HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-05-05, Page 1WINNER OF JACK POT PRIZE
graph, which she won in March.
Above Mrs. Gilmour is seen accepting
the award from Kenny Kerr of Kerr's
Drug Store from where she procured
her entry form. Mr. John Cruickshank
of CKNX conducted the broadcast in-
A presentation of local interest took
place last week over CKNX, when
Mrs. Hugh Gilmour of R, R. No. 1,
Wingham, received the I,D.A. mon-
thly Jack-Pot Prize, namely a West-
inghouse Polyphonic Radio-Phono-
Objective For Wingham and District
Is $2,000,00
The Salvation Army's Red Shield
Appeal will be launched on Monday,
May 10th, The objective for Wingham
and district will be $2,000,00.
Campaign Chairman will be Captain
C. R. Goodwin, Officer in Charge of
the local Salvation Army Corps, who
will be assisted by Mr. H. C, lilac-
Lean, as Treasurer and Mr. Ross
Hamilton in charge of radio publicity,
and Mr. W, B. McCool in charge of
newspaper publicity,
Appeals for help being made to the
Salvation Army in Canada has never
before been so multiplied or so urgent,
The national objective of $1,100,000.00
will meet maintenance costs and pro-
vide for some much-needed capital ex-
All citizens are urged to contribute
generously and to have their donation
ready when the canvasser calls.
John W. Hanna, Progressive Conservative Candidate
All Town Licenses for the year 1948 t are now past due, and must be paid at
Owners of dogs are reminded they
may be charged under Sections of
Town By-Law for failure to pay Dog
Tax.Tags may be procured at Town
Clerk's Office.
T. W. Platt,
Chief of Police.
Open Day At Hospital
The public are cordially invited to
visit anti inspect the Wingletm General
Hospital on the afternoon of \\•ednets-
day, May 12th, front 2 to 4 o'clock.
Choir Made Presentation
: Following choir practice on Thurs-
day evening, April 29th, the members
of the United Church clear enjoyed
a social hour. Honoured guests were
Mr. and Mra, Jas. Mitchell, who for
many years were faithful and -valuable
members of the choir. Mr, \V. A. Tif-
fin expressed the choir'a appreciation
of their service to the church and Miss.
J. Murray .made time presentation of a
silver tray in Old English reproduc-
tion grape design.
L.O.L. No. 462
- 71
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The following list is the Season's
Standing of the Members of the Wing-
ham Bridge Club.
Ladies-1, Mrs. A. R. DuVal,
53.96% carry over 4, 2nd., Mrs. (ico.
H, Ross 52.84; 3rd. Mrs. R, S. Heth-
erington, 52.67, 4th, Mrs. J. H. Craw-
ford, 52,10 carry over 3, 5th, Mrs. C,
Gammage 51,79 carry over 2, Gth,
Mrs, J. A. Wilson, 51.38, 7th, Miss Y.
McPherson 51,34 carry over 1, 8th,
Mrs. G. Godkin 50,42, 9th, Miss Mc-
Callum 50.34; 10th, Miss Margaret
MacLean 49.21, 11th, Mrs. F. A. Par-
ker 49.13, 12th, Mrs. P. Dyble 48.98,
13th, Miss M. Johnston 48,68, 14th,
Mrs. F. Sturdy 48.48, 15th, Mrs. D. B.
