HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-18, Page 4Carmichael's • Bargain S ALE I JUST RECEIVED ! A shipment of SMART AMERICAN PRINT Yard Goods, 49c yd. up Kingswool BLANKETS, only a few left-clearing at $5.95 each Ladies' Cardigan SWEATERS all colours, sizes $4.50 Ladies' and Girls' Silk JERSEY BLOUSES slightly soiled, reg. to 2.98 Clearing at from 98c - 1.98 MEN'S Diamond SOX, clearing at $1.98 REDUCED TO CLEAR-Number of pairs of MISSES' LADIES', BOYS' and MEN'S SHOES to make room for New Line Stock • Men's Overalls, pr. $3.98 MEN'S COVERALLS, per suit . ... Carmichael's Dry • Goods. MEN'S = LADIES' = CHILDREN'S WEAR WINGHAM ONT. SHOP HERE- AND SANE, David Crompton. Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 \ 'A\ Bulova DIANA 17 Jewels $3750 IIINIIIIIIIINIUUINIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIMUOIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIOUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR 4110 • 1 • • • N • N • El • • 111 .,,,,,,,,......m.., 1 • • • • • ' Walters AXES • .., • 1 • • OTTAWA CHIEF, 3% - 4 lbs. i $2.26 • CHARCOAL $2.50 BLACK DIAMOND $3.25 1 • • • 1: • CANT HOOKS, complete . • in 2 and 4-cut $3.20, • • • . • • • Cross-cut SAWS, 9.7 5 • • Improved Racers Premier or Simonds • • • • SWEDE SAWS, complete $3.25 • • • BUCK-SAWS $1.95 • 1-MAN SAWS $3.95 • • • • • • 32" .CIRCULAR SAWS, Simonds or Shirley Dietrich, 1% and 1 1/2" bore $16.00 1111 30-inch $14:25 as • • HORSE BLANKETS, 76 x 80 $5.75 • • • • • • • •• Square GALVANIZED WASH TUBS, $1.75, $1.85 • • COPPER WASH BOILERS, regular $5.95 • • SALE PRICE, $3.95 • Nickle-plated COPPER TEA KETTLES reg. $3.75 SALE PRICE $2.95 • • I • Priced at 85c, $1.00, $1.35, $1.70 reg. $22.00 • • • • • • • • a • n • n ma an N N n n n n N n Easy VACUUM CUP WASHER with Love$111 49.50. . WRINGER - • • • • ii • W N a m a a a New Stocks of BROOMS a • in • NEW 1/4 hi). ELECTRIC MOTORS, al st • • for $19.95 (60 cycle only) • • • • _ ., a is • • BEATTY ELECTRIC WASHERS • • • • (Stainless Steel Tub) • • a • a • • E N 6. • • • tainton's . Hard ware • . a • • a •a • And Farmers' Supply House • • • • "Quality, Price and Service Sell Our Goods" • • 11111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111 • ma • N • N Heavy Duty RANGETTE, $85.00 • N • N • . $169.50 • Hotel Brunswick Presents Sunday Dinner SPECIALS • MENU • Grapefruit Sections Vr Chicken Creole soup or Apple or Tornato Juke Chef's Salad • ENTREE Roast 'Young Turkey with Dressing and Cranberry Sauce Filet Mignon Maitre d' Hotel Grilled Pork Chops with Creole Sauce Baked Virginia Ham with Pineapple Cubes Long 'Branch or Mashed Potatoes Creamed Peas and Carrots EIO DtISSER,14 8 Banana Cream, Apple or Raisin Pie Peach Melba. with Whipped, Cream Jello with Whipped Cream Tee Cream Sundae' Tea Coffee Milk ` HOURS: 12 tol '30 5 to 6:30 N, GROSE Proprietor, CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. PAGE VOUR THE WINGFIAM ADVANCE-TAMES Wednesday, February 1,81 1945 roMIMININUIM1011r, (3LASSIFIED ADS. IN MEMORIAM BOLT-In loving memory of husband and father, Nathaniel Bolt, who pass- ed away one year ago, Feb. 16th, 1947. We do not need a special day, To bring him to our minds, The days we do not think of him, Are very hard to find. -Sadly missed and ever by his wife and family. . IN MEMORIAM/ FINLEY-In loving memory of a dear son, James, who passed away a year ago, Feb. 21st, 1947. Beautiful memories are all we have left Of him we loved dearly and shall never forget. His loving smile and happy face, A broken link we can never replace. Sad was the parting, no one can tell, So sudden' on earth the sorrow fell; Memories we treasure no one can steal, Death leaves a heartache nothing can heal. -Ever remembered by his mother, Mrs. A. Finley. CHARTS Foundation Garment co. trained CorSetiere for Wingham, stir- rounding district and towns, If you peed a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable prices, eall on Mrs, Wm, Kennedy, opposite Wingham Cemetery. FARM FOR SALE -- 100 acres, 93 acres clay loam, level, suitable for tractor, good stone house, fair barn and stabling, hydro available, 114 mile from school, 1% miles off .85 Highway, north of Whitechurch, Apply Win. 3, Dawson, R. R. 5, Lucknow. FARM FOR SALE - In Howick Township, Huron Co., consisting of 160 acres, good hard wood bush, plenty of soft wood and timber. Am- ple supply of water, good dwelling and buildings, situated on Wroxeter and Belmore County road, 3 miles from either village, 7 miles from Wingham, r mile from School and Church, hydro available. Apply to D. L. Weir, Wroxeter, Phone 14r3, FOR SALE-1 young York Sow, due the first week in March, also large Enamel Clare Jewel,R.ange with hot water front and reservoir, nearly new. Apply Geo. Michie, R. 4, Brus- sels, phone 15-13. FOR SALE-Upright Piano, in good condition. Phone 4713. FOR SALE-Pure Bred Registered Hereford Bulls, Rosny Farms, Gode- rich. FOR SALE-Ajax Seed Oats, power- cleaned. Grown from registered seed, $2.00 a bushel. Jas. H, Currie, Phone 619r3, " FOR SALE - Pure Bred Hog. Apply to Anson Gorrie, FOR SALE-Wine Advance-Times. FOR SALE-Six young pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply to Jas. Fallis, near ceme- tery. FOR SALE-Registered Ayshire Bull, 18 months old. For further particul- ars. Phone 184, Wingham, FOR SALE-100 acres Mitchell $7000 half cash; 150 acres Mitchell $11000, half cash, includes milker; 100 acres Zurich $6500 all cash; 133 acres Whalen $8500, half cash. All with good brick houses, large bank barns well equipped, abundant water, hydro School busses. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE-Ladies Black Seal Fur Coat, size 40-42, ,bargain for quick sale. Apply Advance-Times. LOST-A bumper guard off 1947 Chevrolet. Finder please phone Bate- son's Dairy, ORDER CHICKS NOW-We're ag- ent for Kitchener Big-4 Chicks. We believe ourselves you can't do bet- ter. They're the choice of hundreds Qf good poultrykeepers, over the years. Backed by a program of breeding covering many years on the Hatchery's own farms, If you want the best prices next fall and winter, get early spring chicks to get into production to get them. Ask us for prices, etc. Wilbur Hogg, R. R, 4, Winghani, PIONEER CHICK MASH START- er. This is the year to buy Chickens and start them on Pioneer. Views of Dr. J. R. Sparling, Pioneer Annual Nutrition Specialist. PIANO TUNING and Repairs to all makes. Free estimates, cleaning, de- :nothing. Phone 314w, Clinton, or write. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY-Av- erage $45.00 weekly for man or wo- man to supply more than 250 Fami- lex necessities to the people in your neighbourhood. Write today for complete details of our time-tested plan for fast, easy, direct-to-custom- er sales. CATALOGUE FREE. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Mont- real. THE HEREFORD BULL You Need,', We have that Bull; make your sel- ection from our herd, Prices to suit for quick sale as we need the room. Write for infottnhtion or better, call and see them. Frank Thompson Son, R.R. 5, Wingham. WANT TO BUY c3R ENCHANGE -Have a prospective buyer for an automobile agency or a farm machine agency or would deal his farm on it. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. ,0•11,1aa WP, REPAIR WASI-IING. MACH- ines, Vacuum Cleaners, Electric motors, Toasters, Irons, Hot Plates, Heating Pads. All work guaranteed. Hiseler Sales and Service, Edward St. Phone 426. WANTED-Helper for House work, or for care of Invalid, two itt Apply Box 33 or phone 232R, WANTED-Position as housekeeper, by widow with 12 year-old girl. Al ply Box T.:, Advance-Times. YOU WANT CHICKS, DON'T. yon?' Don't hold back with your order. There'll be a last minute rush.' We can't see better chicks than Hillside Chicks. We can quote pric,e es and take your order. Get pricei list and select what you Want, te-, menthering it's the early-chicks that mature to catch the best ;' , markets. Agent, Prank Green, Wroxeter,; phone 5R17. „ INSULATE NOW With Blown Rock Woo", Prompt installation. Estimates given with no obligation, Guaranteed 'workmanship and material. Phone or write Huron Insulating? Co,, 11/ Eight Ave., Phone 604w, Goclerich, or phone 426, Wing. Urn. WASHING MACHINES-Complete- ly rebuilt and painted. 2 year guar- antee, We have a large stock of parts for washers and vacuum cleaners. Hiseler Sales and Service, Phone 426 Edward St. TENDERS WANTED Township of East Wawanosh Sealed tenders will be received until 2 p.m„ March 2nd, 1948, by the under- signed for operating the Township of East Wawanosh Warble Fly Spraying Machine by the hour, the Township to find gas, oil and spray material, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, for further information ask any member of the council or Clerk. Address tenders marked to: R. H, Thompson, Clerk, R.R. 1, Belgrave, Ont. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Township of Morris for the contract of supplying, crushing and hauling ap- proximately 8000 cubic yards of gravel. Crusher to be equippd with three quarter inch screen. A marked cheque for $200 must ac- company each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be in the hands of the Road Superintendent, Russel B. Currie, R. R. 5,_ Brussels, not later than Feb- ruary 28th, 1948. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk Morris Twp. TENDERS Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for the crushing and spread- ing of 10,000 yards, more or less of gravel for the roads of Howick Town- ship, e inch screen to be used, gravel of contract to accompany tender. Work to be completed by October 1st, 1948. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. L. Durst, Clerk of Howick Township, Wroxeter, Ontario TENDERS The Road Superintendent of Howick Township will accept Tenders for the supplying of Diesel fuel oil, No. 1 gasoline, No. 1 Motor Oil and Hyd- raulic Oil until March 3rd, 1948. Ap- plicant to supply pumps and contain- ers. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Nelson Gowdy, Road Superintendent, R.R. 1, Wroxeter, Ontario. COURT OF REVISION Township of East Wawanosh A Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of East Wawanosh, for the year, 1948, will be held in the Forrester's Hall, at 2 p.m., on Monday, March 22nd., .1948. R. H. Thompson, Clerk. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of 'Samuel Tindall, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on or about the fourteenth day of January, A,D., 1948, are notified to send to Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the sixth day of ,March, A,D, 1948, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said sixth day of March the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled therco, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have not- ice. DATED this thirteenth day of Feb- ruary, A.D., 1948. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator. IN MEMORIAM MASON-In loving memory of Lois. Marie Mason, who passed away 3 years ago, on February 'nth, One by one earth ties are broken; One by one they arc linked above; Some day there will be sweet re-union Once again with those we love. -Lovingly remembered by Grand- daddy, Daddy, Mother and Glenn. OBITUARY Dr. A, L. Watson After being a patient in St. Mary's Hospital, Galesburg, Illnais, for three weeks, with a severe heart attack, Pr, A. L. Watson died on Friday, Feb, 13th:' Although in his eighty-fourth year, he carried on the dental practice he established in Galesburg, immedi- 'ately after being graduated from Pen- nsylvania College of Dental Surgery in 1894. His wife predeceased him in 1932, and they had no family. He is survived by one brother, Wm. IG, Watson of West Wawanosh and two sisters, Mrs, (Dr.) A, R, MacKay of Bottineau, North Dakota, and Mrs, (Dr,) A. 3. Irwin of town. Burial was made in Galesburg, Illinois, James S. Moorhead The death occurred in Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, February 13th, of James S. Moorhead, in his 75th year. His wife, the former Elizabeth Cath- erine Cruickshank, predeceased him fif- teen years ago, February 12th, Surviving are, one son, Lorne of Toronto, one sifter, Mrs. Nancy Mor- row, Linwood, Ontario, two brothers, Stephen of Calgary and Jack of Cali- fornia, and two grandsons, Bob and Teddie Moorhead. Funeral services were held on Monday;•February 16th, fromthe Harrison Funeral Home in Listowel. Interment was made in Fair- view cemetery, LiAtowel. Miss Martha Fraser Miss Martha Fraser, a lifelong and highly respected citizen of this dis- lived an active life, at times assisting in the Post Office and local store, where she made a host of friends. She had enjoyed her usual good health until a year ago when she suffered a heart attack and since that time had been under the doctor's care. She leaves to mourn her passing, one bro- ther, William Fraser, of Burnham, Sask., and four sisters, Mrs. J. A. Geddes, Belgrave, Mrs. John Mustard, Morris, Mrs, James Robertson and Mrs. Robert Nicholson, Bluevale, one sister, Mr.s Robert Shaw, passed away last November. The funeral service was held in the United Church, of which she was a faithful member, on Thursday after- noon. Rev. J. A. Burden spoke words of comfort, based on the text, "Blessed are the dead, that die in the Lord." He made fitting reference to the cheer- ful manner in which she had borne her months of suffering. During the ser- vice Mr. Charles Hoffman sang, "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere". The pallbearers were four nephews: I Cameron and Fraser Mustard, Milton Fraser, John V. Fische and two cous- ins, Charles F. Johnston and Ross Tur- vey. Interment was made in Wingham cemetery. Mrs. James L. Bahl ,Mrs. James L. Bahl, formerly Mat- ilda Kew of Whitechurch, passed away on Thursday, February 12th at her tome in Wooster, Ohio, Surviving are to husband, one daughter, Mrs. Floyd Mosher of Bedford, Ohio; one brother, William Kew of Niagara Falls, Ont,, and one sister, Mrs. William Field of Wingham. Burial was matte ift Woos- ter cemetery* • LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. mid Mrs. W. H. French spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haney s'Petita few days with friends in Gorrie. Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Beecroft is visit- ing in Kingston with her mother, Mrs. F. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rosenhagen have returned to Wingham where they will take up residence, Mrs. W. J. Scott and Mr. Chas. Agar attended the Cornish-Agar wed- ding in Stratford last Saturday. Mrs. E. A. VanStone has returned home after spending sonic tithe with her nieces, Misses Pearl and Babe Etkenswiller, Mimico. Miss Helen Proudfoot and Miss Margaret Nimmo of Toronto, st.,mt the week-end with the latter's parents, Rev, and Mrs. A. Ninn°. Mr. D. A. Breen of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Mr. Geo. H. Breen of Lakeview, Mich., attended the funeral of their brother, the late.Robt. J. Breen, last week. WESTFIELD Mrs. Wm. MtVitfie visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McVittie of Clinton and while there attended the Executive meeting of the Misses Norma Taylor mid Thelma Enell of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Taylor. Mr. Cecil Campbell spent over the week-end with his brother, Mr. Victor Campbell of Goderich. The sympathy of the .cotrimutasr is es:tended to Mrs. Maurice Bosnian end family in the passing of her mother, Mrs, Brooks of 'Teeswatet Miss 'Shirley Radord df Myth, spent. Sunday with her friend, Miss Janetta NOTICE In the matter of the estate of .James. Donald Rae, all debts owing the firm of D. Rae & Son as at Feb, 2, 1948, must be settled by March 2, 1948. CARP OF THANKS The sisters of the late Martha Fras- er are sincerely grateful to friends and neighbours for their many kind acts of sympathy, during their recent ber- eavement, also for the kindness shown her through the past year of her ill- ness. These expressions have been deeply appreciated, CARD OF THANKS We wish to take the opportunity of thanking the citizens of Wingham, the Softball Association and team, and the Hockey Club for the beautiful gifts received, prior to leaving town. The seven years spent in Wingham will re- main a pleasant memory. M. Bader. CARD-OF THANKS To the Electors of Wroxeter: My thanks to those who showed their confidence in electing me as police village Trustee. In return I will try to serve you faithfully. A. ;Moffat CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of Wroxeter: I would like to take this opportunity to thank the voters of Wroxeter for their support and honour in electing me as one of the village trustees. Mervyn Grainger. IN MEMORIAM MASON-In memory of Lois Apple- by Mason, who passed away ,three years ago, Feb. 19th, 1945. Just a thought of sweet remembrance, Just a memory, sad and true, Just the love and sweet devotion, Of one who thinks of you. -Lovingly remembered by Grandad, Thos. Appleby. IN MEMORIAM TONER-In loving memory of Albert E. Toner, who passed away on Feb- ruary 21, 1947. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well; And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep. Wife and Family. IN MEMORIAM FINLEY-In loving memory of Juries Finley, who passed away one year ago, Feb. 21st, 1947. What would we give to clasp his hand, His happy face to see, To hear his voice and see his smile That meant so much to us.., Ever remembered by wife and daugh- ters, Joan and Donna. Thornton, ship of Howick under the direction of the Road Superintendent. Tenders to be plainly marked "Tenders for Gray- Stroller, apply at el" and to be in the hands of the und- ersigned by 12 o'clock noon, March 3rd, 1948. A certified cheque for 5% Tamworth to be delivered anywhere in the Town- Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom /It Practically Eveesr Colour ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Mona 251 Wingham trict died at her home in Bluevale, on Tuesday, February 10th. Miss Fraser was born on the 1st. concession of Morris Township, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lauchlin Fraser, pioneer settlers of Morris Township and had spent the greater part of her life there attending, school remembered and church at Browntown. About 25 years ago she moved to Bluevale. She