HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-02-04, Page 3ecia WHILE THEY LAST New! AXLELIFT JACK Double s c re w ball - bearing long collapsible handle 2.79 RUBBER SPONGES For ear washing and home use, They wash cleaner , last longer. .44 Moto-Master El MUFFLERS, TAIL and a a EXHAUST PIPES • SHREDDED WHEAT I Nestle's Condensed. 2 pkgs. 29c 4 MILK, tin 23c anitionniiinaminislinnownlininnitinaminiflonsnammannionascnnie REMINISCING FORTY YEARS AGO Minor Locals: Messrs. Wm. Nichol- son, John Wilson, V.S., Robt. Currie, Sr., and H. B. Elliott attended the West Huron Liberal Convention at Goderich on Friday. Mr. A. J. Mal- colm, successor to Mr. C. N. Griffin intends to give his customers prompt delivery of groceries and provisions, having this week pnrchased a horse CROSSETT MOTORS • WINCH. Wednesday, February 4th, 1948 TIE WINGHA111 ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE. THREn iMNI.Y.R.O.P.WpWIP400.VPm.m. Asmaismsplasw reereeneirtionimellierrinisiemll , ,,, oms? ''' '' '' ine may live long to enjoy many ears ililloilitioisingsiiiiivionciaiwilliimilillt011101114111.11101111110111111M11111% .1 Hotchkiss & ngus • 'Phone WE 'Phone I • 116 DELIVER 116 size 288s 35c doz. Size 112s 6 for 25c MN juicy size 220s ORANGES 49c doz. 1 Juicy GRAPEFRUIT m CARROTS TURNIPS •ONIONS • SWEET POTATOES, PARSNIPS •• • LEMONS, APPLES - SPECIAL PRICES Light Bulbs, 25, 40; 60 watt 15c 100 watt 20c STURM° WHEEL SPINNERS #84 and .79 Wroketer---Mr, and Mrs. rIoc. Allen of Tilsonburg, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs:Geo, Allen; Mr. Alex, Holmes of Newton, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol, 4th line, A very enjoyable) evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Harris on Friday last when they enter- tained their neighbours and friends, Gorrie-Gorrie C.P.R. Station was a place of activity on Friday when the eastbound train came in as several took advantage of the cheap rates' to Tor- onto. Those leaving here were: Mrs. Ernest King, Mrs, John ,Hyndman, Mrs, Fred Hyndrnan, Mrs. Greavcs, Mr. Norman Wade, Mrs. Blythe Mc- Laughlin, Mrs. 1-1, V, Holmes, Mr. Hill, Mrs, Carl Newton and baby, J. Earngey, Miss Howard, R.N., Robt, Graham, Mrs. T. Short, ,Mrs. James King,- Mrs. H. Herzog, Richard Mc- Grath and Mrs, Jas. McLeod. Walkerton Lost To Wingham-The hockey game between Damm's team from Walkerton, and the local squad of puck-chasers was a real fine exhib- ition of Canada's premier winter sport, The local boys played well to win by 2 to 1, The Line-ups; Walkerton- Goal, K. Leaner; defence, J. Smith and G, Wallace; centre, R. Bruder; left wing, C. Becker; right wing, R. 1 llinghousen; alternates, I. Lobsinger, II, Randall, O. Burns, C. Schnurn Wingham-Goal, Zulauf; defence, K. iSomers and R. Rae; Centre, Jack Brac- kenbury; left wing, M. Rae; right wing, H. Browne; alternates, W. Gurn- ey, J, Thompson, Ted Elliott, B. Fox, J, Wayne and J. Cruicksank. Referee, :Harris Rife, Walkerton, Quick Quaker OATS, per box . , 29c Campbell's Tomato SOUP, tin s 1 0 C TIRE RE:LIMES 1.65 TIRE SHOES .07 .12 ,16 TUBE REPAIR KITS 44 VULCANIZING KITS Everything to do the job .98 VULCANIZING PATCHES Sox of 10 42 Men's and Boys' WOOL JACKETS Men's WORK BOOTS at Pre-War Prices Men's Zipper Goloshes Ladies' Fur-trim Goloshes Ladies' and Misses' SLUSHERS Boys' RUBBERS Ladies' RUBBERS Men's Rubber Boots Boys' Rubber Boots of good health, as a mark of apprecra- S' I tion, we are pleased to enclose a clusque for one month's salary, Carried. Wbiteehurch-Mr. and Mrs, John Falconer, Marjorie and Joe of Wing- !" ham, spent Thursday with Mr. and t: Mrs, Ezra" Welwood. Mr. and Mrs. Al, Dowling of Mt. Forest, are visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Bert Reed. Mrs. A. Portion, Miss Agnes McKay, Mr. 