HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-01-21, Page 4desired in this community, Rev, W. S. Sutherland was appointed President of the Whitechurch Public Library As- sociation with J. Beecroft, Reeve of East Wawanosh, Sec.-Trcas, The Her- on County Librarian, Mrs. Eclanier of Goderich, had left 100 books here some weeks ago and it is expected they will be ready for distribution within two weeks with Mr. Fred Newman as Lib- rarian and with the Library kept at his store. MAC, The Sr. Women's Mission Circle met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H, C. Brooks. The meeting opened with the sing- ing of "What a Friend we have in Jesus". Mrs. H. Collar led in prayer. Miss R. Lewis read 'The Autibiogra- phy of a Tract" which was much en- joyed. Mrs. C. Phippen brought the devotional and in her usual, capable manner gave a very informative and inspiring message basing her remarks on Luke 16, 19-31. All. joined in, sing- ing the "Glory Song" after which Mrs, W. Pocock favoured with a solo. Mrs. Falconer read an article entit- led "Very God and Very Man" a sea- son of prayer then took place. Those participating were Mrs. H. C. Brooks and Mrs. (Rev,) Coupland, Business was discussed and the elec- tion of officers was as follows: Presi- dent, Mrs. W. Pocock; Vice-Pres., Mrs, C. Phippen; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Falconer; Pianist, Mrs, H. Brooks, Mrs. Coupland; Press Reporter, Mrs. Scott; Sick Committee, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Coupland, Mrs, Rintoul, Young Womens Counsellor, Mrs. Coupland; Work. Committee, Mrs. Cantelon and Mrs. Scott; Social Committee, Mrs, Phippen and Mrs, Clark. Mrs. Coupland offered a dedicatory prayer on the new officers and the hostess served a dainty lunch. WANTED-Two or three rooms, by couple, no children, furnished or un- furnished, heated, kitchen privileges. Apply Advance-Times. WE REPAIR WASHING MACH- ines, Valcuum Cleaners, Electric motors, Toasters, Irons, Hot Plates, Heating Pads. All work guaranteed. Hiseler Sales and Service, Edward St. Phone 426. W. A. Stewart, Secretary. Dungannon, Ontario, Tenders Wanted Barked and Sealed Tenders wanted by West Wawanosh Township School Area Board for the following quanti- ties of wood. No. 17, 20 cords; No. 2, 20 cords; No. 3, 25 cords; No. 4, 25 cords; No. 12, 20 cords. The wood to be maple and beech, body wood, 16 inches long and not under 5`inches in diameter or over 10 inches in diameter. The wood to be delivered not later than June 1st, Tenders to be in Secretary's hands not later than Jan. 26th, 1948. Also 1 cord of cedar for each school. W. A. Stewart, Secretary. Dungannon, Ontario. claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this nineteenth day of January, A.D., 1948, 3. W, BUSHFIELD, K.C, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, CARD OF 'THANKS I wish to thank all my Wingham friends who sent gifts, cards and let- ters to me while I was a patient in Vie, toria Hospital, London, Your kindness is greatly appreciated, Aldyth Graham. CARP OF THANKS The nieces of the late Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Tindall and Mrs. Mina Ringham wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their friends and neighbours for the kind expressions of sympathy shown them during their sad bereavement, also a grateful thanks to Rev, W. Beecroft and Dr. W, A. Craw- ford. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. E. Fitzpatrick and sisters and brothers wish to express their sincere appreciation to neighbours and friends for their symvathy and kindness ,during their recent bereavement in the passing of their father, Mr, Patrick Lynett. IN MEMORIAM MONTGOMERY-In loving memory of my mother, Mrs. Lloyd Mont- gomery, who passed away two years ago, Jan, 24th . There is a sad but sweet remembrance, There is a memory fond and true; There is a token of affection mother, And a heartache still for you, -Ever remembered by her daughter, Vera. IN MEMORIAM NEWANS-In loving memory of Le- vina Newans, who isassed away two years ago, January 26th. Sadly mis- sed by her granddaughter, Virginia Krasich, Detroit, Michigan. Two years have passed since that sad day. When one we cherished was called away; Deep in our hearts her memory is kept, For we who loved her will never forget. IN MEMORIAM McKERCHER-In loving memory of my dear sister, Mrs. Pearl McKer- cher, who passed away one year ago, January 17th, 1947. She is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year, In my lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of her are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er me, Friends may think the wound is healed But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart concealed. -Sadly missed by her sister, Florence IN MEMORIAM MAXWELL-In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Clara Maxwell, who passed away three years ago, January 12th, 1945, There is no death in God's wide world But One eternal scene of change, The flag of life is never furled, It only taketh wider range. -Lovingly remembered by daughter, Aileen and Bill Parks of London, IN MEMORIAM MAXWELL-In loving memory of our mother, Mrs, Charles Maxwell, who passed away three years ago this month. Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother, It is sweet to breathe thy name; In live we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. -Ever remembered by Husband and family, , IN MEMORIAM MeKERCHER-In loving memory of a dear mother, who passed away on. January, 17th, 1947. No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered, since we lost you, Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day dear mother That we do not think of you, -Sadly missed by daughters, Doris, Audi ey and Betty •Culliteni. WHITECHURCH Born-On Tuesday, Jan. 20th, at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, to Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Watt, a daughter, Weeda Louise, Miss Winnifted Farrier of Toronto, spent the week-end ht her home here. The Young Adult Group of the United Church will meet on Tuesday evening next at the home of Mr. and \NAN. Buleva DIANA 17 Joweis $3750 David Crompton Gifts For Alt Occasions WINGHAIVI PHONE 59 RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. Oho Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom In Practically Every Colour CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham EXPERT REPAIRS on all makes and models of RADIOS WASHERS REFRIGERATORS APPLIANCES For Satisfaction, Call McGILL Radio Service 'Phone 380 Wingham Mrs; Albert Coultes. You are welcome. A meeting was held inthe Presby- terian Church here on 'Monday even- ins re the Travelling Library which is PAGU VOI711. THE VYING-AM ADVANCE- IM] Wednesday, January. 4) 194$: OBITUARY Mrs. Angus MacKenzie Relatives and former Cadross neigh- bours of Mr. and ,Mrs, Angus MacKen- zie, who moved to Guelph seven years ago were shocked on Saturday to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. MacKen- zie. Formerly, Mary McCormick, dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCormick, she and her five sisters, and three brothers were raised in Cul- ross, Over forty-six years ago she mit- red Angus MacKenzie. To them were MONTHLY MEETING OF IWO. Bare born one elatighter, and six sons, all Nowell, known in this district.Mrs, 3a was taken gravely on Friday *land underwent an operation in St. Jos- Irephs Hospital, Guelph, passing away , mi 'on Saturday. Her brothers, Andrew, ereditora and others haven claims a n - gainst the Estate of the late James' im Martin Grigg, are required to send par- With Blown Rock Wool, Prompt oculars of their claims., duly verified,' installation. Estimates given with no to 3. W. fluslifield, K.C., the solicitor -obligation. Guaranteed workmanship for the Execotor 'of the said Estate, on JR and material. Phone or avrite Hotoit or before the seventh day of February, Insulating Co., 117 Elgin Ave'., Phone Ail, 1948, and that after such date the $04w, Goderich, or phone ,IgGi Wing- executor twill proceed to distribute the or all° art includes Glen liaad` said estate, having regard only to •the 11110111110111111,1101111111111111111111011111111010iii ilia( 'din 'of Millbank And Russell Rare of OCKE „lin.. ,, , , ,,, 0,4,,,,msmaimimpplimso ,, ,,,, ,, , , ,, , ,,,,,,, M. , , ,, MM"* at the Arena, a WINGHAM U a SATURDAY, JAN. 24, 9 p.m. a a KINCARDINE a ADULTS 35c 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. CHARIS Foundation Garment Co. trained Corsetiere for Wingham, sur- rounding district and towns. If you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable prices, call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, opposite Wingham Cemetery. CUTTER FOR SALE-Apply at The Advance-Times. FOR SALE-Beatty 60 cycle Electric Washer, Beatty 25 cycle Electric Washers; Engine drive Washers Beatty & Gilson; Hoover Sweepers with attachments; Heavy Team Har- ness, also good Light Show Harness, Stoves, coal, wood and oil, also Elec- tric Stoves; Paints, Varnishes and Oils; complete line of General Hard- ware, Geo, T. Pearson, Ethel, Ont., Successor to Chas. F. Hansuld. FOR SALE - One Cutter, Telehone 643r22 Wingham, FOR SALE-1111 H.P, Motor 60 cycle Apply Russell Jermyn, phone 608r21 Wingham, R, R, 4. FOR SALE-1 Calf, Apply George Deyell, phone 403r2. LOST-Black Fur Coat Button about, 2 weeks ago between United Church parsonage and Dr, Connell's office. Finder please leave at the Advance- Times. MAN WANTED-Part time, as fire- man and watchman from 10 p.m. Saturday until Sunday noon for next three months. C. Lloyd & Son, Un- ited. TENDERS WANTED Township of Turnberry Sealed tenders will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, February 2, 1948, by the Township of Turnberry STENOGRAPHER WANTED-Ap- for the crushing and spreading of 5000 ply in writing with full particular; cubic yards of gravel; one inch round of education and experience. L. screen or three quarter inch square & Sun, Limited, Wingham. screen. Work to commence at the SP LEND I I) OPP ORTCNITY-Av- discretion of Road Superintendent, and erase $45,00 weekly for man or we. harked „,must ed Cheque be com pleted by October 1, 1948. man to supply more than 250 Far- for 10 .c of tender to lex necessities to the people in your neighbourhood. Write today for complete details of our time-tested plan for fast. easy, direct-to-custom- er sales. CATALOGUE FREE. EAMILEX. 1600 I)elorimier, Mont- real, WANTED- A Gander. Apply Dan MeKiiion, Brussels, Ont., telephone 24-12. WASH I M AC HINES---Comolete- ly rebuilt and painted. 2 year guar, ante e. We have a large stock of parts for washers and vacuum cleaners, Hiseler Sales and Service, Phone 42G Edward St. - - • ---- pursuant to the Truster Act that all IIMINUMIMUMMII•linmiMiNium _ miirl • a •al • I • si a • a • a • R is • in • Young Man or IR • E • iectionCards Teen Town ELECT John Crawford 0 Teen Town MAYOR (Your Logical Choice) For a Successful Teen Town VOTE Grace Campbell for COUNCILLOR VOTE for Jim French For MAYOR of Teen Town ...................... FOR COUNCIL Mark your X beside Jean Hobden Your VOTE will be appreciated by" John Lancaster Candidate for MAYOR For a Prosperous Teen Town Floyd Jenkins for COUNCIL For a raving time in '48 VOTE Shirley Lockridge for MAYOR VOTE Sally Lou MacWilliam for COUNCILLOR For Teen Town. Council Improve Teen Town VOTE George Hall for REEVE ' Arnold McIntyre solicits your VOTE for Council -but, no matter how you Vote VOTE I Your VOTE is solicited by Audrey Henry • Candidate for REEVE VOTE Joyce McLeod for an Energetic Teen Town COUNCILLOR For a logical answer, VOTE Iris Newell REEVE IMIIIIMM/1111111111.1111.11111mm For a Live-wire Council Your VOTE for Jean McPherson will be the answer Jean Bain respectfully solicits your VOTE for COUNCILLOR for Wingham Teen 'Fawn VOTE Ron, Murray for COUNCIL for Better Teen Town Patti Brophy willappreciate your VOTE to support her in Teen Town COUNCIL VOTE ColleenRath FOR COUNCIL. i (This space contributed by The Adv 1 e-Times) frank and Joint of Cuirass, Mrs, M. Titzpatrick -of Winghant* Mrs, Young of Lambeth and het three other sisters of Detroit, spent the last 'week-end in The funeral was held from the R.0 Church, Guelph, ort Tttesday morning Theit many friends in the corinntntl, extend sympathy to the bereaved fan;" !12.... The Young 'Women's Mission Circle of the Baptist Church met for its first meeting of the New Year at the home of Mrs. Glen Scheifele. "There is Sun- shine in my Soul" was the opening hymn and Mrs. Bruce MacLean led in prayer. A reading "Echoes from Bon- gondza" telling of children's work in the Belgium Congo was read by Miss Lois Burchill. For the devotional lesson Mrs, Coup- land based her remarks on "New Things" in the Bible. Following the hymn "0 Happy Day", ,Miss Marjorie Falconer read a very interesting auto- biography of a tract which was written by a missionary from Haiti. After the singing of the hymn "0 the Precious Love of Jesus" and a sea- son of prayer, the officers for the en- suing year were elected as follows: President-Miss Marjorie Falconer. Vice-Pres.-Miss Mildred Jones. Secretary and Press Reporter-Mrs, Bruce MacLean, Treasurer-Mrs. Glen Scheifele„ Pianist-Miss Ruth Cantelon, Lunch Com,-Miss Doris Clarke and Miss Mildred Jones. Counsillor-Mrs. Coupland. ,Mrs. Coupland dismissed the meeting in prayer, following which a dainty lunch was served. DIED BRECKENRIDGF.