HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-03-10, Page 3WI-IITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman and family of East Wawanosh, spent Sun- day at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Vipond of Atwood. Mrs. Herson Irwin returned home front Toronto and Hamilton on Tues- day last. Mr, Stacey, Winghatn, and Mr. and Mrs, Relison Falconer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, The euchre for the'folks on eonces- sion.9, E, Wawanosh, was held last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mason Robinson, when nine tables were played. Miss Mary Humphrey and Mr. Albert -Vincent held high points, and Miss Greta Hum- phrey and Mr, Thos, Robinson, low points. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all, Miss Helen Albrecht ehas been visi- ting for the past week with relatives at Walkerton, On account of the heavy storm and badroads not so many attended the euchre in the Memorial Hall last Wed- nesday evening in aid of the "Help for Children Fund". Eight tables were played with Mrs. Robert Purdon and Mr. Mac MacGregor holding high points, Lunch was served and Tiffin Bros. proVided music for the dancing. $20. was turned over to the committee. Mr. Gordon Elliot has also been col- lecting for S.S. No, 14 and to date has over $40. with a few more to hear from, Born-On Sunday, Feb. 29 in Lon- don Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker (nee Eileen 1 McClenaghan), a son, David Stanley. A splendid program was presented in the Memorial Hall on Friday even- ing under the auspices of the W.A. of Bluevale United Church, with Rev. Burden as chairman. The one act play "Sewing for the Heathen" was en- joyed by all, .and the different male quartets, solos and musical numbers. On account of the below zero weather and blocked roads not as many attend- ed as would have liked to be present. Mrs. Hawkins, who has spent the past three months at the home of her daughter at London, returned on Sun- day to Mr. James Dow's. Mr.Garnet Farrier has been appoint- ed head of the Red Cross drive in this community, and the canvassers will all be around to the different homes this week. The following have been ap- pointed as canvassers in this commnu- ity, Donald Ross, Mac MacGregor, Rev. W. J. Watt, Albert Coultes, Gar- net Farrier, Mrs. Lance Grain, James Wilson, John Purdon, Jas. Mcllrath, Angus Falconer. Mr. Garnet Farrier visited on Mon- day with his brother, Mr. Clifford Far- rier of Kincardine. The people on the rivet road of E. Wawanosh has a bit of excitement on Thursday when the mailman's horse came along without the driver, He had been driving along enjoying the rn Stewart Home App m ces Telephone 29 Wingham, Ontario MONUMENTS A family plot should be graced with the shrine-like beauty of a monument which will be ever- lastingly a tribute to those at rest. We have many classic styles to suggest, and will work with you on custom designs. 14 4 4 4 tip a a rj a a 4 t it 1 11 1 11 14 11 11 1 11 0 1 1 R1 The greatest range of parts available from one source in Canada. Built to the highest quality standards by recognized original equipment makers. THE WINGHAM. ADVANCE-TIMES PAGI THREE Wednesday, March 10, 1948 *prIPIIIIMPloommommompropors•••••••••n ••71.mmIPIP•mar, • 11111111111111111011111111111111110111111111110111111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111.111111111111111111111 U U a I a • • • JELLY POWDERS, all varieties - Specid Prices n U a UU U a n n a a U a a foninisionoinomomminninismoomminumuumnainiumummain ALL-BRAN, box . . .28c FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Size 96s GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c Firm, Green CABBAGE, lb. 06c Washed CARROTS 2 lbs. 15e PARSNIPS 2 lbs. 25c Size 288s 27c doz. ORANGES 47c doz. Size 220s JAVEX, bottle 14c Standard PEAS 2 tins 25c Ivory Laundry STARCH, lb. 17c Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls 29c SOAP . White and Brown SUGAR . 