HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-03-10, Page 9THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 37 years In Business on Guaranteed Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount for a term of five years .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest Interest cheques mailed to react} holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. 2 Lowest Cost ONE HANDLING CHARGE ONE HAULING CHARGE NO MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT SHUR-GAIN SHUR-GAIN SHUR-GAIN SHUR-GAIN 18 per cent. CHICK STARTER 17 per cent. LAYING MASH 18 per cent. PIG STARTER 17 per cent. HATCHING MASH CANADA PACKERS, WINGHAM MIINNEY BROS, BLUEVALE E. KNEE BELMORE DAUPHIN & WANT 'MATER At the Advantages of Shur-Gain Feed Service WHAT LOCAL MANUFACTURE MEANS TO YOU: 1 Superior Quality EXTRA FRESHNESS EXTRA PALATABILITY TAKE A LOOK When your tittle one catches cold- Tonight . . do what most mothers do to relieve mis- eries of children's colds: Simply rub warming Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back at bedtime. Results are so good because VapoRub's special relief-bringing action starts right away and keeps on working for hours during the night while the child sleeps.Of ten by morning most misery of the cold is relieved, Remember, Mother ... when your children catch cold be sure you get time-tested Vicks VapoRub. Wednesday, March 10, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TNES PAGE NINE HUDSON OWNERS s Now 1$ THE T IM E TO Have Your Hudson Checked AND MADE READY FOR YOUR SPRING DRIVING WE KEEP ON HAND A GOOD STOCK OF Parts and Accessories. AND ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU Al MECHANICAL SERVICE • MERKLEY MOTORS HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE TELEPHONE 84 WINGHAM groups from Brussels, Fordwich, Gor- rie, Walton, Bluevale. Everyone in this community is cordially invited to this special service. The weekly half hour Bible Study with Rev, U. E. Cron- hielm in charge was based on St. Marks Gospel, chapter 2, which told of the Pharisees regarding the Sabbath the numerous rules and regulations of Pay, They were always ready to crit- icize Christ. The.. hymn, "As with Gladness" and the Mizpah benediction brought the meeting to a close. Canadian Appeal ,For Children' The local Women's Institute have taken over the responsibility of collect- ing cash donations for the Canadian Appeal for Children Fund, sponsored by the Federation of Agriculture, Mrs. H. V, MacKenney, Mrs. A, Munro, Mrs, H. Hamilton were named a com- mittee. A house to house canvas will be made in the village during the com- ing month. Donations may also be left at the local bank, National Films March 17th. The citizens of Wroxeter and dis- trict are invited to attend the National Film showing in the Town Hall on March 17th, at 8 p.m. The following pictures are listed for the programme. Common Concern (Blackand White), 20 minutes. The Royal Tour of South Africa (Black and White) 27 minutes; Craftsmen at Work (Coloured 16 minutes. Singing Stars of Tomorrow, (Black and white (8 minutes). Stanley takes a Trip, Health film (colour 10 minutes), This evening's entertainment from the National Film Board and sponsored by the local Women's In- stitute are free to everyone. Mr. Roy of Londesboro, will be in charge. Lenten Service The weekly Lenten Prayer Service was held in the United Church School- room on Thursday night. Rev. U, E. Cronhielm conducted the meeting. Rev. J. C. Caley gave an inspiring ad- dress on the "Third Saying from the Cross". On Thursday of this week, March 11th, 8 p.m. service will be held in St. James Anglican Church, Rev. U. E, Cronhielm will speak. Women's Missionary Society The W.M.S, will hold their March meeting on Friday, March 12, at 3 p. tn. Mrs. Denny will have charge of the Devotional Period. Mrs. MacNaughton will present a chapter of the Study Book. There will be special music. The clothing bale will be packed following the meeting. Anyone having donations to make please leave with Mrs. Ball or Mrs, Hamilton before the time of the Friday meeting. `•• Women's Institute Mrs. J. H. Wylie opened her home for the March meeting of the Wrox- eter Women's Institute on Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance.. Mrs H. V. MacKenney presided. Opening with the singing of the Ode and repeating of the Lord's Prayer, Secretary, ,Mrs. W. T. MacLean pre- sented the minutes, and read a number of thank you letters in response to the gifts from the Good Cheer committee. The Farm Housing contest was dis- cussed and Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. MacNaughton appointed conveners of the discussion group, with a view to entering the contest, Mrs. Munro and Mrs. Hunter were :named a nominating committee for 1948-1049 officers, The guest speaker was Miss Mary Gibson, who spoke on local Industry. In a well prepared and informative address, she told of the Local Split Pea Mill and Wheat Berry Industry, pointing out varieties, stating most peas utanufac- lured here were grown itt Bruce Co., are kiln dried, manufactured and ship- ped to far countries, where many fav- ourite dishes are made from them. There arc only three such mills in Canada, One in Canadian West, Ren- frew and Wroxeter. All joined in .singing "When Irish Eyes are Smiling". Mrs. Mactiaughton was in charge of Current Events, and quoted Flom Cherry, the Lady Editor of Countryman, On the Irish, gave a brief sketch of the new Provincial Pre- sident, Mrs. Entelter, Woodstock, read An article from Dorothy Dix, "On How I would like to change My Husband," closing with lines front Edgar Guest. The Roll Call, Happiness is a stimu- lant and how I use it on my friends, brought .a varied and interesting re- sponse. One visitor signed the guest book. At the tea hour, the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Howes and a social hour en- joyed. WROXETER was a week-end guest of his mother, " Mrs. Freda MacDonald. Mr. Robert MacDonald of London, Miss Thelma Denny was a Toronto * (see answer below) CIGARS SMOKER'S SUNDRIES MAGAZINES Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP And if the water Is heated electrically', °wasted Hydro" Is flowing down the drain tool IR faiterriulrytapatil ytt .trtt ed to keep our factories refining • Pourer that might boys been put to use to make the things that you need and produce the goods that sustain our Athol export trade Power that Might have helped increase our mineral wealth or raise production on our farms. "Theiite hit powerl waste will never be missed:" you think. But that *little bit of power" SAVED by Mt Hydro consumers means o LOT. Please play your Isar*. * 12 S gallons per month I For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built.'in CUPBOARDS S E E Routh & easement 'Phone 447 Wingharn this spate tonfributed by THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES A.c.eldentit happen In a Ends. /tVon are not th- awed, repayment may tost yen 'your home, your Moines or months of income. Letts mplein Pilot Asitemsbile Insurance to you. `It costs to little. We vitt* PRO /runt-erica to cover selected risks h Antomoblle, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary. Plate -Chu*, Public Liability end other genera hasurance. Wingham -allies Commis on C MacLEAN WiNGEAM A. W. KEIL, GORRIE The Achratice-Ti e Phone 14, music, Thelma Denny at the organ. to Worship, followed by the singing of the hymn, "For the Beauty of the Earth." The Scripture lesson was Exo- dus, ch. WS: Wi to 36, ch. 36, verses 1-4. Rev. U. E. Cronhielm led in prayer. All joined in singing "Break Thou the Bread of Life. The topic, "Canad- ian Sculptor" was given by Scott Hun- ter, vvho said, It is an art that is much neglected ,but trace's back many years. We must all act the Sculptorer when moulding our lives. Eighteen members answered the Roll Call. Arrangements were made for the spetial serviee to be held on Sunday, larell 14th, at / p.M. in The church, when Miss Patricia Chinnick, delegate to Oslo Young People's Conference, will spealt A Film -will be shown, illustrating the ad- ress by lilts Chinniek, Invitations are being sent to Young People's PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY DEPENDABLE Az' ASA 11017118, in all kinds of weather, she's at her post. You count on her and she's proud of it. With switchboards busier than ever. because of the many more telephones, hers is still "The Spirit of Ser- vice." More telephones are being added right along. Our constant aim is to provide more and better service . . . always at the lowest possible cost . . to give greater value to every telephone user. THE SELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA visitor over the week-end, Mrs, Elsie Carter, who has spent the past few months with her sister, the late Mrs. Stmt, left on Tuesday for Toronto, enroute to her home in Bate- man, Sask. She was accompanied as far as Toronto by Mrs. I. N, Mrs, W. E. Hainstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connell, auti .daughter, Marjorie, all of Fordwich, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs, 13, S, Mae- Naughton. The National Film Board showing will be at Lane's School on Tutsday, March 10th, at 2,30 in the afternoon and 8.30 in the evening, Mr. Roy will be in charge. Mrs. Wm. Wright is the teacher, Mr, Willard Michel is under the doctor's care, suffering from pleurisy, His many friends hope for a speedy recovery, Mr. Ted Malone is visiting ° with Rev. and Mrs. Jennings at gorpeth. "Sewing for the Heathen," a play will be given by Bluevale Talent on Friday, March 12th, in Wroxeter Town Hall, This play was given in Whitechurch last week and comes re- commended. This week we welcome to the vil- lage Mr, and Mrs, Gowing and family from near Brussels, who have taken up residence in their newly purchased home, formerly owned by the late Al- vin Sharpin. Mr, and Mrs. John Gowdy who have spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman of Gorrie, returned to their home last week. We are glad Mr. and Mrs. Gowdy are both improved in healtr. Mrs. Elsie Carter was guest of hon- our at the home of Mrs. Allen Munro, on Saturday evening, when a few friends were invited to spend an hour with her prior. to her lelving for her home in Bateman, Saskatchewan. Mr. Lorne Robinson has disposed of his Bakery business'to Mr. Ross To- men of Baden, who will take possesion at the end of this week. During Lorne's stay in the village he opened a new, up-to-date Bakery and has enjoyed a successful business, Everyone will be sorry he is leaving town. His plans for the future are indefinite, but best wish- es are extended for his future success. This Community learned with deep regret on Saturday of the passing of a former, highly respected citizen, the has been in poor health for a number of late Gavin Davidson. Mr. Davidson years. He is survived by his wife, the former Lillian McLaughlin, a sister, Miss Mae Davidson, and a brother, Walter of Bluevale. Funeral services were held on Tuesday. Interment in the Oshawa Cemetery. The Howick Lions will hold their final Ice Carnival of the Season on Friday evening, March 12th, at Ford- \mit. The usual good prize list and other features will be carried out, There were many from Wroxeter and district attended the Ice Follies at Fordwich last Friday night, and were delighted with the Skating Club from Kitchener-Waterloo. This pro- ject was also sponsored by the How- ick Lions, who deserve much credit for their interest in sports and entertain- ment for the three villages and sur- rounding districts. Mrs. Alex Wright has disposed of her residence to Mr, Lyle Brothers, Mrs, Wright has taken an apartment in Mr. J. Adams' home. Successful Bonspiel Ideal weather and ice attracted thir- teen rinks, from Wingliam, 2; Gorrie, 2; Fordwich, 2; Harriston, 1; and 4 local rinks, to .the annual Curling Bon- spell on Thursday, sponsored by the Wroxeter Curling Club. First prize, a woollen blanket went to Wingham rink, J. H. Crawford, skip, R. S. Hetherington, Jack IINIcKibbott, Lieut. Goodin, 2nd, prize, a pair of flan nel- tette Blankets was taken by a local rink, Gordon -Gibson, Reg. Pacey, Phil Durst -with Ted Smith as skip. Del- more were third, winning Electric irons, George Inglis, skip, Clark Ren- wick, Jack Renwick, Ivan Haskins; Gorrie group was fourth with Table cloths, as prizes, Sim Douglas skip, Will Xing, Wes. Gallaway, Tom Rit- chie. The Womtn's Guild of St. James Anglican Church catered at the supper hour. Rev, A. Lang Retires It will interest many fit this com- munity to know Rev. Andrew Laing ttf Woodhant, is retiring from the min- istry at the end of the Conference year. Rev. Laing has been stationed at Woodham but was formerly of Pord- widi, having been minister of that Presbyterian Charge at the time of Church Union and for some time after. Young People's Union Scott Hunter, convener of Christian Culture arranged The weekly meeting of the Young People's Union, United Church held on Monday evening, The meeting. was called to order, with quiet President, Jean Moffat gave the tall PER M iJR ONTH is this tap ‘404157,0714,0:49 25? . 115? K* /004p "To Render the Deeds of Mercy" FOR WHEN YOU GIVE ... YOU ARE THE RED CROSS! When you give' to the Canadian Red Cross you ate actually taking part in its nation-wide Serrice. You are personally sharing in the tnaintenanee of Outpost fIoe- Vitals . helping crippled children walk again bringing comforts to veterans in hospitals b protnot- htig ti:Canada-tvide free Blood Transfusion SerVice. Vont Red Cross donations stand ever ready to give swift aid in national disasters and to help maintain that greatest of all youth organizations, the Junior Red Cross. please give generously. 1948 NATIONAL APPEAL ofF4Patiges 420# ics WE AR E AGENTS for COUNTER CHECK BOOKS PRINTED GUMMED TAPE matte EtY a.pp,40„A. pane Styles to; every business Various colots and designs So::"cer'slesw'ithwoqu csostb")1b7ntioatind s .1(EEP..PAY mots 14.0.114$00"0, ACti DONIS. AR E ,c0•51“, Can You TIE This? CHANGE YOUR NECKTIES Mail us one-to-Six ties you're sick of. You'll receive at once same number of beautifully cleaned different ties we got same way, You pay Postman $1.90 plus postage on receipt of ties. TIE EXCHANGE P. O. Box 219 Toronto, Ont. THE WORK OF MERCY NEVER ENDS •