HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-11, Page 4Dav id Crompton • • Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 411111111111111 "Hut AND IMMO MN A61111%1104 HAPPINE SS DIAMOND 4W1001118 RIES s cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. LIFEBUDY Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom In Practically Evert/ Colour CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251. Wingham Fun'eral service was held from the M, D. Irvin Funeral Home on Thurs- day afternoon for Miss Sarah Ann D'Arcy of Fordwich, who passed away on Tuesday in her 83rd year. Inter- ment was in Fordwich cemetery. The Hockey Club sponsored a dance in the hall on Wednesday night. Hartwell Strong, Mel. Taylor, Robt. Graham and Harold Robinsah were ill Guelph on Wednesday where they attended a Shorthorn sale, Miss Dorothy Edwards was a re- cent visitor to Toronto. 4•1•.1 1.1.• Food Market Vale‘ntine Day February 14 PAGE ropR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMgS Wednesday, February 11, 1948: • ...“1".•HU.•111.1.• • imasionoununituinnummunnuonitumniaard GOMM Mr, Donald Campbell was in Kit- tilti.,4q1,14/1104mqummonpionimmkiiiim ii iiii ttttt ulloll!..1111111111•1 llll l N uality • Budget Prices Make Your Dollars Stretch by taking advantage of OUR LOW PRICES 1 n chener last Tuesday, a Mr, Campbell Magoffin of StrathroY 't• BLAT I IRO ER it accompanied by his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jas,. Magoffm, visited with Mr, on Thursday. Mrs, Perey Ashton spent the week- end in Toronto. Mrs, A, Toner left on Monday for Thameeford. Mr, acid Mrs, T. Montgomery of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery, Miss Janice Strong of Kitchener, spent Sunday at the home of her par- ems, Mr, and Mrs, Wes. Strong, A large flock of wild ducks are win- tering on the Maieland river in Gorrie and may abe seen from the Community Park almost any day, Hockey A large number of hockey fans acs companied the local team to Mildmay on Monday evening for the game be- tween Gorrie and Mildmay. It was also the official opening of the splendid new arena and community centre in the village of Mildmay. • Result of the game was (Mildmay 10, iGorrie 2, Two of Gorrie's players were unable to lie present so they were at a disadvantage. This final game leaves Mildmay in the lead of the group which includes Ford- wich, Gorrie, Moltke, Ayton and Mild- may. • United Church W.M.S. The February meeting of the United Church W.M.S. was held in the Sun- day school room. The meeting opened with quiet music with ,Mrs. Whitley at the piano, followed by the singing of "Into my heart" and Jesus shall reign". Mrs. P. Kaine presided, with the theme "The Bible for all tht world". The scripture reading Mark 15:1-9 was giv- en by Mrs. E. Whitfield. Prayers were offered by Mrs. L. Ruttan, Mrs. A, Taylor and Mrs. H. Ferguson. Read- ings entitled "Do you know facts on China" were given by Mrs. F. McInnes Mrs. K. Hastie, Mrs. E Farrish and Mrs. G. Dane. The 7th chapter of the Study book "No Trespassing" was impersonated in native costume by Mrs.-W. Tremble, as Robt. Morrison; Mrs. Whitley as cart Gutzlaff, and Mrs. Howse as Sanitiel Joseph Schereschewsky, these were in- terviewed by Mrs. Kahle, Many were the hardships endured by these men in translating and spreading the gospel. The business was in charge of the president, Mrs. A. Taylor. The roll call was responded to by 23 members. This was followed by reading of min- utes. The World Day of Prayer ser- vice is to be observed in the Anglican Church on Friday, Feb. 13th. The meeting closed by singing of "Tell me the old, old story" and the mizpah benediction. Following a sing song led by Mrs. Kaine, the social committee served refreshments. Demonstration I I Every Afternoon I THIS WEEK . • . : and Mrs. Aitcheson Wallace, Con, 10; on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, R.obt. Harrison and Doreen, also Mr, and Mrs. Earl Harri- son visited with friends in Blyth on Sunday. Mrs. Etta Day spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Ashton, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Chapman visit- ed the former's brother, Mr. Elmer Chapman of Blyth, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman called on Mr. and Mrs. Les. Falconer, of Teeswater, on Saturday. Rev. J. C. Caley will conduct Lenten services each Wednesday evening dur- ing Lent. This week the prayer ser- vice will be held at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy of Wrox- eter, are under the doctor's care at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hynd- man. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Gowdy received word of the death of her sis- ter, Mrs. Brooks, who passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lester Falconer, of Teeswater, with whom she had made her home. • The Howick Midgets played the Mildmay Midgets in the Wroxeter Ar- ena on Saturday evening, Score was 7-4' in,favor Mildmay. Better luck next time boys. Mr. Jas. Brown, of Sault Ste. Marie, has been visiting his brother, Gordon and Mrs. Brown. The Young People's Union will meet ni the Sunday School Room on Sun- day, Feb. 15th, at 8.30 p.m. Mrs. Emma Williamson and Mr. Lindsay Galbraith, of Fordwich, visited their sister, Mrs. Wm. Corbett and Mr. Corbett for a day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Spotton, Wing- ham; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pennington and Everett, Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strong, Fordwich, were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hartwell Strong on Wednesday of last week. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. Harvey Spading and hope she may soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. John Warrell, Con. 12, have both been ill during the past week Mrs..Warrell is suffering from pleurisy and Mr, Warrell from a heart condi- tion. We hope they may soon be re- stored to health. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bolton, Wing- ham, and Bruce Anger, Listowel, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anger. Gorrie Hockey team played with Moltke last. Tuesday evening in the Mildmay Arena. The score was Gor- rie 4, Moltke 2, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hamilton were Toronto visitors last week and attend- ed the Ice Follies on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Vic. Shera of Moore- field, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shera • •11 am Inamxiniquimninswommaillsolontoomonomisocommommil Lily Chicken Haddie tin 25c Catelli Kraft Dinner, box ..•23c Spaghetti, box 16c Old Cheese, lb. 49c Macaroni, box 15c Medium Cheese, lb. .45c Egg Noodles, box . . 19c New Cheese, lb. 47c I rat. Jelly Powders 3 pkgs. for 23c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR, 7 lb. bag 43c Choice COOKING RICE, 1 lb. pkg. 20c 'Quick Quaker OATS lg. pkg. 27C Red Rose KETA SALMON, 1/2 lb. tin 22c 1 lb. tin. . . . . 37c Kellogg's BRAN FLAKES, 14 oz. pkg. 20c , 1 a . St amt cn9 s ! . ., . : . . ........................................ 'MMINENT CHARIS Foundation Garment Co. trained Corsetiere for Wingham, sur- rounding district and towns. If you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable prices, call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, opposite Wingham Cemetery. Litebuoy Soap, 3.25c WANTED - House, Apartment or Rooms to rent, one child in family. Apply Nelson Cunningham or phone Advance-Times. WASHING MACHINES-Complete- ly rebuilt and painted. 2 year guar- antee, We have a large stock of parts for washers and vacuum cleaners. Hiseler Sales and Service, Phone 426 Edward St. • FOR SALE-100 acres Mitchell•$7000 half cash; 150 acres Mitchell $11000, half cash, includes milker; 100 acres Zurich $6500 all cash; 133 acres Whalen $8500, half cash. All with good brick houses, large bank barns well equipped, abundant water, hydro School busses. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. HEALTH SOAP Royal York TEA, 1/2 lb. . 47c CASTORIA, for Infants and growing children 35c INSULATE NOW With Blown Rock Wool, Prompt Hawe's LEMON OIL, 12 oz. bottle 25c installation. Estimates given with no FOR SALE-5 Chunks of Pigs about obligation. Guaranteed workmanship and material. Phone or write Huron 4 months old. Phone 625r31. Insulating Co., 117 Elgin Ave., Phone 604w, Goderich, or phone 426, Wing- ham. RUTHERFORD'S Free Prompt Delivery 'Phone 193 Wingham FOR SALE-Twenty head of Stock- ers, 500 to 800 lbs. Apply Advance- Times, NOTICE In the matter of the estate of James Donald Rae, all debts owing the firm of D. Rae & Son as at Feb. 2, 1948, must be settled by March 2, 1948. FOR SALE-Ladies Black Seal Fur ,Coat, size 40-42, bargain for quick sale. Apply Advance-Times, FARM FOR SALE - 100 acres, 93 acres clay loam, level, suitable for tractor, good stone house, fair barn and stabling, hydro available, VA miles from School, 11.1.. miles off 86 Highway, north of Whitechurch. Apply Wm. J. Dawson, R. R. 5, Lucknow. We are as near to you as your telephone-Call 193 IN MEMORIAM GRIGG-In loving memory of James M. iGrigg, who passed away one year ago on February 19th. No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain, We have suffered since we lost you, Life can never be the same. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day dear father That we do not thiok of you. Lovingly remembered by son, George, daughter, Wilma and grandchildren. TENDERS WANTED Township of East Wawanosh Sealed tenders will be received until 2 p.m., "garch 2nd, 1948, by the under- signed for operating the Township of East Wawanosh Warble Fly Spraying Machine by the hour, the Township to find gas, oil and spray material. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, for further information ask any member of the council or Clerk. Address tenders marked to: R. H. Thompson, Clerk, R.R, 1, Bels,rave, Out. Successful Bonspiel Fine, frosty weather and good ice helped to make the bonspiel held here on Wednesday a success. Thirteen rinks competed: Walkerton 1, Harris- ton '2, Listowel 1, 'Belmore 2, Ford- wich 2, Wroxeter 2, and Gorrie 3. The first prize, red wool blankets, was won by a Wroxeter rink, Gordon Gibson, kip; second prize, flannelette blankets, went to a BelmOre rink, J. Renwick, skip; third prize, scatter rugs, was won by Walkerton, W. Ti. Binkley,. skip; and the Wroxeter sink skipped by Allan Monroe, took home fourth size, bath towels, IN MEMORIAM HUNTER-In loving memory of our. dear father, John Hunter, who pass-1 ed away 10 years ago, Feb, 10, 1938. As angels keep their watch up there, Please God just let hint know That we down here do taut forget, i 'Tis sweet to remember a father an kind lAbsent from us, yet ever so near, ' 'O I iseen by the world, he stands by our side, and whispers, near ones, death can not divide. -Ever remembered by his two daugh- ters, son-in-law and. grandchildren, *.!‘tr, and Mrs. Prank Salter and Jack, Mr. and Mrs.Leslie Cuuningliam and Lois. FARM FOR SALE - In Howick Township, Huron Co., consisting of 160 acres, good hard wood bush, plenty of soft wood and timber. Am- ple supply of water, good dwelling and buildings, situated on. Wroxeter and Behnore County road, 3 miles from either village, 7 miles front. Wingham., '2 mile from School and Church, hydro available. Apply to D. I.. Weir, Wroxeter, Phone 14r3, SOITCHENER BIG-4 CHICKS-We slon't believe there are any better, Backed by a program of breeding covering many years on the Hatch- ery's own farms. We tan take your order here. Order now to get your spring chicks early - they're the. eldelse that -get into production for -the best markets, with Grade A Large and with good body weight. Wilbur Hogg, R.R. 4, Wingham. SPLENDID OPPORTU.N111-Av- erage $45:00 weekly for man or wo- man to supply more than 250 Fami-: lex necessities to the people in your neighbourhood. Write today for complete details of our time-tested plan for fast, easy, direct-to-custom- er sales. CATALOGUE FREE. FAMILEX, 1600 Deloritnier, Mont- real. ...