HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-04, Page 6REFRIGERATDR AND
Mad; only by General Motors
Wednesday, February 4t1, i94
Sales and Service Cars and Trucks
Save Money
1948' TAXES
Taxpayers may make payments on account of
1948 taxes up to 90 per cent. of 1947 taxes.
Interest at the rate of Four per cent. per an-
num will be allowed on such prepayments.
Prepayments of taxes must be made at the
Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall.
W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer,
Town of Wingham
Zero Weather strikes swiftly at these
* Zero weather! just when you most appre.
date safe, comfortable ttansportationt That's
when thew 7 danger spots can cause you lots
of woe —.UNLESS you hoe the forethought
to have them checked before they give you
trouble. t'leveritiort is better than cure. So
bring you: car in to our SdkV106 Department
today. Then — with everything from battery
to windshield wiper in perfect running
shape * drive with confidence through told
and sleety days ahead.
Vateeit 5ouget
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diner tubriceinis
Srvgine inne Servi
,013 ce ond
lioroutitt Check et
'ENERAL MOTORS Dealer check them
Nave the
When the king held the first diam-
ond trick, the declarer led a spade for
a finesse in an effort to establish a sure
ninth trick, but West won with the
queen, and returned the four of diam-
onds. East knew from his partner's se-
quence of play that South had just
two diamonds, and he came up with his
ace, defeating the contract.
At all other tables the three no
trump contract was made, in most cas-
es with one or two extra tricks.
Our pump here at Lazy Meadows
has a wooden handle. This particular
handle was carved out of a piece of dry
wood that I had put up over the gran-
ary . . but that's quite a few years
ago. Two bolts go through the handle
and are supposed to hold it for pump-
ing purposes quite firmly in the met-
al part.
The bolts during the years have
worked loose on occasion and have
Home Appliances
HYMN Nose Fill$
itrio-* United Church Congregational
`Tie animal meeting of the emigre
gation of Knox tnited Church, Bel-
grave, was held in the basement of the
aural, on Tuesday afternoon. Janu-
ary 27th, at 2:4S p.m. The attenii'nce
was small owing to the inclement wea-
ther and road conditions. Rev. W. J.
Moores opened with a devotional per-
iod, and read a Pastoral letter, thank-
ing the congregation for its co-opera-
lion during the period in which he min-
istered since July 1st, last, and -corn-
Meriting favourably tin the health of the
organizations of the clitirth es indica-
ted by the Animal Report. Mr. Albert •
Coultes was -appointed serenity of the
Meeting. The statistics of the charge
as a whole embracing BeIgrave -and Young People's meeting Ott &friday.
Brink churches had: shown an increase fight,. January 25th.. it being "Chris-
of nearly a thousand dollars over last tian Culture" night. H tooke AS Iris sub-
"year, due, said minister to The jeet some of the Old Myrtles that We.
,OOodriess of .GOd and the Prosperity sing. The weather was stormy and
Utilities Commission
of the _people at the present time.
Stewart Procter was elected to the
Session for three years to replace Mr.
Albert Vincent, retiring.
Geo. Johnston, R. H. Coultes, and
Leslie Bolt were elected to the Board
of Stewards to replace L. Stonehouse,.
Vincent and Geo, Afartin retiring.
J. E. ;McCallum was elected to the
Trustee Board for a period of five
It was decided to tall a congrega-
tional meeting at some future date to
consider the specifier business of the
improvement of the church shed. Other
matters relating to the welfare of the
congregation were discussed, and the
meeting dosed with the Benedittion by
the Minister.
Kenneth Wheeler had charge of the
Spoils Sleep Tonight
Surprisingly fast, VA-tio-nol works right
where trouble is to open up your clogged
nose—relieve stuffy transient nerigen-
xipn, You'll like the way brings relief.
(NOTE: Va-tro-nol is also grand for
relieving sniffly, sneezy distress of head
cola) Follow directions in folder.
ft ALA
's ELA 23 -14% 10..
She's helping fill a pay envelope.
In her kitchen?
Yest She is one of Ontario's thousands of housewives
saving all the electricity possible so that more power
can he made available for our busy farms, factories
and other Industries.
Now is she savirin electrleilY?
Right now, a delicious dinner is being completely
cooked in the oven using only one element—instead of
several on the Booking surface.
As soon as the kettle started to "sing", she turned the
switch to "off"; the stored heat in the element will
bring the water to a boil.
Such a careful homemaker uses orty proper sized
utensils an elements, uses "lace" -trr .. 'or stews, and
saves many a penny by making e.t use of stored
heat after switches have been lir:line ca.
Please save alt the electricity you coal Even the
"little" you save, multiplied by vte "i!Ftle" saved by
till Hydro consumers, will speed Ontario's growing
factory and farm production.
there were only fifteen present, A
welcome visitor WS Prof, Cook of
Blyth, who assisted in leading the
choir after the meeting, in the singing
of some hymns and. an anthem,
Keep February .14th open for the
Valentine Tea in the Co-operative
Rooms. Arranged by the Guild of Trill,
ity Anglican Church,
Mr. Walter Smith of . Clinton, sQent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Miss Frances MeCrea returned to
Byron after spending two weeks re-
ennerating .after an illness with- her sis,
ter, Mrs, A, M, Perdue,
Messrs. Graeme Anderson, 'George
Grigg and Les Vincent were in Toron-
to the first of the week,
.Mr, James McCrea of Toronto, visi-
ted his parents on Saturday.
Mr. Win, McCienaghan and Mr,
Gordon Nethery are taking in the Ice
Follies in Toronto this week, -
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler spent
ten days visiting in Lucknow‘
Mr, Stan Marks made a business trip
to Toronto,
Mr. Cliff Logan and Mr. Russell
Kelly, who are at South River, spent
the week-end at their homes here,
Mr. Gibson Armstrong of London,
was home for the week-end,
The following hand was played in a
tournament at London, Ontario, several
years ago. By co-operative and skilful
defence one East and West pair earned
a clear top score on the board.
* 7 3
Q2 10 7
et. 1032
Q 10 6 2 A 9 5 4
If-.10 9 8 N K Q 5
¤9 4 3 W E • A 02
4. 854 4 J 9 7 6
4k A K. J 8
V J 7 4 3
4* A K Q
South opened the bidding with one
spade, and became the declarer at three
no trump.
West led the ten of hearts. East won
with the queen, and then proceeded to
force out dummy's ace by means of an
entry-killing play known as the Des
chapelles Coup. He led the king of
hearts at the second trick, and when
the declarer held up the ace lie led the
five, and the ace had to go.
East knew he would be sacrificing
a heart trick if his king was covered
with the ace, but Ile was hunting for
bigger game. In refusing to cover,
South hoped that East had only two
hearts, he be as anxious to retain the
ace as East was to remove it,
The king of diamonds was led on
which West followed with the three.
With a solid suit to the king exposed
in dummy, and no sure outside entry,
there is a special form of the echo sig-
nal to guide partner when to play the
lace, if he has it. With either two or
!our cards in the suit, the highest card
is played on the first lead, with three
cards, the lowest is the first play. The
first play will usually give partner the
desired information, but if there is an
opportunity to complete the echo on a
second round, lie will have a certain
months ago it turned out however that
th e
Isvalsi t g doany a tlai nebou waltssos.
that the nots kept working loose, Then
e handle
wrapped up in Some baling wire that
happened to he bandy in the driving
X was positive that .the matter of the
pump handle bad been settled, The
wire, although 14rs, Phil suggested
that it looked terrible, _seemed to hold
the handle in firm position. I then for,-
got all about the nuts that came loose
and the'sPlit in the wooden portion of
the handle.
Yesterday I went out to pump water
for the stock. It was one of those ex-
tremely frosty days when the touch of
metal on your hand meant losing a bit
of flesh. I blithely _started pumping and
the stock came up determined to drink .
as quickly as possible and then go back
to the warmth of the stable.
WHAMMI The wire slipped . . •
the nuts flew off the ends of the bolts
and the handle That was bad.
enough but my hands went down and
the knuckles on both 3Vere hashed.
against the pump. Did that ever hurt?
Let me tell you I howled.
The stock kept believing around and
I had to turn in to fix the pump handle.
Do you think I could get those cows
Ito go back in the stable? No sir, they
came out to be watered and seemed
determined to stay tintil they did. The
business of having the pump handle
broken is enough in itself but to add
to that the stock were milling around.
I finally found a piece of scantling
that would serve as a temporary handle
and stuck it in the metal clamp and
wrapped some wire around and started
pumping. The whole apparatus slipped
out and I slipped on an icy spot and
went skidding off the pump stand. Af-
ter a couple more bad starts I manag-
ed to get some water pumped. This
was a real accomplishment but I had
to spend all evening carving out the
handle and the biggest part of the next
morning getting it fitted, Now, why on
earth didn't I do that last Fall when
the weather was fine?
Mrs. Norman McDowell were in
charge of the social activities, The next
Meeting will be held at the home of
14 and Mrs, Fred Cook with Mildred
and Gorden Carter in charge of the
social period,
Born in the Civic Hospital, Peter-
boro, on Saturday, January 31st., to
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rothwell, of
Norwood (formerly Helen Timm of
St. Helens), a daughter, Jeanne Rose-
Mrs. -Laurine Wilson accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Thompson and
Donald of Lucknow, for a few days'
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Roth-
well of Norwood.
Messrs. F. G.'and Tom Todd, Geo.
Kennedy, Ross McPherson motored to
atch Repairs
For the Present, Watches Only.
George Williams
John Street Wingham
Next to Mamie Hall
Toronto recently when the Todd's at—
tended the annual meeting of the Ab—
erdeen Angus Association and Mr.
Kennedythat of the Hereford, Assoc—
oili ...... ; pii 111*!i!etflifil; ii tttttttttt ........ 1111;0;101111fililfige.,
la Quality and Prices
The Store with the
Co operative
ioloWsmorpo tttttttttttttttttttt
(Intended for last week)
Mr. Howard Campbell was in Clin-
ton on Thursday attending a Temper-
ance meeting.
Miss Phyllis Cook and Mr. James
Book of :Goderich, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook.
Air, Victor .Campbell of Goderich,
spent the week with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Campbell,
Miss Winnifred Campbell returned
home on Saturday after spending a
couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. R.
Stonehouse of Goderich,
The sympathy of the community is
extended to Mr. Maurice Rosman and
family in the passing of his father, Mr.
Bosnian of Wingham,
Mr. Joe Brophy went to London
on Saturday and Mrs, Brophy returned
By Harry I Boyle home with him on Sunday from Queen
Alexandra hospital, where she had been
under observation for two weeks, and
we are very pleased to be able to re-
port that all tests were -negative.
The Farm Forum met on Monday
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Campbell. ,Much interest was
taken in the radio broadcast on Mar-
garine. As it was review night several
subjects were under discussion, Among
which were Co-Operative Car Insur-
been tightened up again. About six ance. and Hospitalization. Mr. arid