'Robe, Mowbray of White, church, and Mt-- Gordon MacKay of Wingham, and Miss Bertha MacKay of Stratford, were in Dunnville last Wed- nesday, and sleigh to he used .for this purpose. Personals-Dr. and Mrs. A, R. McKay, and two daughters of Bottin-, eau, North Dakota, are visiting with Dr. and Mrs. A, j, Irwin,; Mrs, Mt.. Kay tbeing a sister of Mrs, Irwin. Mr. John Isbister of Saskatoon, Sask., was visiting for a few days With'his uncle, Mr. Wm. Ishister of Morris, Miss Grace Greer has returned home ofter month's visit with relatives .in Strat- ford. Malcolm-MeLerman-A marriage was celebrated Wednesday, jannary 29th, at the home of Mrs. McLennan, Kinloss, when .her daughter, WO Liz- zie, became the bride of Mr, MeBeath Malcom, formerly of Brantford, Rev, Mr. Duncan officiated, East Wawanosh-Among the dele- gates who attended the LiberaJ conven- tion on Friday at Goderich from this township were John Gillespie, GM M. Robertson, John Reid, Elisha Walker, Wm, Dobie, Alex Porterfield, • Wm, Robinson and Chas,. Campbell, Town Directory cont'd-Public School Teachers-A, H. Musgrove, Principal; Miss crock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Wilson, Miss Cummings and Miss Matheson. Board of Health----Thos. Bell (Chairman), R. Porter, Thomas Gregory, John Wil- son, V.S.; J. 13. Ferguson, Secretary; Dr. 5. R. MacDonald, Medical Health Officer. McBurney-Robertson-iMarried in East Wawanosh, on the ,lst., inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Jas. A, Anderson, 13. A„ Adam McBurney, of Turnberry, to Mary, eldest daughter of David Robertson, East Wawanosh, (From twenty Years Ago column.) Notes and Comments-So much depends upon the point of view. A tra- veller in one of the Western States vis- ited a little town where he saw a church building being moved •on rollers through one of the crookedest streets. A citizen of whom he inquired the cause said; "Wal, stranger, Pm the mayor of this here city, 'nd I go in for law an' order, We've got an ordinance what says that 'no saloon shall be near- er than 300 feet to a church,' and so I gave them just three days to move the church!"-Toronto Presbyterian. The Annual Meeting-The annual congregational meeting of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held on Fri- day evening and was very well attend- U a MOR-POWER 4,Super-Bot" Battery For Cars, Trucks, Etc. N14-Heavy duty, 15-plate, 9" long, 7" wide, 305 amperes. 3.9 guarantee. List 10,45 8,30 1523.-Super Service. 15 plates, otO amp, neplace4 all LI and IS-plate batteries 9" long x 7" wide x 8W' high. The most economical and sat- isfactory in the long run. 815.10 10.70 28 Engineered Types A specincally engineered battery for every car, truck, tractor, boat or stationary engine.. . Perm light- ing batteries, too! Enquire for prices, JAVEX, bottle 14c 16 oz. tin 19c Jack Wilson General Merchant BELGRAVE ONTARIO TELEPHONES: Brussels 141.8 Wingham-644r22 Heinz Infant FOODS 3 tins 25c 8, ....---- i MATCHES, 3 boxes 29c i @ Baking Powder ii Ws 6 Plain or Iodized SALT I a All Flavours i a JELLY POWDERS - - - 2 for 21c P Flowerdale Orange Pekoe TEA, % lb. 58c it PURE LARD, lb. . . .28c U S U S A VANILLA Extract 10c 2 for 17c Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable SOUP . . , .2 tins 19c I S U r. a Sewing MachineRepairService ALL MAKES Work Guaranteed Free Estirhates Machines Electrified Needles and Belts Agent STAINTON HARDWARE Telephone 30 Wingham For Most Vehicles a a Save Safely! TAIL and EXHAUST PIPES I Tail Exhaust Es a U I I is MUFFLERS Chevrolet, '29-32 . .:3343-4M6aster '35-39 .Do•'4d0g-e'46 11 Ford A (comp. ass'y) = Ford V8 '35-39 . '40 Chevrolet '29-32 1.70 '34-46 .... 2.45 Dodge '35-39 3.40 '40-40 3.55 Ford V8 (most 1.70 Oldsmobile '35-42 2.90 Plymouth '33-34 3.60 '35-39 .. 2.95 '40-46 . 3,55 Letter To The Editor 2.80 4.10 3.85 5.20 7.00 5.65 3.45 4.45 fit- Oldsmobile '34-46 . 