HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-03-03, Page 7Save Money by PREPAYING Town of WINGHAM 948 TAXES Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1948 taxes up to 90 per cent. of 1947 taxes. • Interest at the rate of Four per cent. per an- num will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham MILDMAY CAPTURES MR PUCK TITLE In• a sudden-death game here, Mild- may ousted Gorrie from the WOAA intermediate "B" playdowns, 5,2, and captured their group. Soft ice marred the game. Schill, for Mildmay, and Neilson, for Gorrie, were standouts. Mildmay—Goal, Arnold; defense, Kukel, Wendt; centre, Schill; wings, Lisnier, Schmaltz; alternates, J. Weil- er, Schifter, Weiler, M. Voisson, H. Voisson, GorrieGoal, Xing; defense, Abram, Ed wards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks I PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone—Days 417. Wingham tillellt11111111111111111111111111111111•111111111111111111101111111111MINIMIIIIIIIIIIIK101114111111111911111 I U N U U INmummuniminumuingumminnionsionnunmotuoinnsisunnown A. 11. MINN Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone Teeswater 1203 J. W. 111131111ELO, K.G. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office Meyer Block. Wingham was the demand for new telephones, however, that, despite the unparalleled additions, the number of applicants waiting• for service at the end of the year totalled 94,000. New construction at a cost of $53,- 600,000 compared with $29,000,000, in 1946 and $14,200,000 in 19455. Hello Homemakers! Take a few Simple ingredients, combine with a peek of ingenuity, and a bit of patience CHESTERFIELDS CHAIRS, SOFA BEDS, ANTIQUES RE-COVERED GIBBON'S UPHOLSTERING and REPAIR SHOP Phone 260 Maple St. Wingham HYDRO HOME ECONOMIST Wednesday, Mardi) 3r4,1948 THE WINGHAM VANCEMIYMS HoTEINOLVE LUNE eloodeva '7,ar'otee" l', Whether ost huskies* or pleasure•bent, make Oils "Goodwill Hotel" your headquarters. Located right is the center of everything . . . a block east of Woodward Avenue on Elizabeth Street. overlooking Grand Circus Park. Hotel Wolverine N eccoullslo Is all sections of the city. SOD now . each with tub and shower. Good tees. Ample porkies spaces garage wink* (go twellobte. Nese et TIN TROPICS . most unusual nigh Mel la Detroit . Warless South Seas etiettobere. DETROIT maw Nitta I ' WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est, '1840 An allCanadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office -- Toronto IL C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham 1110S. FELLS REAL ESTATE. AUCTIONEER and TEE UST OP SERVICE PLENTY OP EXPERIENCE sirhatib X3.1 Wingham DONALD II BLUE , Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & 'BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ripley, Ontario Underwood; gentry, Neilson; wings, Harriston, Heibein; alternates, 'Moffatt, McMichael, Townsend, Farrish, Zhu- merman, First Period 1. Gorrie, Harriston (Heibein) 0;35 2, Mildmay, Scitih, (Srnaltz) 8,20 a, Mildmay, Voisson, (Weiler) 18.40 Penalties, Harriston, Strialtz, Second Period 4, Mildmay, Lisnaer, (Schill) 5,25 5, Mildmay, Schill, (Lismer) 14,40 6. Gorrie, Neilson, (Underwood) 16,10 Penalties, Kunkel, Wendt, Harriston, Abram, Third Period 7. (Mildmay, Shifter, (Wendt) 7.02 Penalties, Smaltz, Weiler, DECLARE WAR ON WARBLE FLIES Warble flies cause great financial loss to cattle producers. Damaged hid- es, reduced gains, loss of milk produc- tion and inferior carcass quality all contribute to this loss, which can largely be prevented by thorough ap- plication of warble fly will be emerging in the coming five months.' The warble grubs are now begin- ning to show up on the backs of cattle, and will continue to do so until late June or early July. In order to kill all the grubs that will be emerging in the coming months, treatment at monthly inervals is necessary from now until July. A single treatment kills only those grubs which are well established in the animals back at the time of treatment. Thorough and repeated treatments are necessary as a single grub is cap- able ,of developing into a.. fly that can lay 200 eggs which may mean 200 more grubs next year. Every grub that escapes alive is a potential source of worry to the cattle and a loss to the owner. Individual hand treatment with der- ris powder solution is recommended for herds of less than 100 head. For larger herds, the use of a power spray- er is desirable. Derris powder prepar- ations fat hand treatment differ from those suitable for the power spray, and directions on the package should be followed. The purchase of the necessary derris powder now, and thorough repeated use of it from now until July, is one of the best paying investments of time afed money tha can be made. BELL TELEPHONE GREATEST GAIN Demands for local and long distance telephone service are still rising, ac- cording to the 68th annual report of The Bell Telephone Company of Can- ada for the year ended December 31st last, issued today. The net increase of 129,051 telephones, greatest gain in the company's history, brought the year- end total of Bell. Telephones in service in Quebec and Ontario to 1,306,975. The total payroll rose to $45,016,000, an increase of $8,497,000, or 23 per cent above 1946. At the year end, there were 23,335 employees, the largest number in the history of the business. This compares with 21,081, on Decem- ber 31st., 1946. Throughout the year efforts were especially directed towards the fulfil- ment of service requests of long stand- ing, the report states. Of 84,000 appli- cants waiting for service at the begin- ning of 1947, all but 23,000 were pro- vided with telephones and, of these, few had applied before 1946. So great L. O. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONT. FREDERICK PARIER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St, Whigharci Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Winghain. J FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE.HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, IL M. MacLENNAN Veterinary SurgeOn Office Minnie St. Opposite and Smith of the United Church., PHONE 196 Whighern, Ontario FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNERAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 - 224 WINGHAM W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone i50 Wines= DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON P1101%619 CRAWFORD & BETHERINfiTON turisteni, Solicitors, Etc. Winglram, Phone 48 Crawford, ICC., R. S. lietherir' tgton, Business and Professional Directory True reports.on the works of the Red Cross by leading Canadian writers by Claire Wallace There is a man in Canada who has the blood of seven total strangers in his veins. Maybe you wince at that idea, He doesn't. Without it, he would be dead. Two years ago he was seriously injured in a crash. He received desperate head injuries, and a delicate operation was imperative, But shock and loss of blood had so weakened him that he couldn't have survived one. If . . . seven strangers had not stepped in. They were Canadian men and women who had each given a blood donation to the Canadian Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service. When the doctors called for blood to save the-`life of the accident victim, it was the blood of those seven which pulled him through. "Were you one of them?" Today, •he is a healthy, happy, useful citizen of Victoria, British Columbia. The only thing that marks him as different from the average man is a rather searching look that sometimes comes into his eyes as he walks along the street. For he often thinks' of the seven who saved his life and wonders Red Cross Services include: Blood Ttartsfusion, Outpost Hos- pitals, Aid to Sick and Disabled Veterans, Treatment for Crippled Children, Disaster Relief, Nutrition Services, Home Nursing Courses, Swimming and Water Safety, etc. LOCAL CHAIRMAN—JOHN P. McKIBBON, Free blood for Canadian hospitals The Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service plans, as soon as possible, to extend whole blood and plasma free to all patients needing it, in hospitals across Canada. Already, two provinces—British Columbia and Alberta—provide this life- saving service. Last yegr, Allierta and British Columbia distributed 21,044 bottles of whole blood and 2,364 bottles•of plasma, resulting in the saving of many lives. But it takes money as well as blood to save these lives. Remember this, as the Canadian Red Cross ,appeals to you now for funds. Give generously. A life may depend upon your donation. who they are. As he looks into a stranger's face, he silently. asks: "Were you one of them? If so, I thank you from my heart." Similarly, the mother' who gave birth to twine and would have died except for blood transfusions . . the baby so anaemic at birth he could be kept alive only by donated blood . , . the maimed . . the sick . the old—all those who owe their lives to blood transfusions say: "Thanks, unknown friend." The work of mercy never ends . . • Give generously to the CANADIAN RED CROSS 'PHONE 53, WINGHAM Jlll NUTRI-THRIFT MENU Southern Beef Roll Creamy Mashed Potatoes Scalloped Tomatoes and Cabbage Carrot and Raisin Salad Spanish Cream Molasses Cookies and Beverage SOUTHERN BEEF ROLL 2 tbsps. beef dripping, 1 pound ntinted chuck or beef steak, 2 tbsps. flour, 2 tbsps. minced onion, 2 tbsps. chili sauce, 1i cups of water, 1 'tsp. salt, 1,4 tsp. chili powder, 114 tsp. pepper. Brown meat, flour mid onions in melted dripping. Add chili sauce and water, and simmer 10 minutes. Add seasonings and cool partially. Prepare biscuit dough: Sift 2 cups bread flour, 3 tsps. 'baking powder, 112 tsp. salt into a mixing bowl, Measure 4 tbsps. shortening and add to dry in- gredients. Blend together until mix- ture is mealy add 314 cup milk and stir only until soft dough is formed. Turn out on floured board and pat in- to rectangle about 118 inch thick, Spread with beef filling and roll like jelly roll. Plate on baking sheet. take e 30r minutes electric oven at 350 de- g SCALLOPED TOMATOES AND CABBAGE 1 can of totnatoes,2 cups shredd- cabbage, 1 tsp. sugar, 114 tsp. salt, 2 tbsps. flour, 112 cup fine bread crumbs. Drain off 114 cup juice from toma.