HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-05-12, Page 3N24--Super Service, 15 plates per Bell. Fits Ford '33-'39 and 10.35 Hudson. Reg. 16.25 GUARANTEED 2 YEARS 015 MORE vorawnournerk Watt told the story, Tire Broken Radio Tubes, and Mrs, Ezra Schultz, and Mr, Garnet Farrier sang, Mother guides the toddling baby feet, and the choir sang "Mother's Prayer's have followed Me." Rev. G. M. Newton gave the mi l, dress on "Mother" who sets the CH10- tions for the home and her most Im- portant duty, Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon and her mother, Mrs, Bolt, and Mrs. Harold Cook of Blyth, and iaer sister, Mrs. Mary Mitchell of ActOn, spent Sunday atLondon, with their sister, Mrs, Fox, who has been recovering from a ser- ious operation a 'month ago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon ar,d Archie, motored to Elora on Sunday and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fled Bott to Niagara Falls to see the blos- soms, Mrs, Portion stayed at Elora for a few days with her daughter. Mrs, Will Conn spent the week-end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Johnston of ,Lucknow: Mrs. Irene Paterson of Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Wm, Taylor, Mr. A. E. Purdon and Mr. and Mrs, Hector. Purdon and Bruce, Of Luck- now, spent Sunday with E. Wawanosh friends. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Caslick of Cul- ross, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wallace °nn, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mr, and Mrs. Relison Falconer, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Falconer of Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Johnston and attended church at Bluevale, where baby Wayne David Johnston was baptized. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, Janet and David, spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Watson of Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson and sons visited on Sunday with her prir- ents, Mr. and Mrs. AlbertCameron of I.ucknow, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rob- inson•spent Sunday with her parents, a 46 , aimilomoselisolwilimoismilcimillamailiiinsmianailaintoisivaiminmiuilimuteitisill ii k • i isi il 1St , THEWORST'bIL P11111 PRAff OR YOUR MONEY BACK U U U Or Ford Model "A" and other 4-cylinder cars .. . ... 2.95 For Chevrolet, Pontiac and other a-cylinder cars , 4.40 Poe Plymouth. Dodge, Nash, Hudson Ind other O's .... , ..... .. 5.60 SAVE GAS! SAVE OIL! At These Low Set Prices That smoky exhaust is a warning signal that you need new MOTO-MASTER "9$" Piston Rings. Rings that arc engineered to step oil Skimping, restore compression and rejuvenate old motors with youthful energy. MOTO-MASTER "95" rings will enable YON to recapture the thrill of driving it Peppy car and to enjoy new freedom from trouble and expense. For Ford 74, some Packard', etc. 5.90 For Buick and large 8-cylinder 7.50 SUPPLIED IOU ALL CARS AND TRUCKS FROM STOCK U U a U U MOR-POWER "Super Bilt" BATTERY EAST STALLTING 'Olt CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS, ETC, Running Board Matting Made of heavy rib- bed rubber t8 Ins. wide. Also used for runners, stair Pads. Per foot 425 etc. MOR'"W" SAVE You 01,40 30% -Or More i 9.98 1.25 allowance for your old Bat- tery. regardless of condition. N15-Super Ser- vice. 15 plates per cell. Elise 9 x 7 2 8%" high. Pita 75% of all oars. Reg. 16.25 We have a com- plete stock of. AXLES. CONES, BEARINGS, etc., for all popular makes. Save on 1st line rires, 28 x 1% Inches 1.79 Tubes, 28 x 1% Inches .98 a 1 1 n a a N U Ask to see the C.T.C. Unconditional Guarantee. It proves that regardless of the cause of failure or reason for return, battery shall be replaced or your money refunded (at your option) you pay only for the service tendered. PEDAL PADS Fits over clutch and brake ped. Ma of all Ford models. Chevro- lets. Oldsmobile and man, ethers. Pal: .23 Kick Stands .91 Chain Guards 79 and 1.10 Delivery Baskets 1.51 English "Remo" Generator Set- 5.55 Battery Lights, with batteries .89. 1.29, 1.311 Bicycle Pedals, ball-bearing 1.29, 1.44 Bicycle Mirrors, rear view ... .. .21 Speedometers, register speed and mileage 8.44 Fender Flap,. Jewelled .. .29 and .71 Saddles, English or American • . .. ......... ... 1.98. IL 2.21 Tire Bells . Beat Covers, Fibre .51 New Departure Brakes LIM New Departure Front Hubs ..„ 1.21 Hatidlebar Grips, pair . • •111 1194 .24 English Frame Pumps .8f Real Wolf Tans af Handlebars, chrome 1.29. 1,84 illhaelde Lofts JO, .115 Bicycle Forks, 28" end 14" .... 2.41 Sou'wester Hat 1.41 U it jr 1 i = • A .17 ii WI Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphrey, of St. Helens. Mr, and Mrs. John Mason visited on Friday at the home of her brother, Mr. Alfred Clarke of Heiman. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner of Cen- tralia, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mason and attended Brick Chttrch, where little Peter John Mason was baptized. Mr. George Ross of Owen Sound, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross. Mr:', Ross was able to have her arm out of the cast on Saturday after levying it up for eight weeks. Mr. Robert Ross of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ross. Mrs. Ross has a a U a II WINGHAM, ONT. Robin E. Campbell El iv GORRIE, ONT. Phone $8 -1. R. H. Carson & Son immemosinommunnammumnsinnuanannowituanammucio WHITECHURCH this week with his parents, M. and Mrs. Herson Irwin. Richard iinished Mr. and Mrs. Richard Irwin and writing his exams at 0.A.C, last week, baby, Joyce of. Rockwood, are visiting for the first year in veterinary work. - Airs. John McGee was in Toronto last 'Wednesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. James Broomer. Mrs. Clifford Dow, a grand daughter, and Mr, Dow of Staffa also attended the funeral from Johnston-Washington Funeral Parlors. Mrs. Broomer passed away on Sunday last in her eighty- sixth year. For many years she. was accustomed to spending part of the summer with E. Wawanosh friends. The ladies of the 2nd. con. of Cul- ross are, giving a party itt the White- church Memorial Hall, .this evening, in honour of Mr. and 'Mrs. • Bruce Buchanan, of London, (lice Marion Walters), newlyweds. All friends are cordially invited. Mr. Henry McGee and Gordon, Ate both patients ht Winghant General Hospital, taking penicillin for flu and the heavy cold that accompanies it. Mr. Roy McGee of Toronto spent the. week-end at the farm bone. Mr. Angus Mowbray of Wingham, spent the week-end in Detroit, at . the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Sparks, .and he, and his mother, Mrs. Robert Mowbray, who is the Financial Secretary at the Synodical held at. Chatham this week, attended the . Graduation' Exercises on Monday ev- ening at Grace Hospital, Detroit. Mt. MoWbray's wife is ,one of the graduat- ing nurses. Friends will extend ton-, gratulations. Mr. Pat Coulter 'of Chatham, spent the .week-,end with Mr. Sam, .Coulter of Zetland, and with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Farrier o Wingham, and Mr_ and Mrs. Lorne Johnston, spent Sunday with St..Cath- atines friends and along with, thous, ands of others, viewed the Niagara Peninsula blossoms, Church services and Sunday School, were combined in the United 'Church here on Sunday for the Mother's Day service in the. United Chureh. The S. S. Supt., Mr. Jas, Falconer was in charge of the service. The Scripture lesH sons Were taken by Mrs, jack Gilles- pie and Ivan Laidlaw. Miss Muriel SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES NEW ROOF put on your house. Give Us a Call, 447, for a FREE ESTIMATE. Quality Workmanship Fair Prices B. & C. (Bennett & Casemore) 'Phone 447 Wingham FIRST CLASS atch Repairs Por the Present, Watches Only. George Williams John Street Wingham next to Masonic Hall a ,SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP LUNCHES MEALS FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Bricks always available CANDY-large stock ext to layount Theatre WINGHAM BICYCLE SUPPLIES Lowest Prices MAY 24 dot from 12 o'clock noon Fria-ay, .May 21st, to and Including '2 park. Monday, May 24th. Return Limit: Leave destination not later than 12 o'clock Midnight, Tues- day, May 25th, 1948. Tinley SWIM are Standard. Conte* any tariainior PAtilk 411t6ile. NOW is an ideal time to have that "21111111111111111111181F ;at herford Food Market SELF SERVE 111101111111111811111110.0 SELF SERVE Your "ONE STOP" Food Market IN ADDITION TO A COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES, 'WE ALSO CARRY THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF MEATS AND FISH FRESH HAMBURG MINUTE STEAKS ROLLED POT ROAST SPARE RIBS PORK CHOPS PORK SHOULDERS PORK TENDERLOIN Country Style Satisage Cooked or Cured BACON SUMMER SAUSAGE COTTAGE ROLLS TENDERIZE HAM WEINERS COOKED HAM BOLOGNA MINCED HAM, ETC. FANCY MEATS LOBSTER SHRIMPS TUNA FISH CANNED CHICKEN FROZEN FISH COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS CUT OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE Red Bird MATCHES . • • • • . . 3 for 27c Crown or Bee Hive CORN SYRUP • 2 lb. tin 27c Swift's HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER • 2 tins 25c SPIC AND SPAN . . . . • Pk. 25c Hillcrest SHORTENING . . lb. 30c IVORY SOAP . . . Med. ▪ Each 10c Velvet CAKE FLOUR . • • • . . Bag 34c Royal York CHEESE . • • • • 1/2 lb. pk. 27c Johnson's PASTE WAX . • • 1 lb. tin 59c THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL 11:00 p.m. SATURDAY IF YOU PREFER YOU CAN '7/ i/ 411.111111111.1111.11111.1.11.11/111MIEMIMOMI Mr.* Robt. Aitken spent Sunday evening with the Hunkin family. A very dangerous habit among our pains boys is the firing of st,nes. Some of our young boys are becoming experts. MORRIS COUNCIL The Council met in the Twar11.,hip Hall on May with ail metabrs present. The Reeve presith.d. The minutes of the last mtetit, were read and adopted on in.rrion Sam Alcoa: and Baillie Parr,at. Moved by Chas. Conites, st•conded by Sam Aloe& that the Road. Liabil- ity insurance be renewed, with .the General Accident Int-urince I .0.- Carried. Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded by Chas. Coultes that we .euv,r the .grader with the Floater Policy. Carried. Moved by Chas. Coulter:, seconded by Wm. Peacock that the rJad bills as presented by the Road Sunerintend- ent be paid. -Carried. Moved by Wm. Peacock, secorded by Baillie Parrott that the Towitsi.ip settle for two of the six sheep blous- ing to Jos. Shaw, which were missii 4., at Lewis Armstrong's property, be-• lieved to be separated by do; s. °me- ta motion, Chas. Coultes, Sam Alcor k. Carried. Moved by Sam Alcoek, seconded by Baillie Parrott that the Clerk be in- structed to secure the services of R. W. Code to stake the King Drain and the new drain at Thos, McDonald's. Carried. Moved by 'Chas. Coultes,. seconded by Sam Alcock that Wm. Peacock and Harvey Johnston be commission- ers to look after the Grant Drain.- Carried. Moved by Wm. Peacock, iceonded by Baillie Parrott that Chas. Coultes secure the services of a man to :an ahead of the spray machine for the third spray. Carried. Moved by Chas. 'Coultes, seconded, by Millie Parrott 'that we petition the, Department of Highways to install a caution light on No. 4 Highway at the intersection Ilelgrave. Carried. Moved by Chas. 'Coultes, setanded . intendent be instructed to get eti...n..1! spray material to spray ten In7,,ei ..f road for weeds and brush. Carried, 'Moved by Baillie Parrott set...Tided by Sam Alcoek that we adjourn .to meet again 011 June 8th, 1948, at 1 p The following accounts were paid: Richard Aleoek. foN F oamy-, $3.00; W. S. Gibson, Road Liability ItiS111:112lT. 8114.38; John Love. smaying aud reuses, $104,82; R. inTlie Lou1i-', killed, $34.00; Frank Shaw, valuator, $5.40; Riverside Motors, ,:;4IS and re- 4airs. 874,1)3; Jack "'elk( rre- onaint, $18.88; Sherwin-I‘Illiam-. toe io ,writ,r. $102,02; Dr. t.'