Porter 48,43, 16th, Mrs. H. C. ,Mac-
Lean 47.64, 17th, Mrs. H, Campbell
46.37, 18th, Mrs, W. H. French, 46.22,
19th, Mrs. G. MacKay 46.16,
Men--Ist W.H.Vrencli 57.63, 2nd,
J. H. Crawford, 54.34, 3rd, J. Goodine
52.82 carry over 4, 4th J. Mason 52.09
carry over 3, 5th, R. S. Hetherington
61.69 carry over 2, 6th D. C. Naststith
51,43 carry over 1, 7th, J. A. Wilson
51.39, 8th, 0. Haselgrove 51,23 9th,
Gco, Williams 50,92, 10th, D. French
60.48, 11th, D. Crompton 50,26, 12th
G. MacKay 49.81, 13th, Duncan Ken-
nedy 49,59, 14th D. B. Porter 48.04,
15th, A« French 47.51 16th, P. Dyble
Will the driver or passengers of '81
or '38 Ford ear, who witnessed the
accident on MacKenzie Bridge Satur-
day evening, 24th of April, please
write or phone Chief of Police, Wing-
Wins Radio at Toronto
Mrs. Win, Henderson of Josephine
St. is to be congratulated on wituting
an R,C.A. Victor Console Radio. She
held the lucky ticket on the prize at
the Barber's Convention held recently
at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto.
Mrs. Henderson expects to receive her
prize within the next few days.
Ott Friday evening the teenagers
had a wonderful time at their box
social, held in the Masonle Hall. The
boxes containing the girl's name were
very prettily decorated and were auct-
ioned at the lunch hour by Jim
French with the maximum price set
at -25 edits. A bit of square -dancing
was enjoyed so much that the'teen-
agers plan t2 have more of it at their
future parties,
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. Crom-
pton and Mr. Ferguson and Miss E.
Ma/climes. Watch your bill board for
notices of next dance.
The teenagers wish to thank Mr.
Crompton for acting as floor manager,
also CKNX for music.
.ngagement nnounce
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cowan, Centre
street, announce the engagement of
iheir eldest daughter, Phyllis Wanda,
to Kenneth Elgin Stapleton, eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Stapleton,
Wingham. The wedding to take place
this month.
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thornton of
Gorrie, announce the engagement of
their second daughter, Marguerite
Joyce, to Mr. Charles Kenneth Lake,
of Ethel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Lake, Ethel. Marriage to take place
early in June.
A. Y. P. A. Belgrave to present
"Welcome to Meredith Arms," roman-
tic Farce Comedy in 3 Acts, on Friday,
May 7th, in Forester's Hall, Belgrave,
at 8,30 p.m, Admission 35c and 25c.
Rust Craft Cards, the kind you like
to send and receive. McKibbons, The
Rexall Store.
TUES., MAY 11th
An Open Meeting
11 •1••
The publics are cordially invited to
attend the annual meeting of the Wing-
hatn Recreation Council to 'be held in
the Town Hall oit Tuesday„May, 11th,
at 8 p.m, All citizens should have an
interest in this meeting, The animal
election of officers will take place awl
a brief report of the past year's acti1,7-
metes given. Plans for the summer will
be announced and suggestions for the
general improvement of the Town's
Recreational life will be received.
bOWT MISS 1111
On Monday afternoon and evening,
May 3rd, a Book Pair was held in the
Council Chambers, Wingitarn, under
the auspices of the Huron Co. Library
Cooperative Association.. There, pub-
Usher's samples of many bright jaelc-
eted volumes of fictional, classed and
juvenile topics were on display.
In the evening about 60 representa-
tives and delegates were welcomed by
Mr. Emery Stuckey, M.A., chairman
of Wiagham Library Board. A round
table discussion followed, led by Mrs,
Ecionier of Goderich, Librarian of
Hutto Co. Bookmobile, Mt, Angus
Mowat, director of Library services of
Ontario, took part in the discussion
which was broadcast over CKINTX. The
event of the evening `vas a lecture by
Dr. Tolman, Librarian of Western
iversity, London.
At the conclusion refreshments Were
„Served by our Iocal Library Boatel.
With Which is. Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
Single Copies Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th, 1948 Subscription, $2.00 a Year in Advance
Mrs. Rogers Self of Toronto,
Was Guest Speaker
The Huron Presbyterial of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society held their
twenty-second annual meeting in Sea-
forth United Chus?ch, Tuesday, April
27th, 1948.
The president, Mrs, C. Tavener of
Holmesville, presided at both morning
and afternoon sessions.
The morning devotional service was
led by Mrs. Lawson and Mrs, Desjar-
dioe, "The Bible" being the worship
theme. Mrs. B. F. Christie, Seaforth,
brought greetings to the assembled W.
M.S. members and friends and Miss
Ethel Dennis, Bethel, replied to the
address of welcome.
(Continued on page five)
What is Home without a Mother?
Remember her with a fine piece of
Furniture from A. J. Walker's.
Dance at Royal T
Thursday, May 6th. Eric Scott and
his orchestra. Vocals by Joan Peck-
ham. Dancing 9.30 to 1 o'clock. Ad-
mission 50c.
Sunday Dinner At
Brunswick Hotel
Served from 12 to 1.30 and 5 to
18.30. Three choices of meat, one fowl.
Courteous service.
Received News Of Death
Mrs. Duncan Kennedy received
word from London, England, that her
mother, Mrs. E. Motton had passed
on. She was in her 91st year,
Purchased Farm
Mr. Chas. Souch who recently lost
• his house by fire, has purchased the
farm of Mr. P. J. Kelly on the 8th
line of Morris. Mr. Kelly intends hold-
ing a sale on the 12th of May, Mr.
Snuck will take possession on May
The following communications were
received and read: General Accident
Insurance Co., reporting on boiler in
the Town Hall; Hon. Dana Porter and
Hon. Geo. Doucett, re flood,
Mayors and Reeves Association an-
nouncing dates of -.convention to be
held at Windsor on June 2, 3, 4'and 5,
Alvin P. Orvis requested the town
to supply rates for establishing a booth
at the park for the summer ball games.
This matter was left with -the Prop-
erty Committee to arrange with the
Ball Club.
The Central Mortgage Corporation
for Wartime Housing requested infor-
mation regarding Water conditions on
site of the new houSes, also profile of
streets and sewers. The town's con-
tribution for services including sewers,
streets, sidewalks and lots was esti-
mated at $335.00 per lot.
Considerable discussion took place
regarding traffic at.: the intersection of
Highways 4 and 86, and it was decided
to request the Highways Department
to instal signal stop lights.
Mr, W. T. Cruickshank addressed
the Council regarding the condition of
the streets leading to his property on
Scott St. He asked that something be
done to keep the sidewalks clear at all
times. The town solicitor was ordered
Ito prepare an up-to-date by-law cover- I
ing this matter. It was also decided .
whereby anyone breaking pat ement or
sidewalks that such repairs be made
by those responsible, or the town will
do the repairing and charge those re-
sponsible withthe cost.
The Council decided to request the
owners of old buildings which are an .
eyesore on the approaches of the town
to remove same.
Mayor Kennedy reported that Roy
Patterson, County Engineer, bad been ..
in town investigating flood damage,
and he will submit an estimate of the
work needed, 1 A number of accounts properly cer-1 A most enjoyable time was spent on Thursday evening, April 29th, in titled were presented and ord'ered paid.
Coon. Campbell reported that the
the parish room of St, Paul's Cloareh, septic tank had been flushed and re-!
and husbands together with the paired, but it is still in very poor con-
Sunday-School teachers and officers
when the members of the choir, their
dition. The road leading to the dam
were the guests of time Ladies' Guild, has been filled and is now being used again, A sumptuous banquet was served at
6.30 when the tables looked very Coon. Rintoul reported that the roof
in- of the town hall and been repaired and viting with their decorations of beaut-
iful coated, but that the bell tower was in spring flowers and candles in gar-
needed of recovering with sheet cop-monioue colors,
After full justice had been done to per, Having received word from the De- GOFORTH EVENING woh partmentf of Mt rte.ipal Affairs that the - joined in a hearty sing-song • Mrs. Morris Swanson at the piano. " by-laws or the ore and High School was hers pleaseN,atttell.ethery. sec. AUXILIARY MET The Young People's meeting
The following choir officers were • 1 , had beets approved, these by-lawa were T he
the leadership of Miss Marjorie
then elected: given third reading and passed . !' "'Omer. 1 he ope nings hymn was
President-Miss Dorothy Piper Several applications for building per- The Goforth Eveng A "
vetting; held : ' Battle- ' Sound the Cry," after width Remember M on other Mother's Day
Treasurer -Mrs. Elwood. Armitage nuts were received. T.tw only large . their spring Thank Offering nteeting t Miss Laura Collar led in prayer. The --She'd be pieased with a love . chair. Iv
Social Con's.-Mrs. Miller Davis item being front A. H. Edgar for tier- on Tuesday, April 20th, ; 1 1 -11 the • un".`. Treading; "Baptism of Jesus Christ," was A -- 1 Walker's Furniture Store.
