HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-18, Page 7• No Guesswork Our motor experts don't "guess" about your car's health. Like your 'own doctor, we diagnose the trouble— and then cure with topnotch repairs. a J. W. ENFIELD, K.C. Barrtster, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office Meyer Block. Wingham CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barrister*, Solicitortg, Etc. s, Phone 48 / It Crawford, K.C., R. S. Hetherington, K.C. E am mo n en i n gu i s n i o n m o r t m i n t i n n s m n im e t i t un t Wingham fillttyou ton REPAIRS and, ACCESSORIES Motors Roy's request Mrs. G. A. Wearring read an introduction to the above film. Other pictures shown were Klee Wycic, Ten Little Farmers (a lesson on safe- ty), Eye Witness and Symphony Or- chestra, Mr. Roy announced that he hoped to show pictures of the World Champion Figure Skater, Barbara Ann Scott at the March showing, Women's Institute The March meeting of the Wroxeter Branch of the Women's Institute, will be held onWednesday, the 3rd,, at 2.30 p,m,, at the home of Mrs. J, Wylie. Current events will be given by Mrs. D. S. IVfacNanghton, Roll Call, Happinessis a stimulant and how I use it upon my friends. The House Planning Contest will be discussed, Topic, a local Industry will be taken by Miss Mary Gibson, ' Pancake Super Shrove Tuesday was marked by the Annual Pancake Supper served by the ladies of St. James Anglican Church. Included on the menu was pancices with maple syrup, with lemon pie for dessert. Cater For Lions The Ladies of St. James Church catered for the regular supper meeting of the Howick Lions Club on Wednes- day evening. During the business ses- sion, the date was set for the Annual Frolic,. August 18th, to be held in Wroxeter. Following the bUsiness meeting the Club attended the Nation- al Film Board Showing at the Town Hall. World Day Of Prayer The Lords Prayer was the theme of the World Day of Prayer program held in St. James Anglican Church for the women of Wroxeter and com- munity. About fifty women attended. Leaders for the service were Mrs. H. V. MacKenney, president of St. James Guild and Mrs. Harold Hamilton, pres- ident of the Women's Missionary Soc- iety, United Church. Mrs. J. C. Caley was guest speaker and gave an able address on the "Theme". Miss Thelma Denny sang the Lord's Prayer and was accompanied by Miss Mary Gibson, who was organist throughout the meet- ing. Mrs. A. J. Sanderson read the scripture lesson, John 17: 17-24. Spec- ial prayers were given by Mr. Law- rence, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. W. T. ,Mac- Lean, Mrs. Vern Denny, Mrs. Higgins, Mrs. U. E.Cronhielm, Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. MacNaughton. Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Edwards were ushers, Women's Missionary,Society The February meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society; United Church, will be held in the church par- lours on Friday, February 20th, at 3 p.m. The theme, Time spent in prayer is Time well invested. Mrs. T, E. Ball and Mrs. Allen Munro will have charge of the sectional period, The Roll Call will be responded to by a thought on prayer and membership fees for 1948. Mrs. R. B. Palmer will continue the Study Book. All the ladies are cord- ially invited to the monthly meeting CHESTERFIELDS CHAIRS, SOFA BEDS; - ANTIQUES RE-COVERED GIBSON'S UPHOLSTERING and REPAIR SHOP Phone 260 Maple St. Wingham LEON C. CANTELON Representing the Crown Life Insurance Co., of Toronto "Guaranteed Protection for Your Every Need" SUBSCRIPTIONS Taken for ALL Publications 'Phone 160 Box 297 WINGHAM ONT. General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN* PROFESSIONAL MAN, and THE FARMER. BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE S. 3. Pram' P. 0. Box 74 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific EXaMlit. tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F. F 110M1111 Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston • a U Asa iw We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceability. =— Design and workmanship are of li the finest, and our pines are fe most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING — Promptly Bone All MODERN EQUIPMENT 111 'neap. 256 R. A. Spotton • Wingham Memorial Shop P. A. y,. McTAVISII Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Officer Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 1203 L. G. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER ER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONTO SWITCH OFF :LIGHTS AND APPLIANCES WHEN NOT NEEDED • Ontario's factories, farms and industries are pro= diming at top speed, but their output depends on electricity. Save in every way possible. Do not leave out-of-the-way lights burning or appliances operating a moment longer than necessary; Turn them 'OFF'! Every bit of electricity saved will help. Please do your part. Wingham Utilities Commission $90.91; G. W. Crothers Ltd„ $10.36; Bell Telephone $2.76; Geo. Merkley, $18.44; B. Armstrong, $28.61; R. E. Gibson, $39.40; Dept. of Highways, $81.36; H. Rcidt, $54.40; R. McGee & son, $31.80; H, Meehan, $9.40; F. Montgomery, $467.50; G. N. Under- ood, $4.00; H. Moffat, $4,05; K. Press $25.00. Moved by P. J. King and P. R. Biggs that we adjourn to meet at Bluevale, on the 8th day of March, 1948. Carried. W. R. Cruikshank, W. H. Woods, Clerk. Reeve. "Old at 40,50,60?" — Man, You're Crazy Toted your age! Th(Ohands are Poppy at 70. TM' PeOPing toes with Ostrex. Centains tonic tor weak. rundown ing duo solely to body's lack ot Iron which many men and women call "old." Try Oat= Tonic 'Miles for pep younger teeing, this veri day. t a Nnew 'get acquainted" Mae only hboaNur Me a drug !torus evarYwharik Sewing MaehineRepairService ALL MAKES Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Machines Electrified Needles and Belts Agent STAINTON HARDWARE Telephone 30 Wingham L E TALE your Telephone,Threctory tells is never finished. Year after year more names are added, more people whom you tan call, and who can call you. Right now we're busy with unfilled orders adding still more telephones just as fast as materials 'become available. More people are -using their telephones more often. Our constant aim is to make the service better, too, better in every way. More telephones . better service , and always at the lowest possible cost. It all adds up to greater'value for every telephone user. 11111E llIELLTELE116110NE COMOANTle OF CA1STAla A story that never ends... • Telephone 139 ... on our GMAC PLAN i Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars .' G.M.C. Trucks WROXETER Mr. Lloyd Weir, Montreal, Miss Pearl Bullough, and Mr. Ken Bridg- =Mt; Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green. During the week-end a Birthday party was given in honour of Miss Bullough. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edgar, Ruth and Faye, Girrie, Gerty Bush, Mrs. Waldo Weir and Miss Eldith Weir. , A recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lard Michel was Nelson Rendeau, Un- ited States Army Air Corp, Labrador. Mr Alvin Moffat was in Toronto last week attending the Hardware ?fen's Convention. During Sunday School hour in St. FIRST CLASS atch Repairs For the Present, Watches Only. George Williams John Street Wingham Next to Masonic Hall WELLINfiTONIME Insurance Company Eat. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy ' holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. Nineteen Insurance Agency Wingliarn W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON r Phone 150 Wingham PHYSICIAN AND SURGRON' TIMS.FELIS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and THE 'n s1 OP stronitt PIX141°T OP EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 Wingham Burden as chairman, Refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed, Howick Legion held A dance, in the Town Hall oh Friday night, Brown's Orchestra provided excellent music. Mr. and Mrs. N. V. MaceKnny were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Harris. Mr. and Mrs, Allen Schott, Cleve- land, came by motor to attend the fun- eral of the latter's aunt,. Mrs. J. Stut, Art. Green Presented Arthur Green, of the local Bank of Commerce Staff, left on ,Monday to take up his work on the Sirncoe Bank Staff. On Saturday on behalf of the local Bank Staff Art was presented with a signet ring. Art will be much missed around his home town where, before entering the Bank service, he Was a pupil at Continuation School. He was active in the Young People's Soc- iety of United Church, Everyone in the Community will join in wishing Are every success in , his chosen career. Young People's Union Enjoy Skating Party The Young People's Union of Gor- rie, were guests of the local Society on Wednesday night when the group numbering about forty enjoyed a skat- ing' party at the local Arena. Later all returned to the church school room, and while refreshments were being prepared, enjoyed ,a few games. Hot dogs, doughnuts, tarts and coffee were served. David Neilson, President of the Gorrie group moved a vote of thanks on behalf of the visiting group. Pete Dobson replied. Doris Wray will arrange the next regular meeting. Picture Show Enjoyed The Picture Show presented in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening by the National Film Board and sponsor- ed by the local Women's Institute, was enjoyed by an attendance of more than 90 including Members of Howick Lions who attended in a body. Mr, Roy of the Department °was in charge perhaps the most interesting film shown was, "The Feeling of Rejection" stressing the responsibility of parents for the emotional well being of their children, pictures of the 50th Anniver- sary taken at Guelph on June 18th, were of special interest to members of the W.I. The Film depictingthe plight of the children of Europe and Asia had a Special appeal which should bring a ready response in the current drive for funds for their needs. At Mr. IR11111111111K211.1 i Nieuwe nwurrn U a a a U a a • a a a a a a N Finiciamananacisanyounosiguall FREDERICK it. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., V.rurgharti Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wing' t, FOXAi Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. ItAbIONIC EMIIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K. M. ItcLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office Minnie St, Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 195 Wingharri, -1, Ontario of the W.M.S. Prayer 'Service Thursday The second prayer service of the Lenten Season will be held in the United Church school-room on Thurs- day evening, February 19th., at 8 p.m. Rev. J. C. Caley of St. James Anglican church will speak. The congregation of St. James and United Church will meet together for this series of prayer services. Everyone in the community will be welcome. Trustees Elected Friday was Election Day in Wrox- eter with five contestants in the run- ning for Police Village Trustees as follows; A Moffat, Hector Knight, Mervyn Grainger, Harry Dane and Mrs. H. V. MacKenney. The three first named were elected: Mr. Moffat headed the pole with 105 votes, Mr. Knight, 96; Mr. Grainger, 92. Con- gratulations and the Best of Success to the new Trustees. e..••••• Mrs. James Stutt At her residence in Wroxeter, on Thursday, February 12th, a life-long and dearly beloved citizen, Mrs. James Stutt was called to higher service. Mrs. Stutt had been an invalid for some years. Through her illness, her patience and good cheer was an inspir- ation to all who visited her. Born in 1864, Ann Allen Stutt was a daughter of the late Nathaniel and Janet Allen. In 1911 she was united in marriage with James Stutt who prede- ceased her in 1927, Surviving are three step-children, Mrs. John L. MacEwen, (Ethel Stutt); 5. Ross Stutt, Bowman- Ville and Arthur, Winnipeg. A sister, Mrs. Elsie Carter, Bateman, Sask., who has been with her sister for the past months„ two brothers, James X, Allen and George Allen. The late Mrs. Stott was a member of the United Church, and the Wom- en's Missionary Society. Through her long illness, she supported and con- tinued to have a keen interest in the church, its organizations and the com- munity, and so will be greatly missed by all who were privileged to know her down through the years. A private funeral service was held on Sunday aftethorm from her late residence. Beautiful floral offerings paid the silent tribute of relatives and friends to the departed. Rev. U. E. Cronhielm was in charge and the pall- bearers were J. L. MacEwen, Al Schott, IL B. Allen, Allan Munro, J. IL Wylie, Gordon Gibson, Interment was made in the family plot in the Wroxeter cemetery. TUINBERRY COUNCIL The minutes of Council Meeting held in Bluevale, on February 2nd., 1948, Members all present. Moved by King and Underwood that the minutes of last meeting 'be adopted as read. Carried. The following letters were received and read; J. W. Fischer, BluevaIe ' Jas. N. Walpole, Wingham; A, H. Erskine, Goderich; T. E. Powell, Wingham; Reg MeGee,Godericly El McLaren, Godetich; Salvation 'Army, London; Ont. Good Roads Association, Hamil- ton, Sealed tenders for gravel trusting ectived and opened. Joseph Kerr r i 404 44444144404040 ,,,,, 4011141011101141 ,, !!0 i HIA041000140040004110041610000010,41010 i 1 iii 0401004011 11111111114101011141144 i 4 i PIM ii iii a Wednesday, February 113, 1948 WINGRANI ADVANC44(1104$ PAO DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Countiei of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49., Ontario James Anglican Church, Mr. F. B. Millward had the honour of placing an attendance roll in the Sunday School room, Superintendent Roy Mathers provided a treat of candy for the pup- ils.. Little Miss Carol Millward ex- pressed thanks on behalf of the pupils. Mrs. W. T. Elliott anti her mother, Mrs. Hastie have spent the past week with the former's daughter, Mrs. Geo. St. Mary's Clifford. Mrs. Waldo Weir spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Allister Green ands Mr. Green, 2nd. line Turn- berry, Friends here learned with regret of the death of a Howick resident, on Thursday in the person of Edgar Jacques. Mr. Jacques had not enjoyed good health for some years. He is sur- vived by his wife, the former Laura Strong, a daughter, two sisters, Mrs. Robert Ashton and Miss Elsie Jacques, also a brother, Rev. Ernest Jacques of Caledon. Members of the Women's Institute are holding a social evening in the Red Cross Rooms, on the evening of Wednesday, February 18th,at 8 p.m, Everyone welcome. A number from the community were guests at the FamilyNight put on by Bluevale Women's Institute on Thurs- day night. A splendid programme was given by local talent with Rev. Mr. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE • UP-STAIRS FUNERAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 . 224 WINGHAM Business and Professional Directory 64 cents, Willis & Farrish 67 cents. Moved by King and Fralick that we accept the tender of Willis & Farrish at 67 cents per en. yd., for crushing and spreading of 5000 cu. yds. more or less. Township to use its own truck if so desired. Carried. Moved by Biggs and Fralick that the Memorial Gates in W.T.P. be re- paired soon as possible. Carried. Moved by Underwood and Biggs that we make a charge of $12.00 per hour rental for Caterpillar and snow plow equipment. Carried. The following accounts were paid: Municipal World, acct., $18.00; A. H. Erskine, $9.91, fees, arrears, taxes; Can. Bank of Commerce, Wroxeter, Collecting taxts, $5.20; W. R. Cruik- shank, $65,00, pt, sal,, $25.00, Black Drain, By-Law, $40,00; C. Rettinger, $12.50, damage to car; Twp. of East Wawanosh, $143., spraying cattle 1947; John Miller, Fox Bounty, $6.00; L. Lincoln Fox Bounty, $6.00; Roads— J. Austin, $6.40; M. Marshall $8.00; S. Paisley, $3.00; W. Dunkin, $2.00; O. Stokes, $2.00; W. A. Cathers, $10.; Chas, Sewers $12,00; H. Moffat, $169.; R. E. Willits, $214.20; j. $141.75; G. Bryce, $178.50; Geo. Ter- vit, Jr., $84.00; Stainton Hardware, $70.65; H. C. MacLean, $112.55, Insur- ance on truck and Caterpillar; M. John- ston, $89.18; British American Oil,