HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-01-07, Page 8PLUS ALL THESE EXTRA REFRIG, ERATOR VALUES .7.7111117 WeaneaslaY) January 7, 1948 {. , RAGE THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-MIES T. it.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112 John Gathers, Kathleen and 1.10bhie were New Years guests of ' Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Jardine of 13russels, Mrs. Gathers remained for a short visit,. Mr, and Mrs. .Hugh Gilmore A,md. family of .Wingham spent New Years with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tremain and babe of Parry Sound visited with Rev, and Mrs. G. G. Howse On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitch and family and Mrs. Clifford Pyke. of Belmore spent New Years with Mr, Mrs. Stewart Edgar of -Clinton spent several days of last week with relatives in the community, Mrs. Etta Pyke is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Cliff Pyke and Mrs, Pyke. lowing the Call to Worship she chose for the Scripture reading, Romans 3,2. David Neilsen led in prayer. The poem "What the New Year is to be" Was read' by the Convenor. The Topic based on the responsibilities of a citi- zen in creating peace was given by George Gregg, Rev. Howse commen- ted on Citizenship. The hymn "The Church's one foendation" and the. bene- diction closed the service. The next meeting will be held at the Parsonage on Sunday evening with Dorothy Wat- son ita charge. Mr, Bobbie Edgar was in Guelph at the 0, A, C, last week attending the short .course sponsored by the Milk Producer's Association, Eco ri *IF ATRE TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 7,30 MATINEE Saturday Afternoon at 2.00 p.m. R"', Resoiv e to SEW and SAVE in '48 -=-2-' FOR THAT "NEW LOOK" -2- Dress, Skirt, Coat MATERIALS 1 = FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 and 10 "Keeper of the Bees" HARRY DAVENPORT MICHAEL DUANE Miss Erland Gregg spent last week at the 0.A,C., Guelph where she attended a special course in flower and .vegetable growing. Erland was one of the eight Garden Brigade Girls from all •over Ontario, who on recommen- dation of their Home Economics Coach and Agricultural Representa- tive, received the Canadian Country- man Award for 1941 which included all expenses of thii course, Rev, Charles Hall of Lancaster, Pa., has been appointed Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church of the United States. Not yet forty years of age he is the second youngest in the U. S. to hold office. His father, Rev. Edwin. A. Hall, was rector of the parish of Gorrie, Fordwich and Wroxeter from = 1902 to 1905. He moved from here to New Brunswick later going to the U. S. AA 14 OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOO ..... it ........ layaaimovea* •••••• UMW.. 111•1••• MONDAY and TUESDAY, JANUARY 12 and 13 "Undercover Maisie" Thomas Wade Word was received here on Monday of the death in Owen Sound of Mr. Thomas Wade following a lengthy ill- ness. Mr. Wade was a brother of Mr, Wm. Wade, Fordwich and a former, well known resident of Howick. Fu- neral will take place Wednesday after- noon in Owen Souk'. ANN SOTHERN BARRY NELSON r?"'" 11111MMIII 11111•1•11N 11•1••••I t Wool Plaid 54" Dr. Stewart, Buchanan and other attractive plaids-ideal for sports Jackets or Skirts, yd. $3.95 Fine All-wool Dress Plaid WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, JAN. 14 and 15 "Suddenly It's Spring" PAULETTE GODDARD FRED MacMURRAY •••811111 MONNE. Young People's Union The Young People's Union will meet at the parsonage on Sunday evening, January 11 at 8:30. Fourteen members of the Y. P. U. met in the church basement' on Sunday evening forthe regular meeting. Fol- lowing the opening hymn, "Rise up, 0 men of God" and the business, Kath- leenCathers, Citizenship Convenor, pre- sided over the worship service. Fol. in colourful Check Designs-Pink and Brown, Red, Blue, Yellow, 54" wide, per yard $5.95 Imported Checked Suiting All-Wool, Black and White, Navy and White, yd. $9.50 All-wool Herringbone A warm wool skirting-Wine, Grey, Powder Blue and Rose, 54" wide, per yard $3.25 Wool Crepe asked to be present at this meeting. Sewing and knitting may be had at the home of Miss Margaret Dane as this work is urgently needed in Great Brit- ain. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finlay and Irene, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bennett, of Salem. Mrs. John Brown spent the New Year's holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Harris of Fordwich, Mr. Wm. ,Marshall celebrated his 84th birthday on Saturday. On Friday evening a few of his friends gathered and enjoyed a game of euchre. Mr. and Mrs. Lang Vogan of Moles- worth, visited with Mrs. John Brown on Monday evening. Mrs. Neilson spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Neilson in Listowel. A great many New Year's visitors had a lot of trouble returning to their homes, due to the storm on Thursday night. GORRIE Mrs. W. J. Greer and Mrs. Hinde, 'Wingham, were New Year's visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes. Miss Lois. Dodd of Brussels, spent the week-end with her parents. Miss May Watters of Toronto was a guest .at the same home during the holidays. Mrs. Frances Strong, Mr. Roy Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Strong • and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strong of Ford- wich, spent New Year's' Day with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pennington, Teeswater, The W.A. of St. Stephen's Church, will meet on Friday at 2,30 p.m. at the .home of Mrs. W. C. King. Mrs. R. H. Stephens has gone to Thorndale to spend the winter with her son, Mr. Mervyn Stephens and Mrs. Stephens. Mr. Edgar Swift of Toronto, spent :New Year's with his daughter, Mrs. Ailarold Edgar and Mr. Edgar. ,,Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Edgar on New Year's Day were Mr. and Mrs. Birks Robertson, and Cameron 'of Greenock, Mr. Ken Edgar, Bonnie and Daniel of Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young and Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Thompson of Harriston visited on Sunday with iNfr. and Mrs. Allan Hyndman, 11•11, amiss. You Get More In A Westinghouse Refrigerator MINIM 11811•••• •••••••• MONNE aa1201•5 .1=Mi •••••• 111••••• With Its EXCLUSIVE TRUE-TEMP CONTROL for a warm dress. All-wool, 54" wide, Black, Brown, Maroon, Tur- quoise and Powder Blue, yd. . .$3.25 In Green and white, or brown and white. Ideal Hockey Season Opened The hockey season opened on Friday night when a team from Moltke played with the Gorrie team in the rink here: SCore was Gorrie 13, Moltke 5. Two of the Moltke team were hurt, The goal lteeper had his face cut and an- °titer boy had his shoulder broken and had to be taken to hospital, gr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short and Carol of Fergus spent New Year's day with relatives in town. Ronald re- turned with them after spending the holidays with his grandparents. LARGE CHECK ▪ for slacks or sport suits, 54" wide, per yard $3.95 sm.= SYMMS ••••• li•••• 11•1••••• ••••••••••• Beige background with colourful stripes of gold turquoise or brown, 54" wide 'Red Cross Annual Meeting "The annual meeting of the Gorrie DiStrietTed-GrOss-goseiefY will be held an Monday, January 12th, at 2.30 p,m., in the Orange Hall. AU interested are INS•••• Imo • mann 1•11••• •••1•111 me•••1 =MOM 11111111M0 *SSW O 1=11•11. NMI= MIMI= IIMMI•11 11•11na• MMUS Per yard $3.95 All Necessary Requirements in Trimmings and Accessories- Novelty Buttons, Buckles, = newest shades in Plastic Belts, and Butterick Patterns for that "New Look" BAPTIST CHURCH Mr, and Mrs. David. Hicks of Har- riston spent New Years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stephens. Mr. Gordon Marsden of Brantford spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Shera, Mr. Bell Nay of Kitchener spent the New Year holiday and week-end at his home here, Miss Esther Young and Mr. Clar- ence Grainger of Wallaceburg spent a couple of days list week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy of Wrox- eter spent New Year's day with Mr. andMrs. Fred Ilynelmart. On Tuesday evening friends and neighbors of the 10th con. gathered to i honor Mr. and Mrs. Burns Stewart and 'presented them with a floor lamp and Ed, with a bed lamp. On. Friday evening about 40 friends and neighbors of Gerrie south, gather- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Etioar and presented them with a love- ly Tri-kite lamp and •Faye and Ruth a gift of tiumoy. Mrs. Jennie Edgar via the recipient of a beautiful house coat. The evening was spent playing pro- gressive euchre. Mrs. Jas. Armstrong returned home Monday from the 'Wingham Gescral Hospital. The January meeting of L. 0.13. A. No. 810 will ho" on Saturday, January 10, at 8 p.m, ,Mr. and Mrs. Roht, Cathers, Mr. Rev. 0. J. Coupland, Pastor ti a.m. "The Man of Purpose and Faith." 7:30 p.m. "The Fall of Jericho." Come, Hear The Truth, As It is So In Christ 'For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolish- ness; but unto us which are sav- ed it is the power of God." I Cor. 1:18 •••••• Moans •••••• 1=1•01. MINNS MIONIMEN MM.* eannille OWNS. 11•111111.11 =IMMO SUMS •Salladia spas. amo•sa KING DEPT. STORE ••••••• .101S•1 .11111.1•11 0•10110110 4111•1111•1. 411.10111:5 .1•MONI1 1.1•61,01 4011001 114110.11 Only Westinghouse Gives You This "Conitant Temperature" Refrigeration "The Friendly Store" Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Galbraith and l early days of Howick when Mr. Alex.Edgar's father settled here. Ever look at the Temperature Control of a Refrigerator? There's only One that is marked in actual degrees of temperature . . and that is the Westinghouse TRUE-TEMPI It has a big advantage . because Westinghouse TRUE-TEIVIP is the only Refrigerator that can automatically keep your food at the degree of told you wish, regardless of changes in kitchen tempera- titre. In these days of rising food prices, keeping food at a safe tonstant temperature is especially important. TRUE-TEMP is just One of the EXTRA values that make it Worth your while to hold out for a Westinghouse. SUPER . FROSTER of Westinghouse Sabato for fast freezing; abundant ice-cubes; told stet.. age. MEAT KEEPER keeps a week's supply of fresh meat wholesome and appetizing, 'without loss of weight. GLASS-TOPPED IIUM/DRAWER for pro. per humidity storage of fresh vegetables, greens, etc. STORDOR . a handy apace.savet for small or frequently used articles. "TURRET.TOP ALL STEEL CABINET with sanitary one-niece interior, Fibreglass insulation, lifetime hardware. ECONOMISER mechanism, hermetically seal- ed In steel; never needs oiling; has minimum entrent consumption, BUILT IN WATCHMAN . . automatically protects your refrigerator mechanism from dani. age due to faulty power supply. ,young sons moved recently to the farm !purchased from Mr. Burris Stewart. Mr. Hartwell Strong and Stewart Spent Tuesday of last week in Termite. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. F. C. Taylor were Miss Viola Mathers and Mr. Robert Warwick of Morris township. Mrs. Russel Pollotk of London and Miss Mary Corbett of Termite visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs, WM. Cor- bett several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cathers of Hain- num are holidaying in Flordia. The hockey club sponsored a deuce on New Year's Eve ',Ala was welt attended. Brown's Orchestra supplied musk. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. kitchen spent New Years with their daughter, Mrs. Carl jacklin and Mr.-Jacklin of Emus- sits. Mr. and ,1ths. Joe Earngey of Han- over spent New Years -with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. W. Earngey. THE TELEPHONE 161 Salvation Army Tuesday- 2:30 p.m.-Home League. 8 pin. Youth Group. Thursday 8 p.m. Prayer electing, Suaday-,-- 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting. 2:80 p.m.-Sunday School, 7 Amt.-Salvation Meeting. Captain C. A. GoodWin, Commanding Officer 4 TWO DELIVERIES DAILY Smith_ s Economy Food 5tore Club House 16 oz. jar Ready-Cut 2 lbs. Pure PEANUT BUTTER ....42c I MAC.ARONI .. . .. . 25c VanCairip 20 oz. tin Red-GI° PORK ec BEANS - .. 19c I TOMATOES 20 oz. tin 22c CROSSE and BLACKWELL'S BLENDED TANGERINE and ORANGE JUICE 20 oz. tin 22e Tip Top Choke 20 oz. tin Ungraded PEAS ,..-,- 19e YOUR DAILY DIET with six vitamins !mown fob* essential to nutrition, plus Liver and ton By taking regularly Tip Top Fancy /0 oz. tin TOMATO JUICE . 14e Women's Institute The January meeting of the Wo. men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. W. C. Xing on Tuesday, January 18, at 2;80 p.m. Roll Call- A New Year's Resolution, Topic- "Canadian Literature" will be taken by Mrs. Arthur Stephens and" Canadian Musk" by Mrs. Norman Wade. The Motto "He who has books never lacks a friend" by Mrs, Allan Ilyndmari. cordial invitation is extended to all lad 'les of the tornintinity. A'particularly interesting annual family gathering was held at'the bottle of Ur. and Mrs. Glad, Edgar'on New Year's Day when his father, Mr. Alex. Edgar and Mrs. Edgar, their tons and daughters, with their families tat down to dinner. Altogether there Were 43 present to enjoy the festivities at Mt t.• Paramount Fancy Keta SALMON Tall flit 39e Sun FloWer Panty. Pink SALMON % tin tee Paramoent Fancy Red' Sockeye SALMON - ....% lb. tin 23e McCormick's 1 lb, pkg. REAL VALUE! CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP Ile tin Maple Leaf % lb. pkg, Canadian CHEESE - 23c • RADIO SERVICE Your Westinghouse Dealer in Wingham feel fit, stay fit with Plonnnlins-nnly 2 CaPstsint Q day. Bak of 50 Capsules, 6 4 „iv, 25 days supply Zii /2 Olula DRUGS SNOWFLAXE AMMON ... 2 pkgs. Ific DISHES SPARKLE DREFT , ............... 29e hto RINS/NO SPIC AND SPAN Miratle Whip ot,, jar I Stialeely's Finest Mos. td. SALAD DRESSING 28c TOMATO CATSUP 32e Size 288's NAVEL ORANGES doz., 29c 4 for 256 HONE 161 ,.,T,ttUG sitar, ROMPT SERV/CE Edgar's former farm hem Which hai inioiiitoilveguitoiriiiiinitialoiritiWititilOnortffiMiiiiiiiiiii0006:4 been Itt The Edger 16,610 Mlle° the lrety