing these outstand- ing values. SATIN SLIPS Sizes 42-50 at $3.95 LADIES' • CARDIGAN SWEATERS These Sweaters are of fine pure Botany wool at only $4.50 each Any Colour. LACE TABLECLOTHS Large, 70 x 90 .. $6.75 MEN'S TIES Plain Colours and stripes, $1.00 to $1.50 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS The very best make and quality--$1.98 NYLONS Ladies-If you want the best, be sure you BUY WELDREST! CHILDREN'S WEAR Striped Jerseys Plain Jerseys Peter Pumpkin Eater Rhyme Jerseys 89c and $1.15 JUST RECEIVED! A shipment of CHILDREN'S WEAR from 1y ear to 6x Dresses Overalls Slack Suits Sunsuits Baby Harness, etc. Be sure to see these at Extra LOW PRICES • • Carmichael's Dry Goods MEN'S - LADIES' - CHILDREN'S WEAR ANNOUNCEMENT! THIS THIS IS TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL DEALER FOR THE FAMOUS Waterloo Garden Tractor 1 55 Full Lift of Attatititnentt AvallAte 'DROP IN TODAY WE HAVE 'THEM ON DISPLAY! • ----- E1KLEY MOTORS 'HONE 84 WINGHAM PAGE FOUR. TH1:4 WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMES `Wednesday, May 26, 1948 Ae.1111•141•111,11011•1 111111.110101• AVir.1.than°,. 'ktttats':.•• • IN MEMORIAM CUSTOM. BUILT Kitchen CABINETS ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham le.'..- ...i ..-..•-:, k.'s-•:.4-. III _‘'.!.... •! ' .r Ne.e.e U.i6S tt: 111 114 SA1 ,11 -Fmtl Model ".\." 1980, The highest or any tender ti'„,t tweet:- \'r :='' 13enera! 11-.-si-tall Sue% conilitiou. Apply Earl Sellars, sadly accepted.. lo'nshiess. ti. aery rate% a.,a:•reztate.. Phone 11.12 Brussels. A, x.,;alt,rzotb. TENDERS FOR SALE OF LAND SEA 1,1; l'EN DERS plainly mark- ed " render tot Land" will be teemed by the undersigned up to Ma. 81st 19.18 tot the pnrchaw trona the Cot- pota ti on of in o,atn, of a block a land lo'cate'd at the south end ea. ;lose- pilule :Street In the Town \\ tam anti on the ea--t. side street. This land will hate a frontage one hais- tired feet on Josephine aireet and a depth of .'re hundred feet back trout Josephine Street. rhe hie ion trout the edge of a blaelstratli stop at Present located next the lands ;asscs.1 away two. years Ft )R S \ I I^ ConteId \\ ashet gothi Alt persons itaaittg. clantts, rz.146 tondmon APPI‘. Nils 11, Varchanau. the estate ot VI I.VN Al‘FI .44„-• R,'EAlliNti„ late of the 1 owri S\ camt,-t. laa?avt. Ft.)it \h1•.-Kitchen Calunet, , rno-inz:rly dc.ar 7.-ws1sar.,,,, att.! fat!-.er., NOTICE TO CREDITORS S \ I .1 Baba \\- Aker. nearly new. \Nib; •Ad‘al-nee i+()12 SAL,E"--M'ai t ion adin g aa7, 19,4,,,, „axe ottv.e.. .e ws , r, Lme. Set'a, patti,Itlars ot the:: chops INDIVIDVAI 1,‘" I) VSIGNIT1 „, Sprat Cr I AI It10161`, rnhl NICall'al SIt,. 11. \Ii Mat oat et Melassui, ltan- t .et•lelal', Phone Nn 179. Ittn. undersigned Soliettors ter the F..accu-• tor. Immediately atter the 7,t7.4 day of Jane, 1945. the Vso:ctitors tlistteta4 ttte 17:e assets. the estate. having re-.k gor e: only la, the elatras „et whaell shall then havz \14 l'I•N rt. 4, II R p7„:11 4ty \‘‘oit,..! la. N't mason Puldre Sctto.ill oi 'May, 1.t,148 t „113,041,101 xotratigi trItIlSt*N.. i V.VY $, to taIse lti lttt,ilt Mk•i!'• VOU1N,If *1. 