HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-18, Page 3Save Money by PREPAYING Town of WINGHAM 1948 TAXES Taxpayers may make Payments on account of -T948 taxes up to 90 per cent. of 1947 ta-xes.. Interest at the rate of Pour per cent. per an- num will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's' Office, Town Hall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham HOMO( COUNCIL Gorrie, Feb, 5th, 1948. The Council met in the Clerk's Of- fice according to adjournment, the Reeve John Winter in the chair. The members all present. The minutes of the inaugural and special meeting were read and on motion of Strong and Gowdy were adopted as read, Carried. Moved by Parrish and Gowdy that By-Law No. 11 of the Township of Howick for the year 1946 re Pox Bounty be rescinded. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Farrish that we give a grant of $5.00 to the Clif- ford Library. Carried. Moved by Strong and Zurbrigg that By-Law No, 2 of the Township of Howick for the year 1948 authorizing the borrowing of $40,900,00. for cur- rent expenses as read the third time be finally passed. Carried, Moved by Strong and Gowdy that we authorize the Road Superintendent to call for tenders for the crushing and spreading of 10,000 yards more or less of gravel, 314 inch screen to be used. Gravel to be delivered anywhere in the Township of Howick under the direct- ion of the Road Superintendent. Ten- ders to be plainly marked "Tenders for Gravel" and be in the hands of the 000commotommOM .... MIMMI41101010100000000 W HY PAY MORE? Robin Hood FLOUR 98 lb. bag .; $4.75 Kellogg's Rice Krispies, pkg. 15c Shredded Wheat, pkg, ..... .,„.. 14c Red River Cereal, 29c Vita 13 Cereal, 3 lb. .... Tilbest Tea Biscuit Mix, 14 42. PIT. 18c Quick Quaker Oats, 3 lb. box 28c Currants, lb. 17c Christie's, McCormick's Weston's SODAS, 1 lb. pkg. 27c Just Arrived TABLE OILCLOTH,,, CURTAIN MATERIAL GINGHAM SAVE by Shopping Where PRICES ARE LOWEST Jack Wilson General Merchant BELGRAVE - ONTARIO TELEPHONES; Brussels 14r8 Wingham 644r22 5 MER ORY TRUCKS We are proud to present the bevy Mercury Trucks for 1948. There's power to spare in the famous 'V'-hype, 8-cylinder Mercury Truck engines - the "18C04 and the high- torque "188"t. A spotlight feature in solid driver comfort is the new 1Viercury Truck cab, with its fully adjustable cab seat and back-more hip-room, head-room, leg-room-ettra- wide doors-8.way 'ventilation. tut you'll want to see then* for yourself. Drop in soon and check over all the many outstanding features of "The Smartest Truck Line Ever Buie. 4. Develops 180 rt-11), torque nt .135o ' Develops 188 Tt -lb. torque at 1400 R-P.M. CROSSETT MOTORS Lincoln and Mercury Sales and Service . Telephone 459 a Winghani, Ontario eieeste' QJ REPLACE THAT WORN BATTERY with a Factory our vype List Heavy Duty 1251 831Snper Service 13:45 1:0 Super Service , . 16.95 10.70 14.85 1 1 40431 24331 55505 15.85 13.8 15,40 13.40 14.40 15.85 Armor. Glass 22,95 Super Service .. 14.35 Super Service , 16.95 Armor Glass .. 19.50 Super Service , 19.45 Super Service 22.45 Armor Glass „ 25.45 Super Service .. 21.95 Armor Glass .. 24.90 Super Service .. 17.95 Super Service .. 21.40 Armor Glass .. 24.25 Just Arrived! Contour FLOOR MATS - Rubber with Heavy Felt Backs Here's what you have been waiting fort A proper form-fitting factory duplicate mat to replace that shabby worn one. Now they're available. Pre-war quality but far below the regular prices asked. We've a mat to fit practically every car. UM sun". 2.95 8199 Priced on Guaranteed Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount for a tc7m of five years .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest .... Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, s.t holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interCst. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, mtecutors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS coitportAtioN moiling Tower, Toronto 7 ,'years la Buenas* Wetinpoday, February 18, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE TIMES PAGE THREE. lin. Miss Doris Elliott spent last week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Adams. Belmore-Miss Helen Mulvey enter- tained the Mission Circle and Choir of the UniteeiCherelm at her home on Fri- day evening. Mrs. Walter, Miss Keith and John Abram took in tig carnival at Tcoawater on Thursday (welling and John carried off two prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Diekison of Teeswater, called on Mr. ;McNeil oe Saturday, also Tim Mc- Neil of Wrcmxeter, Glenannan-Mr. and Mrs, William Marshall visited tin Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Willits, Salem. Messrs. Thomas Weir and Nor- man Muir visited last Monday at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. William Weir of Howick. Mr. and Mrs. Eraser: Haugh of time 9th line of Turnberry, ii spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Stokes, Howick. Local and Personal-Mr. W. II. Gurney and son, Wallace, were in Per- taus on Saturday. Mrs. Mr.) George Ross left for Toronto on Wednesday , where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Arthur Sainsbury. Mrs. Walter I'muler- bild and baby, Victor, of Toronto, arf, visiting with Mrs. W. W. Armstrong.; Mr. W. Ti. 'McCord spent the week-end in Detroit. Mr. J. V.7. Iluslifield was a' Week-end .Visitor in Toronto. day visitors at the home of R. jack- a Moved by Zerbrigg and Parrish that we instruct the Road Superintendent to advertise for tenders to supply Diesel fuel oil, No, 1 Gasoline, No, 1 Motor oil and Hydraulic oil, Applicant to sup- ply pumps and containers. Tenders to tendent not later than March 3rd„ be in the hands of the Road Superin- 1948. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, Carried. Moved by Parrish and Strong that the Reeve and Clerk'be given authority • to sign the application for statutory grant for Road expenditures for the year 1947. Carried. Moved by Zunbrigg and Parrish that we recommend the boundry road be- tween Howick Township and Minto Township from Highway 87 to the Vil- lage o Clifford e distance of 5 miles to be considered by the Counties as a County Road. Moved by Parrish and Strong that all Police Village accounts be in the hands of the Treasurer on or before the 3rd. of each „ month for payment, Carritd. Moved by Parrish and Gowdy that the Salvation Army be given a greet of $10.00. Carried, Moved by Zul.brigg and Parrish that the road accounts as approved be paid. Howick be rescinded. Carried. Carried. Mcived by Parrish and Gowdy that the Operator of the Maintainer receive Moved by Strong and Parrish that 75 cents per hour, men 50 cents per the following taxes as per list be re- hour, man and team 90 cents per hour. turned not collected. Cerried. Moved by IGowdy and Zurbrigg that Carried. the following texts as per list be re- Moved by Gowdy and Parrish that turned not to be collected. Carried. the Treasurer's salary shall be $450.00 and that By-Law No. 3 of the Township Moved by Strong and Zurbrigg that By-Law No. 2 of the Township of of Howick for the year 1946 he amend- Howick for the year 1946 be amended ed accordingly. Carried. Moved by Strong and Gowdy that we accept the Collectors Roll as re- turned and that collector be paid bal- ance o salary. Carried. Moved by Parrish and Strong that we join the Good Roads Association and appoint John Winter and Nelson Gowdy as delegates. Carried. Moved by Parrish and Strong that the following accounts be paid. Carried, Wilfred Brown, 2 fox bounties, $6.00; Cecil Grainger, 7 fox bohnties, $21.00; Wesley Galloway, fox bounty, $3.00; Earl Baker, trip to London, re Mrs. K. Watson, $17.00; J. G. Underwood, re- pairing chairs at Gorrie Hall, $8.25; The Wroxeter Telephone Co„ Long Distance calls, $1.14; Eldon Renwick, sheep killed by dogs, $12.00; Gilbert Howes, dog tax refund, $2.00; Harvey Behrns, dog tax refund, $4.00; Howick Municipal Telephone System, tolls and service, Clerk's Office, $14.92; Relief, $119.21; Clifford Library, Grant, $5.00; P. Durst, $15.75; P, Durst, postage $5.00, registration 28 cents, $5.28; P. Durst, balance salary as Tax Collector, $125.00; P. Thirst, part sal- ary, $70.00; W. J. Douglas, refund dog tax, $2.00; Dr. L. N. Whitley, Innocu- lation of children for Scarlet Fever, $150,00; expenses as School Area Tres- tees, A, Munro, $25.-00, M. McMichael $255.00, C. ;Michel, $25,00, Fred Doub- ledee $25.00, C. Renwick, $25.00, C. Hargrave $25.00, Geo. Galbraith. .V5, Ira Schaefer $25.00, Geo. Ashton $25, Elmer Naufmatt $25.00; Salvation Army, Grant, $10.00; Edgar Heise, re- fund dog tax, $2.00; R. A. Sputum, part pay on Memorial, $150.00; Good Roads Association, 'Membership Fee, $5.00, Moved by Zurbrigg and Parrish that we do now adjourn. to meet again tin March 5th, at time Clerk's Office, or at the tall of time Reeve. Carried. Philip L.. Durst, John Winter, Clerk, Reeve REMINISCING FORTY YEARS AGO Clark - McCallutn-'Married at the Monte of the bride's parents, Ott Febru- ary 5th, by Rev, A. MeNab, M.A., Mr. Jas. Henry Clark, of Morris, to Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McCallum of McKillop. Finley - Ford-Married at the Meth- odist Parsonage, Wingham, on the 17th inst., by the Rev, W. G. Howson, Mr. Howard Finley of the Tp. of Turtle berry, to Miss Eva Eveline Ford of East Wawanosh. Personal-Miss Clara Beckett is vis- iting friends in Toronto. Miss Mamie Paterson is visiting with friends iii Whitcchurch. Miss Rena Wallace of Aeon is visiting her sister, Mrs. \V. H. Gurney, Celross-It is our pleasure this week lei congratulate Mr. Andrew AbcKague on having joined the ranks of the bene- diets, He was married on Tuesday, February 11th, to Miss Jennie Hill, only daughter of 'Mr. John Hill, 6th taste Rev. D. Taft officiated at the home of time bride's father. Whitechereh-A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday, Feb. 5tb., at the manse in Wingham, when Mr, '1;e0fge Coulter, son of Mr. I.Vm. Coulter, was - united in marriage to Miss Lizzie Reid, niece of Mr. Sainnel Hopper - VanNorman---Married at Wing:ham, on the 15th inst, by the Rev. TI, C. McDowell,' at the Metho- dist Parsonage, Mr. John Hopper of Morris, to Miss Bella VanNorman of the same place. (Twenty Years Ago. Column.) 'Lloyd - Dickson - Married at Niagara vini111atimmitila11wi1i0ii11I Iiamiaimiiimilia111111101118111011101111.110110 a a a a ":MOR*PO ER" -111.1iff U STORAGE BATTERY • For durability 1.25 Allowance for Your For performance Old battery For lasting satisfaction Regardless of Condition APPLICATION PRICE LIST Select from a To fit: Group Number ' Butch, '32-37 251 Buick, '38-47 .. Chevrolet (all) , 1111 or 11/ Chrysler 2.51 DeSoto 2MI U Dodge 1111 or IR Ford, all 4 cyl. 119 or III Ford. '33.39 Ford, '40-48 2FH Hudson, '3447 n Oldsmobile to '37 251 Oldsmobile. '38-40 11E Plymouth (all) 119 or 111 Pontiac), '39-49 2E n Pontiac, '35.33 1111 or 1H Studebaker, '37-38 CM Studebaker, '39-48 1M or 111 WIllys 1111 or III 23 Engineered Types for Every Vehicle a It a a a a a a a N a a a WiNIC:!: t,,i, .7,,i,..,1T. i Phone 184 ,-* • Z. Come7lell III GORRIE, ONT. i Phone 38 -1. R. H. Carson & Son a ficiimuniminsimitattinnalsimitontitzlitatictuninatimpaliaastsituat ini••••nimmilmosisimisi••••••imill1111111 4 Taxi n Hour a • Service i • U Telephone n 65 • • • ALL PASSENGERS INSURED • • '' J. A. CAMERON • 11111111011111U1111111aillairliniiiiiIMIEMM111118MIUMA Clerk by, 12 o'clock noon, on March rd., 1948. A certified cheque for 5 per cent of the contract to aecompany ten- der. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, Work to be completed by October -1st„ 1948. Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Strong that we instruct the Road Superintendent to purchase fifty bundles of snow fence and three hundred and fifty posts from the Lundy Ferree Company. Carried. Falls, on the 15th„ inst., by time Rev. 7 H. Hazelwood, Mr. Albert Lloyd of Wingham, to Miss Louie Dickson, daughter of Mr. Wilt, Dickson. (From Twenty Years Ago Column), Wingham Curlers-The following Wingham rinks competed in the local bonspiel last 'week: E. A. Hammond, J. W. Fearer', D. L. Dinsley, A. M, Crawford (skip); G, C. Manners, A, J, Alderson, V. it VanNorman, D. Hol- mes ,(skip); John Mason, L. W. Han- son, .11. Paterson, D, T. Hepburn, (skip); J. W. Orr, B. Cochrane, C. Knechtel, Dr, J. Macdonald, (skip); W. F. Grierson, L. Kennedy, 'C. N. Griffin, Win. Holmes (skip); J. -S• 1Cleirors,,,C0,1•Geg, Gregory, (skip). TWENTY-FIVE McKenzie, * TWENTY-RIVE YEARS AGO' Haines - Sandercock Nuptials---A quiet but pretty wedding was solemn- ized on February 12th, 1923, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. John Sandercock, Clearwater, Man., when her eldest daughter, Flossie Hilda, be- came l, Sask. the bride ride of Samuel B. Haines, T James - Little Nuptialf-At Trinity Church, Beigrave, on Tuesday, Feb: 13th, the marriage was solemnized by Rev. Hawkins, of Mae, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, John Little of Brussels, and Mr. Albert J. James, only son of Mr. and Mrs: John James of Kirby, Sask, Warrell - Dixon-Married at. ford, on Saturday, February 10th, 1923, by Rev. Mr. Quigley, Gladys Ruth, eld- est daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dixon, to Mr. James Warrell, son o Mr. and 'Mrs. John Warrell of the 12th con. of Howick. Bluevale-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jew- itt spent the week-end with their dau- ghter at Newton. Mr. Alex MacEwen made a business trip to Toronto over the week-end, Mr. Eldon McKinney is at Brampton, relieving the operator, who is on sick leave. Mr. Chas. John- ston and Leslie Hetherington attended the Winter School at Kincardine last week. Whitechurch-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, Miss Nora Fal- coner returned from Bluevale on Mon- day where she has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Will Falconer. Miss Beatrice Dobqespent time week-end with her Rent, Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw. Gibson - Wellington-A: very quiet wedding was solemnized at the Ash- field Methodist Parsonage, when Miss Evelyn Wellington and Mr. Beattie Gibson were united in the bonds of matrimony by Rev. Mr. Cosens. East WaWanosh-Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Walker visited with her aunt, 'Mrs. Andrew Fox on Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. Dick Chamney entertained a number of their friends and neighbours on Mon- day night. Mr, Alex Porterfield left on Tuesday for Goderich to do the county auditing, * * * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO The Largest Tam In Canada-Mr. J, 17. McEwen came into our office one day last week and he was wearing a Scotch Tam, the largest we have ever seen, So, we got curious to know from whence this headgear had come, In 1885 a lad from Scotland c'ame. to Can- ada and worked for Mr. licEwen's father, the late John A. MeEwen, on the 2nd. of Morris. He had in his pos- session this large Scotch tam which measures 171 e" across and has a circumference of 4 feet 41 e inches. Time following year he •presentral it to time elder Mr. MeEwen and in turn it canine into the possession of the son, J. I). to read 75 cents per hour. Carried, Moved by Strong and Parrish that the amendment to By-Law No. 2 for the year 1946* of the Township of 1-M 1-M 1-M 141 Z-L 2-L 2-E 2-E 2-E 2-M Z-M 2-FH 2-FH 2-F11 Group Our No. No. N-14 N-15 N-23 N-49 N-24 N-25 N-51 N-31 N-32 N-33 N-27 N-52 N-38 N-35 N-53 a a a tt p fir iN a p N a a a MOTO - MASTER ANTI-Pip:EU - Efficiency a n economy is assur. ed by using genu-ine Moto-Master will not boil aw ay at normal motor tempera. tures. Get yam supply now --- be ready when the weather breaks. Per 1-gallon seal- " 11,;74 32-PAGE FOLDER Ask for your copy, Contatis listings of all winter auto needs nods general supplies--winter sport go-home- shop equipment. ate. Tour guide to Sao ,garlassl Gorrie---On Wednesday evening a number trere present at, Gorrie Arena to see a lively hockey gam, between n time married men and the single men, • the later winning by a score of 8-6. The line-ups were: Single Men, Goal- W. Edgar; defense, :Musgrove and Kahle; forwards, Hastie, Vaestomm and Hamilton; Subs, Shwa, Short, Ash- ton. Married Men, Goal-A. Edgar; defense, Stephens and Austin; for- wards, Jones, Brown and King; subs., • Atom Turner, Irwin amid Ashton. Referee, Milord Nash, Wroxeter----Mr., Wm. Thornton and Miss ,Gallaher . of Illeevale, were guests of Mr., and Mrs. Win. Gallaher on Tutsday. Mr. and Mrs, tr. Smy- the entertained a number of friends tie; n a Dimmer Bridge on Thursday evening a last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster were Sun- . Nei n • n n • n U U n n n •