HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-04, Page 7'Wednesday, February 4th, 1948 THE WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAO' Eommossiopliimm J J A0 47114,,t4t J WM, ll t l ittmittitilloptut llllllll ttolillii111111Mmetiptt111101.1.041M1111111‘1.04M011111.1111M,M411" a • _ffictal Starter. Used By More Farmeli N We realize our obligation when, 4:werte, 144yd: turre en odyr ndr oge vr def rre, vr lazmgema • Design and WOrittPalkithiP are rif • the finest, end our prices are VI mollt Moderate,. • CEMETERY LETTERING I ▪ All .1vIcoPorrRNptlyEDQoUn113° WENT Wingham I Memorial Shop =a 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton NOW IS THE TIME Antinal .Telephone. Meeting • The annual ,nteeting of Wroxeter 'Telephone Company Ltd., W4$ hold in the yown on Wednesday, Jan. with, president, John L, MeeEwe presided ,During the year 1,0 Telephones were installed making tetal of 407 eubscribcrs. Two directors James DollOas, Gorrie end Wm. G, Gibson resigned and were replaced by Knowlston Heeston and Leslie Doug- las, all other officers were re-elected and are 4$ follows. President, John L. lqacEwen; Viee- President, Fred Doubledee; Directors, K. J. Hueston, Leslie Dooglas; Secret- ary, Durat; Central Meeager Stuart Higgins; Central Operators, Audrey Wade and Mrs, H. I. Durat, of. the death of Rev, T. Wesley Cous-, ens, 84, former Methodist minister, whose death took place on Friday in Toronto. Rev. Cousens was at one time in charge of Fordwich and New- bridge _charge, was ordained in 1892. Other charges were 13elwoods, Walton, Westrniniste Jr Brussels, Wallaceburg, Clinton and London, Cornwall, Ottawa, Lueknow and Linden, He retired in 1929, Mrs, P. Milligan and Me, john Ad- ams were in Brockville last week at- tending the funeral of an aunt. Mr, and Mrs, Dave Draper also Mr. and Mrs. H. V. MacKenney visited Orangeville friends on Sunday. - Ur, James Saegster returned home from Winghato General Hospital, on Saturday, and we are pleased to re- port is making a good recovery, Several children in the distriet 'are suffering from mumps. Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr, Harold Townsend, whose father passed away in Fergus Hospital. Mr. and Mra, Townsend, Donald and Lloyd' attended the funeral services on Mon- day at Fergui. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Gibson were. in London on Saturday attending the Ridley-O'Rourke wedding. The groom, Gordon Ridley is a nephew of Mr, Gibson and son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ridley, Fordwich, Others from this district who were wedding guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ridley and daugh- ter, Maxine, who was an attendant, Miss Phyllis Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Holt, all Of Fordwich, Mr. and Mrs, Harold 'Ridley, and Mr. Don Gib- son, Wingliam, Mr, and Mrs. Gerry Gibson, Parkhill, MisseS Lulu and Bonny Gibson, London. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson were in Parkhill for the christening of their grandson, Darryl, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Gibson. Women's Institute Mrs. A, Munroe will be hostess at the February meeting of Wroxeter Women's Institute on Wednesday, Feb, 4th, at 2.30 o'clock. Rev. J. C. Caley will be guest speaker. Mrs Mic hel, Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Moffat moll be in charge of current events, The Roll Call to be answered by a lovely thought for St. Valentine's Day. Women's Missionary Society Owing to the World Day of Prayer the Women's Missionary Society Unit- TO HAVE YOUR CAR CHECKED AND RE-SERVICED— Than any other brand of Chick Starter. This is the reason why; SHUR-GAIN Gives Superior Quality at Lower Cost, Superior Quality because; . . , . , (1) SHUR,GAIN Chick Starter is manufac- tured by your LOCAL Feed Service Mill. This ensures FRESHNESS. (2) SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter is checked