HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-03-10, Page 2Miss Browning knows how easy it is to forget she's on a party line . . . and that others may be waiting. So she keeps a watchful eye on the clock — and limits the length of her calls. PARTY LINE COURTESY IS CATCHING... Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the same for you. 1. Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Give right-of-way to emergency calls. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA tric power and also building big naval and military supply bases in Kenya to serve as a strategic bulwark. The "dark continent" is experiencing the biggest boom in its history. Skate Sharpening RUBBER FOOTWEAR REPAIRED OVERSHOES REFURRED WORK MITTS and FINE GLOVES BROWNE'S Shoe Repair FORDWICH ARENA FRY., M AR 1 JUDGING TO START Al 8:00 pin. 9 $75.00 in PRIZES ANY COSTUME ...... Girls 7 and unfit- Boys 7 atid tinder FANCY COSTUME :Girls 8 to 12 years COMIC COSTUME . _ . Boys 8 to 12 years FANCY COSTUME and COMIC COSTUME—OPEN TO ALL RACES for Boys and Girls Couple RaCe Obstacle Race Character Costume (Impersonation) National Costume I3est Performing Clown Queen of Carnival Xing of Carnival — ALL Contestants 12 years and under, receive a PRIZE Good Music judgesTory Gregg and "Cactus Mac" Masked Exhibition by World-renowned Acrobatic Skater and Entertanier REFRESHMENT BOOTH IN ARENA Two Door Prizes Skating After Carnival ADULTS 25e CII/LDREN 15t (including Idasqueraders) Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO B, MeCool, Editor and Publisher Sat'bscription Rate — One Year $2,00 Six Months $1,00 in advance To U.S.A. 2.50 per year Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application Authorized as Seoond Class Mail Post Office Department Volume '75 — No. 28 LIFE IN BRITISH LION YET Jin recent weeks, the old lion, Great SiBritain, has had to show the world lance again that there is still plenty of Title, and fight if necessary, in the lineary, war-worn kingdom. Undoubted- 'it,. it is true that the two recent great •Inars have greatly weakened the once solighty, all powerful, world-wide Brit- ;ski Empire and hastened the separ- ation of some of its component parts *cin the parent bodj-, but the great aenzpire is not disintegrating as sonic -small, ill-informed nations appear to -erroneously believe, Some parts of the British Empire, Tare India-Pakistan and Hindustan— Burma, have changed their status and become independent states or naf- leaks, but, so far, they are still within CHESTERFIELDS CHAIRS, SOFA BEDS, ANTIQUES RE-COVERED GIBSON'S UPHOLSTERING and • REPAIR SHOP Phone 260 Maple St. Wingham the British Commonwealth of Nations. They did not forcibly alley their status or even leave the orbit of the British Empire. Great Britain, in her own tie- hTtvd time and in her own way, fol- lowing the preceavnt of the past, grant- ed the young lions statehood and sov- ereignty, when she deemed theta cap- able of self rule. Thus, as in the past, once integral parts of the empire have become autonomous nations and also, as in the past, they have so far elected to remain within the fold of the Brit- HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. MEALS LUNCHES SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Sodas and Sundaes Bricks always available Next to Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Wife Preservers 048 Take 6 wet shoes as soon as posaible, As leather is weak whet, v.v. Staff them with soft:aper or absorbent cloth to take up the Meister°, tad dry away froth heat For THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SPRING TONICS Wampole's EXTRACT COD LIVER OIL $1.00 Wampole's PHOSFHO-LECITHIN $1.00 Nyal CREOPHOS $1.00 Nyal BLOOD PURIFIER $1.00 Nyal SYRUP HYPOPHOSPHITES $1,00 Parke Davis METATONE $1.50 Ayerst Bernina' Tabs. (Vit. B Complex) • $3.75 