HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-03-03, Page 8...T You'll be so pleased the way a little Va*tro-nol in each nostril quickly soothes irritation, helps reduce congestion and relieve stuffy head told misery Relief is grand because Va-tro-nol works right ohm trouble is to ease distress, Used by millions. So try Vicks Va.,tro-nol, yourself! VICK 'S VA-TRO-NOL For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Kepaor Work Built-in CUPBOARDS S E E Sinnott & Gomm 'Phone 447 Wingham ••••••••••••n ••••• MEALS LUNCHES ERBONDY'S OFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Sodas and Sundaes Bricks always available e3Ft to Lyceunl Theatre WINGHAM FIRST CLASS Wadi 119airs_ For; the Present Witches Only. George Williams John Street Wingham Next to Masonic Hall .ss Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Free. Pickup end. Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY 4 Brunswick St STRATFORD —A ONTARIO tatialrles should be left at R. A. Currie's, Wingharris • • TAE 'WING AM .ADVANM,TI10$ REMINISCING FORTY YEARS AGO Christopher-Sholdice—Married on February 26th, by Rev. H. M. Lang- Ford, of Brussels, Mr. Wm. Christoph- er, of Walton, to Miss Lucy Sholdice, of Morris, Sellery-Marshall—Married at the home of the bride, Brockville, on Feb. 17th, by Rev, S. Sellery, 13, D., form- erly of Brussels, father of the groom, Mr. C, Ernest Sellery of Ottaft, to Miss Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Marshall of Brockville, Woodrow-Sellers—Married at the residence of the bride's mother, on February 19th, by Rev. Geo. Baker, Mr. Wm. Woodrow, of Pense, Sask., CIGARS SMOKER'S SUNDRIES MAGAZINES tiaselgrove'S SMOKE SHOP Skate Sharpening RUBBER FOOTWEAR REPAIRED •••••41.1•100, • OVERSHOES REFURRED •••=•=01.1.0.• to Miss Minnie, daughter of Mrs. Joel Sellers of Morris. Hackley-Scott—A happy event took place at Drew, near Harriston, on Wednesday of last week, when Mr. Wm. Hackley, of Brandon, Man„ was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Scott. Whitechurch—Mr, Wm. Wilson, of Zetland, entertained his friends on Thursday evening to a social hop and a good time is reported. Mr. Wm. Deyell of the boundary, gave his friends a farewell social on Friday night, previous to his leaving the home- stead and an enjoyable time was spent. The ice crop is being gathered in at the Creamery by Mr. McKay, assisted by the Coulter brothers. The mer- chants of Whitechurch are treating their customers to selections on then. gramophone. Wendt-Robinson—A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. W. M. Robinson on Wednesday, February 26th, when his eldest daugh- ter, Mary Kathleen, was married to Mr. j, R. Wendt, by Rev. T. H. Farr, of Gorrie. Snowfall in Toronto—The snowfall in TorontO during February was 25.9 inches, which has only been equalled nine times in that month of the year in 65 years. The snowfall to date has been 65.7 inches, which has not been equalled by the snowfall of any whole winter since 1900, when the whole year's fall was 68.4 inches. Local Option Notes—"Eighty-five per cent of all the children admitted to my homes owe their ruin to the drinking habits of their parents or other relatives."—Dr. Barnardo . . . "I can keep no terms with a vice that fills our goals, destroys the comforts of home and peace of families, and de- bases and brutalizes the people of this land." Lord Chief Justice Coleridge . . . Every drunkard used to boast that he could take a drink or leave it alone, subs; Ashtont Graham, Lynn, and. Craig, Gorrie—Goal, Stettruoli. defer e, Edwards and Abraham; forwards, Brown, Hamilton and Vanstonej Gordon Brown Hastie, Musgrove, Ashton and Brown, Referee, Jack Frit, I,.istowel. Town Council Notes. cowl, Wilkin- son presented a request from Mr, Robt. J. Galbraith, that trapping and shoot- ing be prohibited on the Ponds a$ he had some wild ducks and intended Se- wing some swans later on. Be offer- ed to prepare and erect signs if per: mission were granted, Moved by Coun* Wilkinson ' seconded by Court. Gil- ntour, "that the, request of Mr. Gal, braith re protection of ducks, etc„ he: granted and permission be given to• erect signs". . , . Carried. Here and There Around Rapid City —Mr. John Champion is busy buzzing wood with his sawing outfit at John McLeod's and Kenny Gollan's. Mr. an4 Mrs. Gardner, Lorne and Ivan, Master James and Miss Ada Burns, Mr. MaP- colm Stewart and Mrs. Alice Thomp..