HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-04-21, Page 4Carmtchaers. • LADIES MEN DIMITY in Blue, Pale Pink and Floral Patterns Per yard $1.19 LACE TABLECLOTHS in pleasing patterns Large size 70x90, $6.75 Small, 36x36 $3.59 DRESSES Ladies' Washable Print Dresses in gay Spring patterns Sizes 14-20 and 38-44 46 — 52 Priced from $1.49 up to $3.79 Ladies' Spun RAYONS Sizes 46 — 52 $5.95 SWEATERS Ladies' Cardigans in all Pastel shades Sizes 16 to 20 and 36-44 $4.50 each YARD GOODS BROADCLOTH in Maroon, White, Royal Blue and Green 59c up to 79c yd. Men's Heavy WORK BOOTS with Rubber Soles All sizes $3.98 pr. Men's Heavy Denim OVERALLS built for comfort and durability $3.49 pr. Men's WORK SHIRTS Reliable make $1.98 SPECIAL! Men's DRESS SHIRTS Here -is a Bargain at only $2.75 MEN'S TIES Gay Spring Coloured Patterns for young and old. $1.50 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! We now have BOYS' CLOTHING in Plaid Shirts, Overalls, Schciol Pants, Jackets, Sweat Shirts, Caps, Jersey and many other items. NYLON HOSE In all the New Spring Shades WELDREST, 45 gauge, pair $1.65 WELDREST, 51 gauge, pair $1.85 SERVICE WEIGHT, pair $1.25 PURE SILK CREPE, Subs, pair ...... ,..$1.25 LADIES—To be sure you get the BEST • INSIST ON WELDREST • • Carmichael's Dry Goods MEN'S - LADIES' - CHILDREN'S WEAR "THE HOME OF QUALITY DRY GOODS" CLASSIFIED ADS. ' Asamonsomonalrommomommora. AUCTION SALE — Of Household Effects will be held at the residence of J. H. Hopper, Diagonal Road, at 2 p,m, on Saturday, April 24th. Terms Cash. J. H. Hopper, Prop., L. G. Bryce, Auct. APRIl. CHICKS should be Hillside Chicks. Why? Because you want chicks of known breeding that will grow fast to catch up with some of the good markets, These markets are there fr ,r the practical poultry- keeper. Canadian Approved, breed- ers pallor= tested. Buy Hillside Chicks. watch them eatch up with the others, Agent, Frank Green, Wroxeter, Phone kr. EXPERIENCED WOMAN will rare fi ,r Play works or keep house :for elderly person. Apply Box C, Advance-Tirnes, EXPERIENCED CO NC R. ET E: 'Work—Floors, foundations, etc. At ply L. Brooks and J. ValiCamp. releplione evenings 81V or 608r5. Free estini,otes on all jobs. FOR SALE—Pure Bred Registered Hereford Bulls from fury accredited bud. SullY, Rosily Farms, Ila:.fielt1 Road, Goderich, Ont. . , FOR SALE —200 acre Farm, Howick owosinp, lots 12 and 13, Con. 12, 135 acres tillable land, 15 acres mix- ed, 12 acres circular vo pod bush, good bank fun, silo, 3 exeelletit wells, stable cemented. 1.41-111 all tl/C drained. S roomed brick house. hen. house, .sieep pen, driving shed, all in good condition. Hydro within a quarter mile. Rural mail box oppo- site loonse. • Immediate possession for farm and barn. Down payment, balance on easy terms. Apply R. J. aVarrell, Wroxeter, Out, ...„ . FARM FOR S.ALE—About :33 acres ti ht at Wingliam uu llighwaY, an extra 000d brick house with furnace,' barn with cement stables, miming water, equipped with hydro, about' 10 minutes ~talk into town. Apply. Roy Campbell, Wingham Phone. -63601. FOR SALE-1.4 H. P, Electric Meat Chopper in good condition. Apply Botcher Shop, Phone Wroxeter 43, FOR SALE — International Manure Spreader. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Two Used Singer Drops head Sewing Machines, reasnablyl priced. Box 403, Hanover, Oat. FOR. RENT-200 acre grass Farm, near Beigrave, kits of water, extra goad grass. Apply W. R. Paterson, 462 Wellington St., London. NA‘. Bulovo DIANA 17 JeweN $3750 CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham grave. Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for 10t;"'e of the con- tract price. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, R. IL Thompson, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Cecil Chamney and family wish to thank sincerely the many friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown to them during their recent sad bereavement, also special thanks-for the many floral tributes. , out all bight in s swamp A milesantithalt troth tome. Shirley Benninger, :four, ;glanev at :aerofoil of iearch in the safety of her 'orn,osa, Onto home- with ivesyearsold "Joey" Benninger. *lo:ey" went to the twine' 11.0h her, but left for home when hungiY. Later :he heard :his father and uncle •discussin Shirley's whereabouts, and 'told them :Shirley nit teen with him. The girl was lost for more than 1 hours • oft 15011 'RPM SERVICE IN MEMORIAM McNEVIN—In loving memory of a LIN dear son, Paddy, who passed away' April 21st, 1985. God called him home, It was His will, But in our hearts He livetlt still. —Ever remembered by Mo Sister, n icr and n HOWICK LIONS CLUB present an •_ _ AMATEUR NIGHT --- ill tint WROXETER TOWN HALL, on FRIDAY, APRIL 30 at 8:30 pan, D.S.T. A VARIED PROGRAMME of 30 Amateur Acts • $60.00 IN PRIZES ENTRY FORMS may be obtained from, and returned to IL L. KNIGHT, WROXETER, ONT., not later than 0:00 p.tn. April 28, This is your opportunity to set areal worth while program. It you have Talent, ACT' IlOW.,--This is the place to express "iti At.MISSION 50e an 25c The First 30 Entries only 'will be acceptable Judging - will be 'done the ,ortly lair wad, by Intan4 Of applause titter PAGE FOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TI1VIES Wednesday, April 21, 1946 FOR SALE Good Building Lot on Catherine St. Apply A. C. Adams. FOR SALE — 1933 Model B Ford C,ame in good condition, with seal beam lights. Apply Mac Newton, Phone 9r3 Wroxeter. FOR. SALE—Kitchen Table, 5 Chairs, Kitchen Cabinet, Studio Couch, Chest of Drawers. Apply Mrs. Jack Ernest, Phone 223. HARDEN MAY BE HAD FREE for the working. Apply Miss R. Lewis, Edward St. tiRASS FARM FOR RENT 150 acres, spring creek, on the 4th con. of Grey. Apply Rory McKay, Low- er Vs inoliano Phone 625t22. 1101 5E WORK WANTED By, young lady. Phone 4441. TEACHER WANTED—Protestant, for Turnberry School Area, state salary and qualifications if any. Ap- plications received up to April 30th, 1948, by Alex. Corrigan, Secretary- Treasurer, R.R. 1, Bluevale. 7PHOLSTERERS WANTED—Lar- ge manufacturing company in West- ern Ontario has openings for 10 op- holsterers. 'Must be top-notch me- chanics, Finest working conditions. Guaranteed hourly rate plus liberal production bonus. If you are look- ing for a job ivith a future apply to Box SL, Advance-Times, VETERINARY AND PET FIRST Aids--Serums and Baeterins, mixed or specific. A full department in our store. Ask for information and pamphlets. McKilabons, Wingham. WANTED—Girl or woman for Spring cleaning, all conveniences, good wages. Phone 366j, WANTED—House or part of house, unfurnished, will pay $30 to $35 per month, 3 adults. Apply Post Of- fice Box 234, Wingham. $35 to $60 A WEEK! Your own bus- iness! No boss, no timeclock, inde- pendence! The leading line of Home Service Products! Fine city and rural territories available. A vehicle is needed for routes. If you have selling ability and a small capital, write today for FREE information, FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Mont- AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture will be held at the residence of the late DAVID HALLIDAY Minnie St., Wingliam, at 2 o'clock, ,on FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1948 The following is for sale: Dining room Suite, Sideboard, Couch, Sparton Table Model Radio, 3 Rocking Chairs, a number of Kitchen Chairs, Day Bed, 4 Beds with Mattresses, 4 Dressers, What-not, Electric Table Lamp, Ash Sifter, Clock, Electric Iron, 3 Burner Coal Oil Stove with oven, 3 Tables, a quantity of Dishes, 2 Toilet Sets, Rugs and Linoleums, Clothes Rack, 3 Cup- boards, 2 Wash Stands, a quantity of Garden and numerous other articles. Terms — Cash, Jas. A. Halliday, Administrator. L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer. EXECUTOR'S SALE Of Real Estate and Household Effects Of the late MRS. ANNIE STUTT Will be held at her late residence, HOWICK ST., WROXETER At 2 p.m., on SATURDAY, APRIL 24th, 1948 The following is for sale: Round Extension Table, Square Kitchen Tab- le; Simmons Bed, Springs and Mat- tress, nearly new; 6 Kitchen Chairs, 6 Odd Chairs, Raymond Sewing ,Mach- ine, 2 Sets of Drawers, 2 Small Tab- les, Settee, 2 Wash Stands, Wooden Bed, Springs and Mattress, 2 Corru- gated Wardrobes, Westinghouse Elec- tric Radio, Rocker, Cupboard, Drop- Leaf Table, Oil Stove, 2 Toilet Sets, Beach Quebec Range, numerous other articles, Terms—Cash, There will also be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid a six room Cottage with ashphalt siding. Terms —Cash. Allan Munro, Executor, John Dinsmore, Auctioneer. Tenders For Painting Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to April 30, 1948, for painting outside of the Community Memorial Hall, :Vhitechurch, 3 coats to be applied, paint will he supplied, work to be completed by May 31, 1948 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Victor Emerson, Seey-Treas., Whitechurela Tenders for Drainage Work in East Wawanosh Twp. ./..,•••••••••• Staled tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 2 p.m., May 4, 1948, for the 'construction of the Hallaltan-Caldwell Municipal Drain, BL YTH Mr, Cecil 'Wheeler of Morris, has purchased the Hodgins property ,on Dinsley street.. He is making some improvements and hopes it will be ready for occupancy next month. The local Legion is entertaining the Legion Auxiliary in. Memorial Hall this Thursday evening. Mr. Ben. Walsh and family arc now nicely located in their new home on Queen street, recently purchased from Mr, Dap Riehl, Mr, Grover Clan has purchased the pool room front Mr. Ken. Scott and is now operating it, Mr. Earl Anderson of Belgrave, had charge of the morning service in the United Church. The evening service was in the form of an address by Dr, Hodd on the Labrador Mission. Miss Alice Gillespie has returned home, after having spent the past few months with friends in St. Catharines. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. C. B. Armitage and son, John, spent the, week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, W. B. McCook spent a few days last week in Toronto. Miss Lee K. Robertson, Reg. Nurse of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Mitchell, of Rothsay, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keating and other relatives. Mrs. Andrew Casemore and daugh- ter, Irlma, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pattison spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coleman, alto Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Steward of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isard, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Pym had as their guest last week-end the latter's brother, Mr. Charles Godbolt of Ex- eter, who was guest soloist at St. An- drew's Church Sunday evening. •• a a a • a WORK a a a a a a a BOOTS is a a a as as a is a a GREB SISMAN a a at au at a STERLING' HYDRO • • • a a a LEATHER and PANCO SOLES on n• ARCH SUPPORT BOOTS ain a • • • IN STOCK SIZES, 6 — ii ii ii In N MI • Rhys Pollock i a a "SHOES FOR ALL Tilt FAMILY • a a 111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111011111001111111111111111fillailliS111111 David Crompton Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom In Practically Every Colour OR SALE 1937 Dodge Sedan, can he seen after 4 p.m. Apply Box AM, Advance-Times. OR SALE—Baby Buggy with run nera. Phone 424, HOUSE FOR SALE-4 room 2 story House, possession could be arranged Apply Roy ,alundy, LOST-825x20 Truck Tire on High- way 86, 1-4 mile west of &Aland, Pan Friday. Finder please Phone Wingliam 492w collect. AWN _MOWERS REPAIRED and Sharpened. Jenkins Repair Shop, Minnie St. .OS —Young Black Collie Dog with sonic white. Arthur Stapleton, R. R. A Wingham. ITCHENF.R BIG-4 CHICKS — They're what you want if you're or dering April chicks, You want to catch tip with the markets. For eggs or meat you can't beat Big-4 Scores of satisfied customers writing every year with repeat orders. They'd buy none but Big-4. Lose no time get- ting prices and giving us ,your ord- er. Get our special prices on started chicks. Wilbur Hogg, It. 4, Wing- ham. SALE—Of Furaitureetids this Satur- day, April :24, 1948 at fichttett Sons, Mildmay.a :Hurry. SAVE-a-Have your :Chesterfield Suites upholstered for $90 to $120, by Nor-• wood Ottomans, 331 Queen Street, Stratford. Guaranteed. Phone 1711It days only„ If there are nicks in the enamel of your refrigerator, rust spots will form. Touch up the nicks with an enamel paint, using one of the children's paint brushes. Use mild soap and water for cleaning cracked enamel. Tenders For Painting Tenders will be received by the Board of Village Trustees of the Vil- lage of Wroxeter, for the painting of the interior of the Wroxeter Town Hall. Specifications for this work may be obtained at Moffat's Hardware In Wroxeter. Tenders to be submitted by May 1st, 1948. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Wroxeter Village Trustee Board, Hector L. Knight, Secretary. IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS Mrs', A. D. Smith, Bluevale, wishes to thank her many friends and neigh- bours for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts received during her recent illness. To Dr. Connell and the Staff of the specifications, proole, etc., may be seen Wingham General Hospital a special at the Clerk's Office, R. R. 1, Bel- thank you. FORMOSA, ONT., CHILD LOST, FOUND, READS ABOUT IT IN PAPER WESTINGHOUSE MODEL R.M. This gleaming, stream- lined range features the large, extra-convenient, acid-resisting cooking top, latest fast-heating elements, a roomy oven, a warming drawer and two con- venient storage drawers forpots and pans. Price 2 4 01 s WESTINGHOUSE MODEL A4M. This smart, compact range, just two feet wide, pro- vides the latest range improves ments styled to fit the smaller kitchen, Price. 215, The Last Word These fine Westinghouse ranges really are the last word in speed, convenience and economy. Their smart styling and beautiful finish will brighten any kitchen. The eves heat oven assures the finest baking and roasting results . , . and the smokeless broiler will, grill the tastiest, juiciest steaks you've ever cooked. WEIR. In loving memory of Mrs. Isabella Weir, who passed away one am year ago, April 25th, 1947. • Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, LI Her weary trials and troubles Are past, um' In silence she suffered, in patience she bore; Till God called her home, to suffer no more. Ever remembered by Lillian and fam- ily, • Complete line of such famous makes as a 4AL