The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-01-21, Page 7ed44 ao #row (wile THROUGH THE YEARS, neither time, effort nor ex. pense has been spared to give you clearer, better tele. phone service. Indeed, today'sotelephones are actually four times as clear and free from noise as those of not so many years ago. You get more service, too. We're completing unfilled orders - just as fast as we can get the necessary equip. ment. And as more telephones are added, it means more people whom you can call-more service, clearer serv- ice, and always at the lowest possible cost. Altogether, telephone users today get greater value than ever before. Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Free Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY 42 Brunswick St. STRATFORD - ONTARIO Enquiries should be left at R. A. Currie's, Wingham, Sewing MachiseRepairService ALL MAKES Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Machines Electrified Needles and Belts Agent STAINTON HARDWARE Telephone 30 ' Wingham HOUK COUNCIL The Council met in the Clerk's Of- fice, according to Statute, the members elect were all present and took the nec- essary Declaration of Office as follows; viz. John Winter, Reeve; Elmer Par- rish, Deputy Reeve; E. H. Strong, Harold Gowdy and Warren Zurbrigg, Councillors, The business of the Coun- cil proceeded with the Reeve, John Winter in the Chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of Zurbrigg and. Strong were adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Farrish and Gowdy that the Collectors Roll be returned at the February meeting. Carried. Moved by Farrish and Strong that the County Treasurer write off the fol- lowing properties, Kate Pope Estate, Lot W 7 Centre Street, Wroxeter; Jas. Rinn Estate, Pt. 30, Concession 4, both owned by the Township of How- ick. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Gowdy that the road accounts as approved be paid. Carrie. Moved by Gowdy and Strong that we continue to plough the roads in the Township of Howick until such time as the Council deem it necessary to dis- continue, Carried. Moved by Farrish and Zurbrigg that By-Law No. 8 of the Township of Howick for the year 1948 as read the third time be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Parrish that the following accounts be paid. Car- ried. Relief, $106.51; Harry Barnard, re- fund dog tax, $2.00; Ed. McCallum, refund dog tax, $2.00; John Falconer, wood, Gorrie Hall, $36.00; John Fal- coner:wood Wroxeter Hall, $72.00; Donald Townsend, salary Caretaker, Wroxeter Hall, $55.00; Repairs, $1.96, $56.96; Harris Stewart, Cleaning Ford- wich shed, $6.00; Bob Campbell fill for Branch G, Drain 10, $40.25; Dr. L. N. Whitley, Medical care and trip to Lis- towel, re Mrs. Harper, $20.00; The Municipal World, question answered, 50 cents; J. H. Shannon, Legal advice, $20.00; Treasurer County of Huron, Hospitalization Mrs. M. Newton, $20.- 25; Wingham Advance, Ads for Vot- ers' List and Nomination $7.15; Wm. Adams Sr., refund Dog, Taxes, $4.00; G. B. MacDonald, Fees and expenses on drains, $75.00; Dominion Bank, charges collecting taxes, $2.80; Royal Bank, charges collecting taxes, $5.45; P. Durst, 0.A.P,, $15.00. Moved by Zurbrigg and Parrish that this Council do now go into Committee of the Whole to regulate salaries and appoint officials. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Parrish that this Committee do now revert to open Council. Carried. The Committee reported as follows: Salary of Caretaker, Twp. Hall, Gor- re, $70.00; Member of Board of Health, $6.00 each; Secretary of Board of Health, $15.00; Live Stock Valuator, $2.00; per trip; Caretaker of Township Hall, Wroxeter, $55.00; Sanitary In- spector, $2.00 per trip; Grader Open. ator, 61 cents per hour. Caretaker of Township Hall, Gorrie, to be Elmer Downey; Member of the Board of Health, Norman Clegg along with the,,,Reeve and Clerk; Secretary of the Board of Health, P. L. Durst; Live Stock Valuators, Jas. Douglas and John The Most Popular Thoroughfare in Town Your Weekly Newspaper The Most Effective Medium Through Which Advertisers Sell Their Goods-Take Advantage of it! Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 110 to 4.80 and by nppointment. Phone Teeswater 1203 No. 34 The Wingham Advance-Times The regular meeting of the Turn- berry School Board was held in the Wingham Town Hall on January 8th, 1948. All members present. Mr. A. D. Smith was appointed Chairman for 1948, on a motion by Willits and Foxton.-Carried, Mr. Smith. then took the chair, wel- comed the two new members to the Board, and proceeded with the usual business. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, on motion by Kirton and Willits. Carried, Letters were read from the follow- ing: H. C. MacLean, Herb. Paxton, Mabelle Dunkin, Dave Hutcheson, The following accounts were read and On motion by Willits and. Hardie, were ordered paid. Carried. Teachers' salaries; Receiver-General, Income Tax, $34.05; Mrs. Fred Sell- ing, caretaking, $15.00; Mrs. Vera Sch- neider, caretaking, $17.50; Stainton Hardware, $9.05; Mrs. Gertrude Snell, Dec. Transportation, $28.00; C. Lloyd & Son, plywood, $1.09; Howick Mutual Fire Insurance, $9.50; H. C. MacLean, on School Persotmell, $103.58; Gordon Wray, Truant Officer, $25.00; Hugh12o..o Gilmour, Transportation, Dec.,$ Mr. Harry Bateman. waited on the Board re transportation to Wittgliant School. No action was taken, Motion by Wins and Paxton that Gordon Wray be appointed Truant ()Meer for 1948, (Carried.) Motion by Kirton and Foxton that Alex Corrigan be hired as Sec, Treas. for 1948 at a yearly salary of $300.00. (Carried). Motion by Kirton and Hardie that we advertise for tenders for wiring U. S.S. No. 4, Bluevale, (Carried). Motion by Willits and Kirton that we advertise for tenders for wood for 1948. (Carried). Motion by Willits and Kirton that meeting adjourn anti that we thee again February 19h, 1948. in the Wingham Council Chamber at 2 p.m. Carried. A. D. Smith, Alex Corrigan, Chairman Sec. Treas. PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS By Harry 3, Boyle The Manager of our total bank it known as b-eing a rather hard Vitt to get money out of. Nobody 'particu- larly blames him, He can't have, too many bad debts on his bObks or else K. M. WIENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office - Minnie Et. Opposite and tenth of the United Church. PHONE 198 Winginun, 4- Ontario L. O. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONT. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Tethnique. Phone 272, Wingham. atassesso, ill FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, CRAWFORD HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. Crawford, K.C., R. S. Hetherington, It.C. DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Wee Capably Handled Phone 49. Ripley -:. Ontario PAGE Wednesday, January 21,1948 rEN TNT WINGFIAM ADVANCE-VIVIES ridge; 11. Dorothy Lawless, There are. three vacancies, The next regular meeting will be on March 4, at 2 in the Township Hall, W. it. Sholdice, . R, S. Shaw, .Chairman Secretary, "ow at 40,50,60?If Man, You're Crazy Mee fwi Ora feeling duce eoluy to body's leek of Iron which many men and women cell "old." Try Ortrez Tonle Tablets for pep. younger feeling, tide very day. New "get acquainted.' else only bOa. For gale at all drug stereo averywhore. he just won't be there to hold down the job as manager. There isn't much sen- timent in our ,hankin.g system. It being the end of the year and having some business to attend to, such as Paying the interest and straigtening up the mortgage and looking after a Payment on insurance I dropped in to see hint, There was somebody in his office so I waited outside his office door, Soon, a man walked out and pod- ded to me, It was Toni Farnoon, the cattle drover who had been rumored as being in a bit of trouble, Tom, an ex- politician was inclined to play the stock market abit, Everybody liked hint, but some people were saying that he was a little slow in paying for the last two shipments of stock he had sent to the market in Toronto. When I walked into the bank man- ager's office, he nodded to me and sat quietly looking at his desk for awhile, I knew he was thinking about some one thing in particular and didn't disturb him, Finally he said, "Phil, I was born on a farm. We didn't have any money and my father never seemed able to get along. One day a car drove in the lane- way. A car was a novelty to me, be- cause we didn't have one. This was a limousine with a chauffeur and while the man went in to the house to see my father, I just sat in my bare feet and dirty overalls and stared, It was certainly a wonderful car with a glass between the driver and the back seat and a little telephone between. "The man came out and got in the car. The chauffeur started the motor. The car was just driving off when the man in the back seat leaned out and said, "Son, do you like this car?" I could hardly speak. The man laughed and asked me to get in, I was afraid to at first but finally did. Then the man said, "Pick up the speaker there and tell the driver to go around the Save Money by PREPAYING WINGHAM Town of WINGHAM 1.948. TAXES Taxpayeis may make payments on account of 1948 taxe'S up to 90 per cent. of 1947 taxes. Interest at the rate of Four per cent. per an- num will be allowed on such prepayments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham block." We rode around the block and no millionaire could have been as happy as I was, we drove back and he dropped me at the gate. I have never forgotten that." He paused then and looked at me. "Phil." he said, "That man who just walked out the door was the one who ...11•1•111 Innommommoimrest, fnE HELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA JENSE?' & CO. EXETER - ONT. Manufacturers of Store Fixtures, Displays, - Kitchen Cabinets, Etc. in up-to-date design and finish. If you have a problem, maybe we can help you. Give us a call. Box 166 'Phone 268j did it. He didn't remember me. Six banks have turned him down on the matter of a' loan. I gave it to him. No man who could be as kind as he was to that dirty kid with the bare feet could ever be dishonest." It gave me a wonderful feeling to- ward that manager. Sort of a good omen for 1948, I thought. MORRIS SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The inaugural meeting of Morris School Board was held January 8th, with the same five members as in 1947. W. R. Sholdice was again chosen as Chairman and R. S. Shaw as Secretary- Treasurer. Payment of the following bills was authorized Stainton's Hardware, $6.15; McKillop Mutual, $7.10; Howick Mut- ual, $7.20; Hay Stationery, $26.00; K. Taylor, $1.58; Actvance-Times, 2.57. A motion was passed authorizing the Secretary to issue regular pay cheques to teachers and caretakers, also to pay cash for stamps, express, hydro, etc., and to add these amounts to his pay cheques. It was decided to try to ob- tain the necessary wood supply for each schbol locally and not by con- tract as formerly. Sets of Books of Knowledge were ordered for four schools not having these books. Care- takers were appointed as follows: 1. C. Nicholson; 3. I McArter; 4. J. S. Watson; 5, E. Anderson; 6. F. Saw- yer; 8. B. Thomas; 10. W. Brecken- Dinsmore; Caretaker of Twp. Hall, Wroxeter, Donald Townsend; and the Sanitary Inspector shall be Gordon Underwood. Moved by Parrish and Gowdy that By-Law No. 1, of the Township of Howick for the year 1948 as read the third time be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Strong that we do now adjourn to meet again in the Clerk's Office, on February 5th, or at the Call of the Reeve. Carried. Philip I. Durst, John Winter, Clerk. Reeve. TURNBERRY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING U rri 1101111111111111111111111111111HIIRISIIIIIIHIIH111111111111111111111111111111•11111111111111111161111111110111111, if! • Losinmninisinumosomannummunnumiumenuinininistimen Edwards' Motor Sales U Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES U a U U Telephone-Days 417, Wingham FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNERAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 . 224 WINGHAM Business and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office - Tordnto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham J. It BUSIIFIELD, K.G. Barrister, Soheitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office - Meyer Block. Wingham It's a street of facts-your newspaper-and you, the readers, travel along its familiar path weekly. It is the thoroughfare which carries the news of your community into your home. W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 151 Winghans It renders indispensable service to the home-maker, the worker, the businessman. It is the crossroads where customer meets merchant, learns his story, buys his goods. It is a leader in your home-town, a champion of democracy, the voice of the people, DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 THOS. FELLS REAL ESTATE. AUCTIONEER and THE EMIT OF SERVICE PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 Wingham