HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-05-19, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News Single Copies — Five Cents W1NGHAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1948 Subscription, $2,00 a Year in Advance NEW RECREATION OFFICERS ELECTED WINGHAM LIONS HELD ARMY NIGHT HOWICK TOWNSHIP (FREE TUBERCULOSIS HONORS WAR DEAD SURVEY PLANNED MANY VISITORS VIEW EXHIBITS 1..•••••••,1011.111, At Open Night At Wingham District High School BEADIER LAUDS WINfilIAM CADETS At Their Annual Inspection Friday Afternoon COUNCIL APPROVES HOUSINfi PLANS Addressed By Brig. H. A. Sperling, C.B.E,, D.S.O., Of London FOR HURON COUNTY Work Of Erecting Fifty Houses To Commence Immediately Unveiling and Dedication Of Memorial Plaque Held On Sunday On Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the unveiling and dedication service of Howick Township Memorial Plaque was held in the Memorial Park, Ford- wich, in commemoration of V. E. Day, The Howick Legion attended in a body and Rev. G. G. Howse, Chap- lain of the Howick Branch, was in charge of the service, with other local ministers assisting. Addresses were given by Col, R. S. Hetherington, K. C,, M,B.E., and Rev, A. Nimmo, both of Wingham, Deputy Reeve E, J. Farrish unveiled the plaque and Reeve John Winter read the names of How- ick boys who gave their lives in the 2nd. 'world war; Monty J. Brothers, Wm. K. Cowan, Harvey A. Dunn, Milton E, Evers, Wm. Haeberle, John Horsburg, Jack Newton, Arnold. Stin- son, Gordon Topham, Wilmot Wallace, Frank Warren, John Weir and Keith Williamson. After reading the names and prayer the last post was sounded. Mr. A. D. MacWilliam President a—a s If enthusiasm and genuine interest means anything then Recreation should have a big year, Last Tuesday in the Town Halt a good many of Wingham citizens listened to the re- port of the past year's activities, When ,asked to comment, several people re- marked the extent of the work cover- -mad by the Recreation Council, Emery Stuckey, Vice-President last year was chairman, Mrs, G. W. Tiffin gave the annual report and an account -of the Oshawa Recreation Conference. This was followed by a report by the Director or Recreation, Mr. Sam Bur- ton who stressed that the past year's work was only possible through the combined efforts of many people. When speaking about last summer's program, Mr. Burton had special praise for the Softball Association so ably managed by Mr. Alex Coutts and his executive. Election Held Election of officers was next on the list. Mr. Don Naismith, chairman of -the nominating committee read his re- port, at the conclusion of which it was unanimously adopted. The new officers are as follows: President—A. D. MacWilliam Vice-Pres.—Ron Rae. Treasurer—Clayton Gammage Secretary—Mrs. G. W. Tiffin Directors: Frank Howson, Harold 'Wild, T. W. Platt, Robert Ferguson. Playground Program This Summer Plans arc tinder way for an exten- sive playground program to look after children between the ages of 5 to 8 years. Some younger children may also be included. A playground supervisor is to he engaged for the summer. Much volunteer help will also be necessary, but in view of the assistance given in Y. McPherson and J. H. Crawford; DASHWOOD—June 3, 1 to 9 tem, date of receiving new applications I lately. making any change in old contracts is I courtesy of Lieut. Col. R. S. Mettler-1 I ington, M.B.E, E,D., officer Com- Saturday, May 22nd. affiliated. 'mantling with which the Cadet Corp iiuRoN COUNTY . Engagement Announced The officers of the Cadet Corps are: borne St., London, wish to announce . Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Dark, 842 Col- Company Commander Russell Pen-1 FEDERATION NEVtIS nington; Second-in-Command, Vivien Ernest; . Company Sergeant Major, 1 the engagement of their eldest daueb- ter, Eileen Elizabeth, RaN„ to John. Dates Set For Nine Clinics The "Wingham High School Open The annual inspection of the Wing- A special meeting of the Wingham Throughout the County Night was very successful both from ham High School Cadet Corps was Town Council was held on Saturday Huron Tuberculosis As- 07—.....,:unty- the number of visitors to the school held on Friday afternoon at the town afternoon to meet with Messrs, Mc- The and the interest shown in the exhibits Park, under very favorable' weather Pherson and Spencer of the Central, sociation has completed arrangements conditions. Many visitors were present Mortgage and Housing Corporation with the Department of Health for free of the pupils and in the appearance _ to view the drill and physical training. and discuss with them the housing chest X-rays for all the people ot of the rooms. Over five hundred visit the County. These arrangements were ors from the community showed their Headed by the school bugle band, situation, made at a meeting of the Executive enthusiasm for education by visiting augmented by a girl's section, the Ca- The edit-twit was informed that no representatives of the Lions Clubs the school, Particular interest was dets paraded to the park, and much tender had been accepted for the er-andin the County. Rev. W. A, Beecroft, shown in the new building which con- favorable comment was passed on their ection of the 50 houses, owing to the the Chairman, presided at the meeting. taint> the Shop Work and the Home appearance. The inspecting officers fact that all prices received were too, year most successful clinics Economics room. Coffee and cookies were: Brig. H. A. Sparling, C.B.E., D. high, to keep within the approved rent-Last S.O„ Cominander of Western Ontario al docket. were held at !Goderiph and Wingham at were served in the Home Economics Military Area; and Lieut. D. C. Irwin, which some 8,000 people had this free room. The High School Board and the An alternative plan was presented assistant Cadet Training Officer for whereby 40 Halliday Houses and 10 as chest examination. Since the response Staff received many complimentary was so gratifying in these centres remarks from the visitors who express- Western Ontario, originally planned be built. A consider- the committee is certain that the clip- tde the hope that Open Night would The program consisted of the gen- able saving could be made by this ics arranged for this year will be well be an annual event, eral salute, inspection of ranks, March plan, as most of the lumber would Past, advance in review order, platoon come ready cut, but would not be pre- attended. drill girls' and boys' physical training fabricated. Local committees; are being set up in WOMEN'S INSTITUTE and demonstration. At the conclusion the Towns and Villages to arrange for Plans of the houses were presented, the house to house canvas and all other — of the program Brig. Sperling con- gratulated the Cadets upon their effie- the two bedroom house dimension is details of the clinics. It was pointed The regular meeting of the Wo- 28x28 feet, while the three bedroom iency, Cadet discipline will have a two out that all Church Organizations, In- mee's _Institute will be held in the house dimension is 22x38 feet. AB etitutes and Service Clubs and the local Council Chamber, at 2,30 p.m., on fold benefit, he said, better students in houses would have basements with BRIDGE CLUB authorities will wish to assist in this Thursday, May 20th. A special feature in the program will be the showing of and youth at home. school and closer ties between parents The following demonstrations were wash tubs and furnaces. The grounds would be landscaped — work. As these X-ray Examinations are pictures on how to beautify the home shown: Radio Telephony, operating and seeded, with' cement sidewalk and Six and a half tables were present free and take but a few seconds every and surroundings by Mr. LeRoy "19" sets, Joseph Brown, James Hall, crushed gravel driveway to each house, on Thursday evening at the weekly citizen usually attends, The cost of the Brown, Agricultural Representative of Telephone Exchange, John Armitage; The Council was much impressed meeting of the Wingham Bridge Club. films is paid by the Huron County Huron County. The roll call will be Field Telephones, Willard Platt, Stew- with the new plans and feel that the The result of the play was as follows. Tuberculosis Association which re- answered with an exchange of bulbs art Nimmo, Douglas Richey, Carman Halliday houses were if anything sup- North and South-1st., J. A. M iss ceives its funds from the annual sale and seeds, All members are urged to Craig; First Aid, George Gammage, erior to the original plans, and accept- son and Dune Kennedy 2nd., Miss of Christmas Seals. The people of Hur- take part. The hostesses for the meet- ing are Mrs. Wm. Field, Mrs. W. J. Murray Stainton, Wm. Johnston, ed the proposition to erect 30 five room (3 bedroom) houses, and 20 4 Mary Johnston and Mrs. F. Sturdy; on County have supported this Christ- James Irwin, Harold Pennington. A room (2 bedroom) houses. 3rd„ Mrs. Dyble and Miss McCallum; etas Seal Campaign° and we know they Greer, Mrs. E, Walker, Mrs. Carl new feature this year was Anti-Tank Monday evening a telegram was re- 4th, Mrs. G. MacKay and G. MacKay, are interested in the X-ray Program, Deans, Mrs. Win. Conran, Mrs. A. T. Gun Drill, in charge of Sgt. H. Brooks ceived advising the Council that the East and West—tied for 1st. and The following is the list of dates end Ford, and Mrs, R. Hammond. of the 99th Anti-Tank Battery. 2nd., Mrs. J. H, Crawford and Mrs. places of the clinics: Any Institute member wishing the contract had been awarded to the The equipment used in the demon- Parker Construction Co, of Exeter, D. B. Porter, ,Mrs, I). Nesmith and Blue Cross Insurance must contact EXETER—May 31, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Mrs. (Dr.) Parker immediately. Final nstration ,was kindly • loaned by I Mrs. R. S. Hetherington; 3rd, Miss to June 2, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or ,21st. AT I., Reg t. R.C.A.through the,. tie and who intend starting work immed- 4th, Mrs. Herb Campbell and Geo. to June 4, 10 a. m. to 3 p.m. Williams. ZURICH—June 7,"10 a.m„ to 9 p.m., to June 8, 10 a.m., to 3 pen. HENSALL—June 9, 1 to 9 p.m., to Legion Auxiliary Meeting "Army Night" was fittingly cele- brated at the regular . Lions Diener at the Brunswick Hotel last Friday evening. Many of the guests were members of the local Anti-Tank Bat- tery with Brigadier H. A. Sparling of London as chief guest, President Frank Madill welcomed the guests and asked Co, Bob Hetherington to in- troduce Brig. Sparling, the guest speaker of the evening, Lion Bob recalled that Brig. Sper- ling was a graduate of the Royal Mil- itary College of Kingston and he had served in a high position in England and later in Italy and in Europe. His talents had. been recognized and he had been awarded the C.B.E., D.S.O., and the Legion of