I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS Economy Hot Water Bottle, Guaranteed 2 years Regular $1.19 SPECIAL 98c IODIZED Throat Tablets Regular 35c SPECIAL 24c Friar's Balsam 1 oz., reg 25c 19c 2 oz., reg. 45c 37c Magnesia Tablets 100s, reg. 39c ....27c 300s, reg. 89c 59c Essence Peppermint 1 oz., reg. 25c SPECIAL 19c Witch Hazel 4 oz., reg. 25c SPECIAL 19c VITAMIN CONCENTRATES NEO CHEMICAL FOOD (Liquid) $1.35, $2.95, $4.95 NEO CHEMICAL FOOD (Capsules) $1.45, $2.65, $5.95 I.D.A. HALIBUT OIL CAPSULES-50s and 100s 69c, $1.19 IDAFER LIQUID $1.25 IDAFER CAPSULES $1.15, $3.45 OSTOCO DROPS ....................................... ................. ........ — ....... $1.25, $3.75 INFANTOL 90c, $3.00 OLEUM PERCOMORPHUM 85c, $3.45 COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES, 100s - 98c PENTA-KAPS-50s, 100s $2.15, $3.95 "LANTIGEN" "A" (Common Colds) $6.00 "B" (Catarrah, Bronchitis) $6.00 "C" (Arthritic and Rheumatic Pains) $6.00 "D" (Boils and Carbuncles) $6.00 "F" (Whooping Cough) $6.00 Listen to ALBUM OF FAMILIAR MUSIC Sponsored by BAYER'S ASPIRIN, 12s 18c BAYER'S ASPIRIN, 24s 29c BAYER'S ASPIRIN, 100s 79c Get Your MIDGET QUIZZ Entry Form each week A Wide Variety of the FAMOUS CARLTON EASTER CARDS KERR Ir 61 J DISPLAY TORE Minimum Prices I.D.A. Courteous Service PHONE 18 WINGHAM illansiamansommosintaniamaionallmostiollsommailaumanami U I ▪ Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone—Days 417, Wingham 0111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111.111N11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Have Your TIRES Replaced with New FIRESTONES AND HAVE THEM PROPERLY BALANCED FOR LONGER SAFER SMOOTHER WEAR Crossett motor Sales Your MERCURY and LINCOLN Dealer Telephone 459 Wingbam Edwards' Motor Sales a a a S a a PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, March 10, 1948 Carniv IOW ICK LIONS CLUB 21111291L1121101111111110111111111N11111110111111111NRIN1111111111111111111111111111111•11111111/11111111111,11111111111111 ii K4 WALLPAPER I; With that "NEW LOOK'S Our 1948 SUN-TESTED WALLPAPERS ARE NOW IN STOCK I Let us show you the new colour combination both Bedrooms and Down Stair Rooms. tsr Sun-Tested Wallpapers a a for a a * !I' from the Far East, the Middle East • a and even the Near East, they are VI .1 showing a heightened interest in the a i so-called "dark continent." Pr- THE 'WALLPAPER SHOP ---:- rill e colonization see aAfrica • wealtha s a " e production; ofdkUicat i of °lir. S and now that the countries of Western -....,. Elmer Wilkinson Decorator ii Europe are uniting, there is a chance iii :-‘. that they will develop its riches in co- 511111131111111111111111111.1111111C1111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111•11i11111111111111111111111111111111) operation. They are only interested in the vast area south of the Sahara be- cause the African lands out the shores of the Mediterrian Sea from Morocco to Egypt are seething with Moslem nationalism. In this huge African subcontinent, the Union of South Africa is the coun- try mostly suitable for European settle- desia in Kenya and Tanganyika and meat, but north of the Union, in Rho- on the West African coast, white men can live comfortably. These lands are immensely rich and they grow gain, cattle, tropical woods, rubber and ground nuts. Thty also have immense ' natural resources of iron, coal, bauxite, manganese, uranium and many other minerals; an African is richer in water I power than any other continent. There are also tremendous natural resources waiting for development it Central and Southwestern Africa, where the Frendi, Dutch and Portu- guese have large possessions. The Brit- ish already arc at work on vast schem ,•;es for increasing Africa's wealth out 1 :put, opening new coal and iron mine in Rhodesia and constructing a than ,.tin the Zatth&i River, four times as large