HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-03-03, Page 2Domino Baking Powder 16 62. tin ..17e Aylmer Beets. Shoestring 20 oz. tin .10c Doz. tins $1.17 Aylmer Choice Peas 20 oz tin 17e 12 tins $2.00 Case $3.95 Stokely's Drapefruit Juke Nibt tin 10C• 12 tins 1,15 case $2.29 ter Itteihive Seediest size 96s Syrup, 2 lb tin 31c GRAPEFR,urr - 5 lb. tin -60c NI, 2 lbs. 23c t Midst size 2881 ORANGES, doz. . —31e 06Mitoto t * s The Key , to a Rosy Future ! A home of your own promises so much in financial security— in fun and happiness for the whole family for years to camel That's why we urge all you prospective home builders to come in and let us help you get started on preliminary home building plans now! .. , Wei ave interesting and informative home plan books and we're prepared to answer any questions you may 'have about the Right Materials building methods, etc. for your particular project! BEAVER LUMBER Barker's Old Colony Chocolate Gardenia Sandwich Biscuits,, 1b. ...33c Barker's CRAX WAFERS Red Label 8 oz. pkg. Lipton's Tea, 8 oz. pkg. 49c Get a package of Noodle Soup Mix Free — Makes the finest cake Velvet Cake Flour, 5 lbs. 3 Milled as ed Wheat Robin Hood Flour, 7 lbs. 43c Organdie tissue ....2 - 15e Cashmere Tissue, roll . .10c Dr. Jackson's Meal, pkg. 37c Dr, Jaeltsoro's Jiffy Porridge, pkg. .24c Haft 8 oz. 'Jar 'Horseradish Muster _lie Exceptional Value lb, Early Morning Coffee 49c A Meal in every package Kraft Dinner — , .20e London Honse BABY ROLLS CHEESE 8 oz. pkg. 25c 16 oz. pkg. 47C Henley Choice 20 oz. PEACHES, 20 oz. tin . .29t Habitant 28 oz. PEA SOUP, 28 oz. —14e Aylmer Choke Quality 20 ot. BLUEBERRIES, tin .. .31c Makes Delicious Pies 19 oz. jar Clark's MINCEMEAT .. —29c Aylmer Cooked SPAGHETTI — All Flavours--tictaten's Jelly Powders, Pkg. , ..09c 8 oz, pkg, . — .19c 16 oz. jar . .2 - 27c Choice Quality . Totnatoes 280.a 2-Ic. 12 tins 2.85 case $5-65 Cardinal Wax Beads 20 oz. tin lee doz tins L19 east $2.27 Valley' Peet 20 t z, tilt 21e 12 this L59 east $3,15 WE ARE AGENTS for OtJNTER CHECK BOOkS PRINTED (AnAmED TAPE MADE BY • d c:5 `t V•. 10.1. pon,V 11115,nr`5^ V ,Tnr>tiS (01.1rS dos,c4 r., sucj .,:;n511011$ And smokniii r+A.,44t me To control mastitis (garget) "BOO. JEES"(No. 2901) 25,000 Int. Units calcium penicillin—sufficient for effective treatment. Easy to insert No refrigeration required Package of 6 • $3.00 Minimum Prices I.D.A. Coyrteous Service WINGHAM London, spent linde of her parents, Mr. and Mrs jos. Yuill of Morris. Mrs, Chas. Shiell spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Chas. Congram of lAteknow. PHONE 18 Mr. Elmer Shiell of the week-end with his parents, Mr. and firs. Gregg Shiell. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McBurney and son, Carman, spent Sunday at the PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, March 3rd, 1948 erged with a new government of his party members and their friends. Thus the Iron Curtain of Soviet Russia's domination has been pushed westward to aline in Eastern Europe from Stet- tin to Triests; and the last seemingly independent democratic nation within the Soviet zone a influence has fallen. Another 13,000,000 people are under Soviet tole, And other countries may also be captured soon by the Communists 'un- less strong united action is taken by the remaining free democratic coun- tries to check the insatiable imperial- ism of Soviet Russia. The Kremlin has shown undue interest in Greece, Tur- key, Itlay, France, Finland and East- ern Germany and Austria, Every day it becomes a still more urgent case of unite or perish for the countries of Western Europe and i the other still- free nations of that troubled continent. WUlgbalr0 Advance-Times Published at W/iNGHAM ONTARIO MeCool, Editor and Publisher Subscription Rate -- One Year $2.00 Sioc Months $1,00 in advance To U,S,A. 2,50 per year Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates. on Application Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office-Department Volume 75 — No. 27 COMMUNISTS CAPTURE CZECHOSLOVAKIA Communists won control of Czecho- thwakia on February 25th, when Com- munist Premier Klement Gottwald tat down President Eduard Belles' re- sistance after six days of crisis and em- Have Your TIRES Replaced with New FIRESTONES AND. HAVE THEM PROPERLY BALANCED FOR LONGER SAFER SMOOTHER WEAR • Crossett Motor Sales Your MERCURY and LINCOLN Dealer • Telephone 459 Wingham Globe Dessert Pears 20 oz. tin —19e CHECK 12 tins *25 YOUR NEWS USE THIS AD Case $4.49 Aylmer Soups Tomato Vegetable 10 OZ. tin 2 - 19c Doz, tin $1.10 AMB Apricots 20 oz. tin ..29c Six tins $1.70 Pride of Niagara Pitted Cherries 20 oz, tin 37c Six tins $2.13 Stoney Cteek Cherries 20 oz. tin —24c Six tins $1.39 UsidimillIMOONEMil•••1011.101.00.141•••••••i Burford Peaches 20 oz. tin ..24c Six tins $1.39 Choice Quality 20 ot Macedoine, tin .19t, A Tasty Spread oz. Hedlund's Meat Spreads ...2 23c Cardinal Choice 20 os Peas, 20 oz. tin .. The Reds LAW extended their rule !since the war by 650,000 square miles and over 110 million people. Upward !of 105,000 square miles and 25,000,000 ,people were annexed to Russia during and immediately after the Second. Great War. Estonia, Lativa, and Lit- 'mania were absorbed in i940, Two- fifths of p;'e-war Poland was taken, along with parts of Finland, Romania, Germany and Czechslovakia—whieh lost mountainous Ruthenia, japan yielded the Kurile islands and the southern half of Sakhalin The end of Germany and japan ac- celerated the westward drive of Com- munist forces directed from Moscow and brought under Communist domi- nation Yugoslavia, Albania, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and now Czechoslovakia Thus the growing, ever expanding power of Soviet Russia looms like a gigantic black cloud—in reality an Iron Curtain--over most of Eastern Europe and it is becOming so mountainous and over-powering in size that it threatens to topple over and en- gulf the rest of Europe—and, through time, the entire world. No wonder this gargantuan colossus is causing grave anxiety in the capitals of all democratic 'rations. * * * MILDER WEATHER BRINGS SPRING FEVER The milder weather in the latter part of February turned the thoughts of farmers to spring, according to the weekly crop report of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. Agriculturists throughout the province were thinking about chicks, young pigs and seeding, while in fruit growing areas pruning had already started, Fields were bared in most of the southern counties by the recent thaw, which helped increase water supplies on farms. In Bruce County the demand for top quality seed had started earl- ier than usual and interest in seed was on the increase in Durham. In Lamb- ton County there was very little de- mand for seed and in Glengarry farm- ers were reluctant to take a chance on ordering seed because of crop failures during the past five years. According to agricultural represen- tatives, the labor situation was still a problem for most agriculturalists. Far- I mers everywhere have started looking around for single men to work on -,forms during the spring and summer, but most were in the same as farmers in Carleton County—unable to accom- modate married men. Layoffs in Osh- awa eased somewhat the labor short- age , in Dorhatn Conitty, but Wentworh was the only section of the province re- porting a surplus of single men seek- ing employment on dairy farms. * RECORD HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT Deouty Highways Minister J, D. Miller told the Ontario Good Roads Association recently that by the end of the fiscal year this month, the Ontario Deparment of Highways and various municipalities will have completed the largest highway improvemeht program in the history of the province. A total of 447 miles of Highways received im- proved surfaces during the year. He said, "when the books are closed it is estimated tha $75,000,000 will have been spent'in the improvement of rural highways in the 'province," and this program was not undertaken just for the sake of giving employment but was "neeessaty from u purely economic viewpoint." * KNOW WINGHAIVI Early History of Wingham, cont'd, (An extraet from the Historical Atlas of he County of Huron, Ont., et-iSitilep1s87w%Jrc again taken, however, in due time in 1878, to accomplish the end sought for by the beginning of the ensuing year, and this time with better success. The regular petitions, resolu- tions, by-laws, etc., were forwarded in the month of July, soon after the mid- summer session of the County Council; and the proclamation of the lieutenant- governor incorporating' Wingham as a own was in due course issued, and bore date the 6th of October, 1978, The en- umeration of the census preparatory to ineirporation resulted in a return of 2,072 as the actual number of inhabi- tants then within the presen limits of the own. (cont'd next week.) * °.* WEEKLY THOUGHT It is the.. hardest thing in the world to convince a hungry man that the rich have troubles. * * * NEW -CONSTITUTION OF INDIA India's draft constitution published recently plans to constitute a sovereign democraic republic and states that "the question of the relationship be- tween this democratic republic and the British Commonwealth of Nations re- mains to be decided .subsequently." The 214-page draft contains 18. parts and 315 articles. The draft provides for a president of India and a viee-prAident, each el- ected for' ive years by an electoral col- lege of members of both Houses of Parliament and elected members from state legislatures. The president would be eligible for re-election only once and would be helped by a council of ministers, The President would ap- point the premier and the other mini- sters on the premier's advice. A parliament of two Houses known as the Council of States and the "House of the People" is proposed. The council would have 250 members, 15 nominated by the president and the remainder would represent the States. Elecetion to the Lower House would be by adult suffrage, All parliamentary business would be conducted in Hindi or English. The constitution promises social, economic and political justice, liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; and equality of status and op- portunity. "Untouchability" is to be abolished, and all titles forbidden. Rac- ial, religious, caste, or sex discrimina- tion is prohibited, -as are forced labor and employment of children under 14 in factories or mines, Equal pay for men and women is proposed. A social service scheme and free primary education are provided for with compulsory free education up to 14 envisaged in 10 years. There will be a supreme court of India consist- ing of a chief justice and at least seven judges, and a governor for each of the nine provinces, advised by a Council of Ministers. This new constitution was presented in English by a committee of seven, made up of four jurists, a member of the Moslem. League, a representative of the Indian States and an industrial- ist. It is based on the Cotnntonwealth constitutions and the British parlia- mentary system, with a few points front the United States Constitution. WHITECHURCH Mrs. James Wilson and children spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray, Wing- ham. Mr. Malcolm Ross passed away at his home in the village on Tuesday morning, after a short illness. Besides his wife he leaves. four 'daughters, 'Mts. Cecil Parsons (Flora), of Totooto;. Mrs, Sigurd Foien. Mimic° (Addie); Mrs. Graydon Cox - (Ratideett)„ of Conestanl. anti Miss Olive Teriff, at home; two sons, Frank of Turnberry, and Malcolm of Mimico; and eight grandchildren. The sympathy of the community goes to the sorrowing wife anti family, and, eight grandchildren, also to his brother, Robert of Kinloss, and sister, Mrs. W. J. Coulter of Turn- berry. VETERINARY NEEDS AbsorbiAe Sr.. • `. . $1,95 Bell's Vet. Liniment 50c Atomik Lice-Kill . ,75c Kila-Lice , ..75c Cooper's- Dri-Kil . . . 75c Warbicide (Warble Powder 75c Nema Worm Capsules (A11 strengths) C. A. Poultry Worm Capsules 90c Bell's Medical Wonder $1,00 Bell's Condition Powder (All sizes) Bells Poultry Tonic Bell's Hog-sOnic Bell's Kidney and Blood Remedy `BLACK LEG BACTERIN-50 cc, 100 cc, 250 cc HEMORRHAGIC SEPTICEMIA BACTERIN 50 cc, 250 cc MIXED BACTERIN (Bovine) No. 1, 50 cc, 250 cc MIXED BACTERIN (Bovine) No. 2, 50 cc, 250 cc MIXED BACTERIN (Bovine) No. 3, 50 cc, 250 cc ANTI-SWINE ERYSIPELAS SERUM, 100 cc, $3. MIXED BACTERIN (Porcine) No, 1 (Hogs) (Hemorrhagic Septicemia and Pulmonary Infect.) MIXED BACTERIN (Porcine) No. 2 (Hogs (Swine Enteritis) 50 cc, 250 cc REX A. and D. FEEDING OIL, 1500 units vitamin "A", 200 units vitamin "D" per gram Gallon $4.50 REX WHEAT GER MOIL, 4 oz., 10 oz., 20 oz. Every Day Needs HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, TINCTURE IODINE HYGEOL, SWEET NITRE, REDUCED IRON, POTASSIUM IODIDE SULFANILAMIDE POWDER (Vet.), EPSOM SALT, GLAUBER SALT, SALTPETRE, SULPHUR •101•1111MINNIIIIMMINNIMMINIMPOMMEOMMINNOINNIMOI NINIIIMMINIMNIMINUMOM Ask for a FREE COPY of the latest Literature on BIOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS (Veterinary) You will find a complete stock of VETERINARY SYRINGES and NEEDLES—AT KERR'S DRUGSTORE Donald Rae & Son Coal - Hardware - China - Sporting Goods 'Phone 27 We Deliver Poultry Supplies Warner Electric Brooder (500 capacity) 447.30 Warner Electric Brooder (350 capacity) ...$36.75 Herco Brooder (Electric), 500 capacity $42.50 Coal Brooder (350 capacity) , $25.00 CHICK FONT, 5 gallon , _ , .$4.20 CHICK FONT, 8 gallon , — w w .$5.10 SMALL FONTS and GLASS FONTS, 10c . 85c CHICK FEEDERS, 20 nch, 32 inch, ..55e CHICK FEEDERS, 30 i inch keel Top — .75c CHICK FEEDERS, 42 inch, Reel Top .85C PEAT MOSS, per bale Syrup Supplies SYRUP PAILS ...... ... . — ....... w ..50c SAP BUCKETS , , _ ...45c AUGER BITS — , , _90c SPILES SOLDERING •KITS, ETC. Venice and Wire A large stock of WOVEN WIRE (All 'Grades) Also, a good stock of BARBED WIRE, BLACK WIRE, GALVANIZED WIRE, STAPLES, Etc.. 'Phone your order and it will be held for you. Garden Patch Wax Beans 20 oz. tin ..15c Doz. tins $L75 F011 YOUR SHOPPING USI Stokely s Corn Cream Style 20 oz. tin . .22c Doz. tins $2.59 A.M.B. Prune Plums 20 oz., 2 - 35c Doz. tins $2.03 CulverhooSe Pumpkin 28 oz 2 - 27c Doz. tins $1.35 • Try Its Wonderful Flavour Richmello Coffee, 113, , .53c Aylmer 20 oz. tin Peas and Carrots - 20 oz. tin . . .19c Six this $1.10 Aylmer 20 oz, tin Boston Brown Beans 17c Doz. tins $2.00 Fancy Quality 8 os. tin Pink SALMON ....22c Clark's 16 oz. jar Peanut Butter — .35c C. A. Loucks, Manager WINGHAM - ONT. Closed Sat. afternoons miciztainsuismstionisinxiimmoilis Washed Bulk CARROTS 2 113s. 21c 'Juicy IVfessitia site 200t LEMONS, doz. ..33c Values effective to Closing tithe, Saturday, March 6th, 1948 All tuerchandise sold at your Dominion Store is uncontlition, ally tuarautted to give 100% satisfaction.