'Phone WE 'Phone 116 DELIVER 116 • Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable SOUP . . . . . 3 tins 25c Lux,, Camay, Lifebuoy Hand Hotchkiss & Angus FOOD MARKET • • • • Pure LARD, lb. . . 28c 3 bars 24c • lb. 9c MATCHES, 3 boxes29c Quaker OATS, box 29c U a n a U U a a a a U U a a U U a n n • U a U a a U • U i it null tivitiftiogqi EVERY element of your refrigeration system should work in harmony. Otherwise, the system may run excessively, fail to provide proper temperatures and humidity conditions. We're local headquarters for Frigidaire Matched Refrigeration Equipment for stores, restaurants and other business estab- lishments. The Frigidaire system we specify for you will in- clude condensing unit, cooling unit and controls that are all made by Frigidaire- designedd and engineered to work to- gether, for better refrigeration results and low upkeep and operating costs. Refrigerated Counters Reach-in and Walk-in Refrigerators ice Cream Cabinets Beverage, Milk and Water Coolers tacker Storage Air Conditioners Etc, Ott Come in, telephone or Write for full information, See us f or FRIG IDAIRE at r til.tteer!tome of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet 131111111111111111114111111111,11.10111.111.4301,11, 01111,11W114111 ar Mr. and Mrs. Will Field of Wing- ham, and Miss Jeanette B. Cottle of Dunnville, visited with Mrs. Malcolm Ross and Miss Olive Teriff on Satur- day, Years Go By .. Don't Let The CONTRACT BRIDGE . . . just dreaming about those HOME REMODELLING PLANS! Come in to The Beaver Lum- ber Co. today and start making definite plans for the work! . . We have good stocks of first class, famous brand materials you'll need . . . and what we DON'T have in stock now-we will do our darndest to get for you. Stop in today and talk it over! ,BEAVEF1 LUMBER C. A. Loucks, Manager WINGHAM - ONT. Closed Sat. afternocias Entimu•limmumpcioisisiguniii U a a U a a U U IN I • 115_ !bright sunlight, when all of a sudden ROCKETS QUALIFY !he and his roll of mail, landed Att on .t "not been very choice after the recent snow bank, However, these roads have! FOR GROUP FINALS storms following up the snowplow, anal! Climas.ing one IS .f the best games ot "the season the Wingham Rockets a rr week a,!,..0 Tuesday evening ousted the a Chesley Colts here from further play apiece, the Arena the periods. With the Chesley Colts lead- Mr. and Mrs. Orton Grain of List- in_ 7-d amt the witigham supportvr, owel, spent the week-end with his par- in' a denressed frame of mind, Fred • cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Lttnee Grain, Templeman flashed the red light sin Rev, and Mrs, Graydon Cox an I 'pass front t h e .,,t,tt.ratt y nting Mrs. Sigurd Foien, who leave spent the the 1.80 mark to bring shown the hon. • week-end at the home_ their mother, and keep th e iizr,c,,hvvettis in the artt,flittzttitt,; Mrs. Malcolm Ross, left Tuestlay jh e „vert i nte hr for their homes in Coniston and .Tor- , with English banging home the first 01110. They also visited with 'Mr- en" s tailly on a pass front Johnston at 8.15,1 - parents, Mr. and 'Airs. David C"N :;Brent duelled the game with the pay Palmerston. goal with only ten seconds 1.0 go, :Mr. Jas. Norman has had his farm Joheson led the scoring parade with "buildings wired for hydro. 