as Boulder Dam, to provide elec., ROSS-MILLER Dog Foods — Reduced MIXED MIDGETS, 1 lb. ....... STANDARD KIBBLO, 1 DOG BISCUITS, 1 lb. DOG MEAL, 2 lbs. ..... — — — to Clear .........12c 13c .........12c .........28t ELECTRICAL GOODS A large stock of WASHING MACHINES (Thor and Connor) HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC IRONS (Standard and Automatic) SANDWICH TOASTERS and GRILLS WIRE FENCE We have our Spring order of WIRE ON HAND. This material will be -scare, so we advise placing your ORDER NOW for WOVEN VENCE, GATES, BARBED WIRE, ETC. KNOW WINGHAM Early History of Wingham con'd. (An extract from the Historical Atlas of the County of Huron, Ont., publish- ed in 1$79.) We find the following proclamation issued by the clerk, of the municipality, which bears op its face the particulars and personnel of the new municipal or- ganization: * * * "PUBLIC NO'rICE" gEreby give notice that the follow- ing is a correct statement of the num- her of votes polled for the several can- didates at the municipal elections for members of the council, on yesterday, the 6th day of January, 1879: For Reeve Wards 1 2 3 4 Total J. J. Br'ace 44 26 42 26 138 Dr. MacDonald _39 31 43 44 148 For Councillors Ward 1—Green, 56; Neelands, 60; Ritchie, 62; Robinson, 67; Ward 2— H. Guest, 37; T. L. Jobb, 49; R. Knox, 13; H. Lemmex, 40; G. McKay, 38. Ward 3—A. Bell, 155; T. Bell, 74; G. McKenzie, 27; W. Kerr, 44; L. Kinne, 67; C. Lloyd, 36. Ward 4—J. Anderson, 24; J. Elder, 26; T. Greg- ory, 3; T. Holmes, 1; W. W. Inglis, 59; S. Kent, 32; W. McClymont, 39; G. McKibbon, 48; J. Snell, 17; G. P. Wells, 2. I therefore declare the following to be duly elected members of the Muni- cipal Council of the Town of Wing- ham, for the ensuing year. Mayor, Benjamin Wilson, Esq., elected by acclamation on the 30th day of December last. Reeve, P. MacDon- ald, M.D., Councillors, Ward 1—J. Neelands, J. Ritchie, R. M. Robinson. Ward 2, H. Lemmex, T. L. Jobb, G. McKay. Ward 3—T. Bell, W. Kerr, L. Kinne. Ward-4, W. W. Inglis, W. McCloymont, G. ,McKibbon. Wingltam, Jan. 7, 18791 B. Flynn, Returning Officer; • * • WEEKLY THOUGHT Home may he a world of love shut in and a world of strife shut out, or vice versa, MORRIS COUNCIL The Council met in the Township Hall, on March 1st, 1948 with all the The minutes of the last regular members present, the Reeve presided. meeting were read and adopted on motion of Chas. Coultes and Baillie Parrott. The minutes of the special meetings of Feb. Gth and Feb. 20, were read and adopted on motion of Win, Peacock and Sam Alcock. Moved by Chas; .Coultes, seconded by Millie Parrott that the Engineer's report on tlif Grant Drain be received and that the clerk be instructed to pre- pare By-Laws and that the Court of Revision on the Drain be held on April 5th at 3 p.m., at the Township Hall, Carried, Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconded by Sam Alcock that the road accounts as presented by the Road Superinten- dent be paid: Carried, Moved by Chas: Coultes, seconded by Sam Alcock that we request the County Road Committee through our Reeve to have the County Road south of Brussels rebuilt. Carried. Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded by Wm. Peacock that the printing con- tract for 1948 be given to R. Kennedy for $115.00. Carried. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Baillie Parrott that the tender of George Radford for supplying, crush- ing and hauling gravel at 65 Scents per yard ,be accepted subject to the ap- proval of the District Municipal En- ginter. Carried. Moved by Baillie Parrott, seconded by Wm. Peacock that the Walton Library be given a grant of $15.00. Carried. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Baillie Parrott that we request the ratepayers to ettantine their cattle that were sprayed last year and report their Tugs to the clerk as regard to the bene- fit derived and that we should like full co-operation for the sprayers for the season of 1948: Carried. The meeting adjourned out motion of Sam Alcock and Chad, Coultes to meet again on April 5th, at 1 p.m. Carried. The following accoutits were paid: Provincial Treasurer, (Insulin), $8.12; Municipal World, (Supplies) $1.02; C. W. Hanna (relief account) $19.46; Finlay ,McCallum (fox bounty), $8.00; Jack Higgins, (fox bounty), $8.00; Nelson I-Egging (stamps and supplies) $12.00; LeRoy Brown, (Grant to Crop Improvement Association) $15.00; • Douglas Lawless (Grant to Walton Library) 055.00; Harvey _Johnston, (expenses to Good Roads Convention) $25.00; Sam Alcock, (expenses to Good Roads Convention) $25.00; Crawford„ (M.0.1-1.) $20.00; Harvey Johnston, (B.alt.) $3.01% John Craig, (13.0.14.) 0.00; George Martin, (13.0. H.) $3.00. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. isle Commonwealth of Nations. 'Two South American republics, Chile and Argentina, and one Central Aniereian country, Guatemala, have apparently concluded that the present is au opportune time to try to wrest away from Great Britain a few of her far-flung possessions. These little nat- ions, relatively unimportant, who sel- fishly gained rather than lost through the two great world wars, are now trying to profit by the peace also at the expense of a war-weakened Great Britain. Chile and Argentina both covet the Falkland Islands and some other Brit- ish territories which lie south of them on the continent of Antarctic. Great Britain legitimately won these territor- ies by discovery, conquest or coliniza- tion, and is in possession, The Falk- land Islands were ceded to Britain by Spain in 1771, but not colonized until 1833, They are a very important South Atlantic British naval base, The South American republics claim that they should own these territorials because of geographical propinquity. Argen- tina also bases its claims to the Falk- land Islands on a few years' temporary colonization prior to 1833, which the British drove off. The Falkland Islands lie in the South Atlantic ocean about 250 miles off the mainland of South America, so the claims are groundless and even fantastic. No less irrational are Guat- emala's claims to British Honduras, which are based solely on geographical contiguity. Shipwrecked British sailors colonized British Honduras in 1638 and the country has been a British pos- session every since, and never has Guatemala, though a close neighbour, ever colonized or owned any part of the country, so it has absolutely no legal claim whatsoever. The British Empire will not be co- erced into yielding to avaricious, pre- datory nations territories which have been British possessions for hundreds of years. Great Britain has sent a cruis- er to the Falkland Islands and two cruisers to the Central American trouble spot to warn all nations that there is still plenty of life and fight in . the British Lion. Hands off the British Empire! * * * AFRICA'S FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT The future of Africa south of the Sahara desert—a subcontinent much larger than the United States—looks extremely bright. This tremendously rich territory could perhaps sustain as many people as Europe, but has only four or five million white inhab- itants. Now that the British and other European nations are withdrawing much of their power and influence will last longer. FOR SALE AT Donald Rae & Son Coal - Hardware - China - Sporting Goods 'Phone 27 We Deliver Syrup Making Time SAP BUCKETS SPILES PAILS SAP PAILS AUGER BITS POULTRY SUPPLIES BROODERS—Coal, Electric and Oil CHICK FOUNTS CHICK FEEDERS OYSTER SHELL CHARCOAL NEST EGGS CHICK GRIT POULTRY BANDS POULTRY NETTING DR. HESS— DISINFECTANT LOUSE KILLER ROOST PAINT WORM POWDER POULTRY TABLETS COXITRAL—For Coccidiosis PAN-A-MIN TONIC and APPETIZER