HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-03-31, Page 7filephoile 499 Have Year TIRES Replaced with 1"4-Y1 FIRESTONES BALANCED FOR LONGER SAFER SMOOTHER WEAR • AND HAVE ,THEM PROPERLY Crossett Motor Sales Your MERCURY and LINCOLN Dealer Wingham Over '84,0 Producers who marketed cream, eggs and Poultry through United Farmers Co-Operative Company Limited last year received over $84,000 in patronage earnings. DID YOU GET YOUR SHARE? Join the thousands of shippers who are now participating in these patronage earnings. SHIP YOUR CREAM, EGGS, POULTRY TO United Farmers Co-Operative Co. Ltd. Maitland Creamery WINGHAM ONTARIO Miss Norma Brandon, Toronto, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Moffat and other friends. Miss Agnes Wearring, Toronto Nor- nal School, is spending Easter holidays with her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wearring. Mr. and Mrs. Normin Muir, Ridge- town, are holidaying with Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Ball. Master Billy St. Marys, Clifford, is spending Easter week with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Adams, Mr. W. A, Sawtell, Brampton, and Miss Helen Sawtell„ Toronto, are spending the holiday week at their home here. Holy Communion will follow morn- ing service in United Church on Sun- 11 1 11 11 1 1E IN I I I El l a a a a FOLKS— SEE COOK'S ri Floor Service BELGRAVE, ONT. F'-= • • NOW Try the BEST. — For a free estimation 'Phone 624r32 or 621r12 511111111511111111111111111311111111111111112111111111111111ti A11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111; n it U U If you're Remodelling or • Building a New Home. 1111 • LOOK! 'you've tried the rest— — PAGE $EVENT, Outstanding Religious Film ENTITLED; The.Missing Christians' A SOUND, TECHNICOLOUR PICTURE, SHOWING IN Wingham Town Hall Friday, April 2 - p.m, Don't Miss This The Board was in favour of holding a Township School Area Field Day on or near the last day of school in June, providing the teachers, pupils and parents were willing to co-operate. The date and place of the picnic to be discussed later, if it were finally decid- ed to go ahead with the project. After some good natured bluffing the members of the Board consented to provide one contest in a trustees foot race. Save Money by PREPAYING NEW WALLPAPERS .M•lir•••••••••••••• You will thrill with the style and colour in the NEW WALLPAPERS now on display. Sun-Tested Specials 30-inch Living Room, heavy Embossed Patterns, Per roll 4444 1••••041•* ..... 29c Marble Design Kitchen—Two colours and Sun- Tested, per roll — .19c SUN-TESTED WALLPAPERS WILL LAST LONGER The Wallpaper Shop ELMER WILKINSON DECORATOR ••• ~aWN off. WINGHAM 114'4 ........ Town of WINGHAM 1948 TAXES Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1948 taxes up to 90 per cent. of 1947 taxes. Interest at the rate of Four per cent. per an- num will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. . W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham 4e* FIRST CLASS Watch Repairs For the Present, Watches Only, George Williams John Street Wingham Next .to Masonic Hall n U U N a a -11 a U U We realize our obligation when we fill your of,ttj eormall mem- orial—and terials of unending serviceability. Design Design and workmanship are of zr.. the finest, and our prices are 'P. most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done Fp. AU MODERN EQUIPMENT Wingham a Memorial Shop 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton 50▪ 111111111111110111111111111121111110111111M11111111111110 CIGARS SMOKER'S SUNDRIES MAGAZINES Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP r MEALS LUNCHES SHERi3ONDY'S COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Sodas and Sundaes Bricks always available Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM CHESTERFIELDS CHAIRS, SOFA BEDS, ANTIQUES RE-COVERED UPHOLSTERING and REPAIR SHOP Phone 260 Maple St. Wingham Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Free Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY 42' Brunswick St. STRATFORD — ONTARIO Enquiries should be left at It A. Currie's, Wingham, GIBSON'S THE. WINGI-JAM ADVANCE-TIMES For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS Bennatt & Gasmen 'Phone 447 Wingham day morning next, April 4th. Good Friday. service was held at 8 p.m., when the congregations of the United and St. James Anglican church gathered at the latter dwelt, Rev. J, C, Caley conducted the service, Rev, U, E. Cronhielm was the speaker, These joint services were held throughout the Lenten Season, and were much appreciated by all those Privileged to attend, Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Durst were, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Forster, Dublin, also Mr, Alvin Hudson, Toronto, Miss Edna Lawrence was an Easter visitor with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Lawrence. Miss Marjorie Allen, Toronto, is spending Easter holidays with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. J. N, Al- lan. Mrs. C. Lawrence left on Monday for Morpeth, where she will be the guest of Rev. Harry and Mrs. Jen- nings, Mr. and Mrs, Parr (nee Alma Durst), Chesley, spent Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Phil. Durst. Mrs. Harry Adams, spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Mc- Cracken, Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson, Lon- don, were week-end guests of the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. G. Gibson. Miss Beatrice Howe, Leamington, is spending the week with her sister's, Miss Mary Howe and Mrs. A. Rob- inson. Mr. and Mrs. John Colwell, spent the week-end with their parents, at London. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin, Guelph, are holiday 'visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. W. Millar, Detroit; were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson. Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Millar are sisters. Miss Elva Hupfer, Sudbury, is a visitor for the week with Mrs. Robert Hupfer and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins, Wal- kerton, were week-end guests of Mrs. Edward Bennett. Miss Marilyn Paulin, Clifford, is a holiday visitor with Mr, and Mrs. Wes, Paulin. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Harris were: Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Keetch, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Honstein and baby, Doug- las, Mrs. D. Honstein, all of Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gedche and Miss Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jack and young daughter, all of Lakelet,,Mr. and Mrs. H. V. MacKenney, Wrox- eter. • Mr. Charlie Mathers is on a two week's visit with his brother, at Park- hill. He was accompanied by his aged father, who has sufficiently re- covered from his recent illness to be moved to the home of his son there. The death occurred on Saturday in the Wingliam General Hospital, of William Bird, in his 92nd year. Mr. Bird made his home for the past years with his sister, Mrs. Tiros, Jacklin, of Wroxeter, but had been a hospital patient since July. Funeral services will take place on uTuesday from the Jacklin home. Rev. J, C. Caley will be in charge. Interment will be made in Brussels Cemetery. Mrs. Carson and two daughters, Lynda and Carol, Toronto, are holi- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards. Red Cross Quilts Eleven ladies gathered at U. S. S. No, lg, Howick, (Lanes) School, on Tuesday afternoon, when a quilting was held for the Junior Red Cross, A new quilt complete and a top on which the group of ladies worked were donated by Mrs. Fred Doubledee. Both quilts will be forwarded to the Junior Red Cross headquarters, also Forty Dollars was Note.d toward the Crippled Children's Fund. Afternoon Tea was served at the dose, with Mrs. Stan Gallaher presiding at the tea table and a social hour was enjoyed, Easter Service Bright Spring Flowers graced the chancel of the United Church, when a special taster service was totnittcted on Sunday morning by Rev. E. Cronhielm, The theme of the address was "The. Resurrection, It's Triump over Death, and the Hope of Life Eternal." The Easter Story should be remembered at all times. It is the only hope for all generations. The choir tinder the direction of Mr. G. A. Wearring with Miss Mary Gibson as organist, contributed two anthems, with the words, He Lives Again, Let the Earth Rejoice and the second, He Lives Again, 0 Death Where is Thy Sting, Special hymns, -chosen. were: Ye Gates, Lift Up Your Heads On Higs, Christ, the Lord is Risen To- day. 'The Strife is O'er, the 'Baffle done. Mrs. lames Dotigla. and Mrs. Vern MacDonald, were responsible , for placing the flowers the church. A large congregation attended. W. IL April Meeting The April meeting which is the fin- al meeting`' of the year for Wroxeter Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, the 7th, at 2.80 p.m., at the home of Mrs. R. B. Hunter. Cur- rent events will be given by Mrs. An- ger, Mrs., MacEwen and Mrs, IL Timm. Roll Call, Your Favourite Re- cipe, Report of nominating committee will be given. The Standing Commit- tees will present their reports for the year. There will he an extbange of gifts with your unknown friend. .A. pot luck lunch of Canadian products will be served. Young People's. Union Monday evenings meeting of the Young People's Union, of the United Church, took the form of a social, A. short devotional period was conducted by President Jean Moffat, Rev, U. E, Cronhielm, read psalm, 119, and fol- lowed with prayer, A letter from Miss 1Patricia Chinnick of Chatham, was read in which she expressed apprecia- tion for the invitation to visit the 1 Wroxeter group, Owing to the holi- day" it was decided to cancel the meet- Mg of March 29th, Miss Doris Wray will be convener of the April 5th pro- gramme. Interesting games and con- tests were arrangcl by Mr. and Mrs. Allister Breen, the programme com- mittee. Refreshments ,were served by Miss Thelma Denny and assistants. St. James Church Special Easter Service