- 4111111111110111111111111111L. toes. Heat the remainder to boiling point. Add cabbage, sugar and salt; simmer 10 minutes. Blend flour with 114 cup cold tomato juice and add grad. wally' to hot mixture_ Stir until thkk- ened, 'then pour into greased casserole and top with crumbs. Bakeat 400 de- grees for 10 minutes. Six servings. SPANISH CREAM 1. Sprinkle 1 tbsp. (1 envelope) un- flavored gelatine over 114 cup milk. 2. Scald 13ii cups milk, add 2 tbsps, sugar and 114 cup raspberry juice; pour Box 297 the hot liquid over 2 slightly beaten egg yolks. ONT. 8, One-third cup of raisins may be added. Cook in double boiler, stirring constantly until cOstard coats spoon. Optometrist Phone 118 Our 25 point Scientific Extmiti, tion enables us to give you -Clear, Comfortable Vismo. Sc J. Pyittun P. 0. Boa 74 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW ONT. General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. „, BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE "Thom 1.60 WINGHAM LEON C. CANTELON Reprosenting the Crown Life Insurance Co., of Toronto "Guaranteed Protection for Your Every Need" SUBSCRIPTIONS Taken for.ALL Publications YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Fr F Harriston and you have the requisites for an ap- petizing meal at low 'cost. Lacking the "peck of ingenuity", you might find help in The Mixing Bowl columns, which are designed to eliminate some of your Worry in planning economical dinners. The current price of meat limits our suggestions for the main course. Many cuts of beef and pork have gone sky high in price—hence the emphasis on economical meat dishes. In today's budget dinner we present a Southern Beef Roll—as delicious as it sounds. It is a flexible recipe, suit- able for both fresh ground meat or left- over meat such as the odds and ends of a pot roast. Ordinarily the beef roll would be served with gravy but it is especially good with tomato sauce. We also suggest you try scalloped tomato- and-cabbage instead of gravy. The scallop can be placed right on the din- ner plate between the slice of beef roll and the mound of creamy mashed pot- atoes. The juiceness will blend with both the meat and potatoes, cutting down the need for butter and meat sauce. Spanish cream is one of those deli- cate wholesome desserts each member of the family from junior to grandad can enjoy. Some folks like it as well as ice cream, which is plenty: 4. Add gelatine, remove, from elec- tric element and add' 114 tsp. salt. Chill in electric refrigerator until the mixture begins to thicken. Fold in 2 egg whites beaten stiff but not dry. Pour into mould rinsed with cold water. Chill until firm, unmould and serve with top milk. Serves six. MOLASSES COOKIES 112 cup shortening, 112 cup brown sugar, 112 cup molasses, 1 egg, 112 cup sour cream, 1 1.i2 tsps. soda, 112 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. ginger, 112 tsp. cinnamon, flour. Cream shortening and sugar togeth- er. Add the molasses, well-beaten egg, and the sour cream into which the soda has been stirred. Add the salt and spic- es and enough flour to make a very soft dough. Chill the dough so that it can be handled more easily. Roll to one-fourth inch in thicknesses, and cut with a cooky cutter. Bake in a moder- ate oven for about 10 minutes. THE' SUGGESTION BOX Mrs. J. A. C. says: Soap lasts longer if it is well dried out. When you bring home a new supply of soap, unwrap and pile loosely in a dry place. `Yhofs ttie &4v4/oF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE? $87,500,000 was paid from the Un- employment Insurance fund to unem- ployed Canadians from September 1, 1945, to October 31, 1947. $31,000,000 was contributed to this fund by the Government of Canada. 500,000 individual unemployed workers and their dependants bone- fitted from these payments. In many Cases had payments not been available the unemployed would have suffered want! What's the good of Unemployment Instmance?—Can there be any doubt' Unemployment Insurance helps the employer by providing unemployed with purchasing power; and helps the worker by providing maintenance allowances during unemployment. Employer and Employee and the Gov- ernment all have an interest--Unem- ployment Insurance is a large factor in CE healthy National Economy. Make full use of your local office of the National Employment Service. Department of Labour ttumpanrt muctrEut Minisfer rof Labour A. MacNAMMIA, Deputy Minh-ler Mrs. M. D. sayii Odds and ends of wood frontaltinaber mill, sandpapered and painted or pasted with "decals" make delighted blocks for children. Mrs. S. R. says: Never put meringue on hot pie filling. It will form syrup between filling and meringue and "skid." Spread meringue on pie from edge to middle—anchoring to crust on edge. Do not grease a pie pan. Pie will slip out more readily if you dust with flour. A good pie crust always greases its own pan. Mrs, D. 'Mc. says: This is the' time of year to get a few things fixed in the house. I have just had a drop-leaf shelf put in my small kitchen. It can be let down when not needed. Mrs. 5. D. says: I keep a rubber covered draining rack hung on a cup- board door to use for storing lids, cookie sheetsand jelly roll pan. * * Anne Allan invites you to write to her cjo The Wingliam Advance-Times. Send in your suggestions on home- making problems and watch this col- umn for replies.