„ . THE HEREFORD BULL You Need, We have that Bull; make your sel- ection inen our herd. Prices to suit for quick sale as we need the room. Write for information or better, call and see- them. Frank Thompson & Son, H.R. 5, Wingliam. IN MEMORIAM 41,1,••••• EXPERT REPAIRS on all makes and models of RADIOS WASHERS REFRIGERATORS APPLIANCES Vor Satisfaction, Call McGILL Radio Service 'Phone 380 Wingham CARD OF THANKS WANTED-Two or three rooms, by copies no children, furnished or un- furnished, heated, kitchen privileges. Apply Advance,Times. „ . WANTED-A Waitress. Phone 148, Wingham. The family of the late Mrs. Isabella Brooks wish to thank their neighbours. and :friends for the many expressions of kindness shown them during their mother's illness and recent bereave- ment. These expressions have been hen your kettle starts to "sing", Turn the switch "OFF" there and then. The stored heat will the water bring To the boiling point, ye ken. (and if Fora keep it free from lime, you'll shorten up the heating time!) LEWIS-In loving memory of Edwin Lewis, who. passed away _eleven years ago, February 11th, 1937. 1 . --Ever remembered by wife and sis- ter, -Ruth. 1 To those who 'expressed 'their sym- pathy in so many beautiful and practi- tat ways during our recent bereave- meat, we 'extend our heartfelt thanks. The family of the late Donald Rae. CARD OF THANKS World Day of Prayer The theme for the World bay o Prayer service in the Anglican Church on Friday next at 3 p.m., is "The Lord's Prayer". Leaders will be Mrs. S. Robinson, Fordwieht Mrs. Alex Taylor and Mrs. H. V. Holmes. Anglican W. A. The Womett's Auxiliary suet on Thursday afternoon at the home Mrs. Geo. King, with a good attend atte. The ladies worked at piecin quilts, 'The President, ,Mrs. H. Holmes presided for the devotional period and opened with the Members' Prayer, followed by The Lord's Pray- r in unison. The roll call was -answer- ed with a Bible verse in which the word power was found. The scripture lesson, Romans 18:1-7, was tcad ,by Mrs. E. Underwood, Mrs. N. Wade gave a short talk 'on the theme, "Pow- r", stressing God's power in heaven and on -earth and the wonderful power Which come to the disciples when they receive the Holy Spirit. Plans were made for the annual din- r and bazaar 'to be 'held in March. Rev. J. C, Calcy closed the meeting with the benediction. A 'delicious lunch was served by the hostess. deeply appreciated. CARD OF THANKS Carmichael's Stock Taking C learance A number of lines being cleared out to make room • for new merchandise CREPE BLOUSES, short sleeves, reg. $2.98 . . 98c HOUSE DRESSES, small sizes, reg to $2.98-11A9 Slightly soiled All-Wool Pullover SWEATERS * Pastel shades reg. $3.98 for $1.98 Clearance GIRLS' SKIRTS-reg.. lip UM' CLEARING AT $1.98 Be sure to visit our CLEARANCE TABLES for other OUTSTANDING VALUES Carmichad's Dry Goods MEN'S - LADIES' CHILDREN'S WEAR WINGHAM ONT. We are sincerely grateful to friends',i and neighbours for their -many kind acts of sympathy during our recent be- eavement. Special 'thanks to Rev. W. Beecroft and Rev. A. Nimmo, also or floral offerings and -cars loaned. The green :family and sister and-.• brothers. WANT To BUY OR EXCHANGE, -Have a prospective buyer for an, automobile agency or a farm machine; .agency or would deal his farm on its \Vm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. WHY WAIT? Why put off your' chick ordering for this spring. We. doubt if you can get better Chicks than Hillside, Canada Approved, breeders -minor= tested. Ask us for, prices and particulars, order now,, don't wait till last minute. Agent,' Prank Green, Wroxeter, -Phone NVE REPAIR WASHING 1.1XCIT, ines, Vacuum 'Cleaners, Electric, motors, Toasters,. Irons, Hot Plates, Heating Pads. All work guaranteed,: Hiseler Sales Saks and Service, Edward St. 'Phone 4261 CARD OF THANKS Cupid, himself, couldn't bring her a lovelier Gift than a Box of Valentine-packaged Chocolates front SHERBONDy S DIED RMIER-Tn Illuevale, on Tees., Feb. 10th, 1948, Martha Eraser. The fun- eral service will be held in Muevale United Church at '2 p.m., MI Feb. 12th. Interment in Wiiir4liain Cemetery. BARBOUR-On Saturday, February' ''7th, in Brighton, England, Robert Alexander Barbour, aged 55 years, brother of Mrs. Mess) W. J. Watt, Whitechurch, and of John Barbour,' Beaedon, We wish to express to -our kind neighbours and friends our heartfelt thanks for their many expressions of sympathy. Special thanks for the: beautiful floral tributes and 'to those• who loaned tam The family of the. late 'Philip Dawson,