-In the Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, Jan. 17th, 1948, William H. Breckenridge in his 76th year. Funeral service was held in Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave, at 2,30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 20th. Interment was made in the Brandon Cementery, Belgrave, vs. STAINTON SPITFIRES a a a a a a a a a a a a a CHILDREN 20c FARM FOR SALE-314 miles from Wingham, consisting of 100 acres, 65 acres workable land, balance in pasture and bush land. Good dwell- ing and buildings, drilled well, ser- ved by school area bus. Hydro av- ailable. Cheap for quick sale. Ap- ply to Gordon •Godkin, phone 108J, Wingham. Clerk and Treasurer Wanted Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 2 p.m. February 3rd, for the offices of Clerk and Treasurer for the Township of East Wawanosh. Duties to commence at once, Appli- cants may apply for one or both offices. No application, necessarily accepted. For information as to salary and par- ticulars contact the undersigned or any member of council. J, D. Beecroft, Reeve. Caretakers Wanted Marked and Sealed Tenders wanted by West Wawanosh Township School Area Board for caretaking in the fol- lowing schools, No. 17, No. 2, No. 3, No, 4, No, 12, Duties to commence on Feb. 1st, 1948 and ending January 31st, 1949. Tenders to be in Secretary's hands not later than January 26th, 1948. PIONEER DAIRY FEEDS NOW contain Molasses, both 18e.'e and 24q, available. See Howson & Howson. SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is not necessary. t se RI`MACAPS at once for quick relief. NIcKibbons Drug Store. WHY WAIT! Whyput a f ix yolur chick ordering for this spring. We doubt if you can get better chicks than Hillside, Canada Approved,', brecilers pal;oruin tested, Ask us! for prices and particulars, 6rder tote, don't wait till last mintite. Agent, Frank Green, Wroxeter, phone 45117. "WE ARE 100',"e' SATISFIED" writes. custe,mer MI'S% C. 3. Aga t, Hymiford Ortt., of her rlig-4- Chicks.. Als agent here we .advice you gat price list and extitt.,g and order soon. Don't wait till iast minute rush. We doubt if , you can get better anywhere Can-' ada Approved, breeders millortim tested. Ask for particulars. Wilbur lingn', R.E. 4, Whigharn, accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ad- dress tenders, and mark "Tenders for Crushing and Spreading" to W. R. CR.IIIKSHANIC, Township Clerk, Wingham, Ont. WOOD TENDERS Tenders will be received alp to Feb. 6th, 1948, by the Turnberry School (hard, for the following wood: '80 cord f Maple and Beech, 14 ih. long; 15 ords of Cedar, 'Wood to be delivered schools by jurw 1st, 1948, Lowest, any tender not necessarily accepted. Alex. Corrigan, Seey-'Teas., Bluevale, Ont. - - WIRING TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Turnberry Township School Board up to Feb. 16th, 1948, for the wiring of S.S No. 4, Bluevale, Plans and speci- fications may be seen at the Post Of- fice or A. D. Smith's, Bluevale. Low- est Or ,any tender not necessarily ac- INSULATE NOW Boy Wanted to Learn cooed. Alex. Corrigan, Seey-Treas, Bitter:ale, Ont. 1111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in • Printing IN THE MATTER of the Estate of James Martin Grigg, late 'of the Town-; ship .of East Wawanosh, in the •Countv;. of Huron, Partner, deceased, - NOTICE. IS 'HEREBY GIVEN, • Steady Employment Apply Advance Times a n n 11 n n n n n 11 A 20-year-old Cayuga Indian boy, Nanticoke, Esso Tractor Champions, John Capton, from the Six Nations' Alfred Brunton 'of Tara, also a Salada la 'reservation near Brantford, is one of Tea Champion, and W. L, Clark of n ,the team of Ontario Farmers which Gormley, Presiden of the Ontario , n l W111 represent Canada at the Internat. Plowmen's Association. rional Plowing Mato to be, Mil at The men sail f rom New Yolk on the Ili,Saint Field, County Down, Northern Queen Mary, January 17th, an d plan n lIreland on February nth. to be in the British Isles for A Month. Itt a addition to c al)t", who is a Sal" In addition tot he Irish Internatiorial a& Tea horse plowman of last years' al Ioternational match at Kingston, Ont-',_'atell, they expect to participate it a mach at Workington in England, Al- hough this is the wood group of plow- 'Glen Mcraddln John Capton Alfred Brunton melt to visit Britain since the war they will be the first to participate in a plowing competition because last year's unusual weather resulted in tancella- tion of the matches planned for 1947. John Capton is the third generation member of the Capton family to win top plowing honours according to re- cords of the Six Nation's Plowing A. 80ciatiOn, One of. the highest award in the match of 1882 ryas won by Win Capton, john 's grandfather: