HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-18, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WINGI-TAM ADVANCE-TIMES W0411000, .February 'St 1040 oniimmommumommumummuumnoommunumunnummunumpuummuilommung inents were served after which old time. dancing was enjoyed, with Mr. Andrew McKenzie violinist, and Miss McKen- zie, pianist, of Harriston, supplying music. There were several Leap Year dances. Mr, A, Stephens and Mr. C. Cook Were in Kitchener on Thursday, The W.A, of the United Church will meet at the home of Mrs.,ManfrOd Irwin on Thursday, Feb. 19th, at 2 p. m, All the ladies of the congregition are cordially invited, Mr, George Brown was in London on Tuesday of last week. The Young People's Union will hold their weekly meeting in the S,S. room on February 22nd,, at 8,30 p.m. An interesting hockey game was played here on Friday evening between the local team and Ayton. The score was Ayton 9, Gorrie 8. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Robt. Milton whose brother, Edgar Jacques, con, 13, passed away, on Wednesday, Feb. 11th, following a long illness. He was in his 63rd year. The funeral ser- vice was held in Trinity Church, Ford- wich, on Friday, with interment in Fordwich cemetery. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Doig, con. 2, who on Monday, February 9th, celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. On Sunday a family dinner was held. Ow- ing to the storm the previous evening, Mrs. Doig's brothers were unable to attend, On Monday they received call- ers and many congratulations front friends. Miss Ether Adams. of Wrwwter, was a w()Ok,M1 visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Xing. The weekly -Lenten service will be held at the home' of Mr, and Mrs, F, C. Taylor on Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. D, Hicks of Harris- ton, were visitors in town on Thurs- day, World Day of Prayer Service The 27th World Day of Prayer Ser- vice was held in St. Stephen's Angli- can Church, on Friday afternoon, Mrs. H. V. Holmes from the Anglican Church, Mrs4 A, Taylor, United Church and Mrs, S. Robinson, Presby- terian Church, led in the service used throughout the world, and prepared this year by a committee in the United States. The scripture lesson John 17: 17-24was read, by Mrs. W. E. Whit- field, Mrs, G, Gle. Howse was soloist and sang "Our Father Which Art in Heaven (Langdon), The address on the theme" The Lord's Prayer" was given by Mrs. S, Robinson. Fordwich prayers were taken by Mrs. L. Ruttan, Miss Margaret Dane, Mrs. H, Fergu- son, Mrs. H. King, Mrs. ,Under- wood, Mrs, N. Wade, Mrs. G. Gibson and Mrs. Burns Stewart. The offering each.year is used in sending Christian literature to foreign lands. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haney of Wing- LY~ETHEATRE INGS TWO, SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 7.30 MATINEE Saturday Afternoon at 2.00 p.m. IMMO EIMM MMO EIMM WWM OM. OM=M Mm. MOM MMO V/MM MOM M.= IMMO C 14!M.,400, ....... !AIM . ... 1.1411,1111,141441111111 .... I . 164444. iii k i iiiii ii ii FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 21 Style of Feminine Loveliness Everything is aglow with Spring Freshness in the NEW LOOK Fashion is bursting firth with NEW SUITS NEW HATS "The Gunfighters" 1111.11111O MOM* MEMO C MOPE MOE. MEMO RANDOLPH SCOTT BARBARA BRITTON 14, MONDAY, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 24 C OMM MOM MEM IMMEE MEM "The Perils of Pauline" C C BETTY HUTTON JOHN LUND 11I•IMIO C MEM WEDNESDAY, THURS., FEBRUARY 25, 26 1•11.111. "The Secret Heart" WALTER PIDGEON CLAUDETTE COLBERT NEW ACCESSORIES MM. WPM. A The NEW LOOK is bountifully expressed in LADIES' SUITS with lapels rolled high, double breasted and flaps on pockets. Skirts tight at waist and full in sweep. In all the new wonderful fabrics of the season. TELEPHONE 161 hers and visitors. The meeting opened in the usual manner with the president, Mrs. Percy Ashton in the chair. The minutes were read and a financial statement given. A number of thank you notes were read from