HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-18, Page 2Wedn4sda,b February 18, 1 94$ DuBARRY • COSMETICS BROUGHT TO. WINGHAM Each year, hundreds and hundreds of women, go to the Richard Hudnut Success Shcool in the famous Fifth Avenue DuBARRY Beauty Salon, to lento more of the three F's—Face, Figure, ancj Fascination. From this same salon now come simplified beauty treatments which you can give yourself in your own Salon-at-home. WW 1 Z21 'ROO', WOLF TREASURE Smoother, longer-lasting tip beauty you won't easily eat off, drink off, smear off. This wonderful new formula lip- stick with a special box of Dulgarry Face Powder for $1.50 il Gets a Break In Wingham At long last, A BARN has been constructed in Wingham, with accommodation capacity of approximately 40 teams and vehicles, having an entrance at the SOUTH SIDE OF CANADA PACKERS. Tat it lanotim to aub THIS SHED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC For the purpose of SHELTERING HORSES, FREE OF CHARGE 0 0 To Our Town and Country Friends: Pri . This accommodation has been made possible—FIRST U Through the generosity of the Town Council—SECOND By the Untiring efforts of the Merchants' Association Coromittee.—THIRD Private Donations. II THIS TOWN AND COMMUNITY To date $1,947.00 has been subscribed. There is a balance of $2,620.59 yet to be raised HAVE NEVER FAILED IN SUPPORTING A WORTH WHILE PROJECT ! Your donation may be left with or sent in to any one of the following: RHYS POLLOCK, EL- O MER WILKINSON, JOHN PATTISON, PERCY STAINTON, A. D. MacWILLIAM, or at either II Bank in Wingham. Official Receipts will be issued, a A COMPLETE LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS, TOGETHER WITH THEIR INDIVIDUAL DO- 11 NATIONS, WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE, NEAR FUTURE. SUPPORT A HUMANE CAUSE —.a-. • 11====t0 0====.01=i0====0=0====02=0 SPECIAL SALE DuBARRY DERMA-SEC. For a limited time only — at Half Price— This famous, extra rich, gently stimulating Hudnut Throat Cream that helps counteract tell-ale signs of age. Regular $2.00 Jar for $1.00 Ask for a DuBARRY Succes-O-Plan. Booklet ' (for dry skin, for oily or normal skin) and also he Exercise Booklet edited by, ANN DELAPIELD, Dermatologist, of the DuBARRY Beauty Salon, New York, • KERR'S DRUG STORE Newly Appointed and Sole Distributors' of DuBARRY COSMETICS in Wingham i111111111 11 2111111141111111111111111111111111111411111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111ttimminitmlimo Edwards Motor Sales i Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks 4: PARTS and ACCESSORIES I Wingham misfit* mailidliann I Telephone—Days 417. -304 DETROIT ll 1 1 it 111 111 111 1 1 1 j2.222.2 f4L114,• r 1 Whitt,* 411 "bitilettet et pleasure-beet. Make this '4Gtiodwiti Nolte your heddipiatitti..Likettki tight to the writer of *nothing „. 0 Molt tects:Ittoos.WtSechtitititt Airintie ttreet, iiiireitoolting Grand tirtiii Perk. Hotel Weirsiiite rfglst tictotsibloi *Olt biettiOet Of the City. stkisaie SteteitWitottittutboaanittiehtot:everkii. 00611614 *affable. Sliest Si AI ml- Militia 'itPOO tit Detroit . losotlOtis South II 0 1. WO INERINE " 74c 94tedeodi --4eorce"' La, THE WING,HAM ADVANCE-T11\46' PAGE TWO Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO B. McCool, Editor and Publisher Ssbscription Rate — One Year S2,00 Six Months SLIM in advance To U.S,A., 2.00 per year Foreign Rate $3,00 per year Advertising rates on application Authorized as Second Class Mail Post. Office Department Vol. '75 — No, 25 VALUABLE PUBLIC SERVANTS. There may be some merit in the common practice of eulogizing those who have departed from this "Vale of Tears"; and floral wreaths are at least a belated tribute to the dead. How- ever, such tributes can mean less than nothing to the person they are meant to honor, so their worth is only a vic- arious one, Friends and relatives of the departed one, see, feel and apprec- iate the tributes, but the departed one, for whom they are intended, knows nothing about them. Tributes should be paid while they may be appreciated and bouquets given while they may be seen and smelled by the person they are meant to honor. For those reasons and also because faithful service de- serves commendation, we wish to pay tribute this week to three men who served Wingham well for many years