continually by qualified inspectors. This ensures PROPER TEXTURES. (3) SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter is labora- tory controlled. This ensures UNI- FORM QUALITY. (4) SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter contains the correct levelt of proteins, minerals and vitamins as recommended by the National Research Council, Washing- ton, D.C. This ensures A BALANCED FEED. Lowest Cost Because: (1) One handling charge. (2) One hauling charge. (3) No Middleman's profit. BE SURE OF SPRING SUCCESS WITH YOUR CHICKS GIVE YOUR CHICKS A REAL WELCOME HAVE THEIR HOPPERS FULL OF Shur-Gain 18% Chick 'Starter Made and Sold By CANADA PACKERS, %IMAM McKINNEY BROS. BLUEVALE E. MEE BELMORE DAUPHIN & OAR TEENIER .11.M11111.1111010•11•111 Skate Sharpening There are still enough weeks of hard Winter driving ahead to warrant WINTER SER- VICING OF YOUR CAR. DRIVE IN TODAY—and have our ex- pert mechanics do the job for you. It will pay you dividends by avoiding major re- pairs later. Wroxeter Community Association The Wroxeter Community Assoc- iation held a meeting on the evening of Tuesday, January 27th, in the Red Cross Rooms, president, Hector Knight was in charge and reported that the levelling of, sand a"nd reboarding on the local arent had been complet- ed and spoke words of appreciation to the men who had given assistance by attending a bee, The raising of the platform in Town Hall for which Gor- don Gibson had the contract will be completed, it is expected this week, through the combined efforts of How- ick Township Council and the Assoc- iation. A committee of four, Wes. Heimpel, Merwyn Grainger, Alvin Moffat. and Harold Townsend, were appointed to purchase and install new Hockey goals for the Arena. A com- munication from Mr. Somers, Hydro- Electric said the 25 extra street lights requested for Wroxeter village have been approved and will be installed as soon as materials for so doing are complete. A Benefit Dance for injured Ball Players of last season is being ar- ranged for Friday, February 27th„ the Town Hall. Meeting adjourned. Young People's Union Margaret Moffatt, convener of "Cit- izenship" planned the meeting of the Young People's Union held in United Church school-room on Monday even- ing. The meeting was called to order with quiet music by Thelma Dermy at the piano. President Jean Moffatt pre, sided and the opening hymn was Will Your Anchor Hold?" Gilberta Howes favored with a reading, "If we knew", The scripture lesson was taken from Exodus, chapter 28, verses 1-17, and was read by Margaret Moffat. Rev. U. E. Cronhielm led in prayer. The hymn a RUBBER FOOTWEAR REPAIRED ••••••••••••••1 OVERSHOES REFURRED NW you can buy... W Ingham Motors ••••••••,..11110 REPAIRS and ACCESSORIES Telephone 139 ...on our GmAc PLAN I Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars G.M.C. Trucks g s WORK MITTS and FINE GLOVES JeamIff••••••••••••. BROWNE'S Shoe Repair 6,1 WROXETER Frances Glossop, Royal Canadian Navy, Ottawa, formerly of Listowel, has reeently been given a promotion and is now Commission Master at Arms and has been transferred to the statistics Dept. at Ottawa. Mrs. Gloss- op.is a sister of Mrs. H. I. Durst and with her husband has visited here on several occasions. vited to attend this *world-wide service of prayer. Mrs, H. V. MacKenney is spending few days in Toronto where she plans to attend the annual lee Carnival. One of the best Hockey games of the season took place on Wednesday even- ing in the local Arena, when a group of Jamestown players played a local .group. Friends here will learn with regret in the exiaffil.1111111•Nork Mrs, George Newton won second prize for Ladies, Mervyn Grainger held the highest score for Gentlemen , Leslie Douglas won second prize, Mrs. H., Hamilton won the lucky chair prize. Following refreshments, a few games of Bingo were enjoyed. Reg Pacey won the special Bingo. The W, I, committee appreciate the co-operation and sup- port given them by the attendance at their social evenings, which are prov- ing to be good get-to-gethers, rangements were made to hold a skat- ing party and social 'evening' on Wed- nesday, February 11th, to which mem- bers of Young People's Union, Walton United Church, will be guests, Calvin _Moffat, Bob Cunningham and Lloyd Townsend were named a tommittee to "Fight the Good Fight" was sung. Arthur Green had charge of the Topic, I am a Canadian Citizen, pointing out the necessity of individual concern when it comes to our nation as a whole and how happy we should be to say, I am a Canadian. Rev. U. E, Cron- hielm on a half hour's bible study dealt with Christ choosing His discipels. Ar- plan games, Frances Wylie and Pete Dobson in charge of refreshments. Six- teen answered the roll call. Anyone wishing a Y.P.U. pin is asked to con- tact the secretary, Edith Weir. Calvin Moffat, convener of Missions will have charge of the next meeting. The meet- ing closed with the hymn "Land of our Birth and the ,Mizpalt Benediction. Whether Olt business or pleasure-bent, make this "Goodwill Hotel" your headquarters. located right le the corder of everything . . a block east of Woodward Avenue an Elizabeth Street, overlooking Grand Circus Park. Hotel Wolverine le atcessiblo lo all sedions of the city. 500 rooms .. reach with tub and shower. Good food. Ample parking spaces garage service also available. Neese of MI TROPICS • .. Isom unusual night ape. le Delrals . luiturloes South 5eas akstosobers. ••••••••0••••.••••• Are You Asking These Questions About Saving Electricity? Nomination For Trustees Nominations for three Trustees for the village of Wroxeter will be held in the local Red Cross Rooms on Friday, February 6th, from 7,30 p.m. to 8.30 *Om World Day Of Prayer The World Day of Prayer service for Wroxeter and district will be held in St. James Anglican Church on Feb. 13th., at 3 p.m. Mrs. 5, C, Caley be guest speaker, and Miss Thelma Denny, soloist. Miss Mary Gibson will be organist, The theme for the service Allis year is The Lord's Prayer. Mrs. H. V. MacKenney, MeS. Harold Ham- ilton, and Mrs. Frank Sanderson, will be leaders in the service. Every wo- man in the community is cordially in- ••••••••••••..... Shrove Tuesday Social The Ladies of St. James Anglican Guild are' planning their annual pan- cake supper on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 10th, in the church basement. Picture Show February 11th The National Film Board and the local Women's Instillite group are co- operating to bring without charge to the general public, their third picture showing of the season, in the Town Hall, Wednesday, February 11th., at 8 p.m. Those attending the December and January series of pictures found them enjoyable and profitable. The following pictures will be presented by Mr. Roy. The Feeling of Rejection, (feature film 23 minutes,) Electricity (Black and White, 10 rtiOntes), Klee- Wyck Story of Emily Carr a British Columbia Artist (Colour 20 minutes). Vot Home and Country. Depicting the 50th Anniversary of Women's Insti- tutes held at Agricnitural College Guelph, on June 18th (Illack an White minutes). Ttn Little Farmers, (colour 6 minutes); Eye Witness (Special promotional Notes) Poultry on the farm and sypholly orchestra. These pictures arc arranged to pro, vide entertainment for young 'and old, Musical numbers will be supplied by the W,/, Group. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNERAL PARLOUR A. WALKER 'PHONES 106 .. 