Merit. Brig. Sparling expressed his pleas- ure at 'being present and proceeded to outline the three divisions of the Army. The Active Force was made up of men fully employed in the service. The Reserve Force was made up of a large number of -units located across the country and the personnel were large- ly men who had steady occupations but were taking training in spare time. The Supplementary Reserve was made up of those who had served on active service and who could be felled upon to serve again should occasion arise. He wished to dwell upon the Re- serve Force. In this area the 21st Anti Tank Regiment was the most familiar Reserve Unit. He felt that good leader- ship was being given by Col. Hether- ington. The local Battery was equip- ped with 17-pounder guns and their duty was to learn to destroy tanks, concrete emplacements and strong points, It is a fine gun with high muz- zle velocity. The personnel required to the past there seems to be little doubt operate this equipment would be well that this will be forthcoming. trained as a team to get the best out A full account of the plans for the of this weapon, He emphasized that coming summer will be published later. Military training was planned to en- Help Needed courage Loyalty, Courage and Self June 10, 10 aan. to 3 p.m. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion SEAFORTH—lune 11, 1 to 9 p.m., to will hold their monthly meeting next 14 10 • . 0 George Gammage; Platoon Command- We wish to extend an invitation to ors James Hall, John Armitage, Mary Ross, Lois Lockridge, Barbara New- man; Platoon Sergeants, Murray Staintnn, Fred Riehl, Jean Adair, Juan Hiseler, Doris Shiell; Band Sergeant, Wally Haselgrove. deleeattens from other t menthes to attend our Sixth Annual Field Day to.) be held, this year, in (h"lerieh, the "Prettiest Town in Canada", en \Vole ranilay, June 16th. Wm. believe yen 'Mein profit 'by OW' years of experience and be interested in seeing just Lew we Discipline, Youth and Physical Fit- is again stressed that no program e , ness were stressed, At se-rimier camps Tuesday evening, May 25th, at 8 pain, CLINTON—June 15, 1 to 9 p.m„ to can succeed without the aid of the t h e practical phases of the training in the Legion House. A social hour af-. Kenneth Clark, only son of Mr. end June 16, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. people, Those who have helped have mere carried out, Mrs A.E. Clark Auburn. The mar- thoroughly enjoyed themselves while I The •Canadian Army was the le oat eloing so. Why riot offer YOUR as- ,ern. of the citizens of Canada and sistance? Remember the program is in r i n.. snarling felt that citizens should fer YOUR Town and for YOUR 'get behind the Reserve units and en- benefit, !courage them in every way. In this way an efficient force would be ready et and lunch GIRLS' SOFTBALL BuTH—June 174 to 9 pme, to June 18, 10 mem., to S pee. riage to take place, Colborne St. BRUSSELS—June 19, 1 to 9 p.m, to .United Church, June 5th, 194S, at 2 Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Robert McInnes of p.m, June 22, 10 rem, to 3 p.m, Teeswater, wish to announce the en- GORRIE—June 23, 1 to 9 t gagemeet of their only daughter, Mary June 24th, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Elizabeth, to John Anson Thornton, LIONS HOLDING Sunday Midnight Dance ,mann;4e things in Huron. A Field Day 01.1111•••=.M.M. to serve Canada in any etnerguiey son of Mr. and afrs. Anson Thornton,can be a profitable as well as an el- JULY FROLIC ovithout delay. Lion Dr. Ross express- of Gorrie. The marriage to taise place The Dutch Detective fiROUP SCHEDULE, At Resell T Dancing commences 12.05 joyable venture, l ed the thank of the Lions to Brig, the latter part of May, The Wingham Lions Club has an. i Sparling for coining to Town and felt A most cordial meeting was held last A 3 Act Comedy Drama will be • May 24th. Music by Erie Scutt and his Thursday evening, May 13th, with the n minced the dates for its annual that citizens should co-operate in se- ,mesented in the Forester's Hall, Bel- Ille following is the girls" gruup one, ')relleritra, vocals by jean Peckham, frolic, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, curing recruits for the Battery. Lio.n sdrifieti:all schedule, comprised of Kinear- Admission gentlemen 75e, ladle: 50c. SOFTBALL GROUP grave, by the Dr:unatic Club of al el- July 8th, 9th and 10th, A midway with Bill ,McCool added his spprecietion , vine l'resbaterian Church, Wingliam, Ripley, Gutierich, DATES ARRANfiED. s.i.„.„.Fsviidioai,;„,,,,,I,,,,,.intait.2tr.i)ryj:)1.iiist.::: '. l.u.cluit)w vimaezr,r)5tv'i xtlii )ritlel , tet!ticniet,- ,Ireiriicticition. Tit erten. May 23 will be the Taking Course At Ford Motors Mn jack Kin.:, serviee mmeezaeer „i ri!erillt;! ..1)(1( t" nilakP till,atIt tela! a ferris wheel and other rides has and felt that the 99th Flattery had all •Goderich Board of Trade in tin lynch, commeetien with arraneenmenta ior me 16th. The Board of Trade is eam. been engaged. Further details will be excellent staff of officers and men l'Huron Meters, 1\lnalattn. is eta:menus; 'evel" t '!`' ''''''''t at'" 2111`t "1-t ecet-in' announced later. under . the ineton tie . . jot Belgrave, in aid of the I3eigrate hilt- 3 T•I tverton Lueknow iSiti•vice Manager's Scheel at the Ford • e • " • • ta date The Altenertut ennttmany of Bert Platt. Presideut 1.rank adil \l i — tan haa annennemei a $11.1,1ay of rams-. Amlinission, :mmluits 35e. ehildren . - Group 5 of the W.O.A.A, intermed- 0- roc. Kincardine at Witieham ".'SImmtor Cm.m., in V% nn 1. liar, weea. an Aluminum 14 ,.1t1 Barn. Spring Tea To Be Held I. . • e • • s ke late "C" Series has arranged the fols pia 28—Guderich at 'river:sari . Cur lasiereIet niAes lorry Nelann thanks to Brig. Sperling and VI:Hiked. !Attended Graduation A Spring Tea also a sale of home' lowing date. The group includes Ilar- Winglizem at Ripley him for coming tip to inspect the Ca-. . (lets in the afternoon, baking aud children's sun suits will .be vision an "A" team, Brussels "11" and • Kincardine at Lucknew. ; 'Ma znel alrs. j. J. aleffats of .every seem-- .in hie new &tie, ate \s- LIU MEETS 1 desboro and Stone School, a group .11••••••••••••••••• me i M r. sing Thee leatimit .sistant Americultural Repreaerettire ptc June 1—Goderich. Ki near-bee ,a 16;4(i.. atta,,h,,i itv.„ t cr), Li; n itt "—Tiverton at Witte :liana winner to be decided by July 12th. Report Shows Successful Year June Lucknew at Ripka. !and eraduatiamm exertises at Stratatr•1 ,zornitta marristee to a titn„11 ttri. Niay 19 Harriston at Britesels iNorinal Friday. :NW 1.4th, when! lty girl, \‘'m tame maw nen .‘„,naut June 4—NVingimarn at Godermelt me )1Aa ricnitural Representative. t te', Rene Menet ee Elliott was a ,..ralnatie t_hurelt, on Saturday, May 2901, •tintier the auspices of the Women's Assecia- time Keep the date open. Engagement Announced The engagement is mute:mead of Peggy, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McLeod of Glasgow, Scot- land, to Robert James Ross, eon of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ross of White- -church. Time marriage to take place ie the Caliber's Presbyterian Church, Whittehurch, on the 28tIm of May. ST ANDREW'S , MONTHLY MEETING 31 Belgrave at L•ondesburo nature. Likewise it was aottesml that 'tall ,•„111 0,1,-..I IA itii• t ,S,,prinx.e,.t....m...,..tlatItrt 2 Stone Scheel at alarriston Wingliam tiem•ral Hospital. to the e x- I SIP. ,Wint.:` 1:P;i1 t'',1:, 2 Wroxeter at Belgrave tent of taking out a membership for . tell I: mine last week after spellain e the .....et.