.raw- $20.00; 141:11.'eY q Urn. 11..011,. $3.00; foto (r t::; B. ti3.00; rleu. Martha, 11.0.14.. $3.; ('rats:;, repairs, powder, etc, 8212.98. Geo. C. Martin, Cier. by Win. Peacock that the R.,:ad Super- „spraying, $87.75; Jos. Shaw, sheep WANTED 1300 Young Women 16 Years and Over FOR Harvesting asparagus, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, peaches, plums, apples, grapes, tomatoes, transplanting, hoeing, weeding, spraying, etc. ACCOMMODATION IN FARM SERVICE FORCE CAMPS. OPEN APRIL TO NOVEMBER Good Meal - Good Pay - Good Fun • WRITE Farm Service Force 9 RICHMOND STREET EAST TORONTO Auspices Dominion Provincial Vann Labour Connnittee I 11111111.- a Wednesday, May 12, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREE It's our first considera- tion on the, highway or in the Home. And speaking of the Home -.should your income be cut off through illness or accident, is your fatnily safe from hunger and hardship? -It can be, you knew, and very cheaply too. Play it safe brothers .11 out the coupon below and send it in. It will bring you that safety news you need. MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH & ACCIDENT ASS'N LISTEN TO JIM HUNTER CRIB 8 A.M. & 6.30 P.M. EXCEPT SUNDAYS been, on the sick list for a few weeks, following a bad dose of the flu, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mason and son, Keith of Kincardine, and Mr, Lloyd Mason of Listowel, spilt Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Mason, Mr, William Dawson has had tile telephone installed in their how 612- 14. Paul Groskorth, Raymond Actions, Angus Sutherland, jack Coultes, Joan and Jimmie Gaunt, and Myrna Sock- ill, started back to School on Monday after their holidays with the measles. Marilyn Morrison has them this week. Mrs. Rhys. Pollock, Win4ham, went through an operation for appendicitis in Wingham General Hospital one day last week and has. been progressing favourably, Mr. and Mrs. Orton Grain of Lis- towel, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Lance Grail. Rev, W. S. Sutherland held a service on Sunday in the Presby- terian Church here when little Barbara Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Pardon of W. Wawanosh was baptized. Mrs. Sam McBurney of Wingham, spent the week-end at the home of her son, Mr. Gordon McBurney, anti other members of the family gathered there. Mr. Elmer Shiell, who is taking a for a family dinner on Sunday evening. welding course at Cleveland, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Greig Shiell. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons and baby, Nancy, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Deyell and baby, Tommy of Wingham, spent Sun- day at the home of her sister, Mrs, Donald Martin, and Donald Stewart of Langside also visited there. Mr. Angus Falconer had the tele- phone installed in their home last week 617-14. The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher- Thomas Huxley. A sure-footed animal is an animal that when it kicks it doesn't miss, BELMORE , Partings always cause a heart throb for someone, Belmore and Mildmay congregations arc called upon to part with their pastor, Rev. Udell having resigned. 1 Mr. Huber, Mildmay, is repairing Miss Jeffray's house, while Tim Ken- nedy is assisting Nelson Hunkin level off his grounds. Mr. Harry Press tried out his new car, Friday and as yet Harry hasn't had any trouble. Miss IL Jeffray took dinner at the Manse on Wednesday with Miss lies- sic Scott and Rev. 'Udell, also spent tlte week-end in Mildmay with Mrs. Sarah Haskins, Miss Susan Johnson, and Mrs. Harris and Stanley. Members of the Library Board met one evening at the home of Mrs. Prct's to transact business. Those visiting their parents on Sun- day, Miss Betty Abraham, Toronto; Miss Muriel Abraham, Kincardine, Joyce and Florence Horton, Wing ham, ,Mrs. Pike of Gorrie, at Carl Pitch's. Mother's Day was observed in the -United Church last Sabbath. Mrs. Colin Bailie passed away on Sunday last at the home of her (laugh- lter, Mrs. Charles Cathers.