HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-05-19, Page 3It's easy to convert old style headlights to new MOTO-.MASTER sealed beam efficiency - the safest light for your night-driving - with a powerful, far-reaching beam that floods your side of the road and ditch in brilliant all-seeing light. Glare-free lower beam for city driving. MOTO-MASTER engineered change-over kits contain ALL the needed parts to convert your headlights for SAFE NIGHT DRIVING. Else- where you'll pay almost double foi the identical kit that costs you only $6.95. uthorfor SELF SERVE SELF SERVE IMIIIMINIIIM•1111111 Food Market Your "One Stop" Food Market Nossommimmommur QUAKER PUFFED RICE SPARKIES 2 for 27c Aii••••••• LORD FAIRFAX Peaches 28 Oz. 35c Blend Orange and Grapefruit JUICE 20 oz. Tin 14c CLARK'S CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP 2 Tins . 15c PENN PEARS, 20 oz. tin 28c 111111111111111, CARNATION MILK LARGE TIN 14c Special! Breakfast BACON 1/2 lb. pkg. 39c Westinghouse Light BULBS, 25, 40, 60w 15c 100 watt 20c DIABETIC FRUITS Club House ROLLED RIB ROAST ' and VEGETABLES PEANUT BUTTER (No Waste) in stock Bulk, lb. 37c lb. ..51c 11111111111111\ BE PREPARED FOR MAY 24th Flowers and Vegetables IN FLATS PLACE Your ORDER * NOW • Oxydol or Rinso Small Pkge. 12c 25c "Throush the liove of Gs! tlur S.i- -41:211111,11- littljilims lie t,ill tte .41Ilieri, i.. ir viour ' to open Vie Illsttin.:. 1.4.-..',:e.g :of public olayoroutols in Stratford. We by Scripture reallinst and prayer, it I welcome hint to our conntionits. by the,Prssidszth Mr°. l'''. :4:1,-thi.u.'111 - 'rimre will":be a shower in the 'For. 1 matteas c'l bn'.11-A"s /A' t re *IN- i rester's II,iii on Fridas ostriitor in :ton-the hostess, bringing the evening tvf a itts-elt and the ladle° see a-lit-I 1- ccur i,f :dr. Mcriri4. I Ir a' MA las bride. close. IluiDg p atei'''' 1 .'4' ",h."'"1.:‘ lull 1' l '":1 Mrs. Willies .f Staf.oth, is sisnioot Ladies' Guild .. 1:er ilanater. Mrs. ii iit, ,lei Vitteent. 4 tu t lilt 01 ilY g blr di, Vaillt :tip. ..aie , t. , : Th e Logics' (lhlilti vd 'Trinity Amy- the niembvt,s. The tatet-lith, ci.,•v,.I v. ,:,...1 I 11,,,,...r,. .1.4itli aunl 0.,iihm.ti Arno-looms can Church met on Wednesday of last -10r4qc-I' bY week at the home of ...Mrs. Win. Ilryd- :was ssrsed• key' lir' Iitll'It1"14' 1:4:':7a ";s1,(7..t ila, It.A -7,...-t-.:.4 at their home. ., ... oes. The 'members j.iitteil in singino . Marilyn Maroaset Ann lli......a , S E E - Bgnott & Gasmen) 'Phone 447 Wingluon For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-In CUPBOARDS his topic on the study of the Prayer Bolds, This was very interesting. Frank Nesbitt read the Log lh and Claire VanCamp conducted some con- tests. A -delicious lunch was served by a shier of Mr. and Mn.. Alvio 11.;.:,- Ons, was baptised at the Triiiits An, `Heart Church at the Sunday inovive. hlr. Donald Mans.% resident t f Sil-,t7- ord who will graduate from No!no„' hoiil tht-Te in June, was a cAlltr is he village over the week-end. Hy has accepted a positi!In iu the staff of East Wawanosh School Mord at the grave Sehool, beginoing ill Seise other. 4" Ifs taklt. quite an into:tot in .114 •• and atlilvtkS, 11avil4Z playa on Mid- and Junior hockey it-allt". ill 'ford, as well as softball. Dutino this -(11-g A 1..AWA MOWER' Ap.-", IP You MVear 'tHE IWO Ctkilt POM6E DI1E -- (LI. WAIT '511., Yhal.) VvP.1 t BACK ANts ,SZTril THE OLD HOME TOWN gy STANLEY' Now on display in our Show- room is the beautiful New Monarch that has set new stand4rds for appearance, safety and really luxurious motoring. The New 149 Monarch is new through and through-from bumper to bumper-horn top to tires: We invite you to be among the. first to set it. Try and find time to drop in today: Huron Motors P"‘ord and Monarch Phone 237 Wingha" WE DELIVER-RAIN OR SHINE MONARCH SWEET MIXED PICKLES 29c JELLO TAPIOCA PUDDING 2 for 19c Broken Spanish PIMENTO OLIVES 16 oz. jar 31c \;\ `Wednesday, May 19, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE WIRE. Inonanommorinowniamonminninusistompoisinmompoinut • dote/ drive BIND ainirk wfr' For all round lamps 6.95 For spe- cial shapes I IlieesP110 -:a...:. i MOTO-MASTER r ,....,,_ , i iiii8i.i6iiii ----$. 