The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-18, Page 1With Which, is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News Single Copies --- Five Cents Subscription, .$2.90 -A Year in Advance • WINCRAIVI ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1948 COME Hl EMU Thomas 684 The Dr, jest since Thomas won the forethe Pr he rolled by Benso Majority f The tot 14,508, ex 1945 by 1 The fol rminipipali 'Cloderich Exeter Goderich flay Tow McKillop Seaforth Stephen Mullet To Stanley T Clinton Mensall Tuckersmi Usborne Clinton A Cloderich Special S Februa t ons Year ited meeting of al Fire In- d in the n Friday, ident, Ew- hair and ss for the ports hay- nested the rman. Mr. Reeve of appointed Mr. Weir Directors also ask- fullest co- lie ahead. nations for :tors being Harding. a nimations, appointed rs, Ewart were ruing year. 7 enjoyed teased the plus as at 08.85. The past year 33, and ilicies over r. ng immed- Meeting, nted Press '8', Vice- The Fe 'branch of be held o at 2.80 p. Dr.W.A speaker f tesses are Godkin, Is cott, Mrs. Member will be a hand clot be put in enlist be se Also—T Food for elepartmen on the aft Friday, F 6 to 4 o'cloc charge, and every Thursday ing of the result of s. A. R. , W. H. 3rd., Mrs, Mrs. Geo. feu John- on; 2nd., Y, Mc- dy and j- ilson and r- E A Emit the Forre Wedtiesda 8.15 sharp Robertson lucky dray .AssociatiO INTER id persons wn homes nsored by Housing a public Monday, m. e London xplain the Veterans wn homes Mayor. Playing the seaso 'Wingham win over last Frida the locals group five Chesley in ▪ nals. A layed the nuking at the game) substitellit team arriv Poster I seven goo tInderwoo 'Templema ors McAr three, Cas one tacit. ties. Seli officials, p who *as road cond Wingha Young, English+ ' bat, 'Cas Green. Pert E ItcPlierso thur, ternates, Dermid, feteeS, Sel Follow; b, !Mom 14th, n NSIIIP afternoon Girls Bas- Godetich o win the Basketball glut game ous theric. time score ni came ore ore their times with being call- 11 against ility of the foul shots cm They e Goderieh 4, effective and Lois test, Gloria Ross with dally good high-secr. champion- nt has won • and elated. The e WOSSA Ltleknow Harriston Wirigharri Southarrtpi thesley ElinwOod Allenford Paisley E Port Elgi th 14 ham girls i n the post Secondary ership by. 83.14, in A here Wed- Is built op and made itrrring 14 G. W. IRON RVAT1VES By -ELECTION WON !LOCAL , RECREATION COUNCIL ...._. ST. ANDREWS WIS. MEETING PRESSPAYS Tm MAN'S ...., BEST T FRIEND REPORT ANNuAL orE,LIONS waRm nnnvrn WELL nM ATTENDED v SPONSOR TO EASTER SEAL DRIVE i • M Pryde Had a Majority Over Benson Tuckey of Financial Statement, January 1st, 1947 to December 31st, 1947 New Study Book Introduced Forty years ago there were few if Held In J. the C. United Reading 1••••••*•,.. Church As With Mrs, Speaker Proceeds From Seals For Crippled Children's Society Of Ontario es Company Enjoyed Prospe Directors Re-Appoix ------ ----- The any motor cars. In those days people Pryde up Township !w Government won the general election, of Exeter, on Huron Provincial by-election )gressive Conservatives 7,618 votes to 6,934 or Mr. Pryde was I vote polled on Monday reeding the 13,444 )64. lowing are the results ties: Pryde Township 451 922 1277 aship Township 262 537 'ownship 919 wnship 324 ownship 498 737 216 tit Township ., 441 lvance A.dvance es- ..... so 7618 564 its 684. cast 456 11 3 _ Monday, polled Tuckey first when wh en was by 288 388 1218 836 445 551 650 489 444 575 175 582 283 2 8 6934 in Whitfield,followedbythe Receipts Jan. 1, 1947, Bal: forward $ 16,22 Revenue from activities , .. eg7 73 ..... se.. . . Grants. and donations: •Tuesday Town of Wingham, re park 100,00 "Town of Wingham, salaries , 2256,91 Province of Ontario ' 143.0e Fish and Gaines Club 15,00 Lions Club for program ,., 100,00 Lions' Club, floodlights ''''''' " 1434.83 Fry & Blackball 100.00 C. Lloyd & Son Ltd. 250.00 Western Foundry Co. Ltd, ...., 250.00 Wingham Softball Assn. 608.57 . I Tuckey, Liberal candidate.'• regular monthly meeting Women's Missionary Society Andrew's Presbyterian held in the Sunday School afternoon, February three o'clock. There was attendance, and the President, Fortune, occupied the chair the meeting. After the hymn, a prayer was given Reading, which was divided parts, and read by Miss Mrs. Godkin, Miss A, Mrs. W. Mitchell. The reports of the Secretary of the of St, Church, was room on ith, at a splendid Mrs. L. and opened singingos f a by Mrs. C. Scripture into four F. Wilson, Mitchell and and the came to town in horse-drawn vehicles stables, and church Sheds for the ac- commoda.tion of their horses. . e Time has brought about many. chart. ges. Gone are ehe familiar watering troughs and the tethering posts, in fact • in this day and age of mechanization, it is all tooeasy for each d an every ' of one us to relegate to the back- ground, one of Man's hest friends, but many people stilt come to Wingham with horses, especially during the winter months. While many of us eaves plain loud and long about parking • space for motor in . The Service on Friday Underwood wises, sociate the Salvation Armitage, Herb. Mitchell Sts Paul's, stun, Mrs. land of L. Fortune, J•Donaldson, Mrs. Geo. Mrs. - service Prayer" . lee who hymns . . choir of inc ushers Mrs. Fred den and Participating elican Churche was her subject. ney accompanied was the J. and was was of the . annual Leaders sixteen Mrs. held afternoon taking Mrs. Mrs. W. United Mrs. R, Scott Reading chose sung also Howson, J. Mrs. Chur"ch. service. were World Day in the United with in the serviced were: Mrs. Army, (Dr.) Connell, and Mrs. J. Reavie, VanWyck, Church W. from of St. the speaker The" Lord's A solo by miss by Mrs. M the . There voices. Mrs. Mrs. Hamilton. W. VV, Cur- may and there were Hotel stables, livery ----,., the opening H. C. MacLean, of Prayer Church Mrs. Nelson exer- as As- Gordon of Mrs, Elwood Mrs. C. Hinde of Mrs. Roul- Mrs, Ping- and Mrs. Mrs. Mitchell, and St, Andrew's Paul's An- for the Prayer "The Lord's Lois Whit- organ for the was a A. W, Irwin, R. R. Hob- The regular dinner meeting of the Lions Club was held at the Queen's Hotel on Friday evening with a full at- tendence. President Frank Madill 1 we - corned Maurice Bader and Herb Fuller,13th, guests of the Club, Tailtwister Wally Armstrong gathered in the fines from L. Lions who could not remember the slogan on the front of the latest Lions' Magazine. Many Lions could describe the cover accurately but failed to re- member the wording. Lion Sam Burton introduced Maur- ice Bader to the Club as a good boos- ter for sport in the Community .and expressed regret that Mr. Bader was leaving Town. President Frank spoke of the valuable contribution made to the community and assured Mr. Bader that the best wishes of the Club went with him. In honour of Mr. Bader, the Lions sang "Take iMe Out to the Old Ball Game and gave him a vigorous Lions Roar, Mr. Bader thanked Lions for the fine community spirit accomplished by the Club and assured them that he would always cherish memories of good times in Wingham. The song, The .seventy-fifth annual the Howick Farmers' Mutt* surance Company, was h I Township ' e Hall, Gorrie, c Feb.. 1948, The Pre art MeKercher, took the briefly outlined the busine year, 1947. The customary r ing been disposed of, he rec meeting to appoint a chaff David L. Weir, a former Howick Township was chairmanfor • the meeting. complimented the Beard of on their successful year, an, ed the policy holders for the operation in the years that He then requested nomi Directors, the retiring Direr John A. Bryans and Norma: There being no further in these two gentlemen were for the ensuing three yea: Whitfield and G. A. Gibsoi pointed Auditors for the co The Company during 19, a prosperous year having ant surplus by $468.34, the sur Dec. 31st, 1947, being $202,S $5662.85 ,geneal Expenditures Park, Upkeep and Improvements: New' Fence ..„ .... . .... .....$ 109.06 New Bleachers 229.16 New Surface .._ 746.23 108445 Donation, Juv, Hardball 100.00 Recreation Program 330.78 Adm. Office and Sal. 2671.26 Floodlight system, Lions don 1434.83 Balance on hand Dec. 31 /41.03 Treasurer were read and business of the ducted. Following the singing ether hymn, Mrs, J. W. Scott the new topic book "Our Commission in , Overseas '. Mrs. Stott took • topic,"The Great Commission which was most interesting structive. The Glad Tidings Prayer by Mrs. Taylor. The offering adopted and of an- introdu- for her Today", and in- was re- meeting con-Presbyterian for the year,that Canada and as was given • cars yet, reality it is much more difficult•to find parking space for a team of horses in the aver- age Ontario Town to-day. Wingham has been faced with this very problem for the past !lumber of years, in fact some farmers have found it necessary to keep driving around the streets while their wives did the shopping. Deplorable as ' this seem, yet, this ,has actually happened in in gham' The business and professional men $5662.35 *Explanation: Sal. paid, act. fig. ...... ...$2400.00 Prot/ Ont Grant 1946 143,09 2256.91 ceived and Mrs. W. Hammond the Dedicatory prayer. After 'ing a the closing hymn, King closed the meeting gave the sing- Mrs. T. C. with prayer. have been very conscious of this mat- ter, and during the past number of years, have spent severalqhousandedol- lays in trying to remedy the situation HURON , C--. B. COUNTY ri President ASSOCIATION Harold "Too Fat Polka" was successfully sung under the leadership of Omar Haselgrove and Jack Reavie with Lion Pym at the piano. Frank announced that he net insurance during the shows an increase 041..130,0 proximately one hundred pc and above the previous yea At the organization 'need Annualas w ar t i‘lfollowingeKereh etrh was ap , , [ENf s 111T ,,s T , run The Provincial grant for the year 1947 will amount to $800.00 applicable to the Director's salary. Total actually An additional grant of $229.12 for CONCERT slimily THIS in any one year.The EVENING . paid by the Town of Wingham $1600.lately but, the results have been unsatisfac- tory and temporary tie say the least, until this year. towLiaistcoyuenacri,l, thanksitotantdo foundation thelVlnghhanes hind the Canada Packers Plant was art Course To Be Held 7 26th, 27th, in Wingham On 1947 Christmas is officially closed Following is an --President. The 1947 Seal" as of February account of Campai n 14th. the receipts i meeting wouldwheoludldat bteheaTsounpop next meeting 71121 It would take the form of a work meeting with Lions folding and a.c.). ident and Norman Mardi • the meeting of the the Women's Institute t Thursday, February n, in the Council Chamber. . Crawford will be a• the afternoon. The Mrs. C. Bushfield, Mrs. [rs, P, King, Mrs. J. Pullen and Mrs. W. Fraser. s are reminded that collection of good second Ling and shoes which the parcel for Britain. nt very soon. he Short Course . "More Your Dollar", given by t is to be held in Wingham ernoons of Thursday b. 26th and 27th., from1,30 k with Miss Broadfoot 'here is a charge of 25 ine is invited to attend. local will 19th., guest hos- II. Ella- there is to This the and in cents operating and maintenance will also be paid by the Province this year applies —7 In Aid Of Nurses' -, Residence purchased which was turned over to the'Business and Professional men for and disbursements districts: Grant in this Tot. Rec. Exp. 2000.00 appeal by Net Rec.; 2000.00. dressing sheets of Easter Seals on be- half of the Crippled Children's Soc- icy of Ontario. Proceeds from the sale of these seals will be used to enable BRINE cuji able to the year 1947. Received from Softball Assn * 608,57 Paid re Park $1084.45 Donation re sport .., 100.00 1184.45 Teen Town Mayor, announced that arrangements been completed in benefit concert to John connection be presented Lancaster, have with the this the purpose of erecting a suitable and permanent shed. The business men's association swung into, action and purchased two Co. ...$ Seaforth see Exeter Clinton Goderich Wingham 902,13 28.59 1049.54 34.66 1147.40 27.40 1302.45 23.65 1893,15 50.00 873.54 1014,88 1120.00 1278.81 1833,15 the Crippled Children's Society to ex- Pand their work to care for more children, President Frank announced that guest speakers for the two March meetings would be Dr. Thomas of the Western University speaking on Rus- Eight tables took part on evening at the weekly meet Wingham Bridge Club. Th, the play was as follows: North & South-1st,, MI DuVal and J.Goodine; 2nd Deficit $ 575.88 The above deficit is partially offset by the expenditure made by the Soft- ball Association for Juvenile Sport amounting to $300.68 which sum would have had to be raised by the Recrea- tional Council, Let it be clearly un- derstood that the WinghamRecreat- Tonal Council sustained a loss on the operation of the Wiogliath Town Park, occasioned by the heavy expenditure for improvements to the playing field ($746.23). The aforementioned field is now in excellent condition and should outlay for require no major Sunday evening at Town Hall. A double quartet, duets and u re d, A film entitled post. Hospitals" in coluor will also be lection will lie taken the building of a deuce, This is your hear an enjoyable evening to help an excellent time, The Teen Town peelally anxious that as possible attend the venture completely 8.30 solos beautiful shown. to new Nurses' cause as in order quartette, "Canada's opportunity Council successful. p.m., in the a male will be feat- Out- techni- A silver col- help towards Resi- tO of music and at the same are es- many people to make . barns to provide the necessary build- ing materials, and here let it be said, a great 'deal of credit is due a group of farmers who, voluntarily helped to dismantle the structures and transport- ed the timbers and lumber into town, free of charge. Mr. Graham Moffatt, master farmer, was engaged to supervise the erection of the barn and, much to his credit considering to-day's building problems, it was completed in. reetrrd-time. The actual dimensions of the struc- tune are 118 feet by 60 feet with the ' + . • • accommodation capacity of approxi- The Committee its sincere appreciation County Council given this year, policy was changed this time we did Councils of the townships. $8294.68 174.30 desires to of the generous In this campaign from last not solicit urban feels $8120.38 to express. the Huron grant our year, for grants from °entree and very grate- sia's Foreign Policy and Brig. (Gen. Sperling of London advancing some ideas on military training. Lion Sam Burton favored with two fine violin solos, "Romance" by Rub- instein and Bless this House". These were greatly appreciated by Lions, Tailtwister Wally Armstrong took charge and announced that this 'being "Education Week" he would proceed French and 0. Haselgrove; Dyble and D. Nesmith; 4th, Ross and Mrs. D. Nesmith. East & West-1st.,Isfiss') stop arid R. S. Hetheringl Mrs. J, A. 'Wilson and Miss Pherson; 3rd., Mrs. F. Stu H. Crawford; 4th, j. W. W. Armstrong. Committeeu The fel to all those bons and although also who made the great contribu- majority to examine the state of education of Lions, Lion Wally requested Lion Stan s NOTICE some years to come, Special mention is due the Wingham Lions Club for their generous gift of • the floodlight system Which was instru- mental along with our championshin teams in attracting thousands of people to town parts our .., ' • The Wingham Softball Association gavle invaluable assistance in the pro- vision of a full program of summer Sport and turned over such funds as they had available at the conclusion of An emergent meeting Lodge No, 286, A.F. will be held on Tuesday, at '7.30 p.m., for the pleting unfinished W. A, Crawford, W.M. H. L. Sherborid Two d /14,°\ meeting & business purpose r of of Wingliain February 24, of tom- at the last , Secretary, A.M,, G.R.C.,from mately 40 teams and vehicles. By reason of the steel shortage, an Aluminum roof was put on which, will only last indefinitely but, will re- . . ,. . . The total construction cost of the shed incl d` . hundred dollarsit ing, seven - paid for the two barns, labor, roofing, . • nails, etc; amounted to the sum total of $4,567.59. By collections front a large portion of the business and professional men tchre and Dance •e and Dance will be held ster's Hall, Del rave, e, February 18th., euchre Dancing 10 to 1, with. and the Ranch Boys, ts, sponsored by the Athletic i of Belgreve. in on at Don emergent meeting.M r, of those receiving to the fund, in not returned, arid using these will campaign next We wish, too, the editors of the Manager of who spoke on the campaign, and . clerical work. quire no periodical painting.on seals did some cases we trust give us support year. to say thank all the local CKNX, to the radio to those contribute !Hall seals were that people in the you to papers, to the doctors on behalf of who did the to read out the words and all the Lious connected with education were given an opportunity to draw a slip a hat Lion Stan called .put the word corresponding with the number shown on the slip. Some unusual words were drawn and many of the Lions were stuntried, Lim Stewart Beattie was probably the most success- fel itt the spelling as he drew the word "Cat". President Frank Lions — . All 'building contractors a interested in building their t the Integrated Plan sec the Central Mortgage and Corporation, are invited tc meeting in the Town Hall a February 23rd 1948, at 8 p ., C. E. Robinson of tl . . Office will be present to t . . plate and answer questions. interested in owning their c IEDIATE ?LAY OFF FIN BERTH the season's operations. The financial aid of three of Wing- ' Manufacturers proved to be a Ittra:Utisendous help and this aid is grate- hilly acknowkdged. Mr. W. G. (Sam) Burton, the direr- Dance At Royal To the music of Moderate admission. Saturday ---- T Wilbee's Dancing Night Orchestra, 9 to 12, together With voluntary contributions from a few farmers, a trital subscrip- tion ltas been realized aniounthig to $1947,00 leaving a balance of $2,620.59 yet to be raised. yet to ' As this structure was completed some time ago, the creditors quite HOCKEY - TO.NIGHT surprised the . with a special recording of their carol singing at Christmas. Lion Harold are especially irivited. Duncan Kennedy, At 8.30 p.m• Exeter vs Stainton at the Winghant Spitfires. Arena, Peen's recording of "Silent Night" was also heard. Some questions were raised as to whether Mr. Petrillo's consent WU ‘, a R GAGERS Ut U. rid the ir last scheduled game of prior to the play-offs, the Rackets coast ed to a ease e evening. The win assured of a second place berth In arid tow will nis doubt meet the first roand'of the semi- verse weather conditions de- game with only, five players , appearance at the start of with a couple of the locals g until the remainder of the ad, the Win barn attack`with Is, other marksmen tieing a g, Brea, English, 'Y'oung, it rime apiece. I'or the visit- thur led the attack with . ;lily two, McGraw and Smith rho game was...i free of, penal- and Lotignieao, being the inch hitting for FM's Kemp, unable to be present due to. itions, . 31,---,- Goal, Groh; defense, ym, centre, toster; wings, , :'ellIPItmant terrinteSo Hi e' silly, Underwood,' 11"114 gin—Goat Glover; defence, a, Bell; centre, B. MeAr- . 's, MeKiimon, MeCaw; at- Dudgeon, StevenSett o V . .. --e- 'midi' l'iP ee'' GallIgh°' Re- I, toughlean, ig is the standing in Group diate A and 13 to Pebruary Won„ 'Lost flied)fits. WI) II „„„.... 12 2 0 24 'A .„,...„.10 4 2 22 A ... 10 .5 bit A.,... .8 7 1 17 ,..,_,..... B 5 1 11 A .„.....,„ 5 2 ' 2 12 13 ..,—,... 8 10 0 12 .„,......„ 5 10 1 11 it A .,..- 0 16 0 0 Attending Style Messrs. Nut ence Cantelon are Show W . Hanna in Toronto and ciato this week was obtained before producing the re- cord but President Frank assured Lions that all was in order, When the " he Port Elgin Sextette here accounts too would like to express his heartfelt d It thanks to all who have lielpe . 'would he unwise to attempt to inert- tion names as someone would tutdoubt- edlY be missed. H°wever, be .feels, it is absolutely certain that the program would not have been. possible without tile aid 0f citizens in all Walks of life' Tuesday Chimney Fire Tuesday The firemen were ' r... or dente of M G d posite the United Church, . nor m , For tunately i g r. Curling At Toronto called it on, Mi nnieSt. to the resis , op- on Tuesday was only a chimney ore.that who, to this point have b een in dee d patient, are most anxious to have their honoured and, rielitle. co ,.. . lo the citizens of Wrtigham and the surrounding countryside, the issue is this, As aforesaid, the Wilding is coin- - pleted, It will fill many years to conic, attending the Style Legion Meeting The regular Win linen Branch g . Legion will be Home on Tuesday February 24th. to attend, Baptismal Service On Sunday at St Andrew's baptismal service King Spears, Mrs, Borden 'Mrs. T. C King„ . Show. ;Tuesday, monthly meeting of the held in AR members At St the morning Presbyterian was held itifaitt soil Spears,agrandson Feb. 24th. of the Canadian , the Legion. next week, , are urged Andrew's service. of Church, a for George of Mr, and of matter of addressing envelopes far sending out Easter seals was further discussed, it was unanimously a ereed Y 6 Lions Harley Crawford and Walle. Armstrong be placed on the folding 'work and not allowed to ad- dress arty envelopes due to defects ii1„ . . . ... their writtng abilities, Lion Don Nesmith stated that when Use Sam Burton came to Town about one year ago, Ids work was more or less of an experiment, ele f el t that now eVervolle knew that we were fortunate s • • • 'n having Lion Sam in Town and lie 11 d 1 11 li l' totimesaid people of the Commtunty through Ins music, organizing ability and SerNiteS — In Clinton on Monday the \\Ingham High School ketteall Team 'defeated the elf 01,IS t a scare girls by t e , Huron . Secondary e chools Huron - It was a close, hard fon throughout witli some vigoi hoe b i d . oth sitles. T h e half se '15 ted et 8-8 but Wingba was •‘ ' in the second half to outs vals by three points. , • , at The game was, rough a total of 25 personal fouls ed, 14. against Whighain, 1 i arid it 'vas the rib ntri(:•end , local to out score that girls . Attended Dealers' Meeting Mr. Jalai garrison was i n Kitchener on Friday attending a meeting of the Westittgliouse dealers of this district, Lucknow Youth ties of Injuries Tuo rinks of local onto this week, taking tario Bonspiel: Dr, J, P. lsitkibbots, y. H. Crawford, skip; Do A. W. Irwin, J. M. Crawford, skip. . curlers part G. and 0. Haselgrove T. Murray are in To- in the On- W. Roeme; arid Geo, Ingles, and A. , a long felt need. It definitely constitutes a civic inie evening provenient and a progressive stride in the right direction, the credit and lions out of which it ise felt, will be eagerly sought by town and country Alike, It is actually a HUMANE necessity. Ile it known to one amid all, the sited Luelcilow, died Rex Astrander of oti Friday tight hi an ambulance as he was btittg rushed to Wirighain Hospi- tat. r laystety shrouds his death as he tvas found uncoristious beside his par- Malty ditched ear on the outskirts of e - THE woRK or ............... NEvER mEncy ENDS is open to the public for the purpose of sheltering horses — - FREE OF CHARGE. , In view of . the nrgency of the $2,620,69 deficit, many of the good have eitizeits 'veto already etibsetibed, GORREGTED MONDAY rendered. Lion Sant was given a hearty Lions Roar in appreciation of 'Ids ef. forts. Lion Sam thanked the. Lions end said that when lie had sonic difficulties arise, he alwaye found the Lions be- hind him to provide the necessary driv- that Wort time game for th scored 7 out of 11, while iii girls counted only 4 out of For Willellatn the mash scorers were .jeats Adair Lareicnow. Disttict Winners On All Canadian Itidging Competition Russell Cs Bradford, Clinton, stood 32nd. amongst the 1,300 entrants in the open judging competition held in 'con. nection with the selection of the All- e. ds el s • 1 for 10,41 14- %Atka tan' eistein catt e . is Score of 136 compared favotirably with .h., - - . . of 148 " S a possible 150. Close behind Mr. Brad- ford wae 'George Hayden, Gorrie, with scoe of 185 points. Tied for 86th placer amongst the 505 Calf Club boys and girls from all parts of the DOIM11- ion who took part in the junior judg- big section was Edward Clutton, Grade= . 1,1 -- h e , f 12,, . . t e wiithittg score points tent Is 'committee The Canadian Red Cross will make its appeal for funds starting 'March 1st Wingliam district last year exceed- ed its quota. Lets go over the top again, whether you wete a canvasser last year or not, you may be asked to help this year. Be 'willing to help in an.. way yo titan, ..i, Remember the Red Cross sponsors, L Free i‘Tatitirial Flood Transfusion Service. 2. Outpost- ItospitMs. „ 8. Assistance to sick and disabled Veteratis. ' 4 Swimming and Water Safety, , 5, Disaster Relief. .6,,,:,}ligirtv, a! First Aid Posts, The Red Cross is always where trouble is, performing its work of tic , 'with score score o 6 points. Lions have expressed their willingness to again donate. But, before the commit- tee ask them to do so, it is felt that an opporunity should be given to the cat->' awns of Wingitain and the surrounding 'country to subscribe to this very wor. thy project, Your donations may be left with or sent in to arty one of the following members, Rhys. Pollack, Flirter Wilkinson, jobb Pattison, Percy Stainton, A, D. MacWilliam, or at either bank in Wingham. An official receipt will be issued. Pot, public information, a Weekly re- port of total subscriptions received to date will be announced in the press, and, at a later date a complete list of subscribers together 'with their Indiv. vance Times has received hundreds el renewals and in correcting our lists, mistakes may have occurred. Our lists were corrected Monday morning and all renewals received up to that time should be credited, We ask that you look at your label now to see if it is correct. If not, please notify us as soon as possible, to that proper credit may be given. 4 As we announced recently all suo- scriptions are now payable in 'advance. We regrbt that we Were forted to dis- During the past month The Ad-Swanson ' Jack *q Kit) on told big force, Lion . t b f 7 Lions ,of, the fainarial status oft time Farmers. Stied ed for 11'7 ste'll theyr lraY 13e ;aurd"'et p /le p altirs future. rest en _ rah repola ' Loft Walt. ItleKibbon and he ha d d been trying to secure 4 figure skating in., structor to give instruction for benefit of young people but no definite arrange te yetSome me ts lead leers ff d S .n eec . suggestedthat they obtain Bar- bars', Ann Scott. They promised to do. theirbest,The*Closed withthe .ittritieetin.g Roar usual song alt 1 e " , tbekridge with 6 points e: with 5, and Mary 3. The guards did an tsm, iob of checking the usually ing Goderich forwards, It is the first basketball . , . ship that a total sew]. tea in some years, "d• hiss ICI bgirls are tobe. t tier . °DIV", ' tont now advances into tb ' again E 'titer. plaY(1°,..,,,wns , st ieter, 'vviignam '55.. 4.,,e..a.fw The cast-passing wing have nicked another notch of success for the Huron continue about 200 subscriptions at the grace, months after that tithe the tub--'fast-moving &boots Association lead downing tlie Seaforth girls basketball tilt DANCE - T , , . O,NIGHT --..,. ,,, See the Red Cross Fillet "Outpost Hospitals", Sunday at the t oneett next The AdvancesTiviee. seriptiort is discontinued, this means if your subscription e: iced lit November next week will be the last issue you , will reeeive. Please make your p y - meats promptly. Will be held in the Wingliath Arm-I ouries ond '1 ' f 1 AV & t le sus o t le 'Mg- ham L-egion on Friday evening, Match , t 1. same roninientre at e •ti e oe . 12 1 r 1110 1 1 It Proceeds for 'Nurses" new Residence. fleshy afternoon. The air 19 5 lead *first Bali a -in rite the game &delve 'by ca * 'the last t h If Mrs points in as a . P fin was tops as referee. Wednesday, Pebruary 18th., at the Royal T, danclog 10 to' 1,80. Music by Erie Scott and his orchestra, Adtnis- Mon `60 centS, night, sponsored by Teen 'To't/n; sand. you will be thrilled to see your 'dollars at work in this great Red Gross Pro- gramme. . This town and commtniity has never failed in supporting a worthy cause. Let it always' e said— THE HORSE GETS A BREAK IN WINGRAid, i.. , ,ta