Mrs, Wilfred Henry. ' mission to erect a dwelling on Scott School room of the church« I . mven by- Miss Vivian MacLean. A These applications were approved.'
e- president, -Marathon Bridge Party Librarian-Mrs. Nt, Swamon. The M Marl D ' 11-
rs. eallts Adam) solo was rendered by Ntiss Lois St.
Choir Mothers-Mrs. H. Browne, A letter was received from the R . . topened the meeting with the tail to :j Iturchill after -which Miss Helen Po-
Mrs. F. Seddon,
ea ion Council asking tkat they ne .... . s toowell by the singing of (,,,,t,.,k, gave a reading. "Jack's Chattge
a aolo "The Old Rugged
i'fiattratilesgasili,toeris,c,/riedthbey :ttfhaerait!.auditt.
the Guild, by the Rector and Miss
lb rilZe'.
\to:diary to Winahato Hospital,
A vote of thanks and appreciatim .einibursed for half the cest of win): , ' t Worship ll
hymn 645. 'Miss Trims Harristm gave I „i Life:' . .,
was tendered Mrs. E. Fuller, Pres. of t - - . • lone at the 'oak last summer. No , • ., 1,, ,.... the scripture reading tak-n from the! / Cross" was sung by Mr. 'Norman Po- to :
Piper. !the. usual grant of $125.00 for park up- :
action -was taken in this records, ', out ,,.,,,, , ,
imn chapter of Luke aril Nin, Jas. t
Om. led in pNlyer.
cot. s. ve serip
Nt.trls 10: 46-52. All joined in singing Connell taamber. The prizes were
..1 Th. ' tore wao taken from .was held sit Friday evening in the
.'t - ' I The offering was ret.e:vt d seat tit, „"'Elie Light ttf the World is Jests." Presk11101 by Mr,s \17. J. Adams, press-
ad c given,
The elerk, Mr. W. A. Galbraith, its- , iv,- . An ... ar .ness to :eight L
English. Llignholas 'It the Glad isol-• "i'at°1-3' prayer giN en by Nir''. 1:- l'i , topic • -- -Fr., D a : si the Aarailiary. These games
i Light". Miss Falconer very • - • formed the council that a school for 1` .• ,, . . ., , . ... ,..... .n_ Nt,.iS
y v iteal ve y ;are at t. V 1. y
Miss Mary Lo Cmmell who leaves clerks and au .. .... . ditors will be held at - • s were given by Miss la lathy 1,0,1 the story
1 I 1 I x n• month dotiug the
sls::,tit,Itaridir.t,ga iliasitintehst; eilsitlil. sichil,restaart,es
lacott wiening the lady's prize for the The clerk was heartily °'111111ellat'd were present and weleamed by the
;Kas- with 20,790; wItile ronsolation. t prayer.
for the improvernonts noted in the
, Iptizes wert Mrs. J. Halms and Mrs.
