The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-05-26, Page 160FORTH EVENING
The regular meeting of the 'Goforth
Evening Auxiliary was held on May
18th, at 'the home of Mrs, W. W, Guter
ratty, Meeting opened with the Call to
Worship given by the President, Mrs.
Carl Deans. Following the singing of
hymn 365, Mrs. Ronald Rae led in
prayer. Scripture reading taken from
the 17th Chapter of Luke, was read by
Mrs. Jas. Carr,
The offering was received and the
,dedicatory prayer given by Mrs. W,
W. Gurney. Topic for the evening,
"Upon This Foundation We Build
Overseas," was divided into five parts
and taken by, Mrs. W. A. McKibbon,
31.4rs. H. Bateman, Mrs. W. Congram,
Miss Dorothy Deans and Mrs. J. W.
English respectively,
The meeting closed with the singing
of hymn 579, after which Mrs, Carl
Deans led in prayer. A social hour fol-
Dance at Royal T •
Friday, ,May 28th. Music by Far-
zier's Orchestra. New and old time
&Tieing. Fred Deacon, floor manager.
Austin - Wright
In a pretty setting of spring flowers,
an St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wing-
Mary Helen, only daughter of
Isaac J. Wright and the late Mrs,
Wright, became the bride of William
E. Austin, son of Mr, and Mrs. W.
Austin. Rev, J. C. Caley of Wroxeter,
eificiated and Mr. Roy Mundy played
traditional organ music. During the
signing of the register, Mrs. Morris
Swanson, soloist, sang "0 Perfect
The 'bride, given in marriage by her
father, wore a navy shepherd's check
Silk suit with white off the face hat
and white accessories. She carried an
arni bouquet of red roses and red ear-
Miss Lenore Sterling ;if Blenheim,
attended her cousin as bridesmaid,
wearing an aqua blue two piece dress
with white hat and white accessories,
She carried en arm bouquet of pink
roses and pink carnations.
Mr. Joe Tiffin of Wingham, was
hest man and the ushers were Harvey
Aitcheson and Victor Showers, bro-
ti:ers-in-law of the groom.
At a reception for immediate friends
the Brunswick Hotel, Miss Mabel
Armstrong, cousin of the bride, receiv-
ed the guests wearing a powder blue
dress and hat with white accessories
And corsage of pink roses. Site was as-
sisted by the groom's mother, who
chose a turquoise blue dress and hlack
accessories. She wore a corsage of
7'ink .roses. Litter the couple left on a
,wedding trip., to Niagara Falls, and
Southern points. For travelling, the
bride wore a green printed dress, green
coat, and brown accessories, mid a
:orsage of red roses. Guests attended
from. 'Chatham, Morpeth, Blenheim,
Rondeau Park, Brantford, Geelph,
Toronto, Wroxeter and Wingitant.
Samuel Morton
Samuel Morose, whose entire life
has been spent in this community, died
in \\ Ingham General Hospital, cm,
Sunday morning. May 23. 1048, after
an illness of several ne smite. tern of
the late Mn, and Mrs. Alexander M
ton, he sea. horn in East Wawareoilt„
June 27th, 1868. In his early childh-rid
the family moved to the present
ton farm wilich he hat, operated since
early manhood. He was genuinely in-
terested in c..mmunity project s 4v,,1 a
!game% ,upporler of all movements
which ten feted to better the qatelard
:of iFing ce,utlitions on the farm. Dur-
iing °hese years he ha, been tiekly, in
:varkus term ling
.the United Farmer, 011%41
ii was a member ,J 4 Westfitel,) t ted
church. Hi. ,;lief WM.t his
lwark wa. in the field ,if toss He
,.was Nedeceased by ow, br-11:e- and
tight shytel'h, ,-i:-
"tors, Mr.. T. A. bear at laimie. and
CA-i, City,
'Services %vete at Currie',
Home tint ft:V.11,y, .st 2'
eotet .ette. se it h Rev. lieuitt
'assisted by Rev. 3.,vr:fen.4".n. P3-tor
Illuevaie Presbyterian Ourelt. Inter-
ment was in Pgenelon eereetere.
c r'at'e. Relatives attetaiul„ fi,titi, a
Every Saturday' night at the Ttoyai
T. to the music of 1<en Wilbees
chestra, from to lt Moderate ad-
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
Single Copies — Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 194 Subscription, $2.40 a Year in Advance.
