HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-25, Page 3PUBLIC SPlk IT Arouse Barometer Starts Rising ,ALREADY, some Farmers, Town People, Merchants and Manufacturers have responded liberally to the appeal in help- ing finance the. Community Shed to amount of $400.00 since last week's publication. The'Objective Is 'In—Sight With your enthusiastic sup- port, the balance owing, $2220. can quite easily and quickly be liquidated. Donations can be left with or sent in to any one of the follow- ing committee: Rhys Pollock, Elmer Wilkinson, Percy Stain- ton, John Pattison, A. D. Mac- William, or at either Bank in Wingham. Official Receipts will be issued. A COMPLETt. LIST OF DONATIONS.,WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE NEAR FUTURE. 41* Be a PROUD PARTNER in this COMMUNITY PROJECT Objective $2620.59--- $2500.00- 4.1111110.11.• 411•••••• $2000,00 — •••••••• $1500.00 — $1000.00— $ 500.00 — $ 400.00 REMINISCING FORTY YEARS AGO Wingham 10; Mount Forest 2—On Tuesday evening the Mount Forest Lorries, champions of the Northern League, paid the locals their annual .1 The longer you put it off the more it will cost ! Call Us To-Day for a Free Estimate on your Building or Repair Problems. Expert Workmanship Reasonable Prices Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham ti oallannintnnunianwismanimail GET SET FOR SPRING BUILDING NOW! If you're planning any build- ing projects during the months ahead—be sure to come in and let our friendly staff help you work out definite, detailed plans! . Let us take your orders for the top-quality Building Material you need, now—so that you'll be all set when Spring and building weather arrives. BEAVER LUMBER N. A. McLeod, Manager WINGHAM - ONT. Closed Sat. afternoons Romativnionamumutintimisfin TRAILER HARDWARE See Our Complete Stock Ball and Socket Couplers • • 1 5 9 Bumper Coupler Bar 2.95 One-Man Tow Bar 7.50 'TWO-WREEL TRAILER FRAME Everything to make your own sturdy trailer except the wheels and box 26.45 RUBBER FLOOR MATS With Felt Backs To Fit: FORD "A" 1 .95 CH EVROLE7 '29 to '34 2.1 5 Clievrole , 1935-'37 2.35 \Most other Cars 1.95 to 3,60 CAR TOP CARRIERS Here's value: Sturdily constructed. carrier for boats, ladders, luggage. etc. Complete with straps 5,95 and hardware. Reg. 3.3.50.. Complete stock of STEEL BOLTS and NUTS now in stock Your Favourite Station — At JackWilson's General Merchant BELGRAVE — ONTARIO TELEPHONES: Brussels 14r8 Wingham 644t22 GET YOUR COPY of T he Standar February 28 Issue and read all about C THERE'S more than a quarter century of proved dependability behind Frigidaire equipment for stores, restaurants and other business establishments hundreds of thousands of successful installations, When you plan new or replacement refrigeration for you/. business, take advantage of Frigidaires vast experience. Talk it over with .one of our experts on commercial refrigeration. TYPICAL Frigidaire installa- tions include refrigerated counters; reach-in and walk, in refrigerators; ice cream cabinets; beverage, milk and water coolers; locket :storage; air conditioners; many others. You're twice as sure with two great names • •• Frigidaire mode only by - General Motors 0 Stewart Home Appliances Telephone 29 - Winghan4 Ontario rt 1r a PAM T If It's for your car -- we likely have It. The price will he right . . . the quality assured, Our money-back guarantee is your protection, GORRIE, ONT. Phone 38-1. R. H. Carson & Son Authorized bottlers of toca-Cola under contract with Cota-Cola Ltd. STI1ATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY 700 tRIE 'PROM 78 the best game of the season and Moore and Britton, at point and goal, were always in front of the net and saved many a hard shot. King-McGlynn—At the Wingham R,C. Church on Wednesday. of this week, Rev, Father Laurendeau tied the knot which united William J. King of Culross, and Miss Margaret A., daughter of Mr. John McGlynn of Turnberry, in the bonds of matrimony. Johnston-Lovett—A, pretty and in- teresting wedding took place at the home of Charles Lovett, Goderich Tp„ on the 12th of February, when their eldest daughter, Annie, became the bride of Gordon Johnston,. of East Wawanosh, Rev, Mr. Gunne of Clinton, officiated. Wingham 7, Listowel 4—On Friday evening the Listowel Hockey Club played a Northern League Fixture with the local puck chaser's in the Wingham rink. The final score read Wingham 7, and Listowel 4. The line- ups: Listowel, Goal, Scott; point, Roc- ker; cover point, Brooks; rover, 'Burke; centre, Hay.;" right, F. Thompson and left, S. Thompson. Wingham, Goal, Britton; point, Moore; cover point, Johnston; centre, Elliott; rover, Flem- ing; right, H. Elliott and left, M. Mac- Lean. Referee, Shea. Accident at C.P.R. Station—A costly wreck occurred at the C.P.R. station yards in this town on Saturday after- noon last. A freight train had arrived shortly before one o'clock and two cars ( were not pulled sufficiently up on the siding off the main line, The danger- ous position was noticed but not in time before the express train, due shortly after one o'clock, came in and crashed into a very heavy steel coal car. The coal car,,,was lifted bodily from its trucks and the one side of the engine was badly smashed and one truck of the tender was derailed. The station platform was pretty well torn up. People standing on the platform were badly frightened, but fortunately no person was injured. * * * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Town Directory-1923 Town Coun- cil: Mayor H, B. Elliott; Reeve Amok Tipling; Councillors, A. .G, Smith, W. H. Willis, E. J. Mitchell, W. H. Han- ey, W. J. Greer and A. Fothergilll. Commissioner, W. H. Gurney. By-Law No. 905: (Passed at the in- augural meeting of the 1923 Wingham Town Council on January 8th, 1923). Appointed W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Geo, Allen, Town Constable; E. J. Lewis, Nighfwatch- man; Robert Mitchell, Pound-Keeper; Thos. Deans and John Anderson, Fence Viewers; J. A. MacLean to t.lie High School Board for a period of three years; A. E. Porter, to the Board of Health for one year; Dr. Stewart, as Medical Health Officer at a salary of $150 ;A. H. Musgrove and T. R. Bennett, Auditors at $50 each, 13luevale—Mr. and Mrs. Wni, Haney of Wingham, visited friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leggatt wiewk. Mr. and Mrs, John Anger of Wroxeter---Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Con. nor gave an At Home to a few of their friends one evening last week. We are informed that Mr. Robert RoulSton, who recently sold his. implement busi- ness to Mr, A. J. Sanderson, IS gon- sidering starting business in either Wingliam or Teeswater in the near future, Mr, A. J. Sanderson held an auction sale on Tuesday last. * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Fretweil-Pringle—A quiet wedding. was solemnized at the. Presbyterian Manse, North Battleford, Sask„ when Jean Marguerite Pringle of Saskatoon, and Wilson Fretwell of Mullingar, Sask., :were ueited in the bonds of holy matrimony by the Rev,,D, K. Ferric. Schools Reopened. on Mooday—The schools which have been closed for the past two weeks opened on Monday morning. The epidemic of measles that spread so rapidly during the past month and caused the authorities to close, the schools is apparently over, and it is expect9d that few more new cases will result., Personals—Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Haney visited in Toronto over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Craw- fword spent the week-end in 'Toronto. Messrs. J, Hanna, J. W. McKibbon, H. Sherbondy and A. J, Walker were in Auburn on Tuesday. Miss Alberta Walker was a Toronto visitor last week-end. Gorrie--iMr, and ,Mrs. M. Sellars from Wroxeter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max,' Abam last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacDonald Jr., of Molesworth, visited at Wilford King's last week. The Gorrie Junior Hockey Team defeated the Fordwich Juniors by a csocre of 4 to 2 in the Gorrie Arena on Monday evening and the Gorrie line-up was as follows: Goal, Steurnol; defence, W. Butt and H. King; wings, A. Irwin and H. Hynd- man; centre, Jack Newton; subs:. W. Gallaway, Tom Ritchie, Dick Jones and W. Ritchie. Wroxeter—Mr, and Mrs. P. S. MacEwen were in Brussels on Satur- day. Ward Sharpin and I, Durst were at Formosa and Mildmay last week. Whitechurch—Mr. and Mrs. Archie Pattison and family of Lucknow spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. aiptl Mrs. Wm. Taylor, of Kinloss. The following took in the excursion to Toronto over the week-end: Roy McGregor, J. Hamilton, Archie Simp- son, and Miss Genevieve Watt. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor of Zetland enter- tained a number of their friends and neighbours on Tuesday evening. Morris—Miss Ruby Forsythe of Wingham, spent last Sunday at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Case- more. Mr. C. Hetherington of Blue- vale, visited at Mr. Robt. Hethering- ton's last week:' Mr. and Mrs, Victor Haines visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. joint Casemore and Miss Ruby Baird visited at Mr. Win. Findlater's one evening last week. BELMORt (Too late for last week) The illness of Mr. James Austin is ausing his family much eoncern. Mr. Wm. Abram is also on the siek list. Mrs. Norman Bidets, Mitchell, paid the village a flying visit on Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Edwards spent the week- end with Lorne near Teeswater. The institute meeting is postponed nutil March. Motto, "Better than pre- • .cept." Should Country women endeav- our to keep op with Mrs. Grundy" y • Mts. Win. Elliott at the home of Mrs.. Press with the school children pmvia- ing music. Miss Louise Stokes is the geust her consins, Misses Hannah and Mary Stokes. Miss Betty Zinn sisited Miss M. effray on Wednesday. Wednesday, February 25, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES visit and lost to the tune of 10 to 2. Mount Forest was out-played and out- skated, with Marlotte, their star, being clearly outclassed by "Smug" Elliott on right wing, while Hal MacLean on left wing, had things all his own,way with ,Mannell. In centre Alva Fleming and Ted Elliott worked with a will and passed the puck for the wings to score, Ivan Johnston at cover played. The local Woman's Institute spoil- Tory Cothers—Mr. Roy Simmons of , sored Family Night last Thorsday FOrdWiCii, was the guest of his imcle, at the Community Hall when almost Mr. Win, Underwood on Sunday last, every home in the district was repre- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harkness and sented. Rev. J. A. Burden was chair- little son, Robert, spent Friday at Mr. man a»d led in a sing song with Mrs. G, Dane's. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Zim- Alex Corrigan -at the piano. The pro- merman spent Sunday with her sister, gramme 'consisted of orchestra music,: MrS. Levi Galbraith, Mt. Earl Under- a cello selection by Mrs. Jorgensen, Wood of 13Inevale, spent Snnday Mr.: vocal nnmbers, all male voices, and s Henry Donglas'. solos by Mr. Hoffman with Mrs. Hoff- East Wawnosh—Mr.and Mrs, Nath- man as ateompanist. Recitations, Choi-- , aniel Bolt entertained a large number :uses and dancing publie school', Of their friends and neighbors on Fri- mils with Delores Hainilton accomp- day 'evening. Messrs, Todd joynt anist. Mrs. Burden gave a history of Are drawing logs from Mrs. Jas. Bonea ; the life of Saint Valentine anti Mrs. bush to St. Helens. Mr, and Mrs, Joe George Hetherington told the story of celebrated their silver Wed- the origin of 'the tong "When You and ;ding ntti rridayr evening last, when; I Were Young Maggie,' and a sketch about forty4ive friends and neighbors of the =hoes life. Mrs. Hetherington spent a pleasant evening with theft aiid Mrs. Metrackin sang the song ae- Itheinta ll ll lllll .1 tt t oo ninum o tt BLUEVALE spent a few -days in Whitechurch last Gorrie, spent Sunday with Mr. and, Family Night Mrs. j. H. :McLaren. kivoinompilitiolorocipliillimiositopritraffiscomapowitiolimillip Flexible Metal Tubing A most coMPleffr stock from 1" tcs. 4". Immediate- deliverY • very low prices- Tire Pumps 1.69 Supremo Quality • Chrome plated over Brass — will not rust. • New Modern Designs — Better Reception. • Easily Installed on any ear, 3.09, 3.85, 4.09, 4.69 Ash Trays Suction cup m'tg. 59* Clamp-on style .. 9 ESERVICILI WINGHAM, ONT. - Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell Itettesitia4 mow Coke 0, sat - tete mune PLUS" dsk jar it tither way...both $mhze4niekt wen iht same Ming, YOU Payl WkitrIME.111/4 X99. AND ORDER'S ITO The day of Prayer was held this year in the Presbyterian Church, with a spithdid attenda„ee, each co„gre. iFfICLINIE111111111112111111 311111111 2111•111111111111111211111111111•1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111131161111110 gallon, McIntosh, Belmore United anti !comp:mica by Mrs. Carl Johnston and conducted a contest, which divided f4.e• /Presbyterian being well represented, 'dedicated it to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. crowd hit., groups. The ladies land each and all taking part. Mrs. Johnston on the occasicm of their Gold.4 vided and served lunch and: a teaLtisr (Rev.) Jorgensen gave an address en Wedding Anniversary, Mrs. Burden enjoyable thne was enjoyed. 1,v1licli was much enjoyed, also duet Mrs. Elmer Jeffray and Betty Zinn. 'All were invited to the basement for a bounteous hutch which was served by the ladies of the Presbyterian Chure2 i. The same evening a bale was packed for Europe, by members of the United Church, this included mane splendid iclothing and a quilt. Rev. Udell attended the Day ti; Prayer in Mildmay tm Friday. 1