ipresident. The euest speaker of the
and Mrs. Jas. Cam .., ionic Ladies night was .sold in the
prize while Mr. W. T. Cittickshank
and Mr. Win. A. Young tied for the
meet's prize. The mystery -prize was
Wilson, 75, Mrs. Geo, H. Ross 71, won by Mrs. J. J. Kerr, who was the
Mrs. R. S. Hetherington 69I,a, Mrs. A. final partner of the lodges oldest
R. DuVal 65 and carry over 4, Miss member, Mr. Geo. Olver,
M. Johnston 672,a, Mrs. Dyble 67, Mm. Colored films shown. ;by W. 'I'.
J. H. Crawford 62 and carry over 3, Cruickshank of his trip to Florida and
Mrs. Parker 611a, Mrs Godkin 601aO also local scenes were much enoyjed
Miss Y. McPherson 59 and carry over after which a delightful lunch was
1, Mrs, Gammage (defaulted) 71 and , served, prepared by Mrs. Alton
carry over 2, (Mrs. H. C. McLean Adams, Mrs. C. G. Garemage, Mrs.
substituted for 2nd. game. , Ws A. Crawford and Mrs. H. P. Cars
Men-D. Nasmith SO and carry over tnichael,
1, J. Goodine 72 and carry over 4, W., The temainder of the evening was
day, ,May 7th, or will be called for '14- H. French 76, R, S. Hetherington 67 spent in dancing with Music provided
phoning Mrs. j. Adams, 31Z Any- and:carry over 2, j. A. Wilson 56lia by Garnet Fa rte Orchestra There
thing and everything tart be sold, so, G. MacKay 64V-2, 0, Haselgrove 04i42, were two elimination dances which
when doing your spring cleaning,' Geo. Williams '62, 3. Mason 59 and were won by j. W. Manna, Nt.P.Ps,
make up- a box for the rummage sale.: carry over 8, J. H. -Crawford '60, D. and Mrs. 1-lantia and Mt. Stewart Bea-
'Crompton S41.S. ttie and Mrs. Herb Fuller. Afternoon tea will also be served.
Fire Hall and High School Bylaws
Given Final Reading
The Winghain Town Council held
its regular monthly meeting on Mon-
day evening, with all members being
Wingham United Church Responds
To Appeal
In response to the appeal from the
Canadian Council of Churches for
Overseas Relief, the Wingham United
Church has made a very generous re-
sponse. The Woman's Missionary Soc-
iety and the Evening Auxiliary held
several work meetings at which they
made 20 quilts and many articles of
children's clothing. They also collected
a quantity of second hand clothes for
adults and children. As a result they
packed twelve large boxes valued at
$450.00. In addition to this, an offer-
ing was taken in the church, amount-
ing to $500.00. Part of this money was
sent to the "Save the Children Fund,"
and a donation was given to the relief
of Overseas Ministers, who lost most
of their libraries and personal belong-
ings during the war.
Hon. Geo, H. Doucett, Minister Of
Highways Announced Paving Plans
For the second time John W. Han-
na, will oppose Hugh Hill, Colborne
Township farmer, in a provincial el-
ection for the Huron-Bruce seat, Mr.
Hanna was the unanimous choice of
the Progressive-Conservative conven-
tion here Thursday night.
,Mr. Hill was recently chosen as the
Liberal candidate in the riding,
As yet there has been.no C.C.F.
candidate named.
Mr. Hanna nominated by J. W.
Joynt of Lucknow and Duncan Munn
of Ripley, has served five years as
Huron-Bruce representative in the
provincial Legislature and this will be
his third election campaign.
(Continued on page five)
Mother would be thrilled with a new
chair or table from Walker's Furniture.
Dance At Whitechurch
In the Community Memorial Hall,
Whitechurch, on Friday, May 7th, to
the music of Garnet Farrier's Orches-
tra. Admission 50c. Lunch counter.
this important part of the program, all B. Y. P. A. The Belgrave No, 462 will
!meet in the Lodge rooms on Thursday
.evening, May 13th, at 9 -o'clock. Ment-
A pleasing event of the evening was -
a from the Sunday School
of a pretty set of costume jewellery to
Walkerton on Thuris4 .ay and Friday : in. .mark. i.o.
the shortly to take a position in London. )cans.. Mrs. II. Bateman taveorel wait
this week, and he - toped that :he
thoroughly enjoyed by all joining in Air. IL L. Sherhimly would. be able 1,joyeo. after. The balance of the evening was „la piano solo whielt WaS inneh e ---'--- tlivoni, "Consecration"
Rat% CtAlplatia (dosed the meetitao with
playing court whist with Mrs. Joe El- to attend, t • Several members of the W.M.S.
highest points and Mr, 11fel Keatbig,
for the mete and with the sloging of town offices.
the National Anthem, this very pleas-
ant evening came to a close. .
All citizens of Wingham who wish
to clean up their properties may de-
posit brush weeds, etc., on side of
streets, on Monday Tuesday and Wed-
nesday ,May 10, 11, 12, this refuse will
be removed by Town truck. Refuse
must NOT be put on streets after
these dates until further notice.
T. W, Platt,
Chief of Police.
The final returns for the Flood Re-
lief show donations totalling $2041.25 Randall Rawlyck -- Tenor Soloist
and a grand total of $2094.41. The
following is a further lists of donations
Falconer Photo Studio $200; Masters
Geo. and Billy Garrick, Goderieli, $1;
Mr. and Mrs. Iliselet $2.00; Mary
Louise 'Town $1,00; Kett Taylor and
Mrs. Taylor, Myth $2,00; Smith's
Grocery $8.00; Anonymous, Wingliam
$2.00; R. H. Coolies, Brussels $5.00;
Murray Johnson $5.00; Phil Dawson
$2.00; Mrs, John Aitken, Darmody,•
Sask., $1.00.
the C. N. R. requesting that they coin- avell chosen words Mrs. Russell gave
Tarte the abutments to their bride. thoroughly interesting talk, taking f The Winghatit ilo'wling Club will
Every Saturday night at the Royal
T. to the music of Kett Wilbeds or-
chestra, front 9 to 12. Moderate arl-
"chief toroerstone," 8 p.m. All members are urg ed t,-) attend
ed, the speaker by :hiss Dorothy Deans i A most adeaaart and successful Mass
soon as possible and remove the piles
;text being "Jesus Christ Himself, time .61 Chambers on Friday, May its, at obstructing ;Minnie Street. MASONIC LODGE as her topic "The Crucification", der 1101d its annual meeting in the Coati- I
On Saturday afternoon, May 8th, at
two o'clock, the Spring Rummage
Wingham's new Choral Group will Sale will be held in the Armouries,
present it's first SpringConcert (to- under the auspices of the Ladies
night) Wednesday evening, in the Auxiliary to Winghatn Hospital, Eir-
Town Hall. Featured as soloist will eryone is asked for donations which
be Randall Rawlyck, tenor, who ap- may be left at the Armouries on Fri
peared Wirighain in January as one
of the featured artists in the Concert
Series. -
All citizens in Wingham and district
are invited to hear this new group in
their first effort.
W., King. Foss Friaay !meriting the wins
The clerk was instructed to write i eveningl M1-s' R11-56"11
"Mrs Reg. DuVal. ve at
Following the singing of hymn 649 BRINE CLUB ,pMrrasy.erE: McPherson g gave the closing, PLAYOFF :Masonic Lodge last Wednesday (Aett.,
ong, when twenty-six tables of bridge
land progressive euchre were alloyed.
A social hour followed. The playoff games .of the Wingham 'Mrs C. G. Gammage won the ladies.
Bridge were hest
Graduation Cards and Gifts. See and als'hufros;lloatyys:evLetaddnigessfilries. J. A,
them at MeXibbons, The Rexall Store, are
A hearty vote of thanks was tender this meeting.
•was introduced by the president.
of I.mxdsmiu'w. it •Nu tte?rs. u-,or, Mrs., Sty Lead and Mrs, E.
Ian 1 A MEETING Armitage, the inyf-tery prize ooing to