'three. An unfortunate accident happen. (Too late for last week) 'NI during the game when Ken Isles. • Farm Forum met on Monday v‘en- sp eedy trine man suff ere d a f r„om,,,,I, lug at the honte td Mr. and Mrs. John 'jaw. Becker also was sidelined when Ptirdon with a good attendance. The die crashed the goal post, discussion groups decided that Nurse Wingham-Coal, Groh; defence. power -could be used advantageously yotti41.; centre, Foster; wings, on small farms, or there was 'English, Johnson; alternates, Pym, plenty -of -help, but not on larger farms ,T.',,tilpieittati, Cassidy, Edgar, (;nett, 'with scarce labour. The advantages Hilbert, Brent , exceed the depreciation and initial '1/4- IHISICY-Goal, Orr; defence, Me- cost, Mrs. Altlin Purdon and Mr. Jas. undy, McGill; centre', Fenton; wings, Falconer lucid high points in the -pro- • Krueger, Isles; alternates, Mullin, H. grossly(' euchre that followed, with Mcl.end, moat, winkler, lltcktr, C. Mrs. Cecil 'Falconer and Russell -1 3.18,eotl, Hammond. don holding low points. Lunch was 'ktrst Vtiod served and a social enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. HowarA Walker of E. 1. Wingliam, Wawanosh, entertained a number of . their friends and neighbours at their 2, Chesley, Penton 13.50. • Ronne on Friday evening, Guests met 3. WinOutra Bell ((Cassidy) 14.05 with considerable difficulty in return- 4. Wingham, Young 18.51. Atm home on account of the storm. Mr. William entr;t. entertained a number of his friends on yronday ev- ening last and celebrated a birthday. Mr. and ,Mrs. Aitken anti Mr. Jas. Currie spent Sunday at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Russell Gaunt." Mrs. 3. J. MacLean has been very ill during the week-end. The March -meeting of the Wont- • en's Institute was held at the home -of Mrs. Victor Emmerson on Tuesday. Don't forget the Dance in the Mem- orial IThhl, Friday night. Voting Adult 'Group- of the tin.: ited 'Choral met 1511 Tuesday• tvdtfitig Help The x Red Cross Pr TEA You're Wad as sure whit Iwo great Pat het F rigidaire made only by General Motors I Wm. Brownlie Box 373 'Phone 450 Alfred St. Wingham Inscriptions Repairing Sandblasting Memorials 25 years experience The latest in Portable Sandblast Equipment All Work Personally Executed - **Responses, showing respectively one ace and three kings. Had North's last response been seven clubs, showing all four kings, in addition to the diamond support al- ready shown by his four diamond bid, South would have been glad to con- tract for seven diamonds or seven no trump. In the diamond suit the declarer should be careful to play the ace or queen on the first trick, In the remote chance that one opponent has the four missing diamonds he will then be able to pick up the jack with a finesse either way. Had he taken the first trick with the king in this instance. he would have left himself a difficult play for , his contract. X73 49864 4. .T 7 1(55422 N QJ10 8 65 W E None V 732 4 10 87 • A Q 5 2 3 9 4 . A 3Q 1.0 9 4 4 A Fe: North's best opening bid is one no Pi trump. His four honor tricks are the top limit for this bid, however, and with the slightest additional honor strength a suit bid would have been preferred, South could jump to six no trump,ti t quite logically, but the slight possibil, ! itypoafss 1 N.T. a grand slam might be invesigat- ed as follows: W North East South Pass Pas 5 N. Pass ,3.)r1 Pass North 41) .* Pass 4 N.T. Pass 5l)'' Pass 6 N.T.