HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-01-14, Page 6E'AGE SIX
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A family plot should be graced
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Alfred St. Wingham
Inscriptions Repairing
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25 years experience
The latest in Portable Sandblast
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in up-to-date design and finish
If irou have a problem, maybe we
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Box 166 'Phone 268j
Watch Repairs
For the Present, Watches O
George Williams
John Street Wingham
Next to Masonic Hall
(Continued front page tile)
Statement of the Wingham Softball
Association as at December 31, 1947
"'Consolidated Stateinetit
Jan. 1, 1947 Balance forward ... 99.45
Transferred from old league ..- 13.61
Sale of balls „. ...... .. ....... .,„...... 1615
Rent of field ... .... .. 4.00
Donation front Rte. Council
re juveniles ..... 100.00
Donation front Merchants re
Uniforms for Juveniles 139,28
**Gross Gates „,.. .4849.09
Equipirient .„ .... .119.01
Paid to W. O. A. 922N
Travel 604.84
tall Park Expense (Score,
Telephone 34
Juvenile Hardball Teain
Gross Gates
Donation from Aecreation
Donation from Merchants for
Loss (absorbed by softball ass'n
Equipment (includine
uniforms) 332.63
Paid to W.O.A.A. (Entry fee) 5.03
Travel - 126.74
Incidental 10.90
Refreshments . -„, 18.70
Advertising 16.39
Paid to umpires 55.00
Paid to other teams 4.50
Sundry 2.7,27
Girls' Softball Team
Gross Gates 46.90
Loss (absorbed by softball
association) 104.98
Equipment 89.88
Paid to W.O.A.A. (entry fee) 5.00
Travel 45.15
Ball Park Expenies .85
Transferred .to Floodlight acct 10.00
Pee Wees, Bantam and Midgets
Gross Gates .- 31,17
Loss (absorbed by softball
association) ..... 117.93
Wednesday, January 14,1941P
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George Johnston; Assistant, Ross An-
derson; Junior Girls', Mrs. J. Michie,
Primary Class, Patsy Anderson, As-
sistant, Ruth ,McGuire; Beginners,
Mrs. 3. Anedrson, Mrs. H. .MeGuire;
Triple V., Stewart Procter; Pianists,
Florence Cook, Mary Procter; Libra-
rian, Audrey Anderson, Assistant,
f Prayer arrangements was composed Lloyd Anderson; Cradle Roll Supt.,
f Mrs. H. Wheeler, Mrs. W. J. Moor- Mrs. G. Miehie; Seals Committee, Supt.
and Mrs. 3. Anderson. and Assistants; Refreshments were ser-
ved after the meeting.
Mr. C. H. 'Wade was in Owen Sound
for a couple of days attending the fun-
eral of his uncle, Mr. Thos. Wade.
Miss Etta Sturdy is in Wingham to
care for her sister, Miss Lizzie Sturdy
who is ill,
Miss Dorothy Jamieson of London,
will be at home for a month to take
care of her mother who is ill.
iNirs. Alton Baynes has returned to
her home after visiting her mother,
Mts, Richard Chatnney, who is re-
covering from an illness.
Orange Lodge Elects Officers
Itelgrave LAIL:02 held their annual
meeting on Thursday, January 8th.
The election and installation of of-
ficers was held, resulting as follows:
W.M., Athol Bruce; D.M. David
Deacon; Chaplain, John Taylor; Rec.
Sec., A. E. Netheryl Fin. Sec. and
Treas., H. A. Nethery; Marshall, J. F.
NicalItim; 1st. Lecturer, Herson Ir-
win; 2nd! Lecturer, j. C« Nethery;
Committee, Walter Mason, J. E. Mc-
Callum, R. Chatuney, Wrn, Brydges,
John Taylor.
The members of the Lodge deeded
to change their regalia this year and
sVotild like all the brethren to help with
any ideas or suggestions that may oc-
cur to them.
It is also planned to hold a social
gathering in Pebteary. Fidler nartitii.
bats will be made known later.
The mumps are paying a visit to
Belgrave school.
Mr. Trevor Moores is working with
the Rural Hydro Commission and Mr.
Cordon Nethery is with Wingham Co.
Mr. Graeme Anderson has purchas-
ed a new Ford Ton Truck.
Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Logan and
children were guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Norman Keating on Sunday.
Mr. Floyd Campbell and Mr. Glen
VanCamp left this week for South
River to truck logs for the winter,
Mr, Jack Wilson was in Kiteheuer.
on a business trip on Monday.
Presbyterian W.M.S.
The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian
Church met at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Geddes with the president, Mrs. R. J.
Scott presiding.
The meeting opened with hymn,
'Lord of Light Whose Name Out-
ehineth." Four passages of Scripture
were read by Mrs. Bruce and Mrs.
Dunbar and the meditation taken by
"Mrs. R. J. Scott, prayer by Mrs. Leitch.
