HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-01-28, Page 619 on Guaranteed Trust Certificates Issugr) for any amount for a term of five yeaTE$ , # . . guaranteed both as tp principal and interest . Interest cheques mailed to reach bolders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound intermit. An ideal investment for individuals; com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery beanie, exeoutora and other trustees. know ids rut' sometimes ... you and your girl friend doing home work together, by telephone. But it does tie up the party line - perhaps when someone needs it badly. So please don't make it a habit . Check? utowanamillanumiammaismimollamammunomminomm Edwards Motor Sales I • that six members were received by pro- fession of faith and four by certificate, Two were removed by certificate and two by death. Mrs, Cameron Adams and Mrs. Peter Moffatt, The present membership is one hundred and seven- teen. There were seven, baptisms. 5. C. Higgins reported for the Board of Management. The financial statement was presented by the treasurer, Miss BLUEVALE Knox Presbyterian Church held its annual congregational meeting on Fri- day afternoon, Rev. Leland C. Jorgen- sen conducted a short devotional meet- ing and J, C, Higgins was elected to preside for the business period. The report of Session was presented by the Clerk, Archie Messer, showing Bosnian, for many years a resident of Bluevale, were grieved to learn of his death on Sunday, It was while liv- ing here that Mr, and Mrs, Bosman celebrated their Golden Wedding An- niversary. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Bosnian and members of the fam- ily, Roy Mooney, public school teacher, spent the week-end with his parents in Toronto, Airs. Thos, Garnlss, Brussels, who has been a patient in the Wingham General Hospital, is recuperating at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Burns Moffatt, home. e.Garniss spent Sunday at the same Mrs. Earl Hamilton accompanied by Miss Jennie McEvers of Wiugham, were in Toronto last week attending the, funeral of Mrs. Mary Copeland, formerly of Wingham, Burial was made last Friday in Bowmanville cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marshall and two daughters, Listowel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Thornton, Cameron W. McDonald, of Berns Silver Mine, Favorable Lake, 300 miles from 'Winnipeg, is visiting with friends here, also at Brussels and Wingham. Black Market Dealer: When I was a little boy the height of my ambition was to be a pirate." Customer: "You're lucky—it isn't everyone who can realize his boyhood dreams." ST. HELENS The annual meeting of the congre- gation of Calvin United Church was held on Tuesday, January 20th, with Rev. M. G. Newton presiding. Spier', did reports in all departments were pre sented. The financial report showed that $1965.37 had been raised with, a balance on hand of $451.44. In she Missionary and Maintenance depart- ment $160 had been forwarded to headquarters. The W.M.S. had ex- ceeded their allocation with $131, be- ing forwarded: The report of the W,A, showed a balance on hand of $178.19, During the year, the church had been repaired and re-decorated inside and out by the Minister, Rev. M. G. New- ton, and a vote of thanks and apprec- iation was tendered to him, It was re- ported that a committee appointed was JENSEN & CO. EXETER - ONT. Manufacturers of Store Fixtures, Displays, Kitchen Cabinets, Etc. in up-to-date design and finish If you have a problem, maybe we can help you. Give us a call. Box 166 'Phone 268j ssiminammammememommw Reileves,..., • Childi Cold- ,114-Sle .t: „o Stimulates chest and back our. laces like a warm. Ing.comforting poultice. irPenetrates deep Into bron- chial tubes with special soothing medicinal vapors, Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Free Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY ' 42 Brunswick St. STRATFORD — ONTARIO Enquiries should be left at R. A. Currie's, Wingham, •••Ip•-•4 m‹,i.'040,, • • Wednesday, January 8,194T PAGE IX "HE WINGTIAIVI ADVANCE-TIMES Amormnamonirmi••••••••11.1•00*, "SALA 'T' TH E • STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 36 years In Business Olive. Scott, showing the receipts for the year •to be over Two Thousand Dollars. The Budget Allocation was exceeded by twelve dollars, The Pen- sion Fund was supported as was the Aid-To-China Fund, The congregation also assisted in financing the Presby- terian Broadcast, 'besides the running expenses of the congregation. The Sunday School observed Moth- er's Day and Rally- Sunday, supported Missions and purchased the publica- tions, The average attendance was good, The Wernan'S Missionary Soc- iety has a membership of 20 and has twelve home helpers,The average at- tendance at regular meetings was 9. The allocation was exceeded by $12,00. The Ladies Aid Society carries oh its activities in two groups, and report a successful year from a social and financial standpoint. The election of officers resulted in a few changes. The three retiring mana- gers, J. C, Higgins, Duncan McDoug- all and Gordon Mundell were re-elect- ed for a term of three years. Frank Shaw and A. D. Smith were named to replace two for collecting the offering. Gordon Mundell, A. D. Smith and Harvey Robertson were elected to act with three former usherg. Peter Moffatt tendered his resigna- tion as trustee and Raymond Elliott was named his successor on the trus- tee board. making arrangements to haiie then Manse wired for hydro. At the con- elusion, lunch was served by the lad- ies, and a social hour enjoyed, Chrysler; Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone—Days 417. Wingham illitinamsmouninfiximisionamomaiinumisummainnu al- - Mrs. Jorgensen, W. S. Davidson and re A vote of appreciation was tendered - the organist and choir. Rev. L. C. and Peter Moffatt for their faithful ser- ii vices. A letter of thanks was read from Mr. and Mrs. Davidson for the kind remembrance from the congregation on the occasion of their Golden Wed- ding. Rev, L. C. Jorgensen pronoun- ced the benediction. Play Enjoyed Despite intense frost and badly drift- ed roads there was a good turnout for The February meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Woods on Thursday af- ternoon, February 5th., at 2.30 p.m. Roll Call, "How to Keep Friends." It is expected that Mr. L. ,C. Thompson, editor of the Lucknow Sentinel, will give an address on "Publicity". Pro- gram Committee, Mrs, Harold Gaunt, Mrs. E. W. Rice. Hostesses, Mrs. A. Purvis, Mrs. W. A. Miller, Mrs. R, Woods. H EAR PARTY LI N E COURTESY IS CATCHING... This effective special pene- trating-stimulating action works for hours during the night to relieve distress of colds while your little one sleeps. Results are so good often by morning most misery relieved old is Try vICKS \z.tionightt VAPoRuy ••••••••••••••••••••••,•,„ MONUMENTS Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the same for you. 1: Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Give right-of-way to emergency calls. "Queen's Park Report No. 2" Tfl E HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION FRIDAY, January 30 CKNX 920 Kc. 8 - 8.15 Whether en business or pleasure bent. make this "Goodwill Hotel" your headquarters. lofaled right in the center of everything . a block scut of Woodward Avenue on Elizabeth Street. overlooking Grand Circus Park. Hotel Wolverine is accessible* aN sections of the shy. 500 rooms ... each with tub and shower. Good food. Am* parking *aces garage service ohs available. Hoe* of ME TROPICS . most vernal night spot is Detroit , . . usurious South Seas atmosphere. Wm. Brownlie THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Box 373 'Phone 450 Alfred St. Wingham Inscriptions Repairing Sandblasting Memorials 25 years experience' The latest in Portable Sandblast Equipment FREE Get Your Copy of the NEW FARM ACCOUNT BOOK at Your Local Post Office A family plot should be graced with the shrine-like beauty of a monument which will be ever- lastingly a tribute to those at rest. We have many classic styles to suggest, and will work with you on custom designs. All Work Personally Executed PLAN WASHDAY TO SAVE I the concert and play sponsored by the Woman's Association of the United Church, in the Community Hall on Friday night. Rev. J. A. Burden was the chairman. Music was supplied by the Smith Or- chestra. Vocal solos were sung by Miss Phyllis Hamilton and Mr. C. Hoffman. Readings by ,Mrs. J. A. Burden and Miss Duff, several numbers by male voices were enjoyed. A one-act play entitled "Sewing for the Heathen" was presented by mem- bers of the society. The scene was ht Mrs. Judd's sitting room and the cast was as follows: Mrs. Judd, the hostess, Mrs. W. J. Peacock; Mrs. Chesty, The President, Mrs. Joe Smith; Mrs. R, B. Powers, A stranger, Mrs. Carl Johnston; Grand- ma Gibbs, Deaf but very persistent, Mrs. Alex McCrackin; Miss Luella Huggins, So Sentimental, Mrs. Jim Johnston; ,Mrs. Strong, A Suffragist, Mrs. W. J. Johnston; Mrs. Meeker, Gentle and Good, Mrs. Stanley Dart- ing; Mrs. Day, A Bride, Mrs. Spading Johnston; Meely, a Hired tiirl, Mrs. George lletherington. The play was humorous throughout. The tharacters were well chosen and each one acted her part in the best pos- Mbie way to the enjoyment of all pres- ent. At the morning service in Keox Presbyterian Church, Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen spoke on the theme "The Second Temptation of Christ, showing that we Must understand scripture and be able to quote it in order to repulse temptation. Christ was tempted like as we are, yet without sin, Major Clifford Hetherington of the Salvation Army at Sault. Ste. Marie, and who was the spiritual adviser in constant attendance on Edgar Simons, 19 year-old youth,, executed at Sault Ste. Marie, on January 21st., is a son of Christopher Hetherington, Bluevale Road, During the past week fire caused front an overheated stove pipe, almost destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Ruttan, 1st. concession of Morris, The ready response of neigh- bouts had the flames 'quickly under control but not before a considerable amount of damage had been done. Many in this district were interested in recent radio broadcast, when Rex Frost introduced Frank Sharpe, of the Department of Lands and Forests, speaking on the subject of Conserve- , tine of Forests. Mr. Sharpe is well.' known here, his wife being the former Nellie May McKinney of Bluevale, stow residieg in Toronto. The Many friends of the late Mr. You'll like this NEW Farm Account Book. It's so simple and directi You don't have to be a bookkeeper to use it. A few minutes each week are enough to set down your farm transactions—the money you receive or the money you spend. At the end of the year, it will give you a clear picture of how you made or lost money. ELECTRICITY! ilves Money for You able to charge the loss against the profits of the previous year or the'next three years as shown by the records you' keep in your Farm Account Book. You won't need to pay an expert to prepare your Income Tax Return if you have this book, tech account is numbered to correspond with the items on the Income Tax Return. You will also find the Account Book useful in keeping yOur records, even though you ate not liable under the Lacoste' Tax Act. Answeri ;questions you want to know about Income Tax. too. Everyone with a taxable income must file an Income Tex Return on or before the 30th day of April in each year, showing his total income for the preceding year. The Farm Account hook enables you to take advantage of all the deductions and eitemptions. Provides a record from which you can average your income over a three-year period. If you ate liable to taxation under the Income Tax Act and have a year of loss, you will be • Never before in their history have Ontario's industries and farms been producing at such a high level. More electricity is needed to serve them, Will you help? On washday, for instance, it is easy to save electricity. Soak clothes at least 15 minutes before you turn on the machine, to reduce washing time. Use only enough warm water to fill tub to water line. Do not operate longer than necessary. If water is heated by electricity, Use warm water in first rinse only. Watch the electric iron and other appliances. Turn them'OFF when not in use. Save electricity in every way you can. Get Your Free Book Now Don't delay. Your local Post Office has an Account Book for you. Get it now. It's important that you have it to •start the new year. Get the benefit of all allow. .ances that the law permits. Profit from the knowledge gained from keeping proper records. It's free—and you Will find it most useful. Call at your Post .01fice At the first opportunity for your Account Book. Wing am DEPARTMENT Of NATIONAL REVENUE (Taxation Division) Utilities, Commission