- son visited on Saturday evening with Mr.' . and Mrs, John Thompson. Will Re-build Currie's School—Cur.. rie's School House, S. S. No, 9, East Wawanosh, which was recently burned' to the ground, will arise from the asha bigger and better than eve?. It will be ready for occupation by classes in September, NIL OZER OF LAZY 'MEADOWS By Harry J. Boyle We butchered last week. Between Higgins and myself we managed to make a. pretty good, job of..reducing. it to enough beef to last for the rest of the winter' for both families. \There's something that's almost satisfying in having the larder well stocked. May- be it's a feeling of security. Yesterday when I came in the house there was a wonderful aroma in the kitchen. It had a touch of savory and sage and beef and I was most curious. It turned out to be pot of old sash,. ioned soup with stewing beef and plenty of vegetables and spices, The family used !up the whole pot of it. Thinking about it takes me back to the time when mother would have soup. It, came every Wednesday as regular as clockwork and by the time she had it ready for the table it Was more like a beef stew than a soup. ' Abotit the only thing she 'bought at the Store for it was "pot barley" and spices This combination added' variety and tasti- ness to it. On a cold night- when you came back from school, if she were in good humor and not too busy with other work, rut had a pretty_ good chance for a bowl of it. 'The apProPa0h was to first take a squint into the big 'kettle on the back of the stove. Then you would say, "Maw, kin I have a 'sand- rich Or sonfethini?" You never got a response the 'first' firrie. Your next tactic was to start 'rummaging in the pantry. This was something she Couldn't 'stand. "You can't eat 'how", slit 'WOuld ex- claim, 'shooing 'you out of thd' pantry, "it "will just spoil your" Supper", The next move was to sit 'down and try and look' hungry, Finally, she would shove the kettle on to the front of the stove where it wolud soon start chuck- ling and bubbling, You ' were then ladled out a bowl of the marvellous soup 'and told not to spill any on the table. .No chef in the finest eating place in the world 'could have Possibly Concoct- ed a better soup than that. Rich beef broth, carrots and potatoes and a vari- ety of vegetables' along with sage and salt and pepper and the everPresent pot barley made up the contents. It was a meal in itself but always it -Mts. regard- ed by mother as, merely 9..."starter" for a reatmeal. I almost forgot one of the' Most famous of the ingredients. Onions had to be put in the soup because in those days onions were regarded as -a supremely healthful food. They were used to ward off everything from chiliblains to pneumonia. I certainly did enjoy that bowl of "beef" soup the other night. Wedrieschy, March 3rd, 1948 MOST:EVERYTHING S UP • IR:PRICE.. ;BUT C„P.O.!674 • Wcititime- Taxes and Orders " Yo6 Pay 70 •ilsk feel Peither way ...both ,trade-marks mean the tame thing. Authorized bottlers of Coca-Cola under contract with Coea-Oola Ltd. STRATFORD *; BOTTLING COMPANY 700 ERIE VI'. 'PHONE 78 MCP-9 WORK MITTS and FINE GLOVES • * • TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Vets are the Champs—The Veterans are now champions of the Wingham Town League. On Wednesday night they defeated the Tigers by 7 to 2. Bert Whitten referred the game. The line-ups were as follows: Veterans, Goal, Bert Isard; defense, R. MacLean -Ind Hal. MacLean; centre, Geo. How- son; left, Roy Cruickshanks; right, H. Towne subs, G. B. Flanigan and E. S. Copeland; Tigers, Goal, Henry Aitcheson; defense, Neil MacLean and Gord MacLean; centre, Gordon Cruckshanks; left, F, Moore; right, Geo, Fixture, Curlers at Kincardine—Five Wing- ham rinks of curlers went to Kincar- dine on Monday afternoon and were defeated by the home rinks at both sessions, The Wingham skips were W. Stewart, C. Elliott, Fred Davidson and John ,Mason and A. Porter. The rinks were composed of T. It. Bennett, J. 0. Habkirk, E. J. Nash, A. Fothcrgill, 'Jim McGillivray, W. T. Booth, H. IMitchell, S. Halliday, C. B. Armitage, Hardy, Henry Aitcheson, 0. 'Thompson, Jas. Carr, B. Mundy and A. M. Forbes. Gorrie—Our electric lights have been running now for some time and are giving good satisfaction. It makes a great improvement to have the streets ;,so well lighted up. It is expected make it an all night service eventually. •At present the light is shut off at 12 •o'clock. Morris—Mrs. Frank. Edgar and little /daughter, spent a few days with her !parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Campbell. Mr, and Mrs. Coiling of Ripley, visited •itheir daughter, Mrs. Victor Raines, for a few days. Mrs. John Robinson o Kincardine pent the past two weeks , with her parents, Mr. •and Mrs. Thos. Abraham. * - ' IFFIFTEEN %EARS AGO Metkley- McLean---A quiet wedding was so mnized at the United Church parson- age, Delmore, March 1st., when Jean Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr, and a Mrs. Hector McLean, of Culross town- 1 a ship, was married to Harry Clayton, E second son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merkley of Wroxeter, by the Rev. R. 401144 I Turnbull. BROWNE'S Shoe Repair HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. Newer! Smarter! Finer! 17: r limtvotkl: •Itlg , It., • 4.. CHEVROIE HERE:S THE ONE To SEE! At the first opportunity come and see itI The new new color harmonies Chevrolet for UALITY A T 1948 brings you new smartness' of design, , new interior luxury — an even greater measure of BIG-CA11- Q LOWEST COST. And with all its greater value, Chevrolet's the lowest-pri e ce in its field , .. the oily car in its price class with such Big-Car features as Body li d fisher, Valve-in-I-lead Engine, Unitized Knee-Act ion Ride and Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes, No wonder mote people drive Chevrolets -- and more people Wall, Chevrolets than any bthet make. oxy „--...s pits CheviwWw FIRST" A PROOOCT OF t): C•2485 x. a We ttalize but -obligatkitt What 1 iii orrt.nil nut order lot 4 *lent., Il- i tetia'ali ofd. we Ply lta' i g servietalitlity. =— pesig_n ealast.d WorkthattshiP are of 2 j . the abd Ottr prides Ste I _• rabbet 'moderate. = N CEMETERY LETTERING Vrogriptly DOrte All 'MODERN EQUIPMENT 1 Wingham m • sh t erra , the locals defeated Fordwich by a emona op — .... §14D11 :Friday 'evening, M the Gorrie At- - i score of 7 to 8 in a fast hockey match. 'Phone R. A. spottott 'The Fordwich—:Goal, BrearS; defense, Gibson and Patterson', for- !! VA ranitlimiclinittgatintomtointittita wards, Kelly, McillWain and Gadke; 9 when orris and dancing were enjoyed.. 1 Gottie Team Will From Fordwich— Wroxeter—Mr. and Mrs, J. Wade, Fortvich, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. S. MacNatt- gliton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gallaher and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kit- chen, of town, also Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher, of Salem, were in Bros- ' sels, last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Orr, 4th line, entertained their neigh- !), IRA's and friends on Friday 'evening S gepttone 139