511:i Cavadat,„ Bark of Centre:etc.:. ,CUOVIItt h would .ott ! t%utither.. IlatutItatn. Ontarto'.. juN 4..atatatiee thy mit% va-attil applo, alit Sloe Atis‘t •-- ttualtut atiata. do .t y.rat.• A last en "I ExEctyrows sALE t‘,1 F.1:11111 VI; ...14 sinlitrn „ 07,1, %. I tkirrlay..itt,•••% iiNctioe,1 t Mat Le - !!!!:VII 7...4 if, t: s,;„1 la ,. Wee,al-at.1 •••• t: o nt.!ta • t Hu:. t Mt' M4'I h.ent. ,4,4`,e4 V. R u t.,„ eal t. 41, • It n. a slailo.':*on.sz. -,....••,,r•••!. T••• 1. • 4 4-ett.43 Villarys' • tex, SATUROAV. MAY 29th, . sit t'c iota[ a 1"'.,3••. ", At .4? •11;.1 •A„ • r 4':‘,.4 t• r: •• • • 1.,-11•' k. • " • l'•••.• • a..• :''ri'te'sRuas, ON\ 24 PA - '4 1 \ -Jr.!! tt/t 7' • .4. 1-"i•a'•!v , /11 'An 7:01 r•z* P k 7.tan'" ‘11*1 I o ,;•,,s",s-,. .1- , s-: ham, in the Count) vVe tr -ss:2-6tr- ,resseased. \\Ito alt C,1 on or ii' .t Z1"• lu t7 at n:s.nze ..J • :7- t, 3 .4'4.7 a. C.14 -4..s1.• 1/4 40'1.- atal 11, as , „„„•,, ‘‘ ;la !... t \. t1 /4 4k4N ;awn s 44,1, : - .• •s t, rtiri‘ ,4 t J ' „ t! s (tr3 4ottites. ..2•ZA4 steie. taro tabte, t. ie 294S ..1" ,,•s R • ts.. 2 c•.i.Irkslot St. Sr. '1 '1 1.4,1 •41 V; \lit Z."Ri v:•17S " • s 4 „ •..T„.. rhs „11.,. " • • 4•1 CA/k C.. 1111ANICS - - • - rrt t.- il~i-1)11!1. 14-111 :.• • • ' a*.sst,• t, r s:. 4..." • '..4.44 '' e‘? . ;at,' .11:•`1 7,. 'aaso:at " •"- --"-- \VAN"*. ,-r „ a, • dat a: ASK FOR-Trusses, Luntbag0 P4010 iniki Supports, Elastic !.3.tock. tugs, Suspensories, at Kerr's 1 1) A Drug Store. 'BOARDERS WANTED Apply at Advance-Times. VOR SALE New Singer Sewing Machines, Write. for 041st:rated fol- ders. gibs. 403, llanoyer. 'FOR SALE-Cockshutt Conde milk- ers and Viking Crean, Separators, in stock. Also No, 7 Cock:dant har- vester Combine with power take-off. We expect a shipment of Cocksiiutt rubber wagons and haying :within- (Ty h4)011. We a ho have a toed Side Rake, 8 ton Ford Tru0o and it 2 furrow disk plow. john 1.3m1n.teati 84 Sou, Victoria St, Fn R. SALK----100 acres, smith half Lot. No. 34, Con. 12, E. \Vawanosh, 05 am's of dhoti, balance workable land. Terms may be arranged. Ap- ply to A. N. Black, Box 124, Ayl- mer, Ont. FOR SA LE-Pnre Bred itegistered Hereford Bulls from rattly accredited herd. J. A. tinily, Rosily Earins, Ilayfield Road, lioderieh, Out. jzoR S .E.,.-1940 wi d o w ', Super Six sedan , low wilco's, tiscelleut con. many _Male 495, George Haller, Stutter Si. S.11 V. largo window boat's, conthieatiou door with ,ash and se t eeit, 6.10"x2'xil", set of 6 square verandah putts, 2 plant., 2" \ 10"x16' long. Appl:, Ad vAii ,s,.1.11141,„, 14)L', S.\ 1,l' nova white brick. Apply It. 1. l\leMettay 12 t.,11( SA 1 421ower Stand and 'aim, banging pot, Phone 62tir11. Ft ) It SA I • 1.'." (', k. in good, c,unhuo II. tier[ g(' 1.111' bu\, Price $40. APIA) 1"01 it 45,1. FOX SA room frame house awl lot, with garage in Lower AVItteltant. immediate Possessions Phone 632t3.1. FOR SALE- 15 Piitri, 8 weeks old. Apply Geo. 'reran, phone 6:3614, PO It SA 1 lad a, in super Si.. Se. dab, best cash Oiler. Apply Adyttnee- Timea. FoR SALE -35 chunks, Apply ITarrY Bateman, 'phone 5371,3. FOR SALE.