5.15 Plymouth (many models) 5.20 Advance-Times, Wingham, Ontario. Dear Mr. MeCool: For Cars and Models Not Listed Enquire for Prices 1.60 U 2.45 3-7! 3.70 0 3.20 I 3.05 2.60 -11 a 3.70 3.20. F.. 1 . a I is a U S li U ed, considering the stormy weather. The pastor, Rea. D. Perrie, occupied the chair and various reports presented showed that last year was one of the most successful in the history of the congregation. The Board of Managers for this year are R. A. Hutchison, Robt. Maxwell ((treasurer), John Rit- chie, ((Secretary), Alex. Young, \Vm. Nicholson, 0, T. Hepburn, D. Currie, John F. Linklater and R. S. McGee, 'r, Gco, W. Cline was re-engaged as choir leader and Miss Eva Gracey as organist; and Mr, Hugh Hamilton as retaker. U U U SUN VISOR Fits right or lett side. Sustable-nickel-plated TO FIT ALL CARS SO EQUIPPED 3.98 Fully a4- hardware. 1,49 The contract covering our 1948 ad- vertising with your publication has been received and we look forward to .9 another year of pleasant business rela- tions. Salada Tett Sales for 1947 showed a substantial increase for the third suc ll - cessive year, the total being almost double the average annual sales from 1,935 to 1939, As we have said many -,•Lna times before, we attribute a great deal of the credit for this amazing growth to the high quality of our tea coupled with II a newspaper advertising program al- Most continuously maintained since 74! 1892. Please accept our thanks for your part, as a newspaper publisher, in bringing Salada Tea so effectivelly to WI the attention of the buying public in 1947, and all our best wishes for the me new year. Yours truly, Salada Tea Company of Canada, 1,ntii It, K. Bethel). rho WINGMAAA, ONT. 184 7' -lairs E. eurnploelf * * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Crawford's Rink Wins-Elgin and Reo trophies both come to Wingham. A. 113, Crawford skipped his Wingham rink through to a second trophy at the bonspiel held at St. Thomas. In addit- ion to capturing the Reo trophy, he al- so annexed the Elgin trophy by de-feating W. H, Smith's quartette from Owen Sound, The Wingham rink com- posed of Dr. Fortune, W. S. ,Mitchell, J. A. Currie, and A. M, Crawford, (skip). Celebration at Wingllam---North Huron L. 0. L. held their annual 'meeting in the Winghant Orange Hall, on Tuesday evening. The followhig of- ficers were elected for 1023; C. M. John Montgomery.; 17, M. Rev. H. W. 'Snell; Chaldaic', J, A. Johnson; Pee. Sec., A. G. Smith; Fin, See,. 5. G. • Stewart; Treas., Chas. Coolies; 1st. Lett.. flirt Watson; 2tut, Led., Roht. Wallace; D. of C., L. V. Cardiff. It 'was unanimously decided to celebrate, INTERMEDIATES WIN . GORRIE, ONT. i t PhOne 38-1. R. 1-1. Carson & Sort it ▪ U ...-_ IllitillilitillillitilIWIIIIIIIM3111311101 1111111111111111111111111111111V 11111111111011111 tthe Battle of the Boyne on the 12th of July in Wingham. Glenamtan-On Friday night, belt. 9th, the young people of Glenannan are presenting a play, entitled, "Mr MI-Fashioned Mother" which will be given in Eadie's Church, The charact- ers are as follows: Deborah rnderhill. Ethel Hastings; \Vhbler Bill Pindle. Mrs. Oliver Stokes; Lowizy Loving Custard, Myrtle Bennett; Isabel Shinn scoff, Jean Wilton; Gtoriana Perkins, Mabel Stokes; Sukey Pholle, MO Metcalfe; Jtihn t oderlulll. Leslie For- tune; Charlie Oulerltill, Thos. Met- calfe; Jonah Quackenbush, Normah 3Jtiir; Jeremiah Goslieg, "Jerry", 'Wil- fred Murchison; Pnoelt Rorie, Robin rampbell, Quintus Todd, Grant Wil- "2:Mrs, Temple's Telegrate-To John Brown, Phu Awntie, Picidet.m:-t ,implore you to see 711t, at mice. Hus- band must not 1:110W. happiness de- pends on you. Shall be in all ;lay wait- ing for you. (signed) Clara Temple, 99 1-1c(r1,6'x'vSilt;g1Plal/aity, toon IiI(;r gi diavle!,11 E it Town I bruoawryll 9th. Cast: H, J. Jobb, Jack Temple; t Miss Aiken Kennedy, his wife, Mrs. Jack, Temple; P. T. Nash, John Brown; Req. S. Williams, Fred Puller; Miss Eva Dawson, his wife, Mrs. Fred Eul- kir; C. li. Wilkinson, Captain Sharp; Miss May Allen, Dorothy; Jervis tut- ton, the butlers Wigson. * a * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO T. W. Platt, Appointed Nightwatch- ' matt A Committee of the Town Coun- cil selected Mr, T. W. Platt for the position of Nightwatchman on one month's trial, the duties to be assumed 4111 February 14th. By-Law No. 1044 'to appoint Mr. T. W. Platt to the posi- tion of Nightwatchman, was then read three Ones. Town 'Council Notts-Moved by Conn. Hahna, seconded by Coen, Wil- kiriSal, that We, the Town Council of Wingham send to Mr. Edwin Lewis, a letter of thanks ,and appreciation of his long services of 'V years as Night- Watehtean of this Town and hope that' Even the swirl of the 1,4 ,pipes tailt.,I to halt the soaring Rockets Saturday night as they downed the Paisley Fly- : lug &oh:Innen 9-2. Stlb-z.erit wt',ttht'r II prevailed as in Thursdays Jut nilee I game which was a detertnining faetkir in lessening the attendance. Saturday- nights contest was practically an hour late in starting, as some ,ti the visit- ant were late it: arrivitrn. With inperathres far below normal, many fans are justified ill CollIplailling. Wliell games fail to start on time, and this lwill definitely cut the attendance. It the games were 'billed for 8.30 as t'ltrotigh the week, no doubt by nine, ?the game could he underway. In the . .I Wingham-Ehnwood game, the game : was held. up waiting for a referee to il make his appearance, but tinder heavy road conditions in this case. • True to tradition the Scutchmen en- tertained with Scotch numbers, by pip- l ers aieorge MacDonalld and Stewart Muir. Starting his hockey career- at the Sage of 14 and playing his 32nd season' 'of organized hockey, • George Grant bolstered the Paisley defence, George was a former pro with the Detroit Oly- mpics, and still makes his presence felt. Ted Priglish and "Bony" Foster led the Wingham attack performing the hat trick while Templeman notched two. Young scored the Rockets other lone 'tally, while assisting in three oth- yers, The game failed to produce a pen- alty which is a record here this season. Gregg and Worthington eombined for the visitors goals. Wingham-Goals, Grob; defence, Young, Belli; centre, Foster; wings,; English, P,ilgar; alternates, T'y'ne, Hil- bert, Templeman, Lloyd. Paisley-Goal, Mire; defence, 'Grant, ! Gregg; centre, G. Reeves; wings. Pick-',. aril, Worthington; alternates, Leath, Stark, MacGregor, W. Reeves, Rolston. Referee, lz, W, Xemo, Listowell. offoodh, )66 one nom froad/elkoe Sereiv rr • 'We are proud to present the new Mercury, Trucks for 1948, There's power to Spare in the famous V-type, 8-cylinder Mercury Truck engines the "180"* and the high. torque "188"f. A spotlight feature in solid driver comfort is the new Mercury Truck cab, with its fully adjustable cab seat and back-more Hp-room, hend-toorn, leg-room-extra- wide doors-s-way ventilation. But want 'to see them for yourself, Drop in soon and check over all the many outstanding features of "The Smartest Truck Line Ever Milt". • Develops 180 it-Th. t or000 m lase D.P.M. niseatae* Ins ft:lb, tortpre at 1400 R.P.M. TnE WORK of burying telephonewares tlr placing them in overhead cable continues year after year. Today, over 4 million miles of telephone wires, 95% our total, are In cable, Sakr from storms. Service interruptions caused by weather are fewer, and still our constant aim is to provide even better service. lot only is our service becoming more dependable, but it's growing, too. We are filling orders for telephones just as fast as new equipment is available. More telephones plus more Ilependable service - and always at the lowest possible cost-mean greater telephone value for every user. TEM RELltat It2EPHOSI ANA l~tlli`FlPAIVI ti