The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-01-21, Page 10s VAGE TM.," THE WIN GHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, January 21, 1948 Mr, Thos. Olirafka of Elmira, spent the week-end with his parents. The Young People's Union will meet at the .home of Patricia Strong on Sunday, January 25th, at 8,30 p.m. Kathleen . Cathers and Joyce Thornton will have charge of the program, We are sorry to learn that "Mrs, Robert Cathers and Mr, John fiynd- man are Under the Doctor's care at present. Mr and Mrs, Geo Brown were in Kitchener on Wednesday, Two rinks of curlers were at Har- riston on Monday taking part in the Bouspiel. They were Ben Maguire (skip), Jack Cathers, Ken Hastie and Art, Stephens, Geo, Gallaway (skip), Wes, Gallaway, Harold King and Mil- ford Nash, The first rink were win ners of the third prize of an electric toaster for each. The Annual Vestry Meeting of St. Stephen's Anglican Church will be held on. Thursday evening at 8.15 in the Orange Hall, After the business meet- ing lunch will be served and a social time enjoyed. Miss Eleanore and Mr. Norman Car- son spent several days last week in Toronto. LYcqg-11176,7 -1Z BAPTIST CHUM E Rev. 0..,l,,Coupland, Pastor KINGS Jan. SPECIALS MO▪ N., 11.1M. 11 a.m.,-,"Christian Charaeteris- ties" • 7:30 p.ra.-"Natlab and Ahihu" TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 7.30 MATINEE Saturday Afternoon at 2.00 p.m. OOOOOOOOO 111111111k A Hearty Welcome Awaits You 011MMI FRI., SAT., JAN. 23.24 ••••01 MEMO ..101M ••••I•11 Mow., •••••• "lint she that livetli in pleas- ure is .dead- while she liveth".- I Timothy 5:6. "Tartan and the Huntress" IM▪ MO 1,0111.. OlIMM= 01.1.1 IN▪ IONN •=mik JOHNNY MEISMULLER BRENDA JOYCE MINIMS 101.11.1111. OOOOO ....... I .... I llll I q 1.".",1,,...11111„11.11.11,1.11,1lllll 111111111.111111111 llll llllllllll l HM1811111111 THE Salvation Army Sunday= 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting. 2:30 Rm.-Sunday School. 7 p.m,-Salvation Meeting. Tuesday- 2•;30 p.m.-Home League. 8 p.m.-Youth Group. Thursday-. 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting, Captain C. R. Goodwin, Commanding Officer Outstanding Values MON., TOES., JAN. 26-27 "HONEYMOON" 111..1 11•1•1•• O11.1.1.9 in our SHIRLEY TEMPLE GUY MADISON Ready-to-Wear Dept. 11110011,1111 .111.11111 WED., THURS., JAN. 28-29 "Beginning or the End" MMM, MUM. • Girl's Auxiliary Miss Myrtle Short opened her home for a meeting of the Girls Auxiliary of the Anglican Church on Friday evening, Miss Edith Dinsmore, presi- dent, opened with prayers, Mrs. Caley read the Scripture lesson, Matt, 13, 111•1111=1 20% REDUCTION BRIAN DONLEVY ROBT. WALKER /MUNN MEMO •1111/1. 01101Mi or More, offered on all listed items. Your opportunity to make worthwhile Savings GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Clif Cook, Vern and Na- dine, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Cook of Clifford, The Anglican W,A. will meet on Thursday afternoon in the Orange Hall. A full attendance is requested as there will be a quilting. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard King and family of Listowel, were week-end vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs, Steve King, Mr. Ken Watson was in London last week. The W.M.S. will be quilting several quilts in the basement of the church on Thursday, January 22nd,, at 1 p. The ladies are asked to bring to this meeting any second hand clothing for Western Europe Relief, as the need is great. All the ladies of the congrega- tion are invited and urged to attend. Mrs. George Newton and Mrs. Wes. Newton of Wroxeter, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chapman on Satur- day. Don"t forget "Family Night" which the Community Club are holding on Monday evening, January 26th. All are invited and ladies are asked to please bring lunch. There will be motion pic- tures, a short program in commemor- ation of Robert Burns birthday, on January 25th., and old time (lancing at the close. Come and enjoy the com- munity social evening to which there is no charge. Maurice, Jean and Bill Wallace, of the 10th .con., East spent Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McGuffin. Mr. Mac. Hutchison, Chesley, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutcheson, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hyndman visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Young, Harriston, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Musgrove, and Burgess Radio Batteries 0,11.••• 11.1•110 1111111 MEM lomm. .1021.1 mom. 11.10•111. • • GIRLS' PLEATED SKIRTS All-wool Plaids, warmth and smart styling. 8 to 14 years. 20 per cent. reduc- tion. Regular $5.95 Special $4.69 GIRLS' WOOL PLAID DRESSES Made with attractive VelvetTrim.$9 6.85 for .to $125.4 years.9 20 per cent. reduction. Regular GIRLS' ALL-WOOL CARDIGANS in Blue, Grey, Red and Yellow. Sizes 8 to 14. Special-$2.69 LADIES' FINE BOTANY WOOL and RAYON HOSE Full fashioned and latest shades-SPECIAL 98c SPORT WEAR IN WOOLLEN GLOVES, MITTS, ANGORA GLOVES, After-Ski SLIP- PERS, WOOL SCARVES and SQUARES - 20 per cent REDUCTION! MEM 1.011. .11111. ••••••• 111101121= OMEN. Recognized by their Stripes- 11.101111.1, 11.0 m,•Nmix, OMINO• Remembered by Their SERVICE ! !Malin* •••••• ONIMIN Regular $3.95 •11.1111n 11•10 111=MMK IMMUNIZE with Hemorrhagic Septicemia d tB s II 11 PAID i SERVICE 1111.1. 11•11•11116 MINNOW ••••••I•1 We carry a full line of Serums and Bacterins prepared in the labora- tories of Sharpe & Dohme Chemists. Girls' Fleece Bloomers CHILDREN'S FLEECY Elastic Tops and Legs Cotton Sleepers Peach or White. Special at 49c Natural Tone. Reduced to 89c Ladies' Flannelette Pyjamas Pink or blue, long sleeves, lace trim. Special - $2.95 1.111.111. ann. anon, mellow CATTLE ABE VALUABLE 11=.1•1. Serving You Since 1935 111•II••• 11.12•10, 11,10.10 .1.1.11111•1111•1, First Aid Remedies for your Pets Geo. Bell's Cat Powders 25c Geo. Bell's Condition Powders for Dogs 30c Justrite Canary Foods and Treats Seargeant's Remedies for Dogs. Ask for First Aid Books and Pamphlets memiiimmimommiam on the many and varied products in our Animal and Pet Dept. 1-13, Mrs, W. C, King read the first chapter of the new Study Book, "First Canadians". After discussion of busi- ness matters the benediction was pro- nounced by Rev. j. C. Caley and a dainty lunch was served by the hos- tess. home of Mrs. Wilfred King on Tues- day Jan. 13th., with a splendid attend- ance. The meeting opened in the Us- ual manner with Mrs. P. Ashton in the chair. The minutes were read and a financial report given. Twenty-two Christmas cheer boxes had been sent out and many notes of thanks were read, "Money was voted for Aid to Children Fund. Mrs. Glenn Johnston was appointed leader for the Garden Brigade, The Motto, He who has books never lacks a friend was read by Mrs. Vogan. Mrs. C. Michel gave cur- rent events. Erland Gregg gave a re- port of her course in Horticulture at Guelph during the Xmas holidays. Er- land was one of the eight girls to be chosen from the province. Mrs. A. Stephens gave a splendid talk on Can- adian Literature taking as her subject, the poetess, Patilene Johnston, who was the daughter of a Mohawk Indian Chief mid his English wife and was born near Brantford, Out. The poem, "The Song My Paddle Sings" won her fame, her works are well known and loved ant! Canada can be proud of her gift to Canadian Literature. Mrs, Norman Wade gave a talk on Canadian Musk, Canadian Musicians should be encouraged as they are all too few. Among the most outstanding of our Canadian musicians is Sir Ern- est MacMillan, One Canadian woman has the high honour condusting her orchestra at Carnegie Hall,N.Y. Music features are growing and should be given every support and there is no, power like music in the church. The Roll Call was a New Year's lie- solution. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. King and Mrs. Fred Hyndinan, and 4 social half hour was enjoyed. Emma 11•••••• 111▪ 11.1.= Sim▪ ms mom. 41•••••• LADIES' HATS OMNI. 11.11111.11 11•111•111M11 1.01,10. 111•••1 1.•=1, United Church W.A. Mrs. Gordon Edgar was hostess for the W.A. meeting on Thursday after- noon with the new president, Mrs. Harvey Sparling taking charge. The . hymn "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me" was ! sung followed with prayer by Mrs. H. Ashton. Mrs. P. Kaine read the 23rd. psalm as the scripture reading. Mrs. M. Irwin, Mrs. T. Douglas and Miss Margaret Dane gave interesting read- ings suitable for the first meeting of the New Year. "All the way My Sav- i ourr Leads Me" was sung, Many thank you cards were read front those, receiving Christmas boxes of cheer. An interesting discussion was held on ways and means to encourage others to attend our meetings, There were 18 members atul 1 visitor present. Mrs. Irvin offered her home for the next meeting. "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpali Benediction. Ltinch was served by Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Ir- win. Your opportunity for a marked saving. Smartness and quality and outstand- ing styling Immunize against Hemorrhagic Septicemia with HEMORIIIIAGIC SEPTICEMIA BACTERIN 1•••••• MINN. 11.111.• 11.1=11.11• To Clear at 50% REDUCTION .111.1.1•• SEM. im/an. =▪ 1•11n •••••• .1.11••• Yuman .11,1111.• 111•••••- • MIME 1.111111.1, WENN. MEMO 4m•••11 411.111,0 mom. 1.1=1111 *MEM Everyday Necessities 11111•1•8111. 11.111•11. Mo. 411,11,11.1 1111,11 .12111. It will pay you to check items listed here. All Items at 20% or more Reduction. =WO =IMO McKibbons Hot Dish Pads Sets Four different sizes and a variety of colors, protects your table, keg. $1. for 79c YARN in Beige, Pink, Blue. 3-ply for fine hose or sweaters.-SPECIAL 45e oz. Plastic and Plastic Materials In Drapery Patterns, in Checks or plains. Reg. to $1.39 yd. SPECIAL 79c per yd, Floral Table Cloths Gay, colorful designs and tub-fast colors. From bridge set size to full table size. ALL REDUCED 20% Printed Luncheon Sets 36 x 36, pretty floral patterns with four matching serviettes, $1.25 and $1.49 for .$1.19 and 99c Guest Towels Hundreds of attractive Guest Tow- els, dozens of designs. To dear- 55c each VALENTINE GREETING CARDS are on display Send the kind you like to receive - RUSTCRAFT "Cards of Character" "SAVE with SAFETY at the REXALL STORE" Gerrie W.I. The regular meeting of the Gorrie VOrrietN Institute was held at the Paramount Fancy tall tin KETA. SALMON „. 39e TELEPHONE 161 % lb. 2titret Sunflower Fancy PINK SALMON . Gold teal Fancy V4lb. tin Red Sockeye SALMON „. 23c 11•1211M. WPM. .1111MON MINIM morn vmmel EXHIBITION GAME KING DEPT. STORE 1 Ehmounmimminintomommommillommoommummommimmummummopmunumnii jolinsort's GLO-COAT Two DELIVERIES DAILY Self Polishing WAX . 59c MINIMS mith's Economy Food Store Aylmer Fancy 2 Ige. this PUMPKIN 35c Paced by Krawenchuck former Ed- monton Star with three goals the Wal- kerton Capitols downed the Wiugham Rockets here Saturday night in An ex- hibition debut 9-5. The Walkerton Cap- itols OHA entry, are in first place in their group, and ice a well balanced team, with Silk performing 6,tception- ally gbod in goal, 'Umpire feature of Saturday's tussle was the appearance on the ice of Lett and Doug Trustitt- ki, a father and ,Son combination, with Len 'Showing plenty of hockey yet despite his years.-' For Wingliam, Nellans mid ilartliff of the Clinton Colo performed on the defence with Calhoun on forward line, and gat- cred among the three of them four goats and one. assist,. Edgar notched Winghates Other tally itt a °SU frOM "The Friendly Store" .1▪ ..1011 19c McCormick's or. 11b. pkg. Tip Top Choice Quality PEAS 20 oz. tin Weston's SODAS „ 2•9e Colernan't PURE LARD 1 lb, .. 2k Campbell's tin TOMATO SOUP lle 3 tins 25c 65c HEINZ ,'BABY FOODS--(AUXbuls) Underwood. Only four penalties were handed out by Frank Kemp of Lis towel. Walkerton, Goal, Silk; defence, Caruso; Marshall; tented; Craig; wings, D. 'Trnshittski, Moos, alternates, Potts, Krawenchtteli, MacDonald, Me- Carter, Gable, TruShinski; sub- goalie, Austen, Wingham, Goal, McLeod; defence, Nellans, Emilia; centre, Foster; wings, Rat, English; alternates, Pym, Templeman, Pell, Edgar,,, Cal- houn, UndetwOdd; Sub-goalie, 'GrtiVes, Referee, Frank Kemp,, Listowel. Summary First Period 1. Walkerton, Krawencliuck, (Mac Donald) 212, 2. Wingbatri Xellaus, (Rae) 20 S. Walkerton, KraWentliuck witigtliam Edgar (Underwood) 17;f 5 Walkerton Moos (Craig) 15.08. G. Walkerton D. Trushiriski, (Craig) 18.01: 7. Walkerton Itravtenchuek (Potts) 1946, Penalty, McCarter. Second Period, Scoreless. Penalties, Carftso, English. Third Period 8. Witighani, Earthff, (Poster) 2.06 9. Wingliatri ttartliff (Calhoun) SOO 10. Walkerton, -Marshall (Krawett ihttelc) '4.28, 11. Walkerton Care* (14 Tritabbiski) 8.40 12, Walkerton Craig (1). TruShinski) 6.65, 18. Winkhatii Calhoun (CH111,00 12,115 Le 1.4i,vv:titkteton ,Cattisti (Usrallall) Penalty, kfaitenoinicit .Rex Fresh Ground COME 11b. Spe je tty:flue! VEGETABLE SOUP Tin 10c Special Value! MAPLE LEAF CANADIAN CHEESE y lb pkg. 23c tint 19c VatiCartni PORE: -8r BEANS Special Value! DELtrkt JELLY POWDERS 2 pkgs. 190 Ready-Cut 2- lbs. BMX MACARONI .- 25t blinds .tparkle 'With Pltt, D1EPT llll llllllllllll ............ TIP MP. Va0eY 20 or. tin 'TOMATO'JUICE 14c Size 288s ORANGES clot, 29c Site '99s GRAPEPRUIT, 5 -'26c WAXED TURNIPS lb. Oe