2,- c':). *t.,1 V 24:- 40'- : i• M. 4 si, i. % 5.. i i I .4A• i i, , il I is ..n I Your Car Takes a Shine to MOTO-MASTER Polish i Moto-Master RUBBER SPONGES - Genuine latex. Paste Wax .39 , Made in England ....29 and .39 Liquid Wax .49 Paste Cleaner 1.29 1.95 2.49 NATURAL SPONGES-Genuine sheep's wool sea sponges from the Medlter- mean. Medium size 1.45 .39 Liquid Polish and Cleaner .49 Glass Cleaner .12 SHEEP'S WOOL CAR WASHING MITT. For best results in car washing. Snug-fitting wristband-mitt is of selected sheepskin and le Usually sold up to 12.00 .1.10 CHAMOIS-Genuine cod-oil tanned In England. ;They last longer'- Clean better. Standard aim Medium size Largo size WASHING rummies - For fenders. chasms, wheels, etc. .22 .49 .59 WONDER WASH - A little added to water used in cleaning car will cut washing time to half. Self-drying-no chamoising or polishing necessary. 5-ounce can .24 RADIATOR FLUSH OR SOLDER. 19. .29 CHROME POLISH, instantly and harm-lessly removes rust and stains from bumpers, etc. .29 TIRE COATING, White Black ARMOR-COAT retouching or AticoTtfo)plZta"alni* rob! Really applied, dries quickly. leaves to brush marks. Ralf Not .59 one Quart 1.75 ounce can .44 .59 U U a a WINGHAM, ONT. 74 ..,1 Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell hi ss GORRIE, ONT. I Phone 38 -1. R. H. Carson & Son GORRIE Major and Mrs, Walker, Stratford, their sons, Lloyd and John Walker of Toronto, and Miss Olive B. Adnams, Hungerford, Berkshire, England, were guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. J. C. Caley and Mr. Caley on Suoday. Mrs. R. A. VanStotie, Miss Alice Reading of Winghatn, and Miss Me- Ewen of Clifford, called on Mrs. Phil- ip Harding on Sunday evening,. Rev. J. C. Caley is attending the Synod of Huron. Diocese in London this week, also visiting his parents, SIMPLIFIED SKIN CARE Olt 04 Skieft Designed to do the most for the skin in the shortest mea- sure of time. Milky Ligitid Cleanser, 2.50 Ardena Skin Tonic, 1.25 to 9.75 Astringent Cream, 2.50 and 150 Velva Cream Al ask, 2.50 and 6.00 Lille Lotion, L85 or All-Day Foundation, 1.25 McKibbons U EM1111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111131111111111111111111311111111111111111111111111111111117 at Rodney. Miss Betty Howse of Brantford, was a week-end visitor at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wellington spent Sunday afternoon in Hanover. Mr. Main Boyce is a patient in the Listowel Hospital, Miss Doreen Harrison was home from Harriston for the week-end. Miss Shirley Newton of Wroseter, ryas a guest of ,Miss Eleanor Stephens, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graham, Betty and Alex of Toronto, spent the week- end with relatives here. Mrs. Wilmot Charles has retutsed front Victoria Hospital Lontloo, where she has been a patient for swine time. Miss Janice Strong retooled. to Kit- chener on Saturday after spending a three week vacation at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Strong. Mr. Philip Harding was a Toronto Visitor from Friday to Monday. Show has been given fifteen times speaks well for its popularity, Nem- hers particularly' enjoyed the latter half of the programme were; "The Teddy Bears Picnic" sung by a small boy, a wedding scene, and old time square dancing when some of the gen- tlemen appeared in feminine attire as dancing partners. Mrs. King of Tees- water was pianist, Gordo W.I. The May meeting of the Gorrie W. I. was held on Tuesday, May '11th, at the home of Ws, Murray Edgar. The president, Mrs. Percy Ashton was in the chair. This is Mrs. Ashton's sec- ond year as president, and she thanked the members for their splendid co-op- eration during the past year, .tnd with the same co-operation feels we can again have a very successful year, Mrs, Wilfred King read the audit's report, and it was indeed a splendid report. Mrs. Glen Johnston gave the 1etails of the coming visit to Brussels on June 1st, each delegate attending to take a pie. Volunteers were asked for to assist at the Chest X-ray Clinic spoils >red by the Lions Club that is to be held in Gorrie Township Hall on June 23rd and 24th. A number of thank you cards were read by those who had received cheer boxes. A letter was read from the department concerning the raising of fees, a discussion followed and it was decided to raise the fee to 50 cents. A committee was appointed to arrange for transportation to Bayfield for Achievement Day of the Girls' course. Current events prepared by Mrs. Art. Stephens was read by Mrs. Allan Hyndman, The Roll Call was payment of fees, and something I En- joyed in last year's program. At this point Mrs. Clarence Spar- ling and Mrs. Glad Edgar favored with a duet, an Apple Blossom Wedding. The ladies of the newly formed branch of Molesworth were guests at this meeting, also the District President, Mrs. J, Armstrong and the District Secretary Treasurer, Mrs, Stan Wheel- er of Brussels. Mrs. Armstrong gave a splendid talk on the slogan, Hats off to the past, coats off to the future, Mrs. C. Wilson gave the motto, child- ren have more -need of models than of critics. Little Bonnie Sparling then sang very sweetly, I'm looking over a four leaf clover I overlooked before. g Mrs. Wellington gave an interesting = paper on Friendship. Erland Gregg had P. a demonstration on a bound button • • hole, after which Mrs. Wheeler gave a short talk on "Cheer", to have a pleasant front, a good front,. to give and spread hapbilless all through the year. She showed samples of cheer- -a • folly wrapped parcels, at very little a▪ or no cost, from scraps of lace, or of paper doilies, etc, her talk and exhibit fit were very much enjoyed indeed. The meeting closed by singing the King, and a very dainty lunch was then set- ved by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. Baylor and Mrs. Wm. Smith, bringing to a close a very enjoyable meeting. • The Institute is sponsoring a play a on the evening of June 2nd., by Har- i riston talent•in aid of "Parcels for Britain." U ITI Mrs. Wm. H. Gregg Death came with startling sudden- ness to an esteemed resident, Mrs. W. H. Gregg on Saturday afternoon about • 5 p.m., who passed away while on her W way to the post office. She had been = in her usual health and was busy in the garden during the afternoon. Fun- eral service was held on Tuesday at 2.30 p.m., from her home. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family in their sudden bereavement. A gathering of the Edgar family was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Brown, Moles- worth, ill honour of the 8fith birthday of ;Mrs. Brown's father, Mr. Ales. Ed- gar. Mr. Edgar is enjoying fairly good health for his years. We wish him many more naplor birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown tool John, enjoyed a drive through Ontario's fruit belt cm Sunday and Monday viewing the blossoms. Acknowledged leader of barley pro- duction work in Canada, Prof. T. J. Harrison of Winnipeg, who, has com- bined farming and scientific agricultur- al work throughout his lengthy career as a leading Canadian agronomist, has just assumed his position as Director of the Barley Improvement Institute. Prof. Harrison has resigned his pos- ition as Assistant Grain Commissioner for Manitoba to devote full time to the administration of the Institute, sponsor- ed 'by the brewing and malting indus- tries of Canada to co-ordinate research, economics and extension of barley im- provement work across the country, from its offices and laboratory in Winnipeg. BELGRAVE The Happy Hearts Mission Band of the United Church met Sunday morn- ing with a good attendance. The meeting was opened with the Call to worship and prayer by the president, Marlene MacKenzie, Hymn 154 was sung and the Scripture was taken from the Hymn Book by unison. Evelyn Cook sang, "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus" and Marilyn Moores Played a piano solo, "Minuet". Mrs. Anderson told a story on China. A story "Rides in China" was taken by a number of boys and girls, Clifford and Donald Coultes, George Procter, Lois Walker, Eleanor Walsh and Ruth Procter. The meeting closed with hymn 111, Jesus Loves Me and closing prayer. Belgrave's first home game in the "C" series will be held on May 26th, when they will play with Harriston. In the Belgrave Athletic Associa- tion League the first three games were played on Friday