was held at the usual hour, 4 4 p.m., in St. James Anglican Church, with Rev. J. C. Cal- ey giving the Easter Message, The choir sang an anthem, I Know that My Redeemer Liveth. Holy Commun- ion followed the service. There was a good attendance for this special ser- vice, Easter Thank Offering Service There was a good attendance at the United Church on Sunday evening, when members of the Missionary Soc- iety held their Annual Easter Thank- Offering Service. President, Mrs. Har- old Hamilton presided. The Worship service used was written by a well- known and dearly beloved Canadian writer, Nellie McClung, who chose Our Blest Redeemer, e'er He breathed, His tender Last Farewell, as the open- ing hymn. "Let Us Remember"' the story of the Crucifixion was told by Mrs. Gilbert Howes. All joined in singing, In the Cross of Christ, I Glory, under the heading "Let Us. Re- joice", the story of the Resurrecetion was given by Mrs. R, B, Palmer. Let us Resolve a call for more workers to carry on the work of the W.M.S. which is a part of God's great fellow- ship on earth was given by ;Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton, Mrs. Allen Munro led in prayer. Mrs. U. E. Cronhielm gave the address. "Missions" was the sub- ject. With special reference to China, where with her husband, Rev. U. E. Cronhielm she served as a Missionary. The speaker stressed the need of schools and hospitals through which the Missionaries were able to reach all classes. Sanitation in Inland China was very poor. Sometimes one doctor to a million people, when the Chinese are taught to read and become Chirst- ian they read and know their Bibles. It is difficult to present the Gospel to starving people of whom there are so many. The heart breaking devastation when the Japanese invaded their city. Mrs. Cronhielm who chose as a text, Corinthians 2, chapter5, verse 20, Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, told how China had been exploited by other countries bringing to them cig- arettes, and materials for their destruc- tion which the great need was Am- bassadors for Christ. The choir in keeping with the Missionary spirit contributed two numbers, Tell me the Story of Jesus, and The Open Bible. Mrs. A. J. Sanderson and Mrs. Vern Denny received the offering. Mrs„ Hamilton expressed appreciation to Mrs. ,Cronhielm for her interesting address to the choir and members of the W.M.S., who had assisted in the service. The Missionary hymn, Lord of Light whose name outshinetle and the benediction brought the service to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Mill- ward, and children, Carol and Ernie, spent Easter week-end with Toronto friends, Mr. and Mrs. Len Draper, Toronto were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Draper. School Report U. S. S. No. 13, Howick (Lanes) Number on Roll 17. Average at- tendance for March 16.5. Grade 8—Isabel Haugh, 82; time Merkley, '79; Garfield Westlake re cent promotion) '72. Grade 7—Margaret Simmons, Wilma Haugh, 72. Grade 6—Berva. Gallaher, 83; Doris Doubledee, 77; Robert Westlake 68. Grade 4—Thelma Simmons 82; 'Eel- en Parker, 68. Grade 3—Wayne Woods,74, Grade 2—Joyce 76; Arlella West lake, 74; Elwood Pitch, 65; Margare Hays, 57. Grade 1.—Keith Woods, Shirley Simmons, Excellent. Mrs, Wm. Wright, Teacher. E WAIVANOSH SCHOOL BOARD MEETING' The March trieefing of the East Wa- wanosh School Board was held on Mardi 22nd., Mr,I Mason Robinson was appointed delegate and A. D, Campbell, alternate to 0. E. Associa- tion Convention at Toronto during Easter week. It was decided to wire S. S. No. 18 as soon as possible for Hydro, blue- 'prints being on hand. Nos, U. 7, U. 11, "U. 17 have been I insulated and a contract has ;been le l,for S S. Tenders are being advertised to have painting of egtelOt8 of school build- ins done. The board fats this work !is greatly needed. The Board is offer- ing a prize of $10.00 divided ways 'at the tleigrave School Fait for arti Essay 'How Scholars Cart Help to Beautify the School Property." 'Wednesday, March 31, 1948 WROXETER Miss Mildred Feaver, Toronto, was * week-end visitor of Reg. and Mrs. Pacey. Miss Frances Wylie is a holiday guest with Toronto friends. Mrs. Alba Atcheson and son, John, of London, spenet the week-end -with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallaher. EXPERIENCED IN CONCRETE WORK Foundations Stables, Sidewalks, Cisterns, etc., also PLASTERING AND CHIMNEY BUILDING L. R. Greenaway BLUEVALE ONT. Telephone Wingbant 6111r12 HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. O. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, anti THE FARMER. IUSINESS & TAX SERVICE s. j. Prim P. O. Zeit 14 'Phone. 2.1 LUCKNOW ONT. HUDSON OWNERS NOW IS THE TIME TO Have Your Hudson Checked AND MADE READY FOR YOUR SPRING DRIVING ,iiremmio.:••••••••- • WE KEEP ON HAND A GOOD STOCK OF Parts and Accessories AND ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU Al MECHANICAL SERVICE • MERKLEY MOTORS HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE TELEPHONE 84 WINGHAM.