HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-03-24, Page 6•674sco 4E EP V' Cuts painting time in half. •(• And your paint job is dry within an hour. Just thin SPEED-EASY with water and start right in. It flows on the wall with the greatest of ease. PAP DRIES IN 1 HOUR : • SPEED-EASY dries la 1 hour. Then, you can replace curtains and furniture: ONE COAT COVERS . • One coat is usually enough over wall• paper, wallboard, plaster, concrete or brick; THINS WITH WATER . One gallon of SPEED- - EASY, mixed with water, makes up to 1 1/2 gallons of paint, EASY TO WASH . There's a C-14 PAINT for every home need — outside and inside, Before you paint— • After about 2 weeks; t you can wash SPEED- EASY with mild soap and water. I lines DISTRESS OF Child Cold kite See THAT'S a fine thing about cotton; 'whether it's a shirr, tt handkerchig, bedsheet, or even a graceful wedding gown, you are sure of your money', o Cotton gives value for the money. Tong service, resIstance to laundering, fastness to sunlight, and above all a dean freshriets that Makes life worth living ifi winter or summer; these are the thitigt your dollars buy when you spend them on cotton goals, DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED Mem/mom of 'flx-taceite ii•OorThels FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNERAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 224 WINGHAM Save Money by PREPAYING p AVON WINS HAM fit 111CDRAYEDfi tag ..err Town of WINGHAM 1948 TAXES Ta )a. ers may make payments on account of 1948 taxes up to 50 per cent. of 1947 taxes, Interest at the rate of Tour per cent. per an- tllllil will be allowed on such prepayments. Prtpayments of taxes Must be made at the Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, a Town of Wingham On Guaranteed Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount — fot a term of five yeatO .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest Interest cheques mailed to teach holders o n duo date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at oeMpeund interest, An ideal investment for individuals, corn- panics; authoritecl by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustee. t'HE STERLING TRUSTS t01001tAtION Starling ItiVier, Ititatitri . ,ifiltift 14 COMAS' "Utlarren Ttpufie" TELEPHONE 475 : SurpTested Wallpapers 1 li iu I * A Any Room where the recent flood has destroyed rir 1 the Wallpaper, we will give a a Special For Flood Victims baffled you, her , e is the solution. The opening lead, doesn't matter, but let us suppese that East leads the queen of spades. On this trick the de- clarer must play both the king and the ace, apparently leaving him two tricks short of his contract instead of just one! Three rounds of trump are played, followed by the aces of diamonds and clubs, East then is put on lead by the three of spades ,and be has only spad- es left to return. The declarer allows East to win the next two tricks, while he is discarding two diamonds from one of his hands and two clubs from the °flew. The four remaining tricks For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS S E E — Bennett & Casemors 'Phone 447 Wingham denimmonommer.ogo. HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. Books for Easter All the Latest • PLAN YOUR SPRING DECORATING NOW NEW DRAPERY and WALLPAPERS that are Different Hand-blocked Linen Florals, Stripes DRAPES and SLIP-COVERS made-to-order VENETIAN BLINDS PICTURE FRAMING a Specialty GIFT ITEMS C. C. 1VicKII3BON I i I i 6, igr it THE WALLPAPER SHOP it fil Elmer Wilkinson Decorator III II= 0111111 wilial111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112111111111111111111•1111111111111111111111111111111111,4 are won easilyby cross-ruffing. Try it.. In all ,the declarer lost only the, three spade tricks which he .presented; to Estraasnt gees tah i igi gi fst. can happen in this: game of bridge! on any paper in our store for that room. This offer good until April 3rd, 1948 • i a 25% DISCOUNT i ii PAGE SIX THE WING7HAM ADVANCE-T IMES Wednesday, Marhe 24, 1948' PAINTING IS SO EASY WITH ONE-COAT MAGIC, FOR WALLS SEE YOUR C-I-L PAINT DEALER Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. it a gm MAKE IT EASIER \'' FOR YOU TO CASH YOUR WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES The Government will redeem War Savings Certificates if they are sent to Ottawa by the 'folder as they fall due. However you may bring your matured terlificales and others os they foil due, fo the Dominion Bank, if they are not already on deposit with us. We will cash them for you and deposit the money to your account . . You thereby a%ohl all bothersome detail. The charge fot this is 5 cents per Certilleate regardless of denomination. For your further convenience and safety we will keep all your tin-matured fiertifieates for a nominal charge, and cash them AS THEY COME DUE, without further action on your part. SAVE YOUIZSELP tROtiqE BY USING MIS StRVICE At any Branch of THE DOMINION BANK Etitzblistu41871 WINGHAIVI BRANCH: G. GAMMAGE, Manager r NEGLECT frAZRSIZINESS • No business can afford to fate risks which shonla be covered Ili" lump. *nee, tot tts uallyise your needs, explain tow insurance can protect yont business from lose in many ways *na arrange 'plan. fled Pilot policies to cover all eventualities. lire 'write Pilot inattrante to eover ected risks In Automobile, rite, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, cargo, Elem. tor, Teadas Plato Glans, Cttifial and Pub. lie Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonds. H. C. MatLEAN, WINGHAM A. W. LEI L, GORRIE Representing I OT MUIR/IKE COMPANY secretary's and treasurer's reports were read and adopted. Mrs,CoOper Neal, Pry invited the members to hold their next meeting at her home on April 2. - The, programme committee for the next meeting is Murray Bredburn and Tom Wade, Joan Brydges is to pre- pare the topic and Donna VanCamp is to write the Log 1300k. A, topic on Easter was read by Tommie Wade, Joan Brydges read the Log Book which had been prepared by Doris Marlatt. After the closing hymn and prayer Claire VanCamp conducted a recreation period. A dainty lunch was served by, the hostesses, bringing the evening to a close, Belgrave was a very busy sprit over the week-end as it was the terminal for all traffic. Hundreds of people went to view the floods at Wingham and Goderich. Mr. Ross Dunbar of London, visit- ed his mother, Mrs. Wm, Dunbar and Kenneth over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, H. Wheeler visited in St, Thomas with Mr. and Mrs, Wil- fred Pickell. Mrs, Wheeler remained there. Mrs, Harold Phillips of Blyth, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, R, J, Mac- Kenzie, Mr. Cecil Armstrong has returned to his home feeling some better, but X-rays are still being taken to de- termine the cause of his illness. Mr.Jac k Armstrong of London, spent Sunday at his home here, The Religious pictures which were to have been shown in the United Church on Sunday did not arrive on account of weather conditions. Mrs. 0. G. Anderson attended the Farm Forum Rally in Clinton last week. Miss Lorna Dunbar of London, spent a few days at her home here fol-• lowing her operation. She returned on Sunday to resume her studies at Vic- toria j-lospital. Mr. Nelson Higgins attended the Hog Producers meeting in Toronto, and visited his daughter, Mrs, Carmen Farrier and Mr, Farrier. Mr. Wm. Kelly of Seaforth, spent the week-end with friends in and around Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Logan and Mr. John Leitch, made a trip to Sarnia. Messrs. Glen VanCamp, Russell Kelly and Floyd Campbell have re- turned after spending the winter in South River, recently, !were read and adoptd. by th Secretary, Mrs. Ken Wheeler. The business was conducted by the President. It was de- ' cided to invite Mrs. Oster, District President of 1)l th, to the nest meet- Iry and orainet the election of tP ific- ' 4 Tim Roll Call Was answered by an Easter ^..urst.,. Mrs Ed. Wielettnatt gave the moue) and chose as her subjeeLl "The Best Things in Life are Free," .0^.-e a most inspiring at•I helpful rt es,age. A eery special treat was 'calls from Mrq. Harold Phillips of Illyth, who was a guest for the day. She chose fr,r her first number, in horieur of St. Patrick's Day, Little Bit of Ireland" and her second mints her alas "Don't your hear me calling, . Caroline." She was ably accompanied • on the piano by Alm Lawrence Van- nen. Rev. Moores was the guest speaker and brought to the meeting a very fitting Easter message. Miss Elaine Walsh was itt charge of • he music and in her absence present- MONUMENTS A family plot should be graced with the shrine-like beauty of a monument which will be ever- lastingly a tribute to those at rest. We have many classic styles to suggest, and will work with you on custom designs. Wm. Brownlie Box 373 'Phone 450 Alfred St. Wingham' Inscriptions Repairing Sandblasting Memorials 25 years experience The latest in Portable Sandblast Equipment Ali Work Personally Executed 4 ,V.0 6/Penetrates deep into broil. chill tubas with spacial soothing medicinal vapors. chest and back sue, faces like a warm. poultice. ing.comforting This effective special pene. trating-stirnulating action works for hours during the night to relieve distress of colds while your little one sleeps. Results are so good often by morning most misery relieved. Try of the cold is v ICKS It tonight! VAPO R u:/ • — Man, You're Crazy Yorget your, age Thom...21:2os ate Donor at 70. Tn Deptgdg Up" with Ostres. Qom:dna tonic fo r weak. n. Sundow letting due to:ely to body's lackOf iron which many men and women tell "old." Try Ostess Toole 'Tablets for nem Younger feeling, this very day. New "get acquainted" size only We-'ve/0,0 all drug stores everywhere. am YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin. tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F. FAUN Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROPESS/ONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE S. litystun P. O. latsx 74 'Phone 2$ LUCKNOW ONT. enterlaining contest of jumbled words relating to Blester. Mrs. J. C. Procter won the prize, A Farm Home Discus- sion took place with Mrs, Ken Wheel- er as leader, The singing of the King brought the meeting to a close, The refreshment committee was. Mrs, Clif- ford Purdon, Mrs, Calvin Robinson and Mrs, Dan' Hellahan, Mr, Roy IMcSwaie has rtsturned to his work at Port Welland. The Sixth Line Farm Forum met on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cook with an at- tendance of 23, It was decided that immigration should be on a scale according to what jobs would he available and people of the British Commonwealth should be given first preference. The collection for the European Children's Fund amounted to $125,50, This is a worthy cause and was gen- erously supported on our line. Mr, and Mrs. T, A. Roberts of Fordwich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong, on Sunday. Miss Mary Wheeler of Toronto, visited at her home here, Mr, George Cook shipped a car load of cattle to Toronto the end of the week and lie and Muriel spent the week-end there. Mr. and Mrs, C, R. Logan and children, visited his parents in Blyth on Sunday, Mr. Hanna visited his son, .Clarence Hanna and family. Miss Doris Medea was operated on for appendicitis in Wingham Gen- eral Hospital last Saturday morning. Her father, Mr. George Marlatt of Toronto, visited her over the week- end. , Mr. Cecil Armstrong of Thorndale, is a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. His illness has not yet been diag- nosed, Mr. Les, Vincent of Lambeth, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. Graeme Anderson was in Tor- onto aver the week-end. Hockey At Wroxeter The Belgrave boys enjoyed another game of hockey with the Wroxeter boys, winning with a score of 7-6. The line-up was: Goal, Moores; de- fense, Cook, Haines; forward, Wel- wood, Mc Clenaghan, Nethery; A l- ternnates, W. Elston, J. Elston, J. Higgins, C. Higgins, MacKenzie, Ed- gar, Anderson; Goals, J. Higgins, 3; Haines, 1; Welivood, 2; Nethery 1; Penalties, Cook, Nethery. Mr. Harry Adams, contractor of I3elgrave, has purchased a large power shovel. Belgrave United Church Owing to. better road conditions, a fairly good congregation was present at the morning service. The Y.P.U. met at night with nine- teen members present. Charlie Higgins led the meeting, and Mrs. Carl Proc- ter gave the Topic, which was "the meaning of a good citizen." Frances Walker rendered a piano solo. Choir practice was held at the close of the meeting. CONTRACT BRIDGE This is a holiday week-end puzzle hand, strictly for those who enjoy an occasional double-dummy problem. North dealer East and West Vulnerable. A A3 3 A K Q 10 • A 7 5 A 10 0 A 9 cil10 8 7 6 5 4 V None • Keteee KJ9532 W E V 9 7 6 S ¤ j eT•tl • K 2 3 8 5 4 3 2 • 1094 4. 8 7 4 North has reached a contract of four hearts and it would seem that two tricks, each in clubs and diamonds must be lost. But appearances some- tittles arc deceptive, and the fact is that North can make his contract desnitc any defense, If you want to tackle the problem, tin so before reading past line paw flow did you make rml? Itt rake it BELGRAVE and Mrs. Wm. VanCamp with a large Miss Kathleen Townend of London, spent the week-end with Miss Elaine number in attendance. The meeting 1 _sir. and Mrs. Walter ,MacKenaie, • Mrs. Symons and George Symons of Ingersoll, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hallahan. Women's Institute The Easter meeting of the Belgrave i Women's Institute was held at the ihome (...f. Mrs. R. J. MacKenjie on the I regular, date. The President, Mrs. Stewart Procter, was in the chair and 0 • e..,pened the meeting with Institute Ode and the Lord's Prayer. The minutes 1 The A.Y.P.A. meeting was held last opened with a hymn, and the President Weajsb' Mfr. John A. Geddes was in Belgrave; Friday evening at the home of Mr. Nora TanCamp led in prayer. The to report i ed her pupil Marjorie,MacKenzie, who Ion Friday. We are very sorry played Andante and Peggy O'Neil. Mrs. Geddes has suffered a heart at-1 illiss jean MacDonald presented an tack and is confined to her bed. e Mr. Stewart Procter attended the I College Royal at the O.A.C. Guelph, 14 "Oldat 40 50 60?"