The new Study Book was introduced
and first chapter taken by Mrs. R. 3.
Scott, on "The Great Commission to-
day," Mrs. Bruce secretary, gave an
interesting report on our last year's
activities and Mrs. J. Dunbar, treasurer
reported increased givings, Letters of
thanks from one of our members was
read. Huron Presbyterial Annual
meeting is to be held in Clinton on
Tuesday and we hope a delegate from
our W.M.S. will attend.
Meeting closed with hymn "Lord
speak to ,Me That I May Speak. Clos-
ing prayer by President. A social half
hour was spent and lunch served by the
The annual meeting of Knox Pres-
byterian Church will be held on Mon-
day, January 19th.
Trinity Anglican Guild
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
Guild was held at the borne of Mrs, A,
hi. Perdue on Thursday afternoon of
last week with a good attendance. The
meeting opened with the members re,.
peating the Lord's Prayer in Unison.
The Secretary's report for the prev-
loos year was read also the Treasurer's
report which showed a considerable
'balance. During the business session,
Mrs. A. M. Perdue was appointed con-
vener of the Flower Committee, Mrs.
Wade, Mrs. Vannan, Miss Nora Van-
Camp, Mrs. Richards, and Miss Audrey
Bradburn were selected as an enter-
tainment committee. Severel new mem-
bers were added to the Roll.
The meeting closed with prayer by
Rev. Mr. Henderson. Lunch was ser-
ved by the hostess.
Mission. Band Install Officers
The Happy Hearts Mission Band of
Knox United Church was held on Sun-
day morning. .The meeting opened
with the Call to Worship and hymn
243. The Scripture lesson was read
and prayer by the leader. A special
song was. sung by the little children,
and hymn 112 was sung.
Mrs. Earl Anderson gave the Study
Book, and prayer in unison. Marilyn
Moores gave a, poem, "The Snowman".
Lorraine Hanna told about "Cherry the
Chicadee" and Ruth Procter read a
poem. This year the Band will use
mite boxes.
The installation of officers took
place with the following officers being
Installed; President, Marlene Mac.
Kenzie; Sep„ Billy Coultes; Treasurer,
George Procter! Pianist, Donna AO,
The leaders are Mrs. Earl Anderson
and Igr% H, Procter,
The Mission Band sent to the Pres-
bytery $28.07,
Trinity Anglican A,Y.P.,A.
The A.Y.P,A. meeting was held on
Friday evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. L, Vannan. The meeting opened
by singing a hymn and the president,
Nora VanCamp led in prayer. The
Scripture passage was read by Claire
VanCamp, The Secretary's and treas-
urer's reports were read and adopted.
The next meeting was to be held on
January 16th. It is to take the form of
a sleigh-ride, followed by refreshments
and a short meeting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Bradburn. The Log Book
is to be prepared by Claire VanCamp
and the topic taken by Muriel Brydges.
The Log Book, which was prepared
by Toni Wade, was read by Ruth
Bradbitrn.'' Muriel Brydges gave a read-
ing, and Shirley Bradburn played a
piano solo.
Audrey Bradburn, Mr, Henderson
and Mr. Vannan led in games and a
sing-song, After a hymn and prayer
by Mr, Henderson, the host and hos-
tess served a tasty lunch,bringing
very enjoyable evening to a close.
Last Tuesday evening the congrega-
tion of Trinity Anglican Church gath-
ered at the Forrester's Hall to wel-
come the new members of the parish,
Mr. and Mrs. Newell, Peter and Sus-
an, and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Richards
and family.
As the evening of games and infor-
mal programme progressed, many gifts
of food were carried in by the recep-
tion committee.
After lunch Mr. Albert Nethery eon-
veyed the friendly sentiments of the
congregation when he presented each
familet with a bountiful supply of food.
Mr. Richards and Mr. Newell expres-
sed sincere thanks for the thoughtful
gesture. -
After a social time spent in getting
acquainted, the successful evening came
to a close.
Women's Missionary Society
The Women's Missionary Society of
Knox United Church held their reg-
ular meeting on Wednesday, January
7th, with the President, .Mrs. Herbert
Wheeler in the chair. The meeting
seas opened with a hymn and prayer
by the President. Mrs. Earl Anderson
gave the Scripture lesson and Mrs.
Jesse Wheeler led in prayer, Hymn 240
was then sung and the minutes of the
last meeting were read by the Secre-
ary, Mrs. Gee. ,Martin.
Cards of appreciation were read from
Mrs. J. A. Geddes, Mrs. Jos. Miller,
Mrs. Walter Scott and Miss Agatha
It was explained that the Missionary
Monthly's had been delayed this month
en account of a strike at the press.
A committee to look after the Day
The collection was fees for the fol-
lowing year.
Mrs. Cecil Wheeler took the Study
Book followed by prayers by Mrs.
Moores. Mrs. Michie will have the
Study Book for February.
1 Rev. W. J. Moores then inducted the
officers, The singing of hymn 363
brought the meeting to a close with
prayer by Rev. Moores.
Women's Auxiliary
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's Auxiliary of Knox United Church
was held with the new President, Mrs.
aroid Procter in charge. Hymn 571
sung and the Lord's Prayer re-
peated in unison,
The Scripture reading was given by
Mrs George Michie followed by pray-
er by the president. The minutes were
d by the Secretary, Mrs. J. C. Proc-
ter and the Treasurer's report by Mts.
J. Coultes.
One hundred plates and five dozen
cups were reported purchased for the
thureh. Mrs. R. H. Counts and Mrs,
Cecil Wheeler arc to purchase new
flowers for the church pulpit. A new
Hymn Book has been'purchased for
the pulpit and the Bible is being re-
It was sledded to use the Holiday
Belts again and Nits. H. Wheeler and
ktrs, 3. Wheeler are convetiers of a
committee to make the bells.
The Annual Nieetieg was discussed
and it. was -decided in have it in the
afternoon as usual. Mts. R. H. 0:mites
thatched the ladies for the co-operation
shown her while presideie. Collection
was paying of fees. The meeting was
closed with a hymn and prayer.
IL C. Sunday School Annual
The annual meeting of the- tubed
Church Sunday School was held last
Wednesday night in the church.
The first part of the evening was
spent in Progressive Croidnole. Rev.
Mr. Moores opened the 'meeting with
prayer, George Michie gave the mime,
tes and Writ NicClenaghan gave the
Treasurer's report Sunday School was
held forty-nine Sundays, with an aver-
age attendance of fifty and an average
offering of Three dollars arid eighty-
four cents. The Banner VMS won by
the Junior Girls Class. Attendance ;
awards were won by nineteen. The
election of officers followed: Stiperin-
endent, Earl Anderson; Assistant,
Ross Anderson and George Michie;
etary, George Michier Assistant,
come Johnston; Treasurer, William ,
fcClenaghan; Teacher, Bible Class,
"Mm, It. Coultes, Assistant, Rev. Mr.
'Moores; Intermediate Boys', Mr. I.
Michie; Girl's Miss E. Procter, Assist.
nt, Mrs. R. 14, CI:Mfrs; /ardor lloye"
Li nes, ere,) ..... „ ....... ,.....„ ........ , ..... „.... 67.63
***R,cfresliments 223,06
Advertising .„„ ....... ,........ ............ ,„„ 1.28,21
Transferred to Floodlight
Account 290,00
Paid to thriPires 341.10
Paid to other teams 662.75
Gress re opening night .. 2.4. 2,17 Sundry (Telephone, office supplies
etc.) 82,30
Balance on hand Dec. $1, 1947
(See Note Move) , .. 1438.25
*Includes all teams.
opening,-net paid to Recreation Coun-
**Includes $242.17 gross gate for
cil $158,57,
***Includes cost of entertaining vis-
iting teams and officials.
Statement of the Wingham Hurons
Gross Gates 4076,10
Equipment 271,81
Paid to W. 0. A. A. 293.89
Travel 479.69
Ball Park Expenses 48.68
Refreshments 193.24
Advertising 99.82
Transferred to Floodlight Acct., 220,00
Paid to umpires im. , 273.50
Paid to other teams 555.75
Sundry 49.92
Balance 1689,80
Disposition of Balance
50% of 1589,80 794,90
Add: entertaining by league 61.06
Cast of Jackets 315.06
Cost of own banquet ...... - . . ... .....„, 52,00
Cost of team pictures 43,00
Players' expenses 435.99
Donation-shield bantam champ 10.00
Equipment 76.10
W.O.A.A. (entry fee) 5.00
Travel 39.'78
Ball Park ,70
Refreshments 11,12
Transferred to floodlight
account 10.00
• ow.....44*.....m4
Town League Softball
Gross Gates ................. . ..... „ ....... 28.30
Equipment 16.00
Ball Park Expenses .20
Transferred to Floodlight acct 10.00
Balance 2.10
'Disposition of Association Funds
Balance 4. „ „ 1438 25
Senior, "A" Team's Share 855.96
Paid to Recreation Council ..... 450.06
Balance on hand Dec. 81, 1947 132.23
Floodlight Account
It was the policy of the Association
of AU Types
We are Distributor* in
Winghatri and District
For these iteens which are steel.
tial to your business and regular
Three Day Service
Citi 'Rsh Orders
Also tvillible are
to set aside $10.00 per game to pay for-
electricity and new bulbs ,which have.
to be replaced every two years.
29 floodlight games at $10.00 ._. 290.00e
Bank Interest
4•••••444. ••••••••••4
Total Hydro Bills . 146:651
Balance (held as reserve) ..... 141.93,
Average cost per game: $5.13
Repair Work
S E E -
Bennett & Oasemore
'Phone 447 Wingham