FULLY ORGANIZED ••••••,...•••.,,•••••••
IN UNITED CHURCH Summer Programme Expands
Clothing And Groceries Sent To
Britain ... Would yott count it a privilege to
manage or coach a girls' softball
team? or a Bantam, or Pee Wee hard-
ball team? That's what it is, a privi-
lege, The job isn't too easy. It requires
patience, time and sacrifice and if you
are loath to miss out on your own
pleasures, don't volunteer!
If you can see that the future of our
Town depends on good youth leader-
ship by adults who are willing to
serve, then you will be willing to vole
Playgronnd ,Leaders Needed
A playground programme for all
boys and girls from 4 years of age up
is also planned and here we need vol-
unteers too. Mothers of young child-
ren who can serve even one or two
days a month during the summer are
vital to the programme for tots from
4 to 7 years.
Don't Hold Back
If you deny this responsibility in
favour of your own pleasures then you
deny the children of Wingham. Re-
member, a planned programme is de-
signed to develop better citizens.
If you can help, please write or
telephone Sam Burton who wrote this
article and who simply cannot operate
a worth while programme without
your aid.
What will YOU do for Wingham's
Committees Set Up
Two meetings of the, Directors of
the Wingham Chamber of Commerce
were held last week. Last Tuesday
evening the regular monthly meeting
took place. There was much work to
be done so that a second meeting was
necessary. Some of the matters dealt
with were, Paint-Up, .Clean-Up Cam-
paign (The Chamber now has 24
paid up members), Anti Communist
Campaign, Vote Campaign, Town
Planning, Correspondence re Flood
Damage and many other matters. On
Friday evening a second meeting was
held to draft by-laws and to organize
into committees.
Watch for Your Name
Next week the complete Chamber
of Commerce membership will be pub-
lished. If you are a member your name
will appear on a committee.
Miss Patricia Chinnick, Special ,
The. morning service, in the Wing-
ham 'United Church on Sunday was of
special interest to the young people,
being sponsored by Huron Presbytery,
Y.P,U. Douglas Lawles'i of Walton,
past president of Huron Presbytery
Young People's, Union was in charge
of the service with Elwin Merriell of
Clinton, president, assisting.
The special speaker was Miss Pat-
ricia Chinnick of Chatham, the dele-
gate from Loridon Conference, to the
World Youth Conference in also,
Norway, in 1947.
Mr. R. Taylor, tenor of London,
guest soloist, sang "Consider and Hear
Me", Mr, "Sam" Burton and Mr, Tay-
lor sang "Watchman What of the
Night", and the choir under the 'lead-
ership of Mr. "Sam" Burton sang
"Brother James 'Air."
The ladies of the Wingharn Bowling
Club held their annual meeting last
Wednesday evening, when the follow-
ing officers were elected for the coat-
ing season.
Presidents—Mrs, C. W. Lloyd and
Mrs. C. B, Armitage
1st. Vice Pree,—Mrs, Murray' John-
2nd. Vice-Pree,—Mrs, Elsie Sturdy
Treasurer—Miss Caroline Wellwood
Secretary—Mrs, Gordon MacKay
Tournament Corm—Mrs. Elsie Stur-
dy, Mrs, Ed, Harrison, Mrs. Joe
Kerr, Mary Johnston and Yvonne
Jitney—June, Mrs, D, B. Porter;
July, Mrs. H. C. MacLean, August,
Mrs. A. R. DuVal, September, Miss
Phyllis Johns,
Social Com„ June, Mrs. Murray
Johnson, Mrs. Geo. Howson, Mrs. A.
W. Irwin and Miss Marian Simpson;
July: Mrs, H. Campbell, Mrs. 0.
Haselgrove, Mrs. M. Hare and Mrs.
W. H. Haney; August, Mrs. W. H.
French, Miss A, Mitchell, Mrs. E.
Webster and Mrs. G, Godkin; Sept.,
Mrs. R. R. Hobden, Mrs. W. Murray
and Mrs. H. C. MacLean
At the regular meeting of 'the Wo-
tiers on Thursday, it was decided to
men's Institute in the Council Chain-
send the following five delegates to
the district annual meeting in Goder-
ich, on May 31st., Mrs. J. Walpole,
Mrs. H. Campbell, Mrs. A. R. DuVel,
Mrs, F, A. Parker and Mrs, E. Snell.
