HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-04-28, Page 3N I I I U 'Phone 380 Wingham General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE 1 1 c KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes 8 oz. 2 for 25c EXPERT REPAIRS on all makes and models of RADIOS WASHERS REFRIGERATORS APPLIANCES For Satisfaction, Call McGILL Radio Service tin , S. J. Pyinm P. 0. Box 74 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW • - ONT. MEALS LUNCHES SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Sodas and Sundaes Bricks always available Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM :Moores ;Publicity, Mrs. R. J. Mac- Kenzie. A vote of thanks was expressed to Mrs. Oster from Mrs. J. C. Procter. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by the committee, Miss E. Procter, Mrs. H. Vincent and Mrs. Norman Walsh. The next meeting will be held at the ! home of Mrs. Fred Cook with Mrs. i Earl Anderson as convener, WHITECHURCH Diabetic Foods Aylmer Asparagus Tips . .22c Tomato Juice . . 12c (Without added salt) •SPECIAL ! • MONARCH Sweet Pickles 16 oz. jar 29c SUPERFINE Heavy WAXED PAPER 100ft.rol1 27c MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee 1 lb. bag 53c 2 for 19c GOLD MEDAL Tomato Juice 28 oz. tin 15c SILVERCREST SHRIMP TIN 81c LILY BRAND CHICKEN HADDIE tin 27c I NEILSON'S COCOA I 1/2 lb. 29c lb. 43c Moody's TurpentinePhillip's Milk of Mag-. I Bottle 25c nesia Tablets, tin 25c Hotchkiss & Angus FOOD MARKET 'Phone WE 'Phone 116 DELIVER 116 • N U I U The New Soap Powder ! TIDE JUST IN • Domestic SHORTENING-1 ▪ Hand SOAP—All kinds 3 for 25c FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Juicy ORANGES—Size 288s—SPECIAL, doz. 29c Juicy GRAPEFRUIT—Size 96 5 for 25c U -a NEW CARROTS LEAF LETTUCE 1 CABBAGE CUCUMBERS LEMONS COOKING ONIONS TURNIPS ' LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES BOX 34c lb. carton 32c JAVEX, bottle 14c Aylmer Vegetable SOUP 3 for 25c Pure LARD, 1 lb. 28c Chateau Cream CHEESE, 1/2 lb. . ...29c Date & Nut Loaf tin 23c SPECIAL! DREFT, box 29c BELGRAVE The schools are all busy in prepar- ation for the coming Spring Musical Festival, which will be held in the Wingham Town Hall, June 14th. Mr. Maurice Quigley of Toronto, is spending a week at the home of Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, A petition is being prepared for the council to instal a flicker light in the business section of Belgrave to slow down through traffic. Ratepayers of Morris and East Wawanosh make it a point to sign your name to this peti- tion. They will be found in all the stores. To Have More Street Lights Hydro Officials were in the village preparing for the installation of hydro FULLY AUTOMATIC CIGAR LIGHTER The newest and Saftat autotriatiti lighter tor. Your tar. it '`klielts" when 'read*. cannot overheat 00 "stick" Fits all tars trt nibble in tine Colors to match 2 39 mat Oar interiors 2,69 DotiniE EAU, BEARING ROLLER SKATES Geirier-tneedr. Vair 3.45 SCISSORS JACKS The Mott popular Inek on the market today. Will fit Under the lowest aides (4" raping to 16"1. Long folding handle eat? to stow avoids "crawling under" when placing jack. Extra lartio. tion-skid forged bate Ind saddle. Capacity' a ea C000 Olinda EXHAUST EXTENSIONS .69 GCHRLEAMINOMEG t °REIGN EXCHANGE thittli01.11111131 OTTAWA aye for lc ilk' UNITED STATES • Existing regulations make it illegal for any Canadian resident to retain in his possession more than $10 in United States cash. • You are required to turn in to your bank, for ex., change into Canadian money, any amount you have in excess of $10 in United States funds,, without delay. THERE'S A REASON • The reason is that Canada must have Me U.S. dollars spent here by tour- ists, in 'order to make them available for the payment of imported goods and ser- vices-'needed to keep pro- duction and employment at a high level. IF YOU PREFER YOU CAN ate 193 F7-7-TA WE DELIVER—RAIN OR SHINE. WOOL GROWERS' ORGANIZATION WOOL Ship Collect To Our Registered Warehouse No. 3 WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading. Prompt Settlement Shippers may obtain sacks and tw rt= without charge from George Haldenby, Holyroorl or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE. WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canadb. For Trouble Free Thrifty Driving Our Special Spring CheckoUp There's trouble ahead for the 'driver'' who con- tinues to operate' a winterized car. Our 6-point SPRING CHECK-UP puts every make of car or truck in tip-top shape for pleasant Summer driving. • Lubrication * Tire Serviec • Brake Service • Cooling System • Engine Tune-up • Steering - Alignment Tug am Motors Telephone 139 Chevrolet, Oldsmobile ,10W you can iiuy... REPAIRS ACCESSORIE$„: ...an our GMAC PLAN Cars G.M.C. Truelts Wednesday, APril 28, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREE • U U 