„'5 a. '• June 1d•--'Tiverton at eiuderiaim, /nee 15—Ripley at Kinn:mime, Wineliam lamelaiew. June 18—tioderic'e aess. teitglman. Kineardine at Tiverton.- lateknew at \\Ingham. it it it it it mm jttne it 44 held. in the school room of the United Belgrave, Wroxeter, Fordwich, Lon- President Frank announced ',aches Night for May 28th, MaeWils giant invited the Lious to take advan- tage of the Open Night and inspect the High School. Taittwister Wally Arm- strong was on time job. During, the Bull Call, ,Lions Will. Cruiekshatek„ Rhys, Pollock and Run Rae answered with the Chamber of Commeece Slogan, "Clean Up, Paint Up and Spruce Up". Lion Ken Kerr was accusea of dispos- ing of a popular hair tonic to sonic of the Lions and was fined for advertis- ing, Lions Ross, MeCool, Nesmith, Walt. MeKilibota Harley Crawford and MaeWilliani offered 'file White Cliffs of Dover" and Lions responded with "Out time Window They Must 1. Go." Lion Jack Reavie with Lioe Hero! V. Pynt at the piano offered two solos which were murh appreciated. Lion Mike McPhail, Chairman of the Frolic Committee announced the armed Frol- ic for July 8, 9, 19, end passed out lists , of assignments for Lions, Lion jack ISteKibbon, the newest father in the Club was addressed by Lion Doc Ir- win and after Answering ,many guess! lions as to his -capabilities as father Was given a. test song "Sing a Song of Six pence?' He was duly presented With the silver cup for his new laugh- (Continued on page four) Luctatow at Goderielm. surer are more effeetive than athers. ;Alma est weather. Shower rot Outgoing Missienary A very pleasant evening teas melon 'on Thureday last at the home of Mr. ate' Mrs. Cenclair Phippen hons our of Miss Laura Collar, when friends of the Senior Women', Mission Circle of time Baptist Church, ,gathered Time regular monthly meeting, of the 'Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held in the Sunday School room on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock, There was a splendid attendance, and the President, Mrs. L. Fortune occup- ied the -chair, and opened time meeting, with Prayer. The topic for this meeting was "'Make Canada Thine Own", which was very ably conducted by Mrs, Geo. Day and 1hiiss Jean Wilton, whose- papers were most interesting and in- structive. Prayer was offered by M. II. Gilmour, and the Scripture Read- ing and comments were given by Mrs. Norman Fry, the theme of which was "Good Samaritans." The Secretary's report was read, =and general business of the meeting con- ducted. Arrangements were made for sending delegates to the Presbyterial Meeting which is being 'held in Lucknow next Tuesday, May 1811, - The 'rivet special delegates chosen were Mrs. Ws Ford -arid Miss A. Mitcliell, The offering 'was n`eceived and Mrs, l‘aeltay gave the Dedicatoty Pray- er. The Treat-manes report was read- and adopted. Aster the singing or the, closing Hymn, the meeting Was closed with Prayer by Mrs. E. Hastings, ar as as 'July tt to To ge Or Nut To Be That IS the Question! To date we still lack about 50 adult and 40 student memberships necessary to make the concert series possible next Fall. We believe people want the concerts but we must again stress that no artists can be definitely -engaged until enough memberships have been sold, Remember too that if artists are booked this Spring we have a far bet-i choice, If we have to wait until Fall to do Mir •booking we will only get what is left over, The question: no WE WANT THESE CONCERTS? Evety Saturday Aright at the Royal T. to the InuSie of Ken Wilbees or ehestra, front to 12, Moderate ad- mission, " 20 Belgrave at Wroxeter The Catholic Women's Lemigue of Lucknow ;a Titertsai. 