** Pass Pass Pass *Blackwood asking bids A skilful bridge player employs safety plays whenever possible to guard against unexpected distributions, and depends on favourable breaks only when he has no alternative, A hand that was played locally last week illustrates one of the elementary safety plays.' The bidding also is rath- er interesting. West dealer. Both sides vulnerable. • K J10 3 AK * K 8 6 3 QJ 9 6 'Two privates paused by the roadside to look at a dead animal, "It has two stripes, what is it?" said one, "That settles the question, " said the other. It's either a skunk or a corpor- al!" a a a a • I I a a I U a n n ENGINE PARTS Fuel Pumps Fuel Pump Repair Kits Connecting Rod Exchanges Connecting Rod Insert Bearings Crankshaft Main Bearings Pistons Piston Pins and Bushings Intake and Exhaust Valves Valve Springs, Guides and Keys Gaskets, Gasket Materials and Plastics Piston Rings Timing Gears Carburetors Fuel and Grease Lines Fly Wheel Ring Gears Timing Chains Bross Fittings' Ignition and Wiring CGOLING-EXHAUSTS BRAKE SYSTEM PARTS Water Pumps & Repair Kits Fan Belts Hose Radiators Mufflers Tail Pipes Exhaust Pipes Muffler Clamps and Packing Hydraulic Brake Parts and Kits Hydraulic Brake Fluid Chrysolite Balanced Brake Set Brake Cables and Rods !the pony got tired of them anal turned off into Mr. Robert Purdon's field south of the house, and roamed there .until entailed, Little damage was untie 406.••••••••••• Objective- $2620.50- $2500.00- $2000.00--- Johnson (Euglish) 12. Wingham Johnson (Young, Fo ter) 3,40. Penalties, Young, Fenton, Mel eod. Second Period 55. Chesley, Isles .35 second;. 6. Wingham, Johnson (Foster) 8.25. Penalties, McGill, McCurdy. Third Period 7. Wingharn, English, (Foster) 1.02. S. Chesley, B. Mel .eod (11. Mc- Leod) 2.13. 9. Chesley, lleeker (McLeod) 2.46. 10. Chesley, Isles, (Krueger) 3.45. 11. Chcsley, Becker, (C. :McLeod 1 iii act a CHASSIS AND MECHANICAL PARTS Tie Rod Ends Axle Shafts Springs and Shackles King Bolt Sets Drive Shafts Speedometer Cables Wheel Bearings Universal Joints Universal Joint Repair Kits Steering Sector Sets Shock Absorbers Knee Action Unit Exchange Knee Action Repair Kits TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL PARTS Clutch Plates Clutch Facings Clutch Parts and Pressure Plate* Ball and Roller Bearings Gears GENERATOR AND STARTING APPARATUS Generators and Starting Motors Starter Drive Exchanges Generator Brushes Ignition Coils Starter Switches Distributor Parts .. IF IT'S FOR YOUR CAR--We likely have it or: can quickly procure it for you. The price will be RIGHT ... the quality assured. Our money-back guar- antee is your protection. WINGHAM, ONT. Rhin E. Campbell GORRIE, ONT. Phone 38-1. R. H. Carson & Son THE WORK OF MERCY NEVER ENDS CANADIAN' RED MOSS in the 8emor play-tats 1.0 the tune .1. to the cutter or harness, and, no doubt the mailman enjoyed the unexepected tif 9-7. With the stage set at !me eanna. ..;ti1111111111 111aV11111111:1114,11111111:11111.1111111111111himma1imizmaimm11:1111i[alIX MIAS, walk. ;Mrs. Ben MeClettaghatt is spending- Scene 1 11 . "" """' *th 1•4. \Vingham, TempltInau 11%4114:i. this week at the home of her daughter ewe, teams battled even rs, Bill Parker, Linulon. •either tuna - facing ell'unnatiam tor three Penalty 13. t hesley, 11710.Zir t I 8.45 !tit ertitta. Period 15. 11, inglaara, Johnson. 16. ‘Vinghant, Brent 9.50 McGill. Penalties, :Mk-Curtly, Hell. GIVE GENEROUSLY WHEN YOUR LOCAL CANVASSER CALLS. OBJECTIVE IN SIGHT In Less Than Three Weeks OVER $1300.00 HAS BEEN CONTRIBUTED TO THE Wingham Community Shed •111•••••••• Leaving a balance of 431320.59. 1-lave you made a contribution? If not, leave it with one of the following this week:. Rhys Pollock, Percy Stainton, Elmer Wilkinson, A. D. Mac- William, John Pattison, or you may leave your contribution at either I3ank. Help Put This Prof ect Over $1500.00- Yiparms. $1000. 0- Yr. 500.00*- $ 400.00