111111111111111411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111111111111811111111111111•1111111111111111111111111111M on: the East Wawanosh side. Mrs, N. Perdue has returned to her home aftbr spending the winter with her family in Wingham and Toronto. Mr. Charles Manore of Port Huron, student at Western University, his Canadian Navy, and Mr. Walter Smith brother, Jack Manore of the Royal of Clinton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vannan and Mrs. A. M. Perdue, Mr, and Mrs.Walter Black of Rip- ley, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. ,T. C, Procter. ' Mrs, Jack Wilson and gale, are spending a few days with her mother, in Woodbridge, Mr. Ross Procter of the 0.A.C:, Guelph, was home for the week-end, Mrs. Baker and Miss Annie Baker, • • • • • are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. MacKenzie and family, Mrs. Yemen and Bill, spent Sunday in Bervie, Mr. David Scott is under the Dr's. care at his home here, Mrs. Jack Walker of Wingham, was operated on for appendicitis in the Wingham General Hospital last week, Mrs. Fred Logan of Blyth, fell last week sustaining a broken shoulder, She was taken to the Wingham Gen- on and later she returned to her home. eral Hospital where a cast was put The A.Y.P.A, are rehearsing a play which they expect to present in the near future. The play 'is "Welcome to Meredith Arms," a three act play dir- ected by Rev. Mr. Henderson. The National Film Board showed pictures in the Belgrave School on Tuesday morning. United Church A reception and Communion ser- vice was observed in Knox United Church on Sunday, April 25th, when twenty-three members were received into the church. Rev. \V. J. Moores de- livered a special message to the young people. Three members were trans- ferred to the church by letter, these were Mrs. Clifton Walsh and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holmes. The young people were: Muriel Anderson, James Ander- son, Keith Anderson, Lloyd Ander- son, Muriel Cook, Nora Cook, Fay Cook, Gladys Campbell, Ivy Camp- bell, Ronald Campbell, Kenneth Dun- bar, Ross Higgins, Edna Higgins, Eil- een Holmes, Marjorie MacKenzie, Margaret Procter, Irene Smith, Amy Smith, Frances Walker and Charles Wilkinson. Next Sunday Rural Life Sunday will be observed with special eervices conducted by the young people. Clar- ence ,McClenaghan will be the guest speaker. Sunday, May 9th, will be Mother's Day with a. special baptismal service, Anglican Young People Meet The A.Y.P.A, meeting was held last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wade with a fair at- tendance, The vice-president, Audrey Bradburn conducted the meeting, It was decided to present the play in the near future, The next meeting will be held in three weeks, with Donna Van- Camp, and Joan Brydges in charge of the programme, and Frank Nesbitt is to prepare the Log Book. Mr, 'Henderson gave a most inter- esting talk on the origin of the Prayer Book. Norma Brydges read a very = humorous Log Book. Beverley Neth- --111 ery and Tommy Brydges sang a duet, I accompanied on the piano by Norma Brydges. Audrey Bradburn gave a ki reading, and Frank Nesbitt conducted a few contests. Lunch was served, bringing the evening to a close. Miss Audrey Bradburn attended the Junior Farmer's Conference and Camp Reunion at the O.A.C. in Guelph last =-.L week-end. P! • Women's Institute Hold Annual U The annual meeting of the Beigrave Women's institute was held the regular date at the home of Mrs. C. R. Coolies with a good attend:we. The president, Mrs. Stewart Procter was in the chair and opened the mect- ing with the Institute Ode and the Lord's Prayer. The business included the discussion of raising the fees and it was decided to vote to leave them the same. As the season is busy it was deeided not tures at present. to have. the showing of the vowel' pie- 1a79 It was voted to pay the Secretary- Treasurer five dollars. Mrs. Fred Cook and Mrs. R. J. MacKenzie will again look after the cemetery flower bed. It is hoped that =▪ ,-enongli red geraniums will be tlonated = to fill the bed this year. The flowers • be left with the committee when Ili time to set them Out. j Reports of standing committees • were given ;by Mrs, C. R. Coultes, Le: Mrs, Norman Walsh, Mrs. John M. Coultes, Mts. Harold Procter and Mrs. C. Procter. = The Roll Vail was answered by, 1111 •-=-= House-cleaning Hints. Mrs. Oster of Blyth presented the Short Courses available and the -choice was left over , until next month. Mrs, j. M. Coul- tes contributed two piano numbers. Mrs. Oster then conducted the eke- lion of officers which resulted as -fol- • lows: President, Mrs. Stewart Procter; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler; Assistant Sec., Mrs. Harold Vincent; District Director, Mrs. Earl Anderson; Branch Directors, Mts. John Ander- son, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, Mrs. C. R. Coultes; Pianist, Mrs. 3. M. ;Coultes; Programme Convener., Mrs. R. J. Mackenzie; Auditors, Mrs. Moores, Miss E. Procter; Conveners of "Coal., Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Earl Anderson, ,Mrs, Albert. 'Coultes; Citizenship, Mrs. C. R. 'Cold- teS; Historical Research, Mrs. Jas. Michie; Home Economics, Mrs. Wade, IT1111111-11131,111811,41111111111111111111r111IIIMMIR3101111411111111111111111111111111118111a Mrs, McGuire; Social Welfare, AftS. Mildred NIcClenagliatt spent the week- leave the Wingham. Hospital en Wed —found it well on the way to comPlet- end with Toronto friends and relatives. ft.esdtty last and spent a few ~tars with ioo, with tenders out for the 1,:niithig Mrs. Robert Purdah was able to ;;lier daughter, Mrs. Gordon Riatoul, b - 1 • — 1 • of the outside and with the installing of a new furnace planned. T3te com- mittee received the pr mist et a par- tial grant at present. Mr. and Mrs, tii ,r4bm au.t,,r- ed to London last Friday and livou,• their little girl. Kay home from Ile:: Chiltlren*s Memorial Hospital. Mr. :nut Mrs, Ben Naylor of Luckm,w accomp. aided them and Mrs. Naylor, who has been losing her rye-sight, staved be with her daughter, Airs. 1.4,4- Gee, Mr. Robert Ross spent a last week at his borne hove the funeral of his mint, Miss Ross. ISENION/111 Standard PEAS 2 20 off. tins 25c SHREDDED WHEAT . 2 for 29c QUAKER QUICK COOKING OATS • Box 29c U N U U U U U N U • MORE Mal lEsswEAReass- 0091 A 4r o- NUGOLD Is tonal In every way to olla that ordinarily Cost sou .51.40 attlion SOLD ONLY IN REFINERY SEAL-ED CONTAINERS. Phone 38.1. R, Carson 8k Son i BEARING ROLLER SKATES iittirdr, fast and tullY adiuttable. 1' attire Value, per Pair WINGRANi, ONT. Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell GORRIE, ONT. Dif TIRED ANGE NOW MOTORS .., 10 SPRING ft SUMMER GRADES *OLD PURE .01.5TILE11 MOTOR OIL You'll think you're driving a new earl Moto-Matter Conditioner frees sticky Valves. diasolves aim and varnith depOlita —ROStOtea lost power and pen. recom- Mended and used by large 59 fleet owners 20 os. .26 .98 4.49 DD nos fiRsr. Flush out power-ideating Winter *urge with MOTO-MASTER MOTOR CONDITIONER Make this change for the better! Drain old oil now and refill with NUGOLD — the perfect Spring Tonic for your ear. NUGOLD is premium oil all the way—I00% distilled, acidless and carbon free. It is refined to clean, cool and give complete lubrication. OVARY GALLON 6-GAL. DRUM "Lock,On" GAS TANK CAP atthimrig enteme finish with tunes lock. ereve gat borrowing U a • U it 111 N a U U a Mr. Fred Moss and Mr. and Mrs., Harry Moss and baby of Bright, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, and Miss Faye McClenaghan of London, spent the week-end there. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Breckenridge of Ripley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Lott. Quite a number of the children are laid up with measles this week also, Frances Henry, Jackie Coultes, Paul Groskorth, Angus Sutherland, Jimmie and Harley Gaunt. Mrs. George MeClenaglum and Miss II - . Mr. Price Scott has purchased a home on Frances St., Wingham, and 'he and Miss Velma will move tl.ere the first week in May. Mrs. Roane celebrated her seventy- ninth birthday nn Friday and Mr. and Mrs. McKagne of Teeswater, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mein- ids for a family gathering on Sunday. Miss Matilda Alexander spent a few !days last week with her former neigh- bour, Mrs. Michael Cummings, West NV;twanoslt, I The play "Dark Was the Night" 'will be presented this Friday night in the Mildmay Hall. 4 Mts. John Falconer of Caledon has ;been visiting with Mrs. John Harkness ;of Treswater, since the passim!. 0 ,Mr. Harkness last w.?ek, And Mrs. I liarkness, Mrs. Falconer cut Mr. jos. !McInnis visited on zi.lunday -it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Pution and 4;:children of larckm.w, visited on Sun- „day last at the home of nis sister, Mrs. George Tiffin of Las..tside. Dr. Kirkby of Walton has been en- gai..1,e41 by the F. Wawanosh Federa- !lion of ALriculture to innoculate al !the heifer calves. He has been working; !at this during the past week, :ant I as lilone over three limulred of them. lMany arc pleased to see Dr. KiAby i again going the 1"011111iS rn Wawartosh rcecds. Preparatory service vas hell is 111,' :Presbyterian Church on Frkhy cacn- IIeh..; and .Communion Service held on „Sunday. This church started time on Sunday. The United clmrcn will start at '2 p.nl. fast time next Sim- day. This will continue for May and . ,fhe seryicp will change UN morning. at 10.80 fast time. !Falconer families received word last • week of the death of a cousin, Joseph Calvert of Thamesfor41. The 11temorial Hall •Conpuittee: gathered on Thursday at the Hall. When Hon. 3. A. •Carrell, Supt. o Community work in Ontario and Mr. John Hanna, were present to inspect the Memorial 'Halt here. They iew to:s to :mg:nil Catharine