1 -0 lik li. Se. .%. win 11..! .ioz a alemate , le r. " 21 Lottdesboro at Fordwich Sacred Heim. Catirch, held their an- Kincardine at Riplet. 25 Brussels at Lotidesboro ntial meeting en Mav 9111, Mrs. Marvin June 8• lemearmline at tio4Ierielt. . le ; s ,Accepts Position In New York'n . inn his z4a.,; in T i n,...,i, Mr , it ,muffle ara.e- .siatistrgies. s am ,,f Mr. anti ,,,...nit ,„ .1,, u, ii.,,lu 1,,,.,.1 ,,,,,,1 it ... 25 Fordwich at Stone Sellout Smith, pres id ent, ma ccupied the ellen., Ripley at Lucknuw. „ . , ilIrs• \V. W. Arttl"t1"11"" wh'.' 1.1as sjstt:t !I:auntie.. Hi' evade:ea-4 in t94.. aav- 26 IIarriston at Belgrave :A report ed tin' ;ear's activities mead tanignam at lati•rton. _. une 10—liserton et Kincardine, „versity ,li T.w.,,utv., left oil Friday for nsan e„, eassete lme sarnee.; 3 el3e. on .,. pzolaPki..41 an Art!'4 0"ttree :at the L-.th'in.., ,ii,tin.J.6.1.,i:e,1 hitost.M. tharire his 28 Wroseter at Fordtvich . by the Seereemre, proved .a moat mean J 28 Luntlesborme Stone School • ceesful year. Time activities nets; net June 11—Ripley at Wingham• !oN't'w Yurk• where Ile has aNk'1,4"1 a Alm c.41,,,.. lAk. St.0.7k. Judging Teens. 29 Brussels at Harriston only paroellial Int were of a diocesan Goderielt at Lucke. To itineitisal in the %Alit:a' oaf the Cana,lian ' s.)rin.. se....fin, in Huron its practie ;a, ,rim,, ... 1P `s• Arrives Home From Florida 1. Ferilwielt at Brussels the C.\V.L. won interested in. 1 t Dr, and Mrs. R. C. Redneaul arrii....I'In*I'v,I.` I- ti'' I''n'-`• III.L.-'!`1. I' .I . 41 It 5 Hmegiston at Lontlesboro .1th-titer in time excellent work that is . June 22—Lacknow at Kinmemniine. " 1-1.71i'ml.tit'!t7s- 'irlmitIlli tt:i:eltri‘Iti-7eti.i?atst lirlt•k I tttri tQ'it;'',.:g'ta::'-'113e."'; :1,1.1.,a-,::::'::;'"E.:':1;;-;""11171.11':'-":;::1:::';i:: I''' it te- r, 4 Stone School at Vordwiel the next six yeare. It is the desire of 4 Brossels at Wroxeter the C.W.L. that they be .able to assist , „ 8 Fordwich at Wroxeter being done by the Wingham •Gener.0 , Goderich at \,Vitthan. I , 1....r, :ii' ....,,,, l and April that resentbleti our gas* i r +.:1,' Ca111:,a!,:li, . is ea ,- 'ea - sse • 9 Belgrave at Stone Hospital. The pasts', 12-ete la j. Paiels- June 23—Tiverton at MOAT. e 9 Brussels at Stone School liu, thanked the retiring Executive tor June l4--t\ at Kincardine. !certain solutions and ei:Itait, intilvals *I ii. stone School, Londesbor their faithful services eluting the nest June 25—Ripley at Tiverton. 'of apalication anti certain -.tasty vres. t't " 11. Brussels at Forattich year. During the nomination and elec- The authorities- are learein4s a ,:react " 12 Wroxeter et Hartistoe tion of officere for the year 194849, Julie 29—Ripley at Goderiele t1t:a1 in Kincardine at Winehant. Cf'3Incetioti with time proper " 14 Brussels at Belgrave Mrs. John Ernest occupied the chair, teintrs of the Warble Fly. " 16 Storm School at Wroxeter Mrs. Ertiest pros ed to be an ,exeellent Tiverton at Ripley. 16 Lontlesboro at Hattistort choice -and the election of officers pro- June SO—Wingliant at Ripley. iatDiolilitl iaragnanm(Xeleitlutill1;i's7 Sl.p*atritTeeersi'epA.:5tsne; 0 " 16 Belgrave at Brussels ceeded without delay. .The following July 2—Goderich at Tiverton, menthership of over 100 entlinsiaatie " 18 Harristot at Fordwielt were elected to I'lif i ce : President, Mrs. Lucknow at Kincardine. to present Laura with a kitchen shows' Young people -awl keen lingered 15 19 Stone School at Belgrave C. Nennean; Vice-Tres,, ..Mrs, at. July 6—tioderich at Kincardine. er before her departur.e to Nigeria ae a shown in this new organization,. . mm Yt* Mrs. Alen Tiverton at Wingliant. . Missionary. 21 Stone School at• Brussels Gamble, 2nd. Viees Pres., .Mrs. John it Clinton junior •Farmers liel•I titeitee • 22 Fordwich at Londesboro , tritest; '8rd. Vice-PreS„ July 7—Lucknow at Ripley. The evening was spent in a. pto. last meeting in the Clinton Collegiatel "July 9—Kinc.ardine at Lucknow. . gram presented by the ladies of the Institute on Tuesday, ,May 11.1h. Theie ' mm 23 Harristott at Stone School' Skiniv; Secretary, Mrs, Marvin Smith; "25 Wtoxeter at Stone School Teasuren Miss Ann Morrison. Ripley at 'Tiverton, Circle consieting ox prayer, Bible report a very interesting and 'enjoyable Wingham at Goderiele " 25 L•oridesboro at Brussels' The new Executive called a meeting 001.28, auetS, 'quartettes, poems and time. At this meeting they denatemt. sm July 18—Ripley et Lucknow. $150.00 to the new wing of the Clinton 25 Belgrave at Fordwich for May Ilth, at the home of MIS. C. musical numbers. 2G ..Herristorm at Wroxeter Newman, when plans for the year's Kincardine at Goderich. July 14—Wingliani at Tivetton. During the evening, Mts. H. 'Collar, Public Hospital. Congratulations., boys 29 Londesboro at 13elgrave activities were formed. The first, will. mother of Laura, was presented With and girle. July 15—Tiverton at Kincardine. Huron County's year Book will he 29 .Fordwieli at Harristem be a membership drive-, others will be a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Godetich at Lucknow. off the press about June 1st, lie sure. 2 Londesboro at Wroxeter discussed at the next meetitig to be After the gifts were opened, the 3 Belgrave at Stone School held ott. June '601, A dainty tench was . Ripley At Wingitam. to read it. and in appretiation, renients July 20—Lucknow• at Goderiele guest of honour very 'kindly thanked 9 Fordwidt et Belgrave toiled by the new President, 11\frs. A.Vinghent at Kincardine. alifnr utmliseirseinteedresbty in tilii:r. hAos.tdettletsy, htheard edil le stIls1 many Yk possible'. advertisers ible. Of wspheotialliaivnem• .7 Wtoxeter at Brussels Netvineri. The meeting adjourned. 9 Wtoaeter at LondeShoto , July 21 Tiverton at Ripley, lunch . , ,- ,....... jaily 23—Goderich at -Ripley, Mts. Phippeti .aed Mrs. Clark end a feercersett :aarrye21,1tttetacsluesrebry \oy. timeI. 'fionti-rtiorino, . tune of fellowship tax much enjoyed. S ..... Annual Spiting Tea Kintardirte at Tiverton. Hog Produeera and Marketing Board, D A N t I- NI T. Women's Auxiliary to the Lag- July 21—Tiverton at Goderich. Lneknow -at Witt gloat, • Sunday blither At ,:.,. „ ... . . .,... . dent of the 'Ontario Fetieratiart of and Robot W. Morrison, Vice-Ptesi- ion will hold their annual Spring Tea July 29—Ripley at Kincardine, Brunswick Hotel „... Agrievitutt Aral secretaty-T,Naqurer of and sale. of Home-made baking arid July "80,--Wingliain at Luekiloes, the Ontario Cream Producers' Market. aprons, in the Legion House, joint Aug. 8—Kineariline at •Ripley. and 9 'to in Board. Tide is yout chance •to lied St., Saturday, June 5th. Tea served Luc:Item at Tiverton. 6,10!r;thdt'efer6gribie .ile:Stoof It'ti2eGat, One &WI. out what your Assodation is eloing for from 2 to 9, Goderich et Wingham, Courteous Service.. yon,