For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS —SEE— Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham — and one of them is still serving the town well. • Albert (AN) Sanderson served Wine'halo off and on for half a cen- tury, more or less, in the street depart- ment, as a teamster, who hauled gravel and the grader to improve our streets, the watering cart to lay the dust on the Main and parts of other streets in stammer, and the snow plow in winter to keep our sidewalks free of excessive snow - many of the .older and mid- dle .aged residents ' remember waiting for Ab and his snowplow to clear the way to school, He was a familiar fig- ure on our streets, winter and sum- mer, and he always had the same quiet smile and pleasant word for young and old, He was the acme of unhur- ried, unperturbed, unexcelled efficiene- cy. He made haste slowly and was as dependable as the sun that shone on his well-known figure, on the streets of our town, six days of the week, every week, for 52 weeks of the year. Wingham never had a more faithful servant. Ab was always a good citizen. whose example was always exemplary. Though now retired and confined to a wheel chair, it is good to still see him on our streets with the same cheerful, patient, friendly smile and kindly word. The citizens of Mingham have not for- gotten you Albert Sanderson and they thank you for the many years of faith- ful service which you gave them as teamster for the street department. George (Chief) Allen served Wing- ham faithfully and well fox about forty years as Town Constable.and. Chief of Palice. He carried out his duties so ef- ficiently that during all those years, Wingham was a safe place to live and a good place to raise a family. He gave Wingham a record as a "crime free" town that is unsurpassable and few ever equal it. He was stern in the, en- forcement of law and order when ne- cessary, but he was even more potent as a preventive force. He was a friend- ly "cop", who was a deterring influence on those who sometimes slipped a little; and to those who would other- wise have tried to make crime pay, his gigantic figure was the vetoeiug pow- er, He served Wingham faithfally and well, and, though retired now, it is good to see him still in our midst. The citizens of .Wingham are grateful to you Geo, Allen for a good job well done, Many of the middle-aged and YOUnger residents of Winghant still re- member you as "Heap Big Chief", W. A. (Will) Galbraith has been our Town Clerk and Treasurer for over' twenty-five years, and he is still cap- ably filling that important position, Will took over those duties shortly af- ter returning from several years of dis- tinguished service in World War One. He was educated ft our Public and High Schools, is a War Veteran and a credit to the Town of "Wingham, For over a quarter of A century pow, he has been, and still is, our genial, oblig- ing, efficient Town . Clerk and Treas- urer; and he has always been ready and willing to serve as sec.-treas., or in any other capacity on the executive's of numerous town and community` or- ganizations, Wingham has been very fortunate in having such a proficient and obliging Town Clerk all these years, and we hope the connection is unbroken for many years to come. Will is a great friend of the sick, under- privileged and shut-in, and, in spite of his' multifarious duties - - many of them supernumerary obligations - - - which entail much overtime work, he seems somehow often to find time to take them for car rides or do other favors for them, He is keenly interested in every phase of our town life and a great booster in every effort to improve conditions that affect our way of life, church, schools, hospital, social clubs, industrial expansion, athleticand recre- ational facilities, and welfare work, to name a few. Among his hobbies are horticulture and "pictures", still, col- oured and moving. Will is a &tad, "solid" citizen, with a ntillion dollar smile" and a firm, friendly handshake, He is a friend to young and old, and an animal lover to boot - - carries dog biscuits around in his pocket to feed his many canine friends. The citizens: of Wingham are proud of you Will and grateful for the grand job you have done and are doing for the town. * * MONUMENit A family plot Should be graced with the shrine-like beauty of a monument •whiCh will be ever, lastingly a tribute- to those at rest. We have many classic styles to suggest, and will work with you on custom designs, Wm. Brownlie Box 373 'Phone 450 Alfred St. Wingham Inscriptions 4 Repairing Sandblasting Memorials 25 years experience The latest.in Portable Sandblast Equipment All Work Personally Executed like Soviet Russia, but united in a de- ence pact under the United, Nations Charter they will become.strong, if not invincible before such an enemy. If the United States Congress backs the Marshall Plan with the financial aid it is being.asked to vote, then the sixteen European countries On the re- ceiving end will be able to balance their external trading account in the nqxt four years and obtain much-needed. Supplies. To make the best possible use of this timely assistance and to insore. their permanent economic recovery, it is necessary for them, to act as an econ- omic whole. Tariff barriers would. ruin Western Ekturope's chances of- long- term prosperity, so, for that reason, the Governments concerned appear in fav- or of a custom union, • Singly they could not afford to re- cant sufficiently to resist aggression, but united they can soon become strong again. Already plans are well under Way to standardize arms, equipment and military training, Last year Brit- ain supplied radar, jet airplanes and other armaments to thirteen of the Marshall Plan countries, and eleven of them sent military missions" to Britain for training. Thus the groundwork is laid for a union of the armed forces of the union, It is reassuring to other de- Mocratic countries to see the realistic manner in which the democratic coun- tries of Western Europe are approach- ing an essential unity, • * * WESTERN GERMANY BECOMES "BIZONIA" Recently the British and American zones ofGermany were merged into one zone under the temporary name of "Bizonia". Later the French zone may join in this united Western Germany. Bizonia will have a single government, elected by Germans and exercising wide powers. However this new regime will not be all-powerful. Decisions at the top level will still be taken by the occupying powers and "Bizonia" Will not qualify as an independent State eligible for election to the United Na- tions. Otherwise, the new government will manage Western Germany almost as an independent regime. It will have control of railways, communications and ports; and it will make regulatiOns respecting production, distribution and allocation of goods, including food and raw materials. It will nbt have power make agreements with other countries or to bargain about reparations, This change in policy of the occupy- ing powers is clearly a step toward the revival of German heavy industry which is necessary if the Marshall Plan is to succeed and Western Europe is to survive as part of a free world. On account of Soviet Russia's warmonger- ittg it now appears that a revived Ger- many is much less likely to threaten the world's peace than the Soviet Un- ion. The success of the new experiment in "Bizonia" will depend partly on the rewards for energy and iniatitive offer- ed to the Germans. This decision of the United States and Britain to give the Germans some leeway in managing their own economic affairs should re- sult in a speed-tip of essential German production. the present corporation (that to the northward), which is looked upon as much more valuable than the low lands adjacent to the north and south bran- ches of the Maitland. Hence the oppos- ition - - - the lower town people acting on the dog-in-the-manger principle of keeping others out of a good thing be- cause they could not procure it for themselves. (continued next week.) * * WEEKLY ;THOUGHT Trust not to appearances; the drum which makes the most noise is filled with wind. BEAUTY in Review Cleansing Cream for dry skin $1:25, $2.50 Special Skin Cream, $1.85, $3.25 Liquifying Cleansing Ctiam $1.25, $2.50 Foundation Cream, (pink, white)...............$1.25 Skin Freshener, $1,25, 2.00 Special Astringent $1.85 Cleansing Preparation, (for blackheads) $1.25 Tinted Make-up Base, (four shades) $1.00 DeLuxe Face Powder, (four shades) $1.00, 2.00 Compact Rouge, (four shades) $1.00 Cream Rouge (four shades) $1.00 Eye Shadow $1.25 Lash Beauty $1.00 Eyebrow Pencil 50c Dainty Dry Deodorant $1.25 Bath Salt $1.25 Body Powder $1.75 Beauty Soap (four cakes in box) $1.25 gill111111111111111KI,11$1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111111111 •11111111151111111115. it N II NEW ra it* 11 UNION OF WESTERN EUROPE MI SUN-TESTED iii IN NEAR FUTURE ja Recent despatches from London, id i quoting 'War Office sources there, seem WALLPAPER = Plan countries are further along the to indicate that the sixteen Marshall a road to military co-operation than most ii Ai NOW IN STOCK ...- people had supposed possible. In Brit- ain the Union of Western Europe is a 2 Large assortment of New Wallpaper's theme much in the news, with Foreign 5 ! Secretary Bevin and Winston Church- are Ready for Your Approval., , i ill advocating it, and Washington giv- ITI — .v. ing approval. ii rat To many it is a surprise to learn -11 Let us show you the Newest Color that the nations concerned have al- 1-11 Combinations and designs WI ready taken definite practical steps to — • ward a system of common defence. It fa has become necessary - - - and it 'is is 7;as legitimate for the sixteen countries to gm'security, collaborate security, Most of the Elmer Wilkinson Decorator i democratic nations of Europe lie west 1. THE WALLPAPER SHOP It . of the Iron Curtain and singly each is NI .7.: antommisitistmosismaimmaismattsmustsummusurit t week and easy prey to an aggressor We wish to announce that our Frozen Food Lockers are now ready to rent, and are available to town and district residents. Sharp Freezing Trays, Chill and Wrapping Room. Our Locker Storage is of the latest type, steel construction and built-in Individual Locks. Call and get full partic- ulars on this service. Maitland Creamery United Farmers Co-Operative Company Limited WINGHAM - • ONT. '''=(0=10===110=1010=10 0=1101===0=I0 THE HORSE 0 * LOOKS LIKE GOOD APPOINTMENT The appointment of Mr. Robert H. Saunders, the Mayor of Toronto, to the post of the Chairman of the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario looks like wise move by the Ontario Government. Mayor Saunders has won 0 a wide reputation for his administra- tive ability, and for his capacity to mas- ter details during the three years that he has been head of the largest muni- cipal corporation in the Province. He has always taken an energetic in- terest in municipal associations, includ- ing the Ontario Federation of Mayors and Reeves, and as Chairman of the Hydro Commission, lie will be required to deal with the officials of the more than 925 municipalities who together share the ownership of the vast Hydro enterprise, His experience in municipal affairs, and his exceptional acquaint- ance with many of those with -whom he will be dealing hi his new sphere of activity, should be invaluable both to the municipalities and to the Pro- viocial Commission. * * 6 CANADIAN MORITZ CHAMPIONS AT ST. Canada Won two championships at the Olympic Games at St. Moritz re- cently. As expected, Miss Barbara Anti Stott easily won the women's figure- skating, Championship. All Canada is proud of Miss Scott. 13y her great skill s a figure-skater site has woti great tottour for Canada, and by her beauty and charm she has made innumerable friends for Canaria also. Canada's R.,C.A.F. hockey team also rose to the occasion and won 'the world's amateur hockey cliamViOnSitip Or this Dominion. Their great victory was all the greater because it was un- expected, Either they Were a vastly under-rated team or the other teams competing at the Olympics had been greatly over-rated by earlier press de- spatelits. Be that as it may, the fact re- mains that out Canadian hockey team won otid all Canadians are proud of the boys on the team. * * KNOW WINGRAIVI Early History of Wingham, cont'd. (An extract from the Historical Atlas of the County of Huron, Ont., publish- ed in 18/9.) During the previous year (1877) an fort was made to incorporate as a town. A special act was prepared and 0 Isubinittecl to Parliament, but was de- feated 'by the strenuous opposition of the inhabitants of Lower Witigham, who wished to be included in the cot.- poration, The -extent of territory how* ever, (were they included), would%be greater than the Municipal Act allows, without leaving out another portion of CIGARS SMOKER'S SUNDRIES MAGAZINES Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP