HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-03-24, Page 3y..Chevroletls Men and women everywhere agree; Only One is No. 1 only Chevrolet is first — in all-round value tis ih popularity. Consequently, More people drive Chevrolets than any other make, according to official nation-wide registrations; and more people Wait Chevrolets than any other make, according to seven independent nation-wide surveys. Here, in the new 1948 Chevrolet, is record value. for new and even more luxurious styling, colors and appointments have been added to the Big-Carr comfort, performance and dependability which identify Chevrolet as the only car giving BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COSTI To examine this new and finer Chevrolet is to know it's your No, 1 car—your No. 1 investment for 1948. The record-breaking demand for new 1948 Chevrolets prompts us to suggest that you keep your present car in good running condition by bringing it to us far skilled service, now and et regular' intervals, ,pending delivery of your new Chevrolet. See us for truly dependable service —.today, „Meet the new standard of Bigtar beautyl New bent-end styling.a-onew radiator and body ornamentation —new colors—new and richer uphOlstery fattiest •All lending new beauty and luxury to Chevrolet's Bodies by fisher the finest bodies made--avail- able only tin Chevrolet and higher.priced tars. You'll 'enjoy -Big tar performance, when you own .a new Chevrolet. All the pep and power — till The e.o.m./4J%, stamina and re- liability of a world's 'champion Uolvein- 'Head teethe —pfius Chevrolet .econotnyl Yes, The some basic Valve-irt-Netid design found elsewhere only on More expensive cars. big-Car safety will be yours, as well. for this new'Chevrolet brings you Unisteel Body-Construction, the Knee-Action"` Ride and Positive-Action Hydraulic brakes, More features combined only in Chevrolet and higher-priced cars — more reasons why people everywhere agrees Only one is No, 'I — only Chevrolet is firstI CH EVROUT „liar IS FIRST: WINGHAM MOTORS TEL 13.9 • C.-34Ee sz pow nisisiliutimuslimesociiiiisiirlimiimen111411119111111111ifimilsillffillnumull! lb. 9c i Lux, Camay, Lifebuoy Hand White and Brown • SUGAR . • SOAP . . .- 3 bars 24c ...1111•1111. MATCHES, 3 boxes 29c Quaker OATS, box 29c Pure LARD, lb. ... .28c n Standard PEAS 2 tins 25c n n Ivory Laundry STARCH, lb. 17c Fr arts i FRUIT AND VEGETABLES a Size 96s GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c i Firm, Green CABBAGE, lb. 06c I ▪ Washed CARROTS 2 lbs. 15c 1.- PARSNIPS 2 lbs. 25c Size 288s Size 220s • - 74 27c doz. ORANGES 47c doz. Li , a rianinunisistikinismisommisintsisimmimin 11111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112111111111111•11N11111141111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i i Edwards' Motor Sales I i Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks i P PARTS and ACCESSORIES I Telephone—Days 417. Wingham ii = WISIISIMMISISIIMIIIIIINIIKIM11111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111EIMINIIIIMUKI*1111111I a a a a Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable SOUP . . . . • 3 tins 25c JELLY POWDERS, all varieties — Special Prices a a a a I I a -_ • a a U • 1 JAVEX, bottle 14c a a a • ALL-BRAN, box .28c a Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls 29c Ii • 'Phone ▪ 116 'Phone 116 Hotchkiss & 14 ngus FOOD MARKET WE DELIVER WROXETER Quilts for Overseas Twenty7five ladies gathered at the church parlors on Thursday afternoon to quilt two quilts for the Overseas bated Parcels are still coming in in re- sponse to the appeal for clothing and an additional box will be packed and added to the 400 articles now ready for shipment, The Committee are 'very grateful for donations received and to all who came to help with the quilt- ing, A social hour was enjoyed when Mrs. Denny and her assistants lerved tea. Good Friday Service Anglican and United Congregations will hold their Lenten Prayer Service this week in St. James Anglican Church on Friday evening at 8 p.m. Rev, J. C, Caley, rector of St, James MEALS LUNCHES SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Sodas and Sundaes Bricks always available Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM BAROMETER Takes Another Jump LAST WEEK $260.00 WAS Objective— $2620.59— $2500.00— DONATED TO THE Wingham Community Shed Fund LEAVING A BALANCE OF ONLY $700.06 A complete list to date of Sub- scribers, together with their in- dividual donations appear in this week's Advance-Times. Another Swift Ad- vance will ,Capture the Objective. ote GT Av46 C lliT OMpdtr OTIVE 7',00e, AEQESSORIES PPLEES It's high time you got busy on the old "bus" , in preparation for the long motoring season ahead. C.T.C. has everything your need for safe, comfortable driving. Parts . Accessories . — Supplies . plus a most complete line of tools to make tough jobs easy. For safe savings, courteous and helpful advice on your problems, see us tomorrow. •.:,••••,..,•eatar4, SENSATIONAL VALUE! 3REASE GUNS • For use on Hydraulic and Zerk Fittings No. A060 — HI-CAPACITY LEVER GUN. A genuine quality built gun with patented coupler that properly fits ball type fittings, This feature alone puts this gun in a class by itself, It's easy to operate , easy to fill , strongly constructed, yet light in weight, Comparable with guns selling two - to three times this low price 3.v* 1 11 1 11 1 11 M 11 . 1 1 11 • a a a a a a a a , a a its a In it a a a m an is s o m an it ia i EMPLOYERS MUST OBTAIN NEW UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS All Unemployment Insurance Eooks now in use expire on March 31st, 1948. New books will be issued by the National Employment Office to employers, but only when old books are completed and turned in to the Office. Employers are urged to exchange 1..1h- employment Insurance Books promptly at March 31st. Penalties are provided for failure to comply. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION C. A.1,. MORCILDSON, COMIttilSialter. .3.'a. tuSSON, R. 3. TAttON, Chief Commissioner. Commissioner. 0.1.C. -3 .--177—'7117'7777n Wednesday, Marhe 24, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIIVIES PAGE THREE. ..„.11111•TIONOMMONIIIIMM• , . . Church will he in charge. Rev, U, Cronheilm will speak, Easter Thank Offering Service The Women's Missionary Society of the United Church, will hold their Easter Thank Offering Service on the evening of Easter Sunday, March 28, at ,30 p.m, in the church, Mrs, Har- old Hamilton will 'be in charge of the service, Mrs. U. E. Cronbeilin will give.the message, on her work in China. There will be special music by the choir. All are cordially invited to this Annual Thank Offering Ser- vice, Women's Institute The April meeting of the Wroxeter Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, April 7th, at 2.30 p.m,, at the home of Mrs. R. 13. Hunter. Cur- rent events will be given by Mrs. Anger, Miss MacEwen and Mrs, H. Timm, Roll Call, Your Favorite Re- cipe. Report of nominating committee will be given, also reports of Stand- ing committees on the year's work. There will be an exchange of gifts with your unknown friend. Everyone will contribute to a pot luck lunch of Canadian, This is the final meeting of the year and it is hoped the 39 mem- bers on the roll, will be present, The National Film Board presented the best series of the season on Wed- nesday night in the Town Hall, Color- ed pictures deputing the Soy Bean Industry were especially good. The Comics were enjoyed by the large group of children. The South African Tour of the Royal Famiily was a high- light. Two solos in keeping with St. Patrick's Day were sung by Mrs. Har- old Hamilton with Miss Hazelwood at the piano, Community singing was en- joyed. These evenings of pictures by National Film Board and sponsored by local Women's Institute are prov- ing beneficial to the Community with an increase in attendance each show- ing. Mr. Roy was in charge. Young People's Union The weekly meeting of the Young P eople's Union, of the -United Church, was held in the church school-room on Monday night. President, Jean Moffatt presided over the programme arranged by the Convener of Missions. All joined in singing the Church's/One Foundation. Scripture lesson was read by John MacNaughton, from St. Luke's Gospel, Chapter 8, verses 4-15, Rev, U, E. Cronheilm led in prayer. Come let us sing of a wonderful love, was the second hymn, Bob Cunning- ham was in charge of the topic, "Trie- idad”. A sketch of the life of,the Mis- sionaries there with an interesting de- scription of a wedding in Trinidad. Plans were made for the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green and John MacNaughton were named a commit- tee for the programme. -Miss Thelma Denny, convener of refreshments. Rev. U. E, Cronhielin aon the weekly half hour of Bible Study spoke on the par- able of the Sower. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction, Milvert Sellers On Friday, March 12th, 1948, at the home of his daughter,° Mrs, J. L. Heth- erington, 131 Eastwood Road, Toron- to, there entered into rest, a highly esteemed resident of Wroxeter in the person of Milvert Sellers, Mr. Sellers had been ill with a heart ailment for about six months which because crit- ical seven weeks before his death. In his 71st. year, with Isis birthday coming on Christmas Day, Milvert Sellers was born and lived for many years in Morris Township where be Earned. Forty-two years ago he was married to MargaretCasemore, also o f Morris Township. In 1926 they re- tired to Wroxeter. With his genial ills- shims Mr. Sellers hail made a wide irele of friends in the village who will miss his kindly neighbourliness. Surviving are his wife, a daughter, e ra), Mrs. J. I.. Hetherington, two s anec,senren, Sharon and Dale Heth- 'ileum also two sisters, Mrs. Tor- vey of Toronto anti Mrs. John Bus- man, Manitoba. Funeral services were held at his • late residence on Momlay. Rev. U. H. Cronheilm of the United Church, was • in charge. By request Mrs. H. Hamil- ton sang "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me, with Miss Hazelwood as accompanist. • Pallbearers were nephews and cousins: sit the deceased, Earl Sellers, Ward Sellers, Harold Sellers, Roy Sellers, Prank Sellers, Walter Sellers. Beauti— fah floral tributes paid silent tribute of relatives and friends. Interment was made in Wroxeter cemetery. Mrs. Neil. White The death of Mrs. Neil White a highly esteemed citizen of Wro•seter, took place at her late residence on Thursday, Mardi 18th, 1948. Mrs. White although frail had been its her usual health until a few clays previous to her deaths when she suffered a heart attack. In her 81st year, Euph•emia Perdy White was born at Harriston„In 1885 she was married to Neil White. In' 1889 they moved to Wroxeter Where her husband 'predeceased her in 1031, • Mrs. White was a member of the United Church and a regular attend- ant when health permitted. !A kind. 'neighbour and friend, she will be miss- ed in 'ale village, Surviving are four children, Mrs. Pleasance, (Sadie), 'Clarence and Rob- • ert, all of Toronto, 'Clifford at home. Six grandehildren, two great :grand-, :children, also cute sister, Mrs. !Angus, White, Rapid City, South Dakota. A private funeral service was held, front the residence! Saturday after." Alvin Moffatt, A. .Mealsere Albert sal- a a I a a a a a • • a a n • a U U a U a a n a a a U a a a a a • a n n a a a a I a WINGHAM, ONT. Robin E. Campbell GORRIE, ONT. lc'hone 38-1. R.E. Carson & Son • Chrome Plated over Crass will not rust. • New Modern Designs—Better Reception. • Easily installed on any Car. 3.09 3.85 4.09 4.69 DOOR MIRRORS Exterior spotter types for better yeas vision; 314' , diameter, 129 gleaming chrome finish . DE LUXE MODELS In many styles and designs, including the new rue-View" oval bead 3.35 and 2,95 I Phone 184 MOTO-MASTER Supor-Bilt SPARK PLUGS .3 9 Worth 75c they embody every quality feature of every plug, regardless of price. Canada's greatest spark nine value, NEW Cigarette Dispenser • Easily Installed • Always Ready With this handy accessory there's no need to glance from the road when you reach for a smoke no fumbling no crumpled cigarettes. A fresh cigar- ette rolls into Your hand at the touch of a finger, Comes in transparent colors or clear plastic. with metal plate for quick, easy installation under the dash, No holes to drill—only 1. 19 one bolt to tighten, Complete — • The most popular jack on the market today. Will fit under the lowest ax/es (4" raising to 10"). Long folding handle . easy to stow. avoids "crawling under" when placing lack Extra large, non-skid forged base and nddle Capacity 4,000 lbs. 5.85 models from 51.49 to $3.75, ortced iron 3.99 Now Available! CONTOUR FLOOR MATS Rubber with Heavy Felt Back, fere's what you have been waltirt 3r1 A proaer form-fitting factory du Mate mat to replace that shabby worn ne. Now they're available. Pre-wo* uality, but tar below the regUle* rices asked. We've e toot to tit ractically every car. SCISSORS JACKS *" a noon, Rev, U. E. Cronitielln was in terinent was made in Wroxeter Cones tharge, Pallbearers wereAlltat Munro.' tery. taller, Hector Nnighat, Gay. Muir. In- (Continued on page seven) 14.1.411,11._