HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-11, Page 10THE WINGFIA1 ADVANCE,,TIATES TEN Wednesday? February U, 1948 ollonolimonminimmoimowinowoolliouffilimiffinolliwoomiumulliiiiiiiiminomonompolonowura Lx."-"F4iercATRE Ciarniss, The new study book, page, then translate the scripture into l"Our Commission in Canada and Qv- tom Chinese tongue. The East India Company owned all the British vessels that -called at Canton, China's only open port, In order to protect its own pre- carious position in China the company had a policy of hositility to missionar- ies,. Mr, Morrison had to go to New York and sail from there as a stowa- way but with the knowledge of Cant, Blakeman, who smuggled him into Can- ton after 113 days around Cape Horn and across the Pacific. All for- eigners had to live outside the Great Wall of Canton and Chinese were for- bidden to visit them upon pain of death Morrison's teacher came secretly at night. TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 7.30 MATINEE Saturday Afternoon at 2.00 p.m. :erseas" was introduced by Mrs. \V, McKinney, and Mrs. J. C, Higgins read 'the 'Glad Tidings prayer, Mrs. P, S. MeEwen and Mrs. Nellie Lillow were named a committee to meet with a committee from the United Church to arrange the observance of the World Day of Prayer program. As a closing number all joined in reading: U lead me, Lord, that I may lead The wandering and the wavering feet; O feed me, Lord, that I may feed The hungering ones with manna sweet, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 14 SHARYN MOFFET WALTER REED "BANJO" MI ▪ 4..,.., ttttt lllllll l lllll mot llllll 41StItt lllll 140;110111144111.1 llllllllllllllllllll sm,,Att4Itts.illifitggit(t ll ll 11111 011ttfl • LI MONDAY, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 17 is VAN JOHNSON WEDNESDAY„ THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 19 'The Corpse Came C.O.D./ "HIGH BARBAREE" I n n a • a • • • • • • • • • a n 141 n • n • n a • • • • GEORGE BRENT JOAN BLONDELL • N .11)•1/4.NE ALLYSON United Church Women's Societies The United Church Women's Socie- ties met at the home of Mrs, Curtis and Mrs. Kirton. The hostesses were Mrs, James Peacock, Mrs. George Thornton and Mrs, William Nicholson. The president, Mrs. Stanley Darling, presided. The treasurer, Mrs, George Hetherington, reported that over thirty dollars was cleared as the result of the presentation of the play. A number of social evenings were planned, The aim this year is for improvements in furn- ishing and redecorating the parsonage. Mrs, Edward Johnston and Mrs. George Hetherington had charge of the W;M.S, program which was opened by the reieting of a favorite poem by the president, Mrs. Earl Hamilton. Roll call was answered by naming some- thing to improve this community; some suggestions were for all families to at- tend church; all women to be members of the W.M.S.; to discourage smoking wit:4h irritates the throat and lungs and sometimes induces T.B,; a rink for young poeple; more amateur plays; im- provements around the community hail and flowers planted in a conspicuous place on the highway; but the over- whelming majority wants street lights, Mrs, Edward Johnston gave The scrip- ture reading and Mrs. George Hether- ington read the fascinating story of Robert Morrison, an Enlishman assign- ed by the London MiSsionary Society in 1807 to go to China, learn the lan- Church News At the . rnorning service at Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. Leland C, Jorgensen spoke from the Gth chapter of Daniel, which revealed the faith of Daniel at the age of 14 years and how it never wavered, and at the age of 84 years when he was thrown into the den Of lions he was saved by the power of God. At the United Church, Rev. J. A. Burden used for his text Revelations 22:21, "The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all". A second bale of clohting from the United Church to `Save the Children Fund' will be ship- ped next week, • Young People's Union The regular meeting of the Y. P. U. was held in the United ,Church on Fri- day evening with an attendance of 16. The opening hymn 405 was sung, fol- lowed by prayer by Rev. J. A. Burden. The secretary's report was read by Kay Thompson.' The business of the evening was planning for a short pro- gram and box social on February 20th at 8.30, when, everyone is welcome. Norma Moffatt read the scripture, Ps, 9, followed by hymn 426. The pre- sident turned the meeting over to Mrs. Burden and Mrs, Johnston, Christian Citizenship, "What is good citizenship" 5. J. Elliott, presided and carried out the program as outlined in keeping with the study. After singing "The Lord is my Shepherd" Mrs. Raymond Elliott led in prayer. Passages of scripture from the book of Acts were read by Mrs. Nellie Lillow and iMrs. BLUEVALE Presbyterian W. M. S. Mrs. P. S. McEwen opened her home on Thursday afternoon for the month- ly meeting of the W.M.S. of the Pres- byterian Church. The president, Mrs. ‘OC:10) (0=0 0=0) 0 0 Westinghouse HANDKERCHIEFS State Fair ASPARAGUS CUTS 20 oz. tin Heinz Strained I • . 21c BABY FOODS ... ii tins 25c bottle Dreadnought 32c TOILET TISSUE, 3 rolls 25c Is it difficult to choose a Special Gift? Our Hand- kerchiefs are just made for that special person. In Irish Linen, • Gay Floral Lawns, Embroidered Swiss, or Chinese hand worked Linens 41.00 to $1.59 Special. Value Tip Top Choice GOLDEN CORN 21c tin Stokely's Finest TOMATO CATSUP Special Value Glengrove LOAF CHEESE 43c lb. 11110 lllll 0 lllll 1111111 lllll 0 lllllllllllllll 11011$111, lllll 1110111111 Ground Fresh While You Wait Special Value Four O'CLOCK REX COFFEE BLACK or MIXED TEA toSe lb. 1 lb. 98c 1/2 lb. 49c UMBRELLAS A necessity and Practical Gift. Plain or Plaid Rayons or Gay Plastics $3.95 to $7.50 • Tuning Model 697 6-tube, 3-band, Push-button Handsome Walnut Cabinet 41 $106.50 • o Other Models from $31.95 O ii /IV RADIO SERVICE Serving You Since 1935 O ---- Lovely New SWEATERS Cardigans or Pullovers. Pastel shades of soft all-wool. Cardigans $4.95 Pullovers $3.95 OUR, 24-lb. ha $1.19 PAT-A-PAN PASTRY TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT Size 96c 5 for 25c •••••••• CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES Size 288s 32c doz. O - 1H9me Thoughts for Valentine Giving IMPORTED FRESH GREEN CABBAG lb 7 B. C. DELICIOUS APPLES, dozen 40c Prompt Service 'PHONE 161 Two Deliveries Daily O (c)=0 40=0 Mary Darling and Delores Hamilton sang a duet. Young pelvic member- ships are available, also young people's Ins, The meeting was dosed with the mizpalt benediction. Ladies are asked to supply boxes for the social. SHEETS-- Good quality cotton, hemstitch- ed and cellophane wrapped, full size 4 3433i 33 33*1 4*33 . 4 5.79 WOOL BLANKETS Satin bound, beautiful tones of Rose, Blue, or Gold. Double bettsize .4... 41.95 to $13.50 Rayon Damask TABLE CLOTHS and SERVIETTES- Attractively boxed for gift giv- ing. Pastel tones with rayon design in two sizes. Table Cloth 51x51 with 6 Napkins • - .$4.95 Table Cloth $61(76, with 8 Napkins - ..- ... .. . . m a t Famons name merchandise by Elizabeth Arden,. Adrienne and Helena Rubinstein TOWEL SETS and TOWELS- Our largest mitt& in years. Sep, arately or with matching Face Cloth. Thisiletex design with matching cloth, set . .$1.85 Caldwell BATItTOWEL 1 . -$1.45 Large Size BATH TOWEL, in Greens Gold, Blue, Rose $1.25 Rainbow design, in heavy weight „ „ „ „ „ , „ ..85c CHOCOLATES are back-the 4'Sweeteat of Gifts" for your Valentine . . ll $1.00, $1.50 , STORE 1..••••*".7 . L •••• • . AY. "The Friendly Store" 1.10. wm.1 A. D. Smith and his brother, Joseph Smith, of Turnberry, spent a day this week in London. Miss Greta Fleming, London, was a week-end visitor at the home of her uncle, J. C. Higgins and Mrs. Higgins. Burns Moffatt visited his brother, 011ie, Who is a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London, where lie recently under- went a major operation and is making favorable progress. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Mundell and two sons, Ian and Hugh, spent the week-end with Mrs. Mundell's parents, and Mrs, William boig at Gorrie, who are celebrating their golden wed- ding anniversary. World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer service will be observed in the United Church on Friday afternoon, February 13th 3 o'clock, Arrangements for carrying out the program were made by Mrs. Earl Hamilton, Mrs. Ales, McCrackin, Mrs, W. J. Johnston, Mrs, Nellie Lil- low and mt-'s. P., S. McEwcn. All the ladies of the community are invited to attend the service. CAMERAS Are in 06a supply-Your Valentine would love one-44.a0 to 584.59 for a LINE ICODAIC Let us show them to you. il-illiommommommatm mommonanomionommitommitimolloommilionmommaimothotamonil Miss (Catherine Sanderson of London C, last week. The regional winners Little 'Theatre is a granddaughter of meet in Ottawa for the finale, Miss Mr. Christopher Moffatt of illuevale, Sanderson's picture was in the London and a niece of Burns Moffatt. We feel l Free Press oft Monday, Feb. Oth, that she belongs to Wr6Xeter and Blue- vale. Miss Sanderson was in the cast of G. H. Shaw's saint Joan, the play' ---- which won top award for London at Rev. W. J. Watt was hr Palmerston the annual regional Drama "Festival over the week-end where lie had charge, held in the War Memorial Hall, O.A. . of the services in the United Church. McKibbons liussell Gaunt arid j. Beetioit oaded a tar of 'C.I.L. Fertilizer at the station here on Tuesday. - Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Angus Falconer tin Mptulay eveniag with an Atttildnited of 20, A splendid discussion• was held on 'subsi- dies to -tanners to keep prices clown td consumers. They decided it would be better to 'have the subsidy than lave WHITECHURCH iarroets lose money on ptoduce when made was so high, and that speculators imade 'Mere money by handling grain than the producer, and that by mark- eting schemes and co-operatives and long term policies farrners *onld be able to plan 'better and fot a more am- pie income. All enjoyed progressive , euchre, Lunch was laved by the hos. test It You Want Your Love returned on the double Gift your with our HANDBAGS in leather or plastic, with the new season's smart- ness. Shoulder or underarm style. Smartness in colour $3.9.5 to $10.00 11"1111111""Illllll llllllll lllll t lllll 110111,11,1*# lllllll GLOVES Pigtex, Doeskin, Kid or Chamoisette. The finest array of colors and lengths that will please the most exacting. Smartly styled and plain or contrasting stitching $1.50 to $4.95 Smith's Economy Food Store r OA V E L EXTRA SPECIAL Coupon on Small Box worth 10c Gold Seal Fancy on purchase of Large RED Sockeye SALMON Small Pkg, large pkg. 12c 30c 2 1/4-1b. tins 39c Ti ToCHOICE UNGRADED PEAS, tin 19e ›>..) . COSMETICS 'The Personalized Gift for Valentines Day Lovely COLOGNES, PERFUMES - 75c - $6.00 COMPACTS VIA - $7.50 COSMETIC SETS $1.65 - $19.50 TRAVELLING KITS, in Leather $7.50 A $13150 111 FOR M N Gifts he will cherish and appreciate ELECTRIC 17,k2ORS or BLADE ItA20128 RONSON LIGHTEIZS $0.S0 up COLOGNES, LOTIONS, ETC. or t good PIPE, from -..- $1.50 at Various prices TIttlIN A STORE PULL OP SUGGESTIONS POF THE vALtiNtorttrE. SHOPPER TELEPHONE 161 TWO DELIVERIES DAILY