HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-04-14, Page 11lowed by the Scripture lesson read by Mrs. Moff4 with Mrs, Harvey Timrn giving the commentary, Mrs, ,.A, J, Sanderson led in prayer. Psalm 736 read responsively, "Teach me 0 Lord the way of Thy Statutes,"4 Mrs, San- derson gave a reading in keeping with the theme, "The Season of Sowing." Mrs. A. Munro and Airs, D, S, Mac- Naughton favored with a duet, "God Will Take Care of You. Mrs. K, Haz- elwood presented a chapter from the Study Book, "The bringing of the Bible to. Burma" adding a short mes- sage from a Missionary recently re- turned from there. Attention was brought to a letter received from the supply secretary asking for under- clothing for a girl. Donations for this will be received at the May meeting. Sixteen members and visitors answer- ed the Roll Call, "My Favorite Hymn" The singing of the hymn, "He liveth Long, Who liveth well" and prayer by Mrs. Cronhielm brought the meet- ing to a close. New Books Listed The following books are now avail- able in Wroxeter Libzary; Just Like a Girl—Jean Randall; Waltz into Dark- ness—W. Irish; The Case of the Back- ward Mule—E. G, Gardiner; Valley of Wild Horses=Zane Grey; Daylight on Saturday—J. B. Priestly; In Due Sea- son—Van der-Mark; We' Live in Alas- ka—Constance Helmericks; Home Port—O, H. Proutly; The Money Man—Thomas B. Castaia; Nothing So Strange—James Hilton; Robbers' Roast—Zane Grey; Each Shining Hour—L. Larrimore; The Labor of Hurcules—A. Christie; Portrait North —E. J. Walker; Smoke Across the Sell—G. Sutton; Shrimp Harris, Lloyd Douglas; The Flaming Hour—E, A. McCork; Stages of Destiny—Y. Karslf; Burma Surgeon—Gordon B. Seagrave; Wolf Story—W. McLeery; Happy Days in the Garden—E. W. Hayes; The Lucky Sixpence—E. B. Knipe; Shug the Pups—S. M. Reynolds. Library hours are Saturday, 2 to 5 o'clock. Mrs. A. J. Sanderson is Lib- rarian. Word was received on Monday morning of the death of a former resi- dent of this district,. John Beninger, who formerly lived on the Gorrie road, recentily moved to Culross. While in this district he farmed also kept bees, and assisted Mr. Lloyd Hupfer. Sympathy is extended to his a Repmenting the Crown Life Insurance Co., of ,Toronto "Guaranteed Protection for Your Every Need" SUBSCRIPTIONS Taken for ALL Publications 'Phone 160 Box 297 WINGHAM - ONT. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. f F. IMMUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston W. A. CRAWFORD, M. IL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 1150 Winghem Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — 'Toronto MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 Gi nos, FHB REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and THE BEST OF SERVICE marry OP EXPERIENCE 'hone 231 Wingluon CRAWFORD & HETHERINOTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Winghatn, Phone 48 a Crawford, N.C., S. Hetherington, X.C. A. H. McTAVISII Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone Teeswater 120j J. W. BUSHRELD, K*G I Barrister,' Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office Meyer Block, Wingham DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Countlecof HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ripley; Ontario K. M. MaciENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office Minnie SC Opposite and South a the Vatted Mara, PHONE 196 Ontario FOX Chiropractor and Druglesi Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. A I. G. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 82 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONT. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- moats, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingbam. Locker Storage Boxes For Rent Residents: Make the most of the summertime good- ness of fruits, vegetables,meats, and poultry— buy in ample quantities or Frozen Food Lock- er storage and you can enjoy .them around the calendar. Whether you raise your own foodstuffs, or buy in economical large quanti- ties, a Frozen Food Locker will mean better eating at lower cost the year around. UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE CO., LTD. To Wingham and District Maitland Creamery R. MacINTOSH, Manager 'Phone 271 WINGHAM ONTARIO s!.•• •• • (4901.• Handling money ei(94 money It costs you more to live these days. And it costs your bank more to provide efficient banking service. Bank staff's are more thaii half as large again as before the war; payrolls have nearly doubled. Taxes are up. So is the cost of everything banks buy. Yet you pay no more for banking service than you did ten years ago. Today 7,000;000 Canadians are bank customers—striking evidence of the ever-widening usefulness of competitive banking in our national life. tOONSOICII Ift TOtrit it llf; Wednesday, April 14, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE EL V N Admissamemi. LEON C. CANTELON spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Don, aid Fanner, Walkerton. The Junior Farmers and Junior In- stitute group of Ripley, presented a successful play here last year, and are coming later this month with a new 3 Act Comedy, 'Dark was the Night," Mr, Frank Earls has purchased the farm of Miss Maggie Knox, Mrs, George Newton is still a pat- lent in Victoria Hospital, London. We are pleased to know her health is im- proving, Mr. Newton is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Wm, Gibson. The Howick Lions Club will spon- sor a Minstrel Show in the Town Hall on Wednesday of this week, presented by 25 colored gentlemen of Teeswater, The work of the United Church is now almost completed, A false ceiling has been put in which it is hoped will reduce the heating cost, The interior has been painted in Ivory with Sun- tan trim. The ladies of the United Church will hold a bee on Thursday, April 15th, at 1 p.m., to clean the church, following painting and renovation. Please bring pail and brush. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Heimpel and children, spent Sunday with friends at Stratford. ' Women's Institute Mrs. R. B. Hunter opened her home on Wednesday afternoon, April 7th, for the meeting of Wroxeter Women's Institute, when 32 members and guests answered the Roll Call. President, Mrs., H. V. MacKenney presided and led in the singing of the Ode and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. W. T. MacLean preseated the minutes and correspon- dence which included a letter from the Provincial President, Mrs. H. Futcher, of Wocidstock. $10.00 was voted to an appeal from Cancer Fund. The Good Cheer committee Mrs. Pacey, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Moffat, assisted by Mrs. J. H. Wylie, and Mrs. Munro were named a committee to purchase and pack a box every six weeks for a Brit- ish family during the coming year. The County of Huron Hospitalization plan ,was mentioned and will be dealt with in detail at the May meeting. Ex- cellent reports of the Standing Com- mittees' were read, showing a year of new adventures and achievements. The Co-operative programme was efficient- efficiently 'dealt with by Mrs. Harold Durst, District Director, For the local Institute. Oven meals was first choice needle point and quilts and quilting tied as second choice. For the district, "Developing Community Enterprises" was the choice. Mrs. Harold Hamil- ton favored with a solo, "April Show- ers", Miss K. Hazelwood accompany- ing. Mrs. J. N. Allen was at the piano for Community Singing. Mrs. Harvey Timm and Miss Ellen MacEwen re- viewed Current Events, bringing a variety of topics in both serious and humorous view. The Roll Call, "Your EXPERT REPAIRS on all makes and models of RADIOS WASHERS REFRIGERATORS APPLIANCES For Satisfaction, Call McGILL Radio Service 'Phone 380 Wingham WOOL GROWERS' ORGANIZATION 0 Ship Collect To Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Shippers may obtain sacks and twine without charge from George Haldenby, Holyrood or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada W HA MILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. a . Favorite Recipe" brought an interes - ing variety of favorites. The exchange of gifts with the unknown W. I, friend created a friendly spirit amang all present, and by majority vote will be again carried out in the coming year's programme. Mrs, Munro pres- ented the report of the Nominating Committee as follows: President, Mrs. H. V. MacKenney; 2nd. Vice-Pres., Mrs, Allen Munro; District Director, Mrs. H. Hamilton; Branch Directors, Mrs. Lyle Brothers, Mrs. Harvey Timm; Press Reporter, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton;,,Auditors, Mrs. R, B. Hunter, Mrs. A, Munro; Lunch Committee, Mrs, J. H. Wylie, Mrs. G. Howes; Good Cheer Com., Mrs. Pacey, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Moffat; Standing Committees: Health and Soc- ial Welfare,' Mrs. H. Timm; Historical Research, Mrs. J. N. Allen; Home Ec- onomics, Mrs. R, B. Palmer; Citizen- ship, Mrs. W. E. Cronhielm; Public- ity, Mrs, Vern Denny. A Pot Luck lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants, and a social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. p. A. Wearring expressed appreciation to Mrs. Hunter for her kind hospitality. Young People's Uunion And He shall Reign forever and of His Kingdom there shall be no end," was the theme for the weekly meeting of the Young People's Union, on Mon- day evening. President, Jean Moffat, presided and opened the meeting with the Call to Worship and repeating the Lord's Prayer. "Jesus Shall Reign" was the opening hymn. Bob Cunning- ham chose for the scripture lesson, Matthew, chapter 13 31-33, 44-46; Margaret Moffat read a poem entitled "The Dream," The Kingdom of God was the subject of the Topic given in two parts by Frances Wylie and Gil- berta Howes.. The second hymn chos- en was, "0 Master, let tne walk with Thee". Rev. U. E. Cronlitelm conduct- ed the weekly Bible Study Period. The hymn "Work for the night is tom- ing" and the Mizpali Benediction brought the meeting to a close. Rev. J. C. Casey rector of St. James Anglican Church will attend a 3 day Rural Synod Convention in St. Paul's Church, Toronto, this week, Mr. Caley was one of three chosen to represent this diocese of Huron. 1...101•••11,11...0111 Library Euchre The local Library Board held a successful and enjoyable progressive Euchre in the Red Cross Rooms on Wednesday last. Mrs. Wm. Maxwell held the highest score for ladies, Mrs. G. A. Warring, second. Mr, G. A. Wearritig won the gentlemen's prize with Mr. Leslie Douglas second, Re- freshtnents were served and a few games of Bingo enjoyed. The special Bingo, a basket of groceries was won by Mr. Charlie Cathers Local Curl Wins Congratulations to Miss Norma Felker who placed third in the Orator- ical Contest sponsored by the Men's Club of Bluevale, on Friday night last week. Norma is the 11 year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Felker, 4th line, turnberry, and a pupil of Miss Helen Walker, S. S. No. 2, Turnberry, and spoke ,on "Life on the P'arm"... There were 8 contestants from Mor- ris and Tarriberry schools. 1•••••••1141...... Women's Missionary Society " What Does Christ Require of Mei was the theme of the April meeting of the Women's Missionary Society which met in the church parlours on Friday last. President, Mrs. Harold Hamilton presided and opened the meeting with the Call to Worship. God loved this World, 'Christ lived and died for it. We have received it as I trust. The Missionary 'hymn, "jests Calls Us Over the Tallith" was fol- • . a Edwards' Motor 'Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks I PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone--Days 417. Wingham n nouninoisismonaminummanammummiswimmummallanautu HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW DISCUSS "ONTARIO MINING • LOOKS AHEAD" IN QUEEN'S PARK REPORT Na 13 Friday, April 16 CKNX 920 kcs. 8 - 8:15 p.m. WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanderson, Tor- lanto, visited Mrs. W, E. VanVelsor CHESTERFIELDS CHAIRS, SOFA BEDS, ANTIQUES RE-COVERED GIBSON'S UPHOLSTERING and REPAIR SHOP Phone 260 Maple St. Wingham and Miss Rona VenVelsor one day last week. Mr. Sanderson was a former resident in this village, Mrs. Vern Clark was operated on for appendicitis last week in Wing- ham General Hospital. Her many friends are pleased to know she is making a good recovery. Miss Gladys Musgrove, nurse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, London, is spending a two weeks' holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mus- grove. Dr. T. E. Ball has sold his farm property Wroatter South, to Mr. H. Milligan of Molesworth district. Miss Agnes Wearring of Toronto Normal School, spent last week prac- tice teaching with principal Harold Hamilton, Wroxeter School. Mrs. Harvey Timm and daughter, Marilyn, spent Wednesday, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watts and two children, Weston, are spending a two weeks' vacation with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Trev. L. Hainstoek, Fordwich, visited on Monday with D. S. and Mrs. MacNaughton. Miss Mae Davidson returned on Sat- urday from Oshawa, where she has spent the winter season. Accompany- ing her were Mrs.... Gavin Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. L. F, MacLaughlin, Mrs. MacPherson, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Shortt, who spent the week-end here. Mrs. Peter Milligan was taken to the Wingham General Hospital last week, having suffered a severe heart attack. Her many friends wish for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Alex Wright is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Grieg and Mr. Greig, Bluevale. The Official Board of Wroxeter and Salem congregations will meet at Wroxeter United Church, school room, on Tuesday, April 20th, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Cully who has spent several months with her sister, Mrs. Bella MacDowell, left on Tuesday for her home in New Haven, Conn., U, S, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs, Russel Christie, Teeswater, accompan- ied by Mrs. Freda MacDonald, they Time Table Changes EFFECTIVE Sunday, April 25, 1948 Full Information from Agents. Canadian National Railways bereaved wife. Miss Margaret Morris, Howick, is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. W. S. McKercher. Special Re-Opening A special Re-opening Service will be held in the United Church, on Sunday morning, April 17th, at 11 a.m. At 7.30 p.m. the members of the different church organizations will assist with the music. All are cordially invited to attend,