--8 year-old horse also 1Yt toil sired brick house. Oz.,C,O- Ku fer. phone 12 r 8, 14)1t,W -`--New house, 6 rooms awl IO, f ull ha•elltellt, 1 1,cto,Vq•.1t Ill. ltIlICA11. KealletlY. VOR S ALE-Tivato, Plants, Early Anna, Phone 894. ti -`7•3 Vt. a.a.lattt, 411 CAM) 01:7' Myra I k. - '-• St CLeC.Ce FI.esztitstto. and ent!'1"..vi,ss,---4 w in t!tss Vik e.st,os.•1. 41”,, Allorttey at .1 tint;ss-:s Uttaltatta a”..2 4:''atb.ce emtp.ii-zssi;.‘sass tt t4nit.:s Nsetiree a 4-vro s'i't Sbee ,,,•4 4' 4, 1.111t ,..i.k= NZ Zith 1/4” tve. 2-,s.c.11/41 hottband tat: t Utter. baby daughter of London, ri..1e pend- ing; this week at his home here. Kr. Wm. Adams accompanied them and the men have been plastering several roorns in the home here, Mrs, John Johnston who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for some weeks., spent a week at the home pf her daughter, Mrs,. Cecil Charnney, before returning to 'her home in the village op Wednesday. Their daughter, Mrs, Jas, Moore of Toronto, has been visiting with them for a week. Mre. Underwood and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brooks and two children of Tor- onto, spent the week-end at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Jas, Mc- Wrath, Mr, Adam Robertson, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Robertson, Mr, and Mrs. Contort McBurney and son, Hugh, of E, Wa- wanosh and Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Pea- cock and children of Morris, visited on Sunday at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs, Dawson Craig and at- tended Anniversary services here. Mr, Beth Gaunt of Preston, spent the week-end with Whitechurch friends, Miss Olive Teriff R.N., spent the week-end with Mrs, Margaret Mac- Pherson of Milverton. Miss Annie Kennedy of the Hospital Staff in Wingham, has been a patient in the Hospital during the past week, following an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Campbell and four children, Mr. Frank Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blackall, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McClen- aglem. Misses Ella and Laura Wettlaufer of Kitchener, spent the week-end with their friend, Mrs. Lorne Johnston. ,Miss Helen Thompson, Public Health Nurse, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs, Nelson Higgins of Morris, leaves On Tuesday to spend the 'next few weeks with relatives in „he West, and at Vancouver. Mrs. Chas. Shiell will accompany her, and :iait with relatives. in Dakota, Alberta awl Van- couver. They travel through the States, going by bus. \Ve wish them a safe trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Grain and Mr. and Mrs. Orton. Grain expect to leave this week to spend the next few weeks motoring to the West, to visit with the former's brother, Mr. Frank Grain, at ?,Pilot Mound, Man, and with other relatives there. We wish them a splen- did trip. Mr. and Mrs, John Albrecht and Helen visited on Saturday with his sister. Mrs. Albrecht of Walker- ton Mrs. A.brecht and Helen. recently Visited at Niagara Falls accompanying Mr. and Mrs, Walker of Walkerton. • Misses Pearl anti Irene Payton of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mra. Gea. Coultes of E, •Wawanosh :their Mr. Albert Me itallils,, an,:i Sirs_ Winn. Scott of Laa,sside Visiteel there. Many wine toteased ears Sattday, to see Mrs. At-,..zes MacKay and her attactg the Antaiveraary visit- 1•••,., se.s.• tier sisters :Nt.o>lie Van: Mkt, is'Bto has spent thi. year at 'Mrs, Mac ti ty left their .:. .:ne at jansi. Italia. to put Donald tti Hospital, for a serious s; tt• and ue are Acase.1 to te- pLrt that he is getting atom; tine. stud nzav etta"aing his sisit with Ontario reativea. Mr. Leask McGee had the vista- tnne ts•shaweis leg 'brAiett a few inch- lre"...arav tl-.e knee :act We.lnesday.. He was kaling a calf When be slipped . art.2 the call came lawn ttea‘ily his teat. =knit a clean hrs:ai;. st•as taken t 116i:0m% but was a7 3"e t return hrtne avit'A the '.nfural leg in a east. r. Prize St:It Wit•gi- wn recent:;:, =A .std YM es Ve‘noa. 's1 ntake their It.nrse i713 Frattzes St. BLYTH his. ;it19 Mrs. Wettlanier ,rutaseast. s'tnt ,Aer the wet:Vella u:11: the tatter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. j. E. R. Elliott. The death a' Sr. &Irma 2ltortoa of East wawan,os!,.. was re.:eived in Pdyth ;I rei;treL He was age.:1 a* 7, one of the pioneer tamers jof Fast Wassatt.N.h. 1 Mrs. Peter 'Brown !eft on Ttiesaay 7,1•2ine Wiralsar, We l e, -gret she rents,va*, of the Brown family -iron 242•Ab.4They 'were mellent viii CV& Mrs. s3esriie 11esita:1 Sr., of ‘taitel witli her sons, 'Messrs. -o and Wellitti„t.on likNatt •tete first d the silieltsiled Softball CLASSIFIED ADS. ONTARIO STOCK YARE1 BULLETIN :42.1.:12,g' WALLY FOR*, neer CKNX 9213 :7-.30 VOTE cEN W. HANN Progressive Conservative Representing ituron-Brktce since 1943 Look at his record of public s6rvie and other relatives over the week-end. • Mr. Oliver McBrien and Doris, Mrs. Calmar Straughan anti son, Rob- bie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw. Mrs, Allan MacTavish, Mrs. Cant- eran MacTaviah. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Waddell of London, visited on Sunday' with Mr. and MN, Gordon Mr, Robert MeCieriaghan spent the week-end at Beigrave with his brother,: Mr. Harry McClenaghan. The trustees of S. S. No. 1.0. Kin- I:1-s have secured Mr. Mathecon col esley„ a graduate of Stratford Nor- mal Szlioal. to teach at the fall term.!%a. Miss McKinnon, who, has .tatualitt. here fit s: me years has resigned. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Currie anti latt!,:.ter. Helen of E. Wawanetda sr east Sunday at the Notate of his sis- ter ; Mrs. Russell Gaunt. Mr. Iiro'e Blyth built two :hititttt.y. f,..„r Russell Gaunt this week. Mr. Jas. mid Mr. Wilfred MeQuillin af St. Hems, vtsited Sunlay with armichael's day. \Ve are pleased to report Airs. Nich- olson has sufficiently recovered as to return home front Winghatn General Hospital. The newly formed Athletic. Assoc.- iatitm held their meeting on Monday evening. Flood lighting the park •tva-s the main topic for discussion. games between Blyth and Clinton was played here on Monday evening with a win for the local team. '" Mrs. Stewart Voting and daughter, of Cattatome, Northern Ontario, visit- ed the past week with Mrs. 'Mary 1 "1 oanig, A number of our eiti.tens attended the races at New Hamburg on Mon-