those who had received Cheer boxes. The sum of ten dollars was voted to be given to the Gorrie Hockey Club. The leader appointed at the last meeting for the Garden Bri- gade inds it impossible to continue, and Miss Margaret Dane was appoint- ed instead and to be assisted by ,Mrs. Mel. Taylor. The Motto: A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any mar- ket; was read by Mrs. H. Ferguson. The Roll Call was answered by (Some- thing I would like to accomplish in 1948). The program was in charge of the social convener, Mrs. Wilfred King.. Mrs. King read a copy of the speech given by Dr. Harold Jones of Drayton, on Child 'Welfare, Health Hints, she also read a short poem, "Heaven Help the Man who Cannot Smile." Mrs. Wade told of an even- ing's program in Massey Hall, Tor- onto, of "All Canadian" musical com- positions. The meeting closed by sing- ing the King. A dainty lunch was ser- ved by the hostesses, Mrs. Gregg and Mrs. Thornton, Successful Community Gathering The National. Film Board Commun.-, ity Club and Federation of Agriculture combined to make a pleasant social gathering, on Tuesday evening in the Township Hall with a good attend- ance. The pictures included "Sym- phony Orchestra"; "Ten Little Farm- ers"; "Women's Institute 50th Anni- versary in Guelph" ' "Paintings of a B.C. Artist of B.C. Scenery"; "Indian Totem Poles, etc."; "Tuna Fishing in Nova Scotia"; "Garden Seed Growing • in B.C.," and "Views of Churchill, Man."; Pupils of the Gorrie Public School sang two numbers, Refresh- JUVENILE PLAYERS STANDING •••••••• OEMIE IMMO =SOME MEM. E OM. Games Goal Ast. Pts, Anderson ..... .. 8 29 8 37 Seri 9 16 21 37 Stainton Kerr B. Lockridge .Loughlean McLeod. Lockridge Brophy Hopper Reihl . ''oxtort ...... 3 0 Games Record: PWL T F League 10 10 0 0 97 Exhibition 2 2 0 0 20 &MEM .1.I1011 IMMO 10 14 10 24 10 11 11 22 TWO DELIVERIES DAILY 11 20 7 12 1 7 3 6 2 6 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 10 9 10 5 10 6 7 3 8 4 4 0 Also TAILORED SUITS for the tailored taste. $32.50 to $55.00 • . .. + , • • Smith's Econ'omy Food Store mom. State Fair 20 oz. tinHeinz Strained ASPARAGUS CUTS 21c BABY FOODS MEM New Spring HATS 5 tins 25c MOM .1111- 111 •••••• Stokely's Finest bottle Dreadnought TOMATO CATSUP 32c TOILET TISSUE, 3 roll's 25c A 23 14 Special Value Glengrove LOAF CHEESE 43c lb. Special Value Tip Top Choice GOLDEN CORN 21c tin signify "Loveliness" ahead, a symbol of gentle smartness in Spring fashions. Fine Felts and Straws with garden flowers or crisp taffeta ribbon give these hats new season's lovely allure. From $3.50 up Accessories =ME GORRIE Mr. Joe Earugey of Harriston, was in town on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Scott and Miss Mary Scott of ,Morris Township visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor on Wed- zuesday. Born-In Wingham Hospital on Monday, Ferbuary 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stewart (nee Lucille Un- derwood), Wroxeter, a daughter. Born-In Wingharn Hospital, on Tuesday, Feb. 10th., to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dinsmore, a son (stillborn,) Dick Carson was in Toronto ltast week attending the Hardware Merch- ants Convention. Two rinks of Curlers from Harris- 'ton visited the local rink on Thursday evening. Gorrie W. I. The Feb. meeting of the Gorrie W. 1 was held at the home of Mrs. Allan Byndman on Tuesday, Feb. 10th. Even -though the weather was very cold, -there was a good attendance of mem- Special Value Four O'CLOCK BLACK or MIXED TEA 1 lb. 98c 1/2 lb. 49c Ground Fresh While You Wait REX COFFEE, 65c lb. IMMO OMR= 111.M. OEN.. WOOED VEL EXTRA SPECIAL Gold Seal Fancy RED Sockeye SALMON 2 1/4-lb. tins 39c IMMO* Noma VESTEES and BLOUSES add charm to •that new Spring Outfit. In crepe batiste or lace. Fresh and lovely in newest designs. VESTEES 1.95 to 4.2 Handbags Nylons BLOUSES IMMO MOM IMMO IMMO MOIM moo. MEM mom Coupon on. Small Box worth 10c on purchase of Large Small Pkg. large pkg. 12c 30c MIME MM. Gloves Scarves Tip Top CHOICE UNGRADED PEAS, tin . . 19c PAT-A-PAN PASTRY FLOUR, 24-lb. bag ... $1.19 I•11.10. MEE. MOM 011.. MUM MMM OEMO IMMO MM. .111EIMI TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT Size 96c 5 for 25c CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES Size 288s 32c doz. ITPS A HIT! Again Men's SUITS with TWO PAIRS of TROUSERS Immos 1.mm MOM IMPORTED FRESH GREEN CABBAGE .....:..:......2 lbs. 17c B. C. DELICIOUS APPLES, dozen . 40c S Prompt Service 'PHONE 161 Two Deliveries Daily .1111.1, MOM IMMO a MN. MM IMMO Omm MM. EMM JUST ARRIVED ! Fine Worsted and Tweed SUITS with that EXTRA pair of PANTS.&Pleats and Zippers. Fine BLUE or BROWN WORSTED with chalk stripe, Double Breasted, TWO pairs of Trousers SPECIAL , ........... ... 455.00 SCOTCH TWEED. Grey only. Fine woven, Tweed, TWO pairs pants, Single Breasted. SPECIAL ... • . .. s. $45.00 FAWN GABARDINE SUITS, single breasted, One pair of pants. SPECIAL - , ..... ........ . $55,00 OTHER RANGES in English or Domestic Worst- eds, single or double breasted styles, browns, greys " or blues. One pair trousers . .. $35.00 to $59,00 Build Your Resistance ;11 AGAINST COLD INFECTION Use Puretest Plenamins The Combination Vitamin Supplement and Tonic Value of Liver and Iron 25 Days Supply $1.75 100 days supply $5.50 One dark and one light capsule to a' dose MM111011. IMMO= MEMO MM. MEIIM MIMMI .MM MEM OMMO ImEm MOMO MM. =M. MM. MM. E•1110. TO . KEEP YOUR FOOD AT THE RIGHT TEMPERATURE HERE =EMI $1MM OMM .MM M111110 ,mm EMM EMM MEM MMO e Frossts Neo Chemical Food In liquid or capsule form A favourite Vitamin and Mineral Supplement for years LIQUID - ....... ......$1.35-$2.95-$4.95 CAPSULES - - - -$1.45-$2.65-$5.95 0.110 1111.1.11 410111.• MIME IMMO =MIME. MOM 1011111M MEMO afoit Wstingiouse REFRIGERATOR VENOM IOIMOO *MOM MOM EMEM ...01111 MEM 101121010 CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES REXALL COD LIVER EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL, fortified with Vitamin D - $1.00 Rexall Cod Liver Compound with Creosote . $1.00 From one of Canada's finest Made-to-Measure Houses. Order now for Spring. All cloths available, with two pairs of trousers. From $42.50 to $75.00 HOT WATER BOTTLES - - - . 99c $2.50 Guaranteed from 1 year to 5 years Only the TRUE- /TN/3i control IS marked in actual degrees of ternperiture o the neural temperature of the air in which your food is preserved. May not seem a big differenee but it is vitally important to the proper preservation of your food. Why take chances with food at present prices . o . drop into our store today and see these beautiful new 'Westinghouse Refrigerators. Ask about Thre.Terfrip, KING DEPT. STORE "-a- Dort't Cough Tonight! Use McItibbon's BRONCHIAL SYRUP, 8 oz. - . .50c "The 'Friendly Store" McKibbons !pa lion RI1010 SERVICE Hockey The second game in the play offs with Ayton was in Mildmay on Mon- day night when the Gorrie team won by a score of 6-2. The last game will he played in Mildmay on. Wednesday night Progressive Euchre The Coruntunity Club are having a progressive euchre in the Orange hall this Friday at. 8.80. Ladies please bring lunch. ham, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King and Mr. and Mrs. M. Gilkinson On Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacDonald of Molesworth, spent Friday at the horrid of Me. and Mrs, ArChie Mr. Cecil Day and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sparling, were hi London on Friday visiting Mrs. C. Day who is, a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Ida Thistle is spending a few Weelca With relatives in Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton were in Elyth, on Thursday visiting Mrs, G. Ashton Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. _lade Watson. Mr. E, 3. Parrish was in London and Goderich on 'Thursday. Rev. j. G. Caley was in Palmerston on Monday evening where he address- ed a young peoples gathering., On Tuesday morning It 10.80 h6 spoke over CICNX at the morning devotion, Church of the air. Farmers VISIT THE VETERINARY DEPT. for Latest In- formation on Your VETERINARY NEEDS. fdiffNE Westin house