Any others who can go are invited to
attend the meeting.
A meeting when several Institutes
co-operate to bring a speaker was
planned and the subject chosen was,
"Health before and after Forty."
After the minutes of the last meet-
ing and treasurer's report, Mrs. H.
Campbell on behalf of the Ladies
Bowling Club, thanked the Institute
for the loan of the tables used through
the winter for the bridge parties.
Mrs. R. A. Coutts reported that
two more parcels containing good used
clothing and' packaged groceries and
weighing forty lbs. had been sent to
England. Mrs. T. Bowers donated $2
toward the postage.
Further applications for membership
in the Blue Cross were received by
Mrs. F. A. Parker, who reported some
changes in the benefits and in the new
The Agricultural Representative for
Hudon County, ,Mr. LeRoy Brown,
showed some interesting slides in nat-
ural colour, giving a good idea of what
can be done to beautify the surround-
ings of the average home by way of
foundation planting, using shrubs, spot
planting and perennial beds.
Miss Delores Hamilton of Etuevale,
played a piano solo after which the
roll call was answered by the ex-
change of plants and seeds, A social
hour followed when tea was served.
Annual Spring Tea
The Women's Auxiliary to the Leg-
ion will hold their annual Spring Tea
and sale of Home-made baking and
aprons, in the Legion House, John
St., Saturday, June •5th. Tea served
from 3 to 5, The Dutch Detective
A 3 Act Comedy Drama will be
presented in the Forester's Hall, Bel-
grave, by the Dramatic Club of Mel-
ville Presbyterian Church, Brussels,
on Friday, May 28th, at 8.30 p.m., D.
S.T. Sponsored by the Library Board,
Belgrave, in aid of the Belgrave Lib-
rary. Admission, adults 35c, children
Tea and Baking Sale
The Women's Association of the
United Church are holdilig a spring
tea in the S.S, room on Saturday af-
ternoon, May 29th. The sale of home-
made baking will commence at 3.30
p.m. A special feature will be the sale
of children's sun suits which will be
modelled by the little tots at 4.15.
Don't miss it.
An Advance Poll for the riding of
Huron-Bruce will be held at Wingham
Town Hall, on Friday and Saturday,
June 4th and 5th, from 8 a.m, until
5 p.m. and 7 pan. to 10 p.m. D.S:T.
The purpose of the poll is to allow
railway employees, sailors and travel-
lers to vote, who have reason to be-
lieve that they will be absent en
Monday, June 7th, SCHEDULE MEN'S
Successful In Final Exams
. Mr. Bill 'Galbraith received word
el his success in passing his final ex-
ams in Chemical Engineering at Tor-
ento University last week. Bill has
oined the technical staff of the B, F.
Goodrich Rubber Co., at Kitchener,
Mrs. Pye, Toronto, Was s
Guest Speaker
The 34th Annual Meeting of the
Maitland Presbyterial Society of the
Women's Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada was
held in the church at Lucknow, on
Tuesday, May 18th, with forenoon and
afternoon sessions.
The President, Mrs, Guthrie Reid of
Teeswater, presided throughout. Fol-
lowing invocation' and prayer, Mrs.
Harold Spier, Brussels, spoke on the
theme "Divine Guidance," based on the
3rd, Chapter of Exodus, and pointed
out lessons to be learned from the life
of Moses, Miss Grace Stewart led in
prayer. Delegates and visitors were
warmly welcomed by Mrs. William
The highlight of the morning session
was an address by Mrs. Pye, Toronto,
a member of the, Council Executive,
who was introduced by Mrs. Russel.
She pointed out that God has a plan
and purpose for 'Mi. of us, It it our
duty to follow God's Guidance and if
we do so and live Christian lives we
will be examples" to others in the
building of God's; here. Site
outlined the dutiee and the results of
our secretaries arid deaconesses, she
stressed that a warm welcome be ex-
tended to the newcomers to our coun-
try. She closed her remarks by saying
it is our responsibility to furnish the
tools to carry on,'SW.M.S. work.
'Greetings front Presbytery were
brought by Rev, Ivey MacIvor of
Cranbrook, who after extending con-
gratulations to the society on it; con-
tinued success, spoke 'briefly on the
importance of Mission work, and its
spiritual effect on the home church.
Reports were presented be,
Sunday Dinner At
Brunswick Hotel
Served from 12 to 1.30 and 5 to
6.30. Three choices of meat, one fowl.
Courteous service.
A dance enjoyed by the Teeneters
was held in the Masonic Hall on
Friday, May 21. The very special at-
traction was the number of new re-
cords A good lunch was also enjoyed.
A wiener roast at the London Bridge
was their special outing for the 24th
of May after which a dance was held. BRIDGE CLUB
Celebrated 93rd Birthday
Birthday greetings were extended
to Mrs. L. H. Bosnian of \\Ingham,
formerly of Bluevale, on the occasion
of her 93rd, birthday on May 24th.
LOCAL AND PERSONAL Seven tallies were present on Thurs-
Mr. J, Baird of HaMiltan, is spend-
ing a few days wilt his uncle, Mr. Geo.
clay evening at the weekly meeting of
Mrs. Frank Mayers of Sulphide is the Wingham Bridge Club. The result
Robert Mowbray and were dedicated
in prayer by Mrs. Robinson,
wick; Mrs. Neil :McDonald, Laatreide,
offered the closing prayer, s
Dinner was served in. the Sundae.
School room to • one hundred and
twenty-five ladies. The tables were
20—Clinton at Clinton Radar
21--Clinton Radar at Clinton
24—Clinton at Blyth
24—Seaforth at Wingham, (night)
25—Clinton Radar at Centralia
26—Wingham at Goderich
27—Goderich at Clinton Radar
27—Centralia at Myth
28—Seaforth at Clinton
29—Clinton at Wingham
31—Illyth at Seaforth
81--Clinton Radar at \Vingham
1—Centralia at Goderich
2—Clinton Radar at Seaford'
2—Blyth at Clinton
3--Wingham at Centralia
4—Goderich at Seafo rat
4—Clinton Radar at Myth
7—Myth at Goderich
B--Centralia at Clinton Radar
9—NVingliain at Clinton `
10—Seaforth at Myth
10—Wingliam at Clinton Radar
10—Goderich at Centralia
12—Seaforth at \\Ingham
14--Goderich at Myth,
15—Lentraha at Seaforth -
16—Goderich at Winglunit
17--Seaforth at Clinton Radar
17—Centralia et Clinton
18—Blyth at Centralia
15—Clinton at Goderich
19—Wingham at Seaforth
21—Wingliani at Myth
'12—Seaford' at Goderich
y2-.Centralist at Ciiiiton
—Myth at Wingham
24—Seafeurtit at Centralia
24—Clinton Radar at Goderich
26—Centralia et Wingliam
28—illyth at Clinton Radar
28—Clinton at Seaford'
28—Gotlerieh at Centralia
80—Clinton Radar at Goderich
3 \\-Ingham at Seaforth
5—Myth at tioderich
6—Centralia at Seaforth
Goderich at Clinton
—Clinton Radar at Blyth to
8—Wing-ham at Centralia
10-131yth at Seaforth
12—Goderich at Blyth
12—Clinton Radar at Seaforth
12—Clinton at Centralia
14-1,Vingliani Clinton
14—Clinton Radar at Centralia
15—Seaforth at Goderich
15—Centralia at 13lyth
16—Clinton gat 'Clinton Radar
1.7—Goderich At Wingham-
19—Clinton at Goderich
19 Wingham at Blyth
20---Seaforth at Centralia
20—Clinton at Wingham
22—Goderich at -Clinton
22Scaforth at Clinton Radar
22--Centralia at Wingliam
24-13lyth at Winghant
26—Centralia at Goderich
26—Clintott at Seaforth
27-131yth at Clinton Radar
28—Goderich at Seaforth
29—Blyth at Centralia
20—Clinton Radar at Clinton
31--Seaforth at Myth
81--Clinton Rad at Wngharn, (night)
31--Wingham at Clinton Radar
V".--Wingliarn at Goderich
2-131Ali at Clinton
3—Seaforth at Clinton
a--CentrAlia at Clinton Radar
S--Goderich at Clinton Radar
5—Clinton at 'Centralia
--,ClitttOtt at Myth
Died In Toronto
Alex S. Murdie, 43, druegiet, died
in Toronto Saturday night. He was sesame- at the home of Mr. and Mts. of the play was as follows: >born at Seafortlt and lived for several Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougherte' of
Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss
Margaret Melvers,
Miss Doris Fells of Toronto, spent
the week-end witl. her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, T. Fells.
Rev. E, F. Armstrong. of Louden,
spent the week-end at the home at
Miss Blanche Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs, Archie NAolluinison of
Toronto, spent the holiday with the
farmer's mother, Mrs. Win. William-
Mr. and Mrs. Did:. DONS and dau-
ghter, Mary Jane, of Welland, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
,Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Yake and Mrs.
Edna Boyle of Toronto, spent the
holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Deyell.
Dr. and ,Mrs. Bill Burgman Kirk-
land Lake, were holiday guests with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. F, Burgman.
Mr. and Mrs. IL Davidson, Perry
and Carolyn of Brantford, Nisited their
aunt, Mrs. Albert Jacobs, j-osenttine
St. for the holiday.
Week-end guests at the lenne of
Rev, and Mrs. A, Nimino were Mr,
and Mrs. H. Nitnmu mid daughter,
Kathleen of Toroeto,
Miss Marian Martin of Clifford, and
Mr, Russell Armstrong of Port Lot- a f tete„,,,11, Mfrs. Donate Hate. • s, borne, were week-end guests of Mr. liamiltee, Synodical Preeilitut. :tic Mr. and Mr . v.d. Foroe
mid Mrs. Joe Austin. outreeeed the fact that our Chawdt rant- 111 Toronto. Were week-end -tteete at
Mr. and Mts. Right Coutts, Mr.w m_s the home o the former's parents, Mr.
Harry Coutts and son Jack and Mrs.' ,,e
met an .. second. ,
Coutts were week tad guests of Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Colette.
Mrs. Mabel Habkirk was a guest at
a house party given 'by Mrs. E. E.
Munro of Stratford, for the 1914 grad-
nating class of Maellonald's Hall,
Week-end guests of Rev, arid Mrs.
W. A. Beecroft were their two sons,
Harvey of Toronto and Bill of St.
Thomas; Mrs. J. Hardie of Chile, S.
A., and ,Miss Anne Hardie of Western
University, London.
Miss Nina M. Robb, Vatteouveitell,
C., was renewing old friends in town
and was a guest with Mrs. C. J.
Taylor, "Queens'', and over the holi-
day gnests were Mrs. L. C. Young,
Mrs. Gillespie, Mr. and ,Mrs. Odgett
And Mr. Raison all Of Toronto.
Members of the Huron 'County.
Branch of The Ontario Registered
Music Teachers' Association 'entertain-,
ed at a luncheon at the Park House,
Goderich, Theitday, May 20th, 'during
the Huron County Music Festival.
They had as their guests, Miss Mar
garet Butler and ,Mr. G. Roy Fenwickg
both of Toronto, Adjudicators.
years at Lucknow and attended Wing-
ham High School.
beautiful with sprite, flowers and has- Miss Jean Morley R.N., of term-me- i:cgs of tulips and narcissus decora ted ville, ville, wasa week-end guest of :Miss the auditorium. Eleanore McLean. The afternoon eession opened edth Mr. M. Perrin of Toronte, spent scripture and Meditation by 'Miss Me-1
North and South-1st, P, Dyble and
G. McKay; 2nd., Mrs. D. B, Porter
and Dune Kennedy; 3o1„ Mrs. J. A.
Wilson and 3, H. Crawford; 4th, Mrs,
F. A, Parker and J. A. Wilson.
East and West—lst, Miss Y. Mc-
Pherson and D. B. Porter; 2nd., J.
Mason and O. Haselgrove; 3rd., Mrs.
G. Godkiu and V. Dittmer; 4th, Mre,
J. II, Crawford and Mrs. R. S. Heth-
the week-end with hie sister-in Kinney, Kincardine, on the theme, !Mrs. IL Buchanan.
L. A. 11'' - gaD u '1 o
"Growth in (inure." Philippians, chap. ,
treasurer,Mrs Bell, gite meet en-
`Mies Alice Buckman of Ls-ebbing. 3. Mrs. Linklater led in "te spent the week-end with her friend,
couraging report, showing that the ;MIss i'd"s Cruickshank.
take-talon had been exceeded by S'000Mies Barbara Ross of T. gente, vie
and i
1t9h4e8 stuvgasgeasctgeel•ipatellii.cati'in ?:11(111" \11`"'I''si
nid).1% a" M
. ,
Mrs. John Pollock, delegate t Mr. and Mrs. t"":
Synodical meeting held tact wet k at I, 4 gni the tiolinay weeksenti
Chatham, gave tt thrilling revert. She Mr- al"1 Mrs. H'".ace Aitchisdlz'
Midget Baseball
2se-oe.elenciu at Kincardine.
t 2—Kineardine at Clint .'n
at Imamate,
4—Auburn at Wilki.4 iiain
7—ii,plericia at Loch-w%
v—i.ticKii,ew at WinsliaLi
11—Aulinrii at Clint it
3.8—Clinton at Winaann
IS---•L eelenow at K:ncar,lniai
outlined the main iness,age t.•$t,41 :Sdar,..4aret. N111111iri
the addresses by special, epi,akei.s, !was a week-end guest ^1I her l „trews,
'including that of the Moderat ,r of the Re" a n d Mrs. A. Ninon'', General Asembiy, and m iss mdenin„, Mr. and Mrs. harry Plenty :Ma-
! ell of the Mill Field in India. Mrs. gara Falls, v i-itot 1'1'4 ".etl'un't
Robert Mowbray d ealt wi t h Ilse h tt,i..,his father, Mr, Vi Fleute.
ness and finaneial porti''n tae meet Mn B. Wiesins and ulap-later
tot a Mg and extulainc,t the re,teen f,sr in- ir''ranti"rd, "n St""il•
creased aili,eati,,ns. Site Earl success Mr. a'"1' Mrs• R"bert DeYet
&pen& „n the individual member and MissMary
shtsgested ti:>at '' tenth one, rea...11 ow." the week-end at the .4I tai
Mrs. C. II, ".‘facDonald ...!.ase -*int- and Mr-.. kits'•
mare of the yeae's ‘s,irk varsie,1 '41 ..ur. and Mrs. .‘, .11ePallik y 4
• I
be the autsiliaries through Ilse different Leartaim;ton, ¤i,,ited last week-en i te rns
gspeettemits t asoetee.., ogee relatives in and eremill towel.
in em teal ulteiartments, showiee eeeet. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hare ef,1', rento.
er interest. McAttley, ilipleee in- anti Mr. n.ward Waller I. neltitt,
the special speali•-r t..r ring' F•Pent tilt week-end nith Mr,. M.
!i21.—Kiiw,,irtline at Auburn
4,2;1—(Iiii:,,n tat tenterisda
24—,Atilnuest at Luz:snow
23—.aelnati st tiodvrie5:
$1.'•Kinvisetline amt steltn3w
Wingttant at Kinetroline
ClintiO Attintsn
5—G0,1i:rich at Auburn
the importanee of the nulikratal anti Mrs Wm. Foroe.
a-mber and the effect and iniluenee ,4 Misses .Mar4aret Mitchell '!4
their lives, if they are true iolloweis; Jean and Ruth Mitchell, spent the
of Christ. Site spoke highly of the m ork holiday with their parents, Mr. and
Mein:; done in tho 'Chinese centre anal -Mrs, Jas. H. ,*!ltitcliell.
ctinice wire MIN,. P. k. Ntiss
Beryl Nit. anti NIT,. Lyle
X141,1%A.11. and Migs MAurney
of Cass City, Mieldean. •t ,lei St. Margaret s Herne in Toronto. t., s - Nt . T
I--Clinton at Ntneardine
SWimatant at I.,t.*.clsr.ovi-
14—Ialekiu,.e1- at 1; i ilericb
14—Atihnrii at Kincardine
lfi--Wii4;liatit at Clinton
I:I—Will i:12,mi iat Anhurit
-it fin 1.4)1 =ri
21—Goderiell at Clinton
213—Kineardine at WOughant
26—Luck-now at Anborri
.'.3—Gsderich at 1,Vinenatn
Midget Softball
2,—V1 /4 ii0iatti at Blyth
fi—Londesboro aL Belgrave
9-131yth at Londesboro
11--Belgrave at Wingliam
14—Londesboro tit NI,ingltain
17—Blytli at Belgrave
30—Wingham at Belgrave
30—Londesboro at 13lytli
5--Belgrave at Londesboro
7-131yth at Wingliam
14—Wingliain Londesboro
16---Belgrave at Myth
Juvenile Baseball
24—Ripley at Wingham
26--Neustadt at Ripley
31—Wiliam at Neustadt
2—Ripley at Neustadt
17—Netistainit at Wingliain
10—Wingliain at Ripley
14--Neustadt At Ripley
1/3----'Wingliam at Neustadt
21—Ripley at Wingharn
23—Ripley at Neustadt
Regret was ex-pmssed that, Roe, C. tbe week-end were her daneiner and
H. MacDonald, n.D., Moderater if the son-in-km. Mr; zint,l MT. Norman SWORN TAKES
Defeats Wingham Hurons Monday
Night 11.4
T Wingliam Hurons trot off tEl a
bad start in the opening game the
season on Monday evening under the
floodlights. The Seaforth Bosharts
collected five runs in the first inning,
and added one in the third, two in each
of the fifth and sixth and another; in
the eighth inning for a total of eleven
runs. The Hurons tallied one in the
second, two in the third and one in
ttliaritrgile number of fans were on
hand in spite of the cold weather to
witness their favorites go down to
George Johnson, cf; R Templemari,
and Bob Groves, c; *McLeod, lf; D,
Aitchison, 42b; C, Niergarth, ss; L.
'Gardner, al); Cassidy, MeCatntuort,
Reinhart, rf; J. Hopper, lb; D. Mewl,
p, Seaforth—Mtilford, 2b; B. Smith,
ib; O'Shea, e; Horton, rf; Cameron .ss;
Xennedy p; Lee tb; D. Smith ef;
Hildebrand,. if.
daughter, Mary 'Grace, to 'Charles
Ivan Wightmen, of Belgrave, see: of
Mr. 'George t), Wightnian of Linear
dine. Marriage to take place early in
General Assembly of the Preebeterian ile.fee Mrs. Wen. Beat. Sr., end Mr.
. -
Church in Canada was suffering from Allister Begg all ot (melt& . .
a heart -condition and was unable to Mr. and 'Mrs. usrt nonns and
Mr. and Mrs. John Ring, of Wiimilain, bring a meseage to the meeting.
(Continued en page eight) motored to Detroit on Saturday last
and spent the week-end visitine with
Engagement Announeed frientts, returning home on Monday.
Nit. Joseph S. m ecuuy, itrucef i em, Mr. and. Mrs. Alvin Hammond, TO•
an nounces the engagement of his ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston of ' Hamilton; Mr. Vietor Gordon, Kiteh-
eller, and Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon
of Listowel were week-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Hammed and
Mr, and OS. Mm. Ralph Hammel-a
The Evening Auxiliary of the Un
ited Church held their May -meeting ,
oil Tuesday evthing at the home of
Mrs, V. A, Parker. Miss Minnie Bar-
ber was in charge and conducted the
Worship Service assisted by Mrs,
tfabdert, who led in prayer and Mrs.
Cecil Walpole, who read 'the scripture
and comments. Miss 13elirns contribut-
ed a solo, "Clf Dry Those Tears."
`rile guest speaker eves Miss Clara
McGowan, Assistant superintendent of
Children's Aid for Huron County, She
thrilled and inspired her listeners 'with
her stories of her Work. She presented
the 'challenge, "What are we doing
With to-day?" She StreSed the fact
that entry child mat have a feeling
of love and security.
Mrs. N. keatitig moved A Vote of
Thanks to Miss McGowan for her
splendid Address, Mrs. J. Rtavie con-
ducted the business, Reports tnf the
Presbyterial Were given by Mrs. 6,
Howson and Mrs. G. W. Tiffin. A. toe-
hour followed.
Paper Crowded This Week
We apologize for the troweled con-
dition of our paper this week. But ow-
ing to Monday being a holiday and the
rush of election printing, we lacked
the time to run additional pages this
week. Several newts and other items
had to be held over until next week.
Andy Clarke Dies
Andrew David (Andy) Clarke, -65,
broadcaster and former newspaper
man, died Tuesday evening, May 19th,
at his home at suburban York Mills
After a heart attack.
He was best known for his Neigh-
borly News broadtast on Sunday
mornings over a CBC Ontario-Quebec
network. In the program, which he
started itt January, 1940, in co-opera-
tion With the Canadian Weekly News.
papers Association, be broadcast home-
ly 'news Reins dealing with happen-
ings in small towns and farming sec-
tions And cull0 from weekly news-
will be held in honour of Mr. and Mrs.
Herb. Tiurchill, formerly Miss Marg-
aret Nichol, in Whiteclititch Commun-
ity Hall on Thnrselay evening, May 27.
Parrier's orchestra, Ladies please
bring lunch.