HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-04-21, Page 3Wednesdays April 21, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREg 4 „0, river can be a mortal terror. But Spring had a good smell to it. There's,,the smell of the earth oozing the frost out and steaming in the HURON-BRUCE LIBERAL EXPERT REPAIRS Nominating, Convention ELECTION OF OFFICERS will be held in the TOWN HALL, I • Brake Swerve • Pitching • Tire Weer Etc, on all makes and models of RADIOS WASHERS REFRIGERATORS APPLIANCES For Satisfaction, Call WINGHAM it U at 8 p.m. 'fare, gea Mrs. W. J. 'Geddes, a dearly loved Member of our W.M.S., who was call- ed recently to higher service by the Master, whom she had loved and sere ved so faithfully, Mrs, Geddes was a life member of our Society and will be greatly missed, Her cheerful willing- Iless in giving of her time, talents and money was an inspiration to all who worked with her and was an example for all to follow, "By their fruits, ye shall know them," Mrs. Bruce had charge of the topic for the day' and it dealt with the Mis- sionary work of our church in the Far East, Most interesting and inspiring were the accounts of the work of Dr. John Geddie, the Gordon Brothers and Dr, McKay in Formosa; Dr. Goforth in China, Dr. Wilkie and Dr, Buchan- an in Indita. Their names too will go down not only in the history of Mis- sion work of the Presbyterian church in Canada, but in the history of the lands to which in their Master's Name they dared to go as His witnesses, They have laid sore foundations carefully and prayerfully. May we be given grace to help build a church worthy of these foundations.' The Easter Thank Offering was re- ceived and the meeting closed with prayer by the President. 1 U McGILL Radio Service 'Phone 380 Wingham Sat., April 24th, 1948 The -ripest engineered NEW Shock AbSorbers cost no more than taa price or rebuilt ones, We specialize in shOck absorbers; let us cave yea money tool izilitiavimpaiontattill11 111111 11.1 1"imitiiiiirillillowilioloullsihulill1111111111111111111.11111111, ii Good-bye to R010 Rida$— MOTO.MASTER Shock Absorbers grid . warming rays of the sun, There's the steaming syrup kettles and the smell ao of woodsmoke velvety morning. There's the smell of time stable as the warmth penetrates through the stone walls and sends the frost out to con- geal glistening globules on the side. I like the seufniNf spring, There's the high pitched yellsaof the children playing down the read in the school- yard, They have been released from the prison of a wintry dark school and at recess time glory in a brief but new- found freedom, I like to hear the cars and trucks rumbling over the river bridge on moist and foggy days in the spring. There's sound of tractors rumbling in the distance and of dogs barking as they set out for pre-sea- son look at the haunts of the wood- chuck that will soon be fair prey. There's a feeling about Spring that man has never been able to really de- fine. Things look different, The world is being released from bondage, In the villages and towns the storm windows are coming off, People are painting their houses and some are, poking around in their gardens. The' men are carefully raking over the lawn in front of the church on Main Street. They even give the old pump in front of the hotel a coat of paint, The door of the blacksmith shop is open. Cronies are sitting on nail kegs gossiping and the smithy is outlined in the red haze of the blazing coal as he turns the forge. His helper is pounding out an iron bar and the sounds echo and re-echo along the quiet street. At the implement shop there is an array of shiny, new red machinery waiting for buyers, Lovers are strolling down the back- streets hand in hand ...serene- ly confident that the world is theirs alone. And the crows are starting to caw in the swamps and swales and soon there'll be the dignified bass of the bull frogs joining in the refrain. Spring comes and is welcomed in the country, Power Tool Grinder MEETING OF tHE EXECUTIVE AT 7 P.M. in the TOWN HALL, WINGHAM HON. FARQUHAR OLIVER will address the meeting. Donald Blue, Acting President Gordon Elliott, Sec'y-Treas. GOD SAVE THE KING. 4 a a a a a 4 U a a a a a a WINIIII0101114.1.001.0411•111110.111111414M111111011001411111001M0.000110.411110.4.001.10111n 1141111110111111.1p1110•4101•MIMMOOMIODIMMMNI General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE U U U I a a U A 3.79 Complete with Wheels C.T.C. SUPER VALUE High Friction Test—Long Wearing — Smooth Brake Action -- Vow lford .178-,A42MarnZodedelsat2t.h2e0Lo:2C.sosta: Zroouinfat., Do'ilOdstoo, etc, 22..0154 toto 22..8750, Met afire and mgoadveelssaaftelyerally low Easily worth $S, this sturdy Bench Grinder comes complete with two 4" wheels, V-pulley, belt-guard and tool- rests. A. useful home shop tool. Bargain Stock Reducing Sale QUEEN OIL-BURNING • BROODER STOVES 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT. S. J. Pyrnm P. 0. Box 74 Mrs. Robert Nicholson has returned to Belgrave, after spending many months in Bluevale. Mr. and 'Aft& George VanStone and daughter of St. Marys, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Jordan. Mrs. Jack MacDonald and Heather, of Kincardine, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McSwain. Miss Lois Kelly of London, Mr. Gibson. Armstrong of London, and Miss Merle Anderson of Fergus, spent the week-end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wade and Tom, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cruick- shank, Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Harris and Edith. of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wade at Fordwieh. Mrs. D. Hallahan and Mary Louise, spent theweek-end in Guelph. Mrs. ,McCormick of Culross, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Hallahan. Mr. Maurice Leitch spent Sunday at his home here. Rev. David Wren of the Ontario Temperance Federation preached in the United Church on Sunday morn- ing. Belgrave United Church Sunday,.April 25th, will be regarded as the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and reception for new members. Nine- teen young people who have been training in A church membership class for two months will be received into full Communion. This will be a service of great importance, and it is hoped that a large attendance of friends and relatives of the young people will be EXPERIENCED IN "3-IN-1" GREASE GUN — Combined force and suction sun for transmis- sions, differentials and other ma- chinery. Removes old grease, flushes and refills. Strongly constructed with heavy leather plunger RUBBER SPONGES tam LARGE .29 .49 U U U U a n n U 1 1.69 CONCRETE WORK BRAND NEW! $20.00 While They Last! Or $21.00 Delivered to your station Act NOW ! With the coal strike and steel short- ages they may be impossible to buy-next Fall at even $30.00 each. It will pay you to act and buy now, even if you don't need a stove this year, Prices Subject to Change Without Notice. You must enclose this ad. with order for Special Sale Price. Foundations Stables, Sidewalks, Cisterns, etc., also PLASTERING AND CHIMNEY BUILDING SOCKET SET 33 pieces. IA" square drive. A most complete set of sockets and necessary han- dles, Heat treated, select- ed steel that will give long satisfactory service. Uni- versal joint valve grinder. Speeder handle, etc., 9.95 Included L. R. Greenaway BLUEVALE - ONT. Telephone Wingham 610r12 Save 15.00 on the New Buy Now! MASTERCRAFT POWER SAW Lakeview Hatchery and Supply Company EXETER — ONTARIO MEALS LUNCHES A TRIBUTE TO OLIVE CRUIKSHANK • • 8" Blade • Ball Bearing • Precision Engineered 50.00 Value. for BELGRAVE S 1 U iU U SifERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP i I j I; II I IU IS I I l 9 IN If II I) I hI I UI II M I I I II I Here's your opportunity to save a really high quality toil that will ewe years of faithful service. We've sold many hundreds of them and other Mastercraft hobby sad industrial tools with every satLs- faction to the user. Knox Presbyterian W.M,S. The April meeting of Knox Presby- terian W,M.S, was held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Leitch. The president, Mrs. R. J. Scott conducted the meet- ing and opened with the call to wor- ship. The scripture reading and the meditation on Jesus' first miracle and on His purging of the temple, were FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Sodas and Sundaes Bricks always available taken by Mrs. Anderson, and were fol- lowed by prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary and were adopted. The allocation for the year, supplies for the bale and European Relief work, all came op again for discussion. Plans were made for sending supplies for children in the schools in the West. High tribute was paid by the Presi- dent to the work and life of the late Compiled by Profs. H. Sproale and W. R. Knox of Guelph U.A.C. and read by Professor H. Sproale, I was privileged to know Olive since 1920 when she was then newly ap- ipointed as Director of Home Econ- omics at Macdonald Institute. It was my personal good fortune and also, that of my family to be associated with her, so that I knew her as a citizen, in the house, as well as a member of the faculty. 