night, with the fol- lowing results: Belgrave at St. Augus- tine 18-12 for Belgrave; Sunshine at Brick, 12-5 for Brick; Westfield at Stone School 9-6 for Westfield, Mr. Ross Taylor of the sixth of East Wawanosh lots purchased a Shorthorn cow with a splendid red bull calf sired by Majestic Remembrance, one of the leading Show bullS of Ontario, at the price of $435.00. These fine animals arc from the herd of J. Fraser McFar- lane of Ailsa Craig. Donald Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of the ninth of East Wa- wanosh, was injured when a dead limb fell on his head rendering his unct in- I scious. He and \Vm. Nethery WVEC coning a tree with a chain saw, on the i farm of Norman Walsh, when the dead 'limb fell front above The injured man 'was taken to Wineham Hospital by ambulance where he is suffering from skull fracture and tiodetermined neck injuries His little son has been in the hospital in Loudon for four weeks, and is now '411tiNvitig considerable int- proVellielit BORN-On May 8th, 1048, to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sholdioe nee Ruth Neth- ery of Swan River, Manitoba, a son, 'Wayne Gordon. Mr. am). Mrs. James Bowden and Mrs. Alex Leitch of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Leitch. Mr, David Soot has returned to Melgrave, after viidling his niece, Mrs. Mills of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and chil- dren spent Sunday 'Willi friends in El- mira and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, loorence Norman were ill London the first of this week. Mrs. Irwin and Mrs. Campbell and children of Wingham visited .with Mrs. A. M. Perdue. Miss Joan lirsoloes spent the week- end iii Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Leitch spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Leitch. Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler and George of London slat lit the week-end here. I Mrs. Nicholson lois returned to Bel- 1 grave and has bowels her sister, Mrs. Robertson, who has been ill, with her. Miss 'Gwen Finnigan of Dungannon, !now of Stratford Normal School, has accepted a position on the teachiog, staff of East Wawanosh School Board, l begirming in September at No. P, 'Cur- ti e's. A.V,P.A. Meets The last A.Y.P.A. meeting for this season was held at the home of Alex. land Isabelle Nethery last Friday even- ing. After Mr. Henderson opened the :meeting the President, Nora VanCamp !took ,charge, In the absence of the Secretary, Audrey Bradborti read the thinutes 'of the previous meeting. The 'Treasurer's report was given. Dates for presenting The play were settled, and Audrey Tirartbutt arid Norma Brydges were placed in !charge of booking the play for future perform- antes. Mr. Henderson continued with a a n a a a n U U U a U I a U National Film Showing The National Filo, Boanl pictures will be shown in the on May 25tii, at 8,30 p.m., with Mr. Roy lit charge. Of particular interest will be a review of the Royal wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lord Mountbatten. Ad- ditional films will be Health picttire, Canada Dances, presenting the slow: tempo of the Indian religious dancing and National Dances. The People's Charter, United Nation Confereose and Miters. Everyone is welcome to attend and no charge is made. Miss Dorothy Downey rf Harris ton, was home for the week-end. gr. Carter McKee of Galt, was ill town on Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. Frances Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Strong, Roy and Stewart, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pennington, Teeswater. Minstrel Show The town hall was filled to capacity on Friday night when "35 'Colored Gentlemen" from Teeswater put en a splendid program of songs, dation and humorous stories. The evening's en- tertainment was sponsored by the Young People's Union of the 'United Church. The fact that this Minstrel anvil ma" 'Phone 475 Wingham DRAPERY SLIP COVERS Made-to-Order VENETIAN BLINDS Lamps Antiques Books Pictures GWTWARE Gifts for Occasions C. C. McKIBBON HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. O. Optometrist for Over 25 'Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment.