The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-11, Page 7THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, February 11, 1943 day Molt% ieet, Mrs, As, Xirton and Master Eldon, spent the week-end with the fertner's Mother, Mrs. Relph, Dlue- vale, A large lumber of friends and neighbours spent a very pleasant even, ing last week at tht:home of Mrs. Cl'eo, Walkers Markmanship Interest Revived at W, H. Se —A revival of interest in markmenship is indicated in' the com- petition which exists among students at the Wingharo High School for places on the rifle team, which the school expects to enter in the Canadian Rifle League competition. Both girls and boys started to practice on the miniature range about the first of Jan- uary, * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Gorrie L,O,L. Entertain L.O.B.A,— The L.O.L, of Gorrie entertained the L O.B.A. of Gorrie and friends, on Wednesday, February 8th, in the Orange Hall, when the following pro- gram was given: 'Community singing, Chairman's address by Rev. Butt; re- citation by Eleanor Carson, reading by Mr. W. H. Gregg, instrumental by Carl Dinsmore, reading "The Leper" by Mr. H. Herzog, instrumental by H. Cooke, a selected number from song sheet, a reading by Nellie Dinsmore, recitation by Lucille Underwood, in- strumental by Carl Dinsmore, euphoni„- urn solo by H. Cooke, quartette sang "Polly Wolly Doodle", illustrated lec- ture on Northern Ontario by H, Neil, and the National Anthem. Wroxeter—Miss Beulah Patterson of Harriston, is visiting at W. T. Mac- Lean's. Mr. Wm. Patterson of Chven Sound was home over Sunday. Mr, Ben Ringler returned to his home in Preston last week . 10th Line Howick—Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Pritchard and son Jack, were Saturday visitors at the home of Earl Johnston. Mr„ and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Lead and Alice, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg, Miss Margaret Prithcard spent the week- end with her sister, Mrs. E. Dinsmore, Belfast—Mr. and Mrs. Raynard of Lucknow, are spending a few days with Mr and Mrs. Walt. Alton. Mr. and Mr's. Andrew Gaunt, St. Helens, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherwood. Mr. Edwin Whitely of Crewe spent Sunday even- ing with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nixon. Wroxeter Curlers Successful— A number of curlers from our village at- tended the bonspeil reld in Wingham last weeg, and were lucky enough to bring home second prize, The mem- btrs of the successful rink were: G. Muir, L. Hupher, G. McEwen and Ar- chie Edgar skip, Myth—The Blyth Telephone Cystem have recently elected their executive: Chairman, G. M Chamber; Jas. Tier- nay, John Ellis 'and Gladys Fawcett, Sec'y-Treas, Mrs. Duncan McCallum and Miss Louie Herrington attended the Horticultural Convention at Toron- to last week. Dr. and Mrs. Milne en- tertained the Firemen and their ladies on Thursday evening at their home with progressive euchre and a delicious lunch. Local Bonspiel—Theihonspiel staged by the local Curling Club was carried off successfully with an entry of 17 rinks. Owing to the stormy weather there were numerous defatilts as the visitors were anxious to get home be- fore the roads were blocked. The finalists in the different events were as follows: Trophy event, J. L. Min- ogan, J. Dudgeon, H. Walker, B. Ritz, skip, 14; N. ,McLean, H. Ross, W. G. Gray, A. Wilson skip, 9. Second event Mr. Evans, W. Monk, Dr, A. W. Ir- win, F. Davidson skip, 14; Mr, Muir, L. }fupfer, G. MeEwen, A. Edgar skip, 8. Special event—Mr. Wienter, A, Carruthers, J. MeRibbote H. Gib- son skip, 9; G. Godkin, W. McKague, W. Booth, E. Small skip, 7. CHEVROLET and ONLYChevrolet sir IS FIRST I. , your local Chevrolet Dealers—and every other Chevrolet dealer in Canada — are proud and happy to make the following report to buyers and prospective buyers of Chevrolet products: Again, in 1947, Chevrolet built and sold more -cars than any other maker in,the Industry, just as Chevrolet has built and sold more cars than any other maker for the total seventeen-year period, dating from January, 1931, to January, 1948—the modern period of motor car history! Naturally, we as welt as General Motors are proud of this outspoken preference for Chevrolets, and we are determined to do everything in our power to continue to deserve this preference. We thank every person in this community for his friendship and goodwill for our organization. We are doing our level best to fill orders for new Chevrolets just as promptly as we can—and we deeply appreciate the patience and understanding of all our customers who are awaiting deliveries of new Chevrolets. FIRST in PRODUCTION, in SALES and in REGISTRATIONS of passenger cars in Passenger Car Production in 1947— atiording to published production figures. in Passenger Car Sales in 1947—according to conclusive sales records. FIRST FIRST FIRST to Produce over a Million Cars and Trucks in a postwar year, 1947, in Canada and the ,United States—according to published production figures. FiRsT sinaleTsoftaorl thPeastsoetanr1e 17 r -yCeaarr pPeroridoudct jioannuaarnyd 1931, to January, 1948—according to published figures. Needless to say, you buy wisely when you buy the product of the'world's largest producers of cars. for that is the way to maximum dollar value. Until we can fill your order for a new Chevrolet, please let us help to keep your present car iregeod running condition by bringing it to us for skilled service. GENERAL MOTORS /CHEVitOLIET #1 PRODUCT OF C.14811 WINGHAM MOTORS Wingham, Ontario Telephone 139 ,111101111111MIMMIL. High School Notes—The pupils on our roll now number 180 and we are fast reaching the 200 mark, The storm of last week, following the epidemic of measles "and mumps, seriously inter- fered with the number in our ranks. Friday night, Feb 14th, the W.H.S, is to compete with the Junior Town team in a game of hockey in the rink with the band in attendance, * * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Personals— Mrs. C. B. Armitage spent a couple of days with relatives in Teeswater. Mr, Robert King of Hamilton, was the guest of Messrs. R. H. and T. C. King this week. Miss Thompson of Drayton, is the guest of Mrs J. H. McKay. Wingham Retains Reo Trophy—The Wingham rink was a busy place on Friday afternoon and evening. The occasion was the challenge of the St. Thomas curlers for the Elgin and Reo trophies, recently won 'by Wingham rinks at St. Thomas. The visitors suc- ceeded in capturing the Elgin Trophy in the afternoon games but were de- leated by four shots in the evening. Therefore the Elgin Trophy has gone back to St. Thomas but the Reo Tro- phy remains in Winghant, Whitechurch—Mr. and Mrs. Banner- man of Salem spent a few days last week with their daughter, Mrs. David Kennedy, Jr. Dr. W. J. and Mrs. Mc- Clenaghair left on Monday for Coder- ich, where they will reside ie future.. Coulter Bras. have purchased the farm owned by Mr. Geo. Wilson on the boundary, and Mr. Frank Coulter and family will move there in a month or so. Turnberry—Mr. and Mrs, Wee Pal- Loner entertained a large oineber •of their friends and relatives on Wedtiee- REMINISCING Petional—Mrs. J. Walton MclCib- bon is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr, W. Wellwood, left last week for Manitoba and the Western Provinces, where he will act as travelling repres sentative for the Art Tailoring Co., of Toronto. Dr. J. R. MacDonald was called to Bluevale on Wednesday morning to see a patient and was not able to return until Saturday morning owing to the severe storm. Minor Locals—Saturday was the Coldest day of the winter and it is re- ported that some thermometers in Wingham registered 24 degrees below zero. Messrs. W. Armour & Son have been busy for the past week harvesting FORTY YEARS AGO Coulter-Reid—Married at the Manse, Wingham Feb. 5th, by the Rev, D. Petrie, lr. George Harry Coulter, to Miss' Elizabeth Anne Ret, both of E. Wawanosh. Ross-McClenaghan—Married at the home of the bride's mother, Kinloss, on Feb. 5th,hy Rev. W. A. Finlay, Mr, John Ross to cftfiss Addle MeCtena- ghan, daughter of Mrs. Jas. McClert- ashen, of Kinloss. next summer's supply of ice. The Wingham Advance last week entered its eleventh year under the control of Mr. T. Hall. Change in Tailoring Business—The firm of Maxwell & Hill, tailors and dealers' in gents' furnishing has been dissolved and Mr. Robert Maxwell will continue the business in the old stand, Worst Storm in Years—Railway traffic badly tied up and County Roads almost impassable. The second storm which set in on Wednesday morning of last week was the worst for this season and some people say the worst we have had in many years. East Wawanosh—One day last week Jas, Leaver and Geo. McCurdy of E. Wawanosh, cut, split and piled 4 cords of maple wood in the space of 4 314 hours on the farm of Jas. Perdue, 11th eon, of E. Wawanosh, and can do it again without any trouble. Come again 1 "n:ft bhoys." (From Twenty Years Ago Column.) FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE 1,1P.STAU40 FUNERAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 224 WINGRAM Business and Professional Directory MORRIS COUNCIL WELLINGTON FIRE insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which bar faithfully tested its policy holdem for over a century. Head Office Toronto H. C. MacLean /Immo% Agency Wingham The Council met in the Township Hall on February 2nd, with all the members present. The Reeve presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Chas. Coultes and Sam Allock. it-irately 8000 cubic yards of gravel, the Moved by Baillie Parrott, seconded contractor to supply the gravel, Cat- hy Sam Alcock, that a grant of $20.00 tied. be given to the Salvation Arnty.—Car- Moved by Benue Parrott, „seconded tied. by Sam Alcock, that Wrii, Pedeock and Moved by Sans Alcock, seconded by Harvey Johnston be a committee to in- Chas. Coultes, that the fee Of $10.00 be terview Jack Lowe in regard to spray- paid to the Association of Assessing ing cattle, and snake necessary arrange- Officers. Carried meets. Carried. Moved by Baillie Parrott, seconded Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconded l by Sam Alcock, that_ Isfetvyri Rith- by Chas. Coultes, that We congratulate $6.8a; Association of Assessing Mi mond be appointed asa reereSentative Harvey Johnston on the work he did in cers, fees $10.00; Harry McGuire, for Morris Township on the Clinton connection with keeping the 9th line street lights, $14,25; S. B. Elliott,re- High School Area Board. Carried. on as a County road. Carried. lief account $4.84 Moved by Chas. Coultee, Seconded Meeting adjourned to meet again dee. C. Martin, Clerk. by Sant Alcock, that we discontinue snow plowing unless in case of emer- gency, until such time as there is a good thaw. Those in favour of mo- tion; C. 11., Coultes, Sam Mende Bail- lie ?atrott; opposed, \Vin. Peacock. Motion carried. Moved by Sam Attack, seconded by Bailie Parrott, that By-Law No. 4, 1948,, authorizing the borrowing of not more than $15,000 from the Beek for .Township purposes es •read the first, isecorid and third times, be 'passed. tarried. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Wm, Peacock, that the toad bills as presented by the Road Superintendent be paid, Carried. IMovd by Wre. Peacock, seconded by Chas. 'Coultes ,that the rate of pay , for man and team be $1.00 per hour, Carried. Moved by Ches. Coultes, seconded by Sans Adcock, that we advertise lot' tenders to crash and deliver approx. AnO March 1st, 1948, at 1 o'clock, on rite- ion of Chas. Coultes and Bernie Pare tatth Te following accounts were paid; Salvation Army, grant $20.00; Muni- cipal World, subscriptions, $20,00; On- tario Good Roads Association, fees, $5,s Ernest Robinson, Tile for Bird Drain, $3$.75; C. W. Mona, relief account, $22.18; Myth Standard, advertising, FARM SALES A SPECIALTY , Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONT. We 4 MINIM K Barrister, Solicitet, NOWT, Etc. Money to 1.0411I Office Meyer Block. Winghani -zei‘e.a DETROIT lit FOX Chiropractor end Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 101. "reeeee' 4/100010 O tvitttorsi et pteestute:beiteto *as llhla "mokidwittiic•Der tauf etedquottere tendert rieet Irr 0+4 Cln$. of siaryiaiat woe( bed st Weedlisor AtiaMie on :Elizabeth ttrbate iiviioilOOk1046 Wind die*. Potk. Woiv0tAtiii le IstraiSI10. i. oil *theta al The 500 .woes soda 1(4161 tub and thaw*. does put ilbrichla A004 garage ifineiat atsa newt aS VI* noun . . *as verittkill 104Ist boron , tonair100* loam Seas sersoopi•ess.. H OTI.I.WO LATE RIN "744€ loodecia Vre-otee DONALD B BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed tot Counties of HURON * BRUCE AA tales Capably Handled Phone 49, s:- Ontario to Cl 40 • $14.00 DOODOI THOS.FELLS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and THE BEST OP SERVICE PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 'Wingham she sare if afoot herg0 WHEN BILL and his crew go into the woods now, they get timber out twice as fast 'as they used to. That new tractor Bill bought really handles those logs! Back in town, the saw-mill is running full Mast, taking all crew can deliver . . . And this extra activity, this extra income spreading around through the community is largely due to the fact that Bill went to see his bank manager and arranged a loan to buy the tractor ... In lumbering towns and rural hamlets, in big seaports and tiny fishing villages, bank credit — money at work — helps to increase business activity in whole communities. Your bank manager's job is to help men and women grasp opportunities and to put the bank's facilities to work for you and your neighbonrs. L. G. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER A.:11.111:Ty211 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Crofton House, Wmxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4,30 and by appointment Phone Teeswater 120,1 11415 IS ONE INSTATSCI boloCanada's 3,200 brooch Waily eeks ploy their pore ire the d life aria work of Creetentiorts. W. A. CRAWFORD M. O. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ache 150 Wittgham OR. Y. M. CONNELL • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 General Accountancy for the SMALL. BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN, And THE r&tiviER. BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE P. O. Box 74 'Pftone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- merits, Foot Techniqtre, Phone 272. Wingharn. tRAWFORD DETHERINTON Batristeta, Sandlots, Etc. Phone 48 :11., Crawford, R. S. Hetherington, X.C. YOUR til•-$. 100 MENTION Our 25 point Scientifit Examin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F N0MI Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston 111 ' • 11 I 1 , II 7 K. I. MatENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office -- Minnie St. pposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 199 Wiilglilarti, -:- Ontlizio