1 • Her character, her personality, her as vision and her outstanding back 111 I t n Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM U U U The Wingham Concert Association presents a Series of concerts Phone 184 WINGHAM, ONT. Robin E. Campbell ground of training made her espec- - present to witness the service, jelly well qualified to put into practice Will the public please note. The the fundimental principles of dietetics service will start at 11 a.m. Standard as well as to exemplify the high ideals Time. The services on the charge will of womenhood so essential to the well run on Steandard time until after the being of Canadian citizenship to the second Sunday in May. On that Sun- girls of Macdonald Iestitute with day announcement will be made re- WI10111 She had a direct and most im- gard the change to Daylight Saving tiressive contact, She was a living ex- Time. ' lample of the principles which she held Three new members will also be re- omit to these young women as being ceived by transfer from other church- iicardinal characters of citizenehhe 1k - es. . . ,cause of her good character, Olive en- The Official Board of the Belgrave (feared herself through her devotion . Charge . will be held in the Sunday to a very large circle of friends in School room of time church, on Monday ‘,,,hos.. memor i es her kindliness of evening, April 26th, atS p.m. As this is 'heart and character will live on. In- the last meeting of time board before (l eeg, one is remi n d ed os see llays Phone 38.1. GORRIE, ONT. Id. H. Carson & Son rs "41111:1 •1111431113111111111111111111111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111121111111•11111E11:101017 cumstances, to conic to \\Ingham to her home after spending the whiter pay their last respects and to .condhle months with members of her family with her brother Bob—were heard to at Guelph, Galt and Militias. express themselves after this fachion: "Everything .. Featuring ... I knew ahem t dive ! thefu ll afattnei itiudalaucCuo‘nyfienrebnece,it present, is nhopedsthrae 41..i,tr-iet.ilf .t.,o2i•LE Englishman: i.ma.ant,10,:ire another )`ceps e)si,) s always nesa occurred at our henna t tlive ',Vac Cruikshank was lovely-. When sick- will he many important matters to be ori:e`'w',..,',,yi`t11.-"'hh ";.'1; %""'-'" another wears -was ready to help the sick and dive the first to lift the hoeli am brought to the attention of the Board. int rot;"s )`J'wleave, Sunday, May 2nd., will be a d l'eoartit'l Th arms ye forge, another hears." I the Irmely"--As the poet Barry said: as "Rural Life" Stinday, and the ser- i, Olites sense of honor was not con- , "God gave us memories that toe vice will be almost completely aaaagt,,iaa in iiiital to her devotion to her family liaiglit have roses in December." disarugnedt;t:INI°Lal.s:nputtiligoPhiir b—e'''...gihti-e.hs ;aultilfatrreiends only but rather, to the concern,. for the preservation of Dem- ......--,_ ' 'Z1 The Best Canadian Artists LEON C. GANTELON Repr.senting the Crown Life Insurance Co., of Toronto "Guaranteed Protection for Your Every Need" DONNYBROOK of others. She had a grave Day" and the Sacrameta Chriatian Baptism will be administered. Presbytery of IIttrun mid the :"'-'rarY in all of its important aspects, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webster atid Mr. SUBSCRIPTIONS Talon for ,ALL Publications v ... G. I oderich, st ere visitors on Sunday her sense. of sincerity prompted her to April noiltatteonsly in Seaforth, cm Tuesday, of leonsider ways and means whereby she slit r2es,lbtlyLteOra tiligi t tboe tyl'ilidtleldleectlitiltigreb4 could •Make sonic contribution tti the the presbytery will convene in the effort through her Department. _ Slw ultimately conceived the idea of ',Phone 1:60 tox 297 WINGHAM ONT. u ry c; p b - . 1 will b e held sh. Wien World War II was declared ant Mrs. Stuart Chaninev were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Heiallitri.era7dn'.1Rfrit1:11;itillin Tiffin of Wine: ham and Mr. and <Mrs. Berton Mills Presbyterian lure a . establishing a training school for iat t h e home of mg and ;q rs. x„rtigh to both Presbytery and Conference 'itoyal Canadian‘ A ir Fore-t, Chiefs at Thomps,,u. Will he appointed at the Official Board the (emeriti Agricultural College. She 1 Mr. Gordon Naylor visited on Fri- meeting. I Mr. acid Mts. Harmon Mitchell of laid l'alla, afoillIdayi°4 for a school wberelday with his daughter, Kay, who is a First Concert The Canadian Little Symphony MONUMENTS I Rothsay visited with friends in and ,"ve.r "th' yo...1.!Pg mc11;111d WM.," were ,patient iiial t tlil.eonf2ildren's Ma inor to named this vicioity. ; trained to efficiently prepare mod fot Guests with mr. and Mrs, John t rier Canadian Air Force Personnel. mrs. Jefferson st is visiting with Such was the recognization of Olise cock, :)Its, rwse, r pe u'acturc.krusidt,Mututa. Guero: Arid aikshaays qualifications that upon Mrs. Edward Robinson has returrha 'her sister at Goelph. her servicea were made avail- ;from Winghain following an operas, Mrs, Gordon Walsh, all of Lambeth, i request, and Mr. anti Mrs. Alex Leaver gnd able Government Canada ,,,, for the removal of tonsils. %viten She assumed the responsibility Evelyti of Wilighatin Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ai tch i son of to matiage the Laurentian Terrace, a Lueknow. spent Sunday with Mt. and Government owned home, designed to ST. HELENS A family plot should he graded with the shrinealike beta, of monument which will be ever- lastingly a tribute tci those at test. We have many elastic styles to suggest, and will Work with you on euitott designs. OCTOBER 20th Mts. 'C. Pardon, provide home life for the low salaried Mrs. Mary Matain of Toronto, was girls in the employ of Government a recent guest at the home of ?Sir.John tinder war conditions. She was a aaaeQ u igi th friend indeed to these girls who hailed , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and _•from Provinces, from the Atlantic la! Larry and Miss Doris Taylor of Lon- , I the Pacific and from every walk °I ,don, Mr, Murray Taylor of Wingham, life ,a mother to 260 ,girls. lavers week-end visitors with Mr, and Olive R. Cruikshank, while she has haars. Chest e r Taylor. By Harry J. Boyle been taken away untimely, had a full i Mr. and Mrs. Angus MeDonalt good way. The creek starts rebelling modestly summed up in the following Spring comes to the country in a life while the lived. Her life can be ....--a... i gu(iclerslit Ist'll 11:Notriaicti acngantahlebroituigr)inwteltiee against the icy padlock of winter and verse written 200 years ago: ,community ball on Wednesday even- . when they finally burst from the grip, 'Friend to truth! of soul sincere, PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS And Three More Concerts Guaranteed (Dates Announced Later) Wm. Browniie Box 373 'Phone 450 Alfred St. Wingham ling. After lima Allan Miller read an they go dlurlding and murmuring In ;Idiot faithful and in honour clear, address of congratulations and good along to get in on the fun being enjoy- Who brhke no promise, served no pri- hivislies and Frank McQuillia made the ed by the rampaging river. A river, vate end, jpresentation of a substantial stun of which iS normally a trickle of water Who gained no title mid who lost no !money. against a dry bed on a .summer's day friend" has an hour of revenge when the floods cne. Tearing along, thatching at ev- erything on the way gorging itself on debris and theft spilling it out again Inscriptions Repairing Sandblasting Memorials 25 years etpetience The latest in Portable Sandblast Equipment Adults $3.50 4 Concerts Students .$100 a 4 Concerts Mist .Zona Newton, student nutse at Siek Children's Hospital, Toronto, was a recent visitor with her parents, Rev. Vii. G. and Mrs. Newteti. Mrs. l.3. Woods has returned t All Worit Personally Extettted Messages have come to onr pitee from many friends, who after reading of the passing of Iivr, and finding it impossible, 'because of unavoidable cir- I