HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-05-19, Page 9All1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 FEED SERVICE Shur-Gain Gives Big Advantages • 1 HIGHEST Quality, Fresh and Palatable. • 2 Direct Sale from Manufacturer costs you less. • 3 Bulk HANDLING FOR CONVENIENCE and saving. Your chickens bring you more profit when you feed SHUR-GAIN 17% Growing Mash (for fair pasture and 15% Range Mash (for extra good pasture). YOU SAVE and MAKE MORE MONEY the SHUR-GAIN WAY ! SHUR-GAIN 17% Growing Mash SHUR-GAIN 17% Growing Mash CANADA PACKERS, WINGHAM BLUEVALE MILLING CO. LTD., BLUEVALE E. MCNEE BELMORE DAUPHIN & GRANT TEESWATER idniimmitimummittiminimmimmumnimminniumnimmur 5HUR-GAIN VOTE Hugh Hill LIBERAL CANDIDATE HURON-BRUCE A Rural Representative FOR A A Rural Riding LISTEN TO STATION CKNX For DATES and PLACES of IMPORTANT MEETINGS and NAMES OF SPEAKERS LISTEN TO STATION CKNX FOR ADDRESSES as follows: TUESDAY 25 MAY 5:45-6:00 p.m. THURSDAY 27 MAY 1:15-1:30 p.m. FRIDAY 28 MAY 2:00-2:15 p.m. VOTE HILL SUPPORT LIBERALS • DEFEAT TORYISM The Huron-Bruce Liberal Association Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingbam MeTAVISH Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone Teetwater 1203 L. G. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONT. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices,: Centre St, Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique, Phone 272. Witighint. DONALD B BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of Hen ON IMUCE All tales Capably Handled Phone 40, IttPleYo -t- Ontario K. M. MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office Minnie St, Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE. 196 WInghant, Ontario Mrs. Jackson has a lisp.. As Convenor of next week's church social, she has a lot of telephone calls to make. But she never forgets that hers is a party line — she spaces her calls so as to allow the other party to use the telephone. PARTY LINE COURTESY IS CATCHING... Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will tlo the same for you. 1. Keep cells brief. 2. Space your coils. 3. Give right-of-way to emergency tolls. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable F, F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER, BUS/NESS & 'TAX SERVICE S. 3. Pymm P. O, Box 74 'Phone 13 LUCKNOW - ONT. 749-1 Elmwood Here are the ingredients that will give new character, new personality, to that room that's alwass `bothered' sou. Just select your fat °rite from the .aide range of exquisite Sun. Tested Wallpaper patterns at our store. And in only a few boars* presto: See how die:right wallpaper enhances your furniture, brings out the best in any decorative scheme. Yes, Sun-Tested Wallpaper, in gay fresh colon or distinctive subdued tones, is the perfect recipe for a lovely room. Sec our completes selection todayl un- CUED ALLPAPiiii W Wednesday, May 19, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE NINE '•••• ill 844 'SLUE WmiAtt. With 4T POUl A CoL ni.i4 WWA iflikEA r 1 t1e511141i SCOAPS 1.110lt *VIA CAP WORN 'BV molt Otht Et))41 'MEM admission charge. Howick Lions Sponsor Clinic Sponsoredby the Howick Lions Club on June 23rd and 24th, a two day clin- ic will. be held when the people of Howick will be given an opportunity- to have X-ray pictures as a means of prevention of Tuberculosis, The clinic will be held at Gorrie, hours 9 a.m. to noon, 1.15 to 5,30, 7 to 10 in the even- ing. Members of the Women's Insti- tutes of Fordwich, Gorrie and Wrox- eter will assist during the two days. St. James Guild Mrs, Edwin Bennett opened her home on Tuesday afternoon fur the May meeting of the Women's Guild of St. James Anglican Church. The presi- dent, Mrs. H. V. MacKenney, presided, and the opening hym, "Jesus Bids Cs Shine" was a request of young David Caley, who was present. Rev. J. C. Caley led in prayer, followed by the repeating of The Lord's Prayer in unison. The members worked on a quilt in Butterfly design. The blu,ks of which were donated by Mrs. Bea- !nett. Plans were made to sell tickets on the completed quilt at the time of the Annual Bazaar. Mr. Caley gave au interesting aecount the Syi:od imeeting recently attended in T T- onto, Refreshments were by 'the hostess and included rhubarb ;de, ,taipl,ed with ice cream, the lattee a treat from the president, and a st..inall, ,lionr was enjoyed, Women's Missionary Society Tic May nieetin; Missionary Sudety, United CirarcL. was held in the church pall:lir, Friday aftertioi,u with eighto, - hers and visitors in at tendatn:V• M4 4 ;t.- an,.; was edidid to orler tart% ma.r. music, Mrs, ..1:len Mum., at time ta,...itz, President Mrs. flavold Hatnilit-n gat,. the call to w-rship an 1 ...ail. Onm, Thane tulay -is M.thers f the ilabie. , „arm we mit& to pay tribute Vrz.,. To th,,se %%Imo have pass „.4 ,ca :their reward, and to the Mothet.- wiz!, The Best Mathes the VL-..m!,1 :ever hit,avia lived cl.,se -7 and 'loved his Church awl thvi: 'how= them and j hearts w loll they follow tt:tr.- M,thers of :ales: was hest itymn. Mrs. \Vin. tr tith•-4. .C.r1I)tnrt.,! ittiS" St. Mattiteri;;• chapter 2, also naming "Ant. •a tt:Q. IllOtilt:r.r.4 :MAIM el in the n• inre, then i0111-1Wed with Ka} kr. Moffat gave the topic "‘,Nlotlzurs' dosing with a pc;kvia anl touching story in keepia,t, %vie: 1.1,.v Itheme. All joined in sin4in,.. 11,spo the Home when tio.1 Iket- "Motber Love" by Richard Maawc::. was the title f a readin..; -11.en Mrs. .MaeNaughton. Mrs. V. E. Cron- "debt presented the minutei. 13,12- Alone, were made to the bale flr NNhich Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Moffat :nal Mrs. Cronhielm will purchase and oack, re- glared articles for an. Indian Girl cf 10 years. Those, who attended recamt Presbyterial meeting at Seliottb gave interesting reports, Mrs. HatulitOri re- ported. on the 'morning session, reports '.showing progress in the .,)ast year. Mrs. .Crorthielin reviewed Missionary Literature, pointing ant much vain- able information on Missions may be found in Daily and other papers. Miss Hazelwood anti Mrs. :Niutiro gave resume of the address given by Mrs. Roger Self, Dominion President, Mrs. Gilbert HOWC6 was in charge of a chapter of the Study took, under the heading, No Trespassing the Brining of the Bible to China, four men played a definite part. If they had beet% this covered it would have meant death, but through the mysterious ways of God they learned the language, and lived to see the doors of China open to 'Missionaries and the tible. Miss jean Moffat favored with a solo, "Matiut", Miss Hazelwood accompanied, The. Roll Call was responded to by Memories. 'of Mother. The hymn "Testis Saviour Pilot Me" and the Mit- WROXETER Misses Margaret and jean Moffat and Mr. Calvin Moffat recently spent z few days in Toronto and during their lstay were pleased to see Barbara Ann Scott in her performance for the Crip- pled Children's Fund at Maple Leaf W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Winghatn DR. It M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PhOtiC19 THOS. FELLS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and aitset Wit SERVICE 11.111177 OP ;EXPERIENCE Irli011tet 231 Winghtun Gardens. Wroxeter children taking part in the children' Studio party over CKNX on Saturday morning were: Shirley McMichael and Evelyn Auger in a piano duet, Billy Gibson and Marilyn MacLean in a vocal duet, "Were 1 q Bird," Ronny Higgins singing The J. W. BUSUFIELD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to, Loan Office Meyer Block, Wingham Bird's Valentine. East Huron District Annual meeting will be held in Brussels United Church on June 1st. Mr, Win. Mines returned from Ak- ron, Ohio, last week where he has spent the winter season with his son, and is now visiting with ltic daughter, Mrs, Harvey Wright, Mr. Lyon Finlater, Morris Twp„ called on friends on the 2nd, line of Turnberry last week. Mr, Finlater is disposing of his stock and farm equip- ment at an auction sale. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stamper and family, spent Sunday with friends at Southampton, They were accompanied by Mr, D. Jewitt and Mrs, Mildred Stewart of Wingham, Mr. Thos, Jacklin underwent an operation at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Monday last. In spite of his advanced years, we are pleased to know he is making a good recovery. Mrs. D, W. Rae spent part of last week in Hanover, the guest of her son, Mr. W. R. and Mrs. Rae. Mr. and Mrs, George Edwards spent Sunday in Clinton with Mr. and Mrs, John Hartley. • Week-end guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Sangster were Mr, Alex Gry, Detroit, Mrs. Archie Mac- Donald, Mary and Catharine, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stewart, all of Molesworth. Mr. Andy Polakus who operates the One Stop Garage, has been ill for the past week. Andy's many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Robert Gibson met with a pain- ful accident on Monday last. While working in his sawmill, the third fin- ger on his left hand was crushed. He was taken to Wingham General Hos- pital, where it was found necessary to amputate the finger at the first joint. Later in the week he had to return to the hospital. We are pleased to report the infection is checked and Bob re- turned home on Monday. Rev. T. Wesley, Brantford, and a former minister here is retiring this year, and will continue to make his home in Brantford, His many friends here extend Best Wishes for many Happy Years of retired life. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and daughter, Lynda, Mr. Frank Green, Mrs. Waldo Weir, Mr. add Mrs And- rew Adams, and Maiter Andy St. Marie visited Hamilton and Niagara Falls on Sunday. 'Guests of Mrs. Frank Sanderson during the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. Inglis Sanderson and daughter, Joan, of Guelph, also Mrs. Shook of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wade and :Jiss Audrey Wade, enjoyed a trip to Niag- ara Falls, N.Y., on Thursday of last week, Mr, Lloyd Weir, son of Mrs. Waldo Weir, who is auditor for Christie- Brown Co,, is now stationed at Van- couver. Enroute there he met some interesting people, among whom were a producer and writer of 20th century Films, Holywood, who had come to Ottawa to arrange taking of R.C.M,P. pictures. Mr. ,NVeir was also ,their guest at dinner, Play Well Received The Dutch Detective, a 3 act corn- J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC 'EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. to the players and audience. Members of the served refreshments to the visitors at the close. Women's Institute The June meeting of Wroxeter W. I. will be held on Friday, the 4th, at 2.30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. James Sangster, Motto: "A Thing of Beauty is a. Joy Forever," to be taken by Mrs. John Calwill, Current Events will he reviewed by Mrs, George Lane. Roll Call, My Grandmother's Housekeep- ing and Mine." Paper: Grandmothers' Programme with Mrs. J. N. Allen in charge, Hostesses, Mrs. Denny, Mrs. Moffat, Miss Hazelwood, Members please note change of date, National Film Showing By special request the pictures of the 50th anniversary taken at Guelph on June 18th, 1947, will be added to the interesting series to be presented in Wroxeter Town Hall, May 26th, at 8.30 pan, Included will he The Royal Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lt, Philip Mountbatten. Beyond Town • (Health Picture), Canada Dances, The People's Charter,'United Nations Con- ference, Up-to-Date Current Events under the heading Eye Witness, in co- operation with The National Film Board, these pictures are sponsored by the local Women's Institute. They are interesting of educational value and provide an evening of good entertain- ment for young and old. There is no day. Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Inglis entertained girl friends and their mother-. on Wednesday- evening, in honour of Miss Margaret Nichol, bride-elect. Congratulation6 to Mrs. Phi: of Lazy Meadows, that she was success- ful in getting those grease t.:;...,ts out of her wash. What we have never I•eert able to do, also to Phil for ptt:titn.; up the clothes line. Mr. Carl Douglas lev m11,-1 off his lawn, making a big imp!' Mr. Elmer Zinn ;..;:tra;.-t.. Others painting, of .111 picturesque Ilelmore, The Wallpaper Shop By k 1, SCOTI„ pah benediction brought an interesting meeting to a close. BELMORE Our village is a busy spot these days digging of drains in preparation for paving, The home of Mrs. Thos. Abraham was the scene of a gay gathering on Wednesday afternoon, when ladies of the community did some quilting, two quilts were quilted for Mrs. Hunkin, Those preparing lunch were Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. John Harper, Mrs. Fred Johann. Miss Yvonne Douglas of Wingham, is holidaying at the old home. "Sewing for the Heathen" a 3 act comedy by Bluevale talent, will he put on in the Community Hall m June 4th. Our sick are Mrs. TIninn, Miss Mae, Mrs. Michael Lynett, Mrs. Ir- vin with a broken arm, while Mr.. Ziall has an ulcer on her eye, causi:4; 1 nuch pain, but much better, Mrs. Muir and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes called on the NIE.,,SQs Stoke-i, te• 4-)inar Stokes, Mi6ses Hamittli and Mary Stokes, visited the l.,414ey family on Monday even itr.4. who arc not so well as we would Nvklt The ehilrIren of the public sebv,I treatment MONUMENTS A family plot should be graced with the shrine-like beauty of a monument which will be ever- lastingly a tribute to those at rest. We have many classic styles to suggest, and will work with you on custom designs. Wm. Brow nlie Box 373 'Phone 450 Alfred St. Wingham • Inscriptions Repairing Sandblasting Memorials 25 years experierice The latest in Portable Sandblast Equipment All Work Personally Executed SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ontsuminummustmoninallsonnamminamonsummen • I Telephone—Days 417, Wingham Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks m PARTS and ACCESSORIES ff011111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111011* 111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111.1.1.1•11111•41401110 FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNERAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 . 224 WINGHAM CRAWFORD & HETHERINTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 Y. H. Crawford, X.C., .R. S. Hetherington, K.C. edy presented by a group from Mei- ji ville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, under the auspices of the Yonag People's Union, Wroxeter United Church, on Thursday evening, was greatly appreciated by a fairly large audience. The play was directed by Rev, George A. Milne, M. A,, and every character well portrayed. Mrs. Clark Matheson was prompter and piano numbers were given by Mrs. Georg Evans between acts. Rev. E. Cronhiehn spoke words of welcome MAL Tkil-Eik NECESSAIW l'o SEAL A MARRIA4tAt46144 MA1A11 1101 411M1114 ,rat_ cHAIFI 1St.OUPLIt 001114E SAME. C AMERick cools 1'00 PROOtla effi cteNeS A DAY* ito•t••••s).....i., ••••••••....