HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-03-03, Page 3BEAUTIFUL NEW DE LUXE PRIGII)AIRE ELECTRIC RANGE One-piece stainless porcelain top: Cook-Master automatic oven,control. Rodiontube units with 5 cooking hems. • Big oven other outstanding advantages, FRIGIDAIRE COLD-WALL REFRIGERATOR You don't have to covet Foods! Keeps foods From drying owl Foods stay fresh days longed Preserves foods' precious vitaminsi • fOred R/6694/RE... vS/IIIES FOOD! PPROltitiS MAW pars move Cars! Every food penny counts these days. Make the most of them with Frigidaire Appliances, End wasteful and dangerous spoilage. Save money by taking advantage of "specials" and quantity buying opportunities, And save vital food values - enjoy fresher, tastier food, cooked more healthfully rand deliriously. MADE ONLY o9 QEMERAI. MOTORS r:. rr i r rrtr...1.057,1110Y EASY TERMS on low cost GMAC payment plan Stewart Home Appliances Telephone 29 a 4. Wingita,m,, Ontario • 14.4.4••••••••....44 in••••••••41. 4••••imarib . 4• Keep as elate as VoSSitie to right -a • End turn signal andlookhothways.. before starting to make a right turn .2 . &gin turn signal and start slowing • • AtiWri at leost100 feet freq.?' tomer 4 Fat before the cor• tern move 'over to the right side A motorist wishing to make a left turn safely should proceed as shown in this chart. tie must also watch for cars coming from the opposite direction and concede them the right of way, unless they slow down and allow him to complete the turn, Failure to signal can lead to suspension of license tt motorist Involved in an areldent. HOW TO MAKE A RIGHT TURN THE wiNoHANI „pvANcE-Timgs PAGE TH1EI Wednesday, March 3rd, 1948 en r m • n • 114 IN NH • k 11 r a a • R 111 I read a poem the other day by E. J. Pratt which ran something like this: "It took the sea a thousand years to carve a massive piece of rock into a shape of torture but it took it only overnight to do the same thing to a woman's face." U I 10 a I 'Phone 116 F.: 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•1 111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111,11111 White and Brown SUGAR a a el N U U a II U N a • a a a U U a a a n N a a U U U n U U I I U a S a a Quaker OATS, box 29c Pure LARD, lb. ... .28c a U U a U a a In our community there is a woman who has had a very difficult life. Her father was a shiftless type and she was born ambitious, As a child she .didn't seem the same as the others. She was working and reading and borrowing books from neighbours. Her high school life was a constant round of working and studying and she seemed to grow smaller and thinner as the years went by*. . but there was al- ways a pride about her. It wasn't so much pride I guess as it was strength and a lot of stubbornness. Eventually she went to .college and came through it with flying colors. Her career look- ed AS. if it nwould certainly be a bright one, Her mother took sick and she had to come home beealfse the father was not capable of looking after the moth- er, When that girl came home she even roused her father to work for a little while but it didn't last, He was too used to a life of slovenly disinter- est and she had to give up. They were poor and she even' started working for one of the neighbours for a part of each day to get a little money and still be close to her mother. This drag- ged on for seven or eight years and then the inother died. The girl married a local boy of fair means, The years had been too hard on her I suppose to face a career. Maybe it was just the security that marriage could afford, Within fops years of the time they married lie was sent away to a Sanatorium. By this time she bad a child, a boy. Talk about the determin- ation to win, She converted the farm into a poultry farm, worked from daWn until dusk herself and managed to make a paying proposition out of it. In spite of all this hardship she' re- mained the same. There was a quiet determination about her. She was go- ing to win, no matter what the odds might be. I have never heard a single person say that . they ever heard her complain. Then last summer her boy was drowned while swimming back at the river. It was her last hope and yet she carried on. At the same time I re- member very well seeing her the day after it happened. Her head was erect but carved deep into that magnificent face were the scars of a lifetime of suffering_ and hardship that seemed suddenly to have come there overnight. GORRIE A rink of Gorrie curlers attended a :Bonspiel in Fordwich on Monday of last week bringing home third priz- es of combination kitchen stools and step ladders. IGeo. Galloway was skip, Wes. Galloway, Ken Hastie and Sas. Douglas comPrising the rink. Women's Institute The March meeting of the Gorrie Women's Institute will be held at the home of Miss Margaret Dane on Tues- day, March 9th, at 2,30 p.m. The roll call will be "Who used to live in my house." The questions in the "Better Farm House". Competition will be dis- cussed under the leadership of Mrs. P. Kaine and Mrs, C. Gregg. This should be an interesting meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies of the community. Two quilts for distribution by Red Cross in devastated countries of Eur- ope were quilted at the home of Mrs. Frances Strong on Tuesday afternoon of last week, There was a splendid at- tendance of ladies from the 6th and 9th lines. Many grateful letters from Europe have been received by the Can, Red Cross expressing appreciation of the quilts, .clothing, layettes, sent them in 1947, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Johnston, 9th con, East, well known in this commun- ity, celebrated their golden wedding on Feb, 19th, A family dinner was held, later in the evening they received a surprise visit from neighbours and friends ',who presented Mrs, Johnston with a gold. Lode wrist watch and Mr, Johnston with a gold signet ring. The gift from the family was a green eol- onial chair and a basket of flowers. Edgar Wallace Jacques The death occurred at his late resi- dence, lot 16, con., 13, Howick, on Wednesday morning, Feb. 11th, of Edgar Wallace Jacques, in his 63rd. year, after two years of.ill health and great suffering. He was the youngest child of a fam- ily of thirteen, born to John Jacques and his wife, Margaret Ann Nay, both of whom have been dead many years, He was born June 7th, 1885, on lot 16, con. 13, and spent his entire life in that community. On May 30th, 1916, he married Laura A. Strong, who sur- vives with one daughter, Mrs, Ken. Johnston. of Harriston. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Robt. Ashton, Gorrie, and Miss Elsie Jacques, How- ick, and one brother, 'Rev. Ernest Jacques of Caledonia. The funeral was held on Friday, Feb. 13th, with a short service at the home, followed by public service in the Trinity Church, Fordwich, conducted by Rev, J. C. Coley. The pallbearers were John Craig, Emerson Dickert, John Kreller, Jas. Worrell, Carl Wer- ner and Woi. Werner, The flower bearers were, Harold Robinson, Bruce Harkness, Mae Newton and Glen Un- derwood, Interment was made in Ford- wich cemetery- On Wednesday night about 800 hockey fans mostly from Mildmay and Gordo gathered in the Wingbam Arena to see the third and final game between Mildmay and Garde. This game was won by Mildmay, the score being 5-2. The Mildmay team are Th is champions of Group 4, W.O,A,A, This honour was won last year by the Gor- rie boys, who although not winners this year, are to be congratulated on putting up such a good fight and being such close contestants for the honor. Mild- may will now meet Londesboro, the winner in their group, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Taylor visited their aunt, Mrs. Levi Galbraith on Fri- day, who has been ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bert Wright, Lake- let. Mrs. Galbraith has been confined to bed since October. • Mr. and Mrs, Jack' Watson of Blyth, Miss Lois Cadwell and. Mac Smith of Guelph, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton on Sunday. The Women's Institute are sponsor- ing the next showing of the National Film Board which will be on Tuesday evening, March 16th. The Hydro line is being extended from the 9th con. to the homes of Wes Strong, Cliff Dodds, Jos. Bennett, Dick Bennett, Win. Bennett and T. Griffith. Mr. Henry Finley has been busy wir- ing these farm homes since the first of the year, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sparli.ng, Mrs. M. Gilkinson and Mrs, Ed. Mar- tin were - in London, on Sunday visit- ing Mrs. Cecil Day at Victoria Hospi- tal, whose condition. remains about the same. Miss Maxine Farrish also vis- ited with her grand father' who has left the hospital and will stay with friends in London for a time. Week-end guests at the home of Mr,- If It's for your car we iikeiy, have it. The price will be right . . . the quality assured. Our money-back guarantee is your protection. Tire Pumps .69 Supreme Quality TRAILER HARDWARE See Our Complete Stock ,Ball and Socket Couplers -1.59 Bumper Coupler Bar 2.95 One-Man Tow Bar 7.50 'TWO-WHEEL TRAILER FRABIE Everything to make your own sturdy trailer except the wheels and box 26.45 RUBBER FLOOR MATS With Felt Backs To Fit: FORD "A" 1.95 CHEVROLE1 '29 to '39 2.15 = Chevrolet, 1935-'31 2.35 Most other Cars 1.95 to 3.60 ObjectiVe--- $2620,39- $2500.00- S2000.00- $1500.00 $1000.00 $ 0 0 000 $ 400.V it a a n a a U a a a a U a a U U U a a PHIL OS1FER OF LAZY MEADOWS By Harry 3. Boyle' JAVEX, bottle 14c Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls 29c ALL-BRAN, box ...28c a U a U a a Hotchkiss & A n US FOOD MARKET WE • 'Phone DELIVER 116 Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable SOUP . 3 tins 25c ••••••111M•0.14 Lux, Camay, Lifebuoy Hand SOAP . . • . . 3 bars 24c • • lb. 9c MATCHES, 3 boxes 29c Catelli MACARONI or SPAGHETTI, 16 oz. tin ....15c Ivory Laundry STARCH, lb. 17c U a U a U Size 96s GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c Waxed TURNIPS Firm, Green CABBAGE, lb. . .0 Washed CARROTS 2 lbs. 156cc 2 lbs. 25c Size 288s Size 220s 27c doz. ORANGES 47c doz. JELLY POWDERS, all varieties Special Prices FRUIT AND VEGETABLES lintiminiumusunintunninsurniumininininimputaisiummumin • 5- After completing turn, gradually move over to right -. Enter street just to rig,ht of center •a• Begin turn signal and start slow in down at least 100 feet from corner • 3 • End turn signal and look right and left before start- ing to make turn • i• Well aimed of the turn,look for any following cars and move over close to center line, giving signal if needed for moving over HOW TO MAKE A LEF1 TURN - -Do not e,,,,r e". 0 • • brew rest bring hiS Vehicle to 't full step if the tratfie light is ngOinst him and then take corner 'slowly, turning :5 closely as possible to tight edge of toad.' The Chant of disproving negligente tests on the drlver lStionid an acelitent ;ecur, If guilty. stisperiston 'peewit Flexible Metal Tubing A most complete stock from V to 4". Immediate delivery very low prices. • Chrome plated over Brass - will not rust. • New Modern Designs - Better Reception. • Easily Installed on any cur, 3.09, 3.85, -4.09, 4.69 Ash Trays Suction cup m'tg. 590 Clamp-on style .. 89C CAR TOP CARRIER* Here's value; Sturdily constructed carrier for boats, ladders, luggage. etc. Complete with straps 5.95 and hardware. Reg. $8.50.. 'Complete stock of STEEL BOLTS and NUTS now in stock BAROMETER CLIMBING .01 a a a a U ill zrz it a a 1111F ININGlifilii, ONT. Pphhoonn ee 13884. t GORRIE, ONT. r :.;r1 E, Campbell R. H. Carson & Son 1 it .._.,.. II IC T11111 •111111111111111111011111111111111112112111.111111(11•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f2 and Mrs. Wm, Harrison were: Mr. :old I Mrs. Albert GoBailer of Wro-xetel', Mrs. Jack Harrison and family, also !visited last week at the home of lin-1. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hobbs and family !daughter, Mrs. Thos. MeClement awl ;all of Preston. !Mr. ,MeClement. Mr. Lloyd Hockeridge of London, , Mise Cherie Adams, von. 13, visitusi ,was a recent visitor with Mr. an,l Mrs. Mr. Win. Nay 'over the week-end with Mr. M r. and ds... 'Thos. Bradnock. . of Kitchener, spent ,Earl Harrison. the week-end at thehome (If Mr. and Mrs. : Jas.. Edgar spent a couple ; ol .. I Mrs. Jack Musgrove, days with muds in Harriston last i Miss Audrey Mee of Harriston, week, ispent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Palley Auger of Listowel, spoil I Wes. Trimble. the week-en,1 at the parental home, In Less Than Two Weeks over $1000.00 has been contri sited to the Wingham Community Shed To those who have not yet contributed, may we suggest that you see any of the follow- ing: Rhys Pollock, Percy Stainton, Elmer Wilkinson, A. D. Mac- William, John Pattison, or you may leave your contribution at either Bank. Help Put This Project Over