224 WINGUAIVI IS IT STILL NECESSARY TO SAVE ELECTRICITY? Yes. Not nearly enough saving is yet being made, especially in the home. Result, for some time past several large industries have had their power supply cut off for lengthy periods in the 24 hours. Business and Professional Directory A. 11, !HAWN L. li. BRYCE k.ICENSED AUETIONEER WEWNOTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 Art all Canadian Company virhich hu faithfully served its policy hOlders for over a century. Head Oftite — Toronto C, MacLean instirance Agency Whigharn Tceswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office; Goitott Wrbxeter every Thursday afternoon 1,30 to 4.30 and by appointment Phone *. Teeswater 120,/ IS IT NECESSARY TO SAVE ONLY AT CERTAIN HOURS? No, it is vital to save at at-hours. While electricity cannot be stored, water that generates it can be stored, The water storage for the five Hydro plants in the Niagara. area is provided by the Great Lakes, This assures a continuous flow of water sufficient to enable these plants to go all out 24 hours a day—still there is not enough power. In 45 other klydro generating stations throughout Ontario the water supply must he very closely guarded—if too much electricity is demanded one day* the next day's power supply must suffer. This condition is aggravated by the abnormally low rain fall last Autumn. FARM SALES A SPECIAL,TY Telephone 82 Box 331 WINGHAIVI, ONT. FREDERICK A. PARKER W. A. CRAWFORD, M. H. PlIVSICIAN ANO StIROEOX General Iliorecthoeuntaney mutt ntisINgst MAN, PROFEsSIoNAI, and THE ITARIIER. BUSINESS & SERVICE S. j. Pynuit Wingluun Phone 150 MUST HOMES DO ALL THE SAVING'? Not by any means. AIL constonerc muct play their fun poi% Uodifietl rationing has to some extent reen(w! the consumption of electricity in stores and by other commerd 4 t."13, but still greater voluntary savings are urgently needed,. • .WWW00.1WWWwewevw .wwWwwWwWWW. DR. VI. M. CONNELL P., 0, Box 14 'Phone 22- LUCKNOW ONT. PAYSICIAN AND SttltdatOg HOW CAN I SAVE MORE 'air- 4,46 Don't leave lights burning in tmocznylied °ince& Turn idling motors oft, Use range elements as short a time as possible. Turn off verandah and Alt other lights when not needed. tise electrically heated water sparingly. Do not use electric heaters or grates. Phone 10 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Winghatn, Phone 4.6 H. CraWford, R. S., Hetherington, R.O. YOUR EYESNEED MENTION Avoid All Waste SAVE ELECTRICITY. Our 25 point Scientific Eitarnin- tion enables ns -to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. 1110$0 FEELS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER anti TIM BEST OP SERVICE PLENTY 01? EXPER/ENCE 'Phone 231 Whightm F 1101111111 THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER comma ONTA 10 Veterinary Strgeon Office Minnie St Opnosite and Seuth nf 'die United thittsch. PRONE 106 WittgItani, '0' rie Istometrist Phone 118 liarriston CRAWFORD & HETHERINTON Banister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Winghartt , J. It ENFIELD, LC. DONALD B. BUIE xperiented Auctioneer Litensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sees Capably Handled Phone 40. Ontario •••••••••••••= Successful Euchre Thirteen tables took part Euchre game on Wednesday evening in the Red Cross Rooms which was sponsored by the Women's Institule. ed Church will hold their regular meet- Mrs, Wm, Wright won first prize and ing one week later, Feb. 20th, in the church parlours, The theme will be "Time spent in prayer is Time invest- ed", Mrs, T. E, Ball and Mrs. Allen Munro will be in charge of Devotion- al period. Mrs. R. B. Palmer will pre- sent the Study Book and the Roll Call "A Thought on Prayer." Frierlds here learned with deep re- gret of the death of Mr, E. A. Fallis of Fordwich. Mr. Fallis has been ill for three weeks and early Sunday morn- ing suffered a stroke, passing away early Monday morning. Surviving are his wife, the former Evelyn Evans of Gorrie, a son, Evan of Tordito, and a daughter, (Lois) Mrs. Harvey liamson, Howick, OSTEOPATH Officest Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat, ments, Foot Technique, Phone 272, Winghatn, • 3.1. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. ,RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K. M. MacitNNAN .WilieWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWks