HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-01-07, Page 4they are living.
Mr. Richards took over his farm
on concession 4 in October and has
since been busily engaged preparing
for winter. He visited Prince Edward
county in 1929 for what was intended
to be a three-month holiday, but he was
so greatly impressed that he stayed for
a year. Mrs. Richards is a skilled pian-
ist, and holds the L.R.A.M, degree in
music. Gwendolyn, the oldest member
of the family, a shorthand typist and
skilled nurse, decided at the last min-
ute to remain in England. This de-
cision was made in view of her forth-
coming marriage. Mr. Richards was
unaware of Gwettdolyn's decision until
he met the family in Wingham on
Monday evening.
Junea a qualified child nurse, was a
junior technician in electro-cardio-
graphy in the Sheffield Royal Itifir-
wary. Pamela is a student and teacher
of ballet dancing. Valerie, Irma, Earl
Charles, Cyril and Clive are all of
school age. Peter, the baby, is two
and a half years of age.
Mr. Richard is loud in his praise of
his new neighbors in Morris township.
Just as he was beginning to grow anx-
ious about winter feel, a wood bee was
arranged by the neighbors, and his atm-
lety was removed to the tune of forty
Considerable interest was aroused la
the neighborhood by the expected ar-
rival, of such a large family, but the
women of the'adjoining farms had
their- plans made well it advance and
• wonderful reception awaited the
Richards' at the end of their long jour-
ney. As near neighbors, the Richards'
have Mr. amid Mrs. Joseph Allan and
family, who came front Glasgow, Scot-
land, to Settle on concession 4 earlier
in the year. The neighbors did not
overlook. the children's love of Christ-
mas, and a lovely Christmas tree, pro-
vided by the neatest neighbors Jesse
Wheeler, and decorated by 'the neigh,
bars, adorns the living room. Follow-
ing their arrival in Wingbarn, the Rich-
atds' were transported to their new
home by Cecil Wheeler, Jesse Wieder
and Richard Procter. In 'the near, fu-
ture the members of the Ilelgrave An-
glicat Church will 'hold a slioseet for
time new arrivals.
(Contirreed from page atte)
now being used for 'nurses' quarters in
the old hospital building, Goverement
authorities are `urging action tilt 'Gov-
ernment financial assistance will not 'be
11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
Plastic Wall Tile
Kitchen and Bathroom
Iii Practically Everao Colour
With Blown Rock Wool. Prompt
installation. Estimates given with no
obligation. Guaranteed workmanship
and material. Phone or write Huron
Insulating Co., 117 Elgin Ave., Phone
604w, Goderich, or phone 426; Wing-
THE WINGHAYI ADVANCEMMES Wettnestiny, .January 7, 194$
I cbrYsaatheriatios and feras. The 'bride's
table was centred with a three-tier
j wedding: cake surrounded at' the base
with white laihy chrysanthemums and
ferns. Tall white tapers in silver can-
delabra flanked the cake on either side.
During the buffet luncheon, Mrs. Clara
Hurst presided at the tea table.
Mrs, Rogers wore for her daughter's
wedding a black crepe frock trimmed
in blue and gold and a blue trimmed
black hat, Her, corsage was of red ross
Mr. and Mts. Sherk left later for a
trip east, the bride donning for travel-
ling, a brown mouton coat and a brown
felt hat trimmed in brown satin ribbon.
They will reside is Wingham.
Hooper Mathers
A wedding of local interest was sol-
emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Owens, Welwyn, Sask., when
Rebecca Sara Mathers, was united in
marriage to Frederick George Hooper,
with Rev, A. R. Robinson officiating.
Given in marriage by her brother-in-
law, H. C. Owens, the bride was gown-
ed in a dress of aqua crepe with match-
ing chapel veil. Her flowers were talis-
man roses. The room was gaily decor-
ated with pink and white streamers!
and white bells. Miss Glenna played
the wedding music and during the
signing of the register, Miss Phyllis
Fleury sang "Because." 1
After the ceremony a reception was
held at the home with the bride's sis-
ter receiving the guests wearing a be-
coming frock of printed' grey silk.
The bride's table was lovely with a
lace cloth centred with a three tiered
wedding cake flanked with lighted tap-
ers in silver holders. The toast to the
bride proposed by Rev. A. R. Robin-
son was replied to by the groom.
The newly weds left on' the evening
train en route to Toronto and pointi
East. Mrs. Hooper wore a Royal, Blue
dress with top coat trimmed with red
fox fur and hat to match. They will
reside on the farm at Welwyn on their
Adults 35c Children 20c
IN MI it
= i
MN Heinz Baby Foods i
i Heinz junior Foods t
Libby's Baby Foods 1 W
Aylmer Baby FoOds a.
Campbell's Baby Soups } 3-29
Swift's Baby' Meats } 2„29 Swift's Junior Meats
Choice Cooking RICE 1 lb. pkg. 20c it
Aylmer Vegetable or Tomato SOUP .... 2 tins 19c
Aylmer RASPBERRY JAM .... 24 fluid oz. jar 49c
8 qt. b4,7
NEWPORT FLUFFS with Free Tumbler . . . . 29c
'Phone Free it-
I wish to thank my friends and nei-
ghbours and relatives far and near for
their many greetings and gifts and to
those who made my Christmas a joyous
one. May the Lord Bless them all with
a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Anna D. Hooper.
FOR SALE—Pure Bred Registered
Hereford Bulls, Rosny Farms, Gode-
rich. CHARIS Foundation Garment Co.
trained Corsetiere for Wingham, sur-
rounding district and towns. If you
need a new garment, any size or
type of figure at reasonable prices,
call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, opposite
Wingham Cemetery.
Have your CAR or TRUCK tuned
up for trouble-free Winter Driving.
Have your radiator filled with Chry-
sler Rust Resistant and treated to
retard evaporation of antifreeze.
Have your Oil Filter changed. Chan-
ge Transmission and Differential Oil
to Winter Gear Oil. Edward's Mot-
or Sales, Chrysler and Plymouth
Cars and Fargo Trucks, Phone 417,
Wingham, Ontario.
We have rubber moulding for all
wakes of cars. We have a good stock
of Seiberling Tires, regular and Mud
and Snow tread. Chryco Batteries,
all sizes, guaranteed by Chrysler
Corporation. Edward's Motor Sales,
-Chrysler and Plymouth Cars and
Fargo Trucks. Phone 417, Wing-
ham On aria.
panion to elderly lady, Apply Ad-
The Wingham Arena was the scene
of plenty of activity Saturday night,
when the Wingham Rockets and the
Harriston Broncs battled to a 4-4 tie
in the W.O.A.A. Intermediate series,
Trailing by two goals, the visitors ap-
plied the pressure in the third period
to tie the score, Tomkins scoring at the
6.02 mark on a pass from Davies, and
at 11.05 Dewbury flashed the red light,
the assist going to Dadswell. Both
McLeod and Dale played a stellar
game in the nets saving several sure
goals in the dying minutes of the game.
Playing left wing and alienating at
centre Rae led for scoring points, get.
ting one goal and two assists, with Bill
Young a close second cinching three.
The nicest goal of the game came at
the 3.35 mark of the third period,
when Templeman took Hilberts pass
to rifle home the Rockets fourth tally.
Tomkins was a standout for Harris-
ton with two goals,
Penalties could be had for a dime a
dozen as Referee Frank Kemp handed
out 16, nine to Wingham and seven to
the visitors. Several minor flare-ups en-
livened the game from the spectators
point of view with McLean serving
five of his teams miscues.
Wingham—Goal, ;McLeod; defence,
Young, English; centre, Bell; wings,
*Underwood, Rae; alternates, Foster,
Fyne Templeman, Hilbert, Yeo, Kerr,
Harriston—Goal, E. Dale; defence,
McLean, G. Dale; centre, Tomkins;
wings, Dadswell, Dewbury; alternates,
McDougall, Davies, Robson, Gilbert,
Hubbart, Smith, 'Clamp, Referee, F.
W, Kemp, Listowel,
First retied
1. Harristott, Tomkins (Dadswell) 2.22
2. Wingham, Bell (Rae) 12.42
Penalties, McLean 3, English, Voting.
Second Period
3. Wittgliani Rae (Young) 1.02.
4. Wingliatt Young (Rae) 1.37.
5. liarriston lamp (Davies) 18.10,
Penalties, McLean, Dewbury, Pyia 3,
Third Period
6, Witgliam, Tetimiernait (Hilbert)
V 110. 5.'rriston, Tomkins (Davies) 6.02.ts
8, Harriston, Dewbury (Dadswell)
Penalties, Foster, Young, McLean,
FOR SALE—Washing Machine, new
Gilson Snow Bird, never been used,
new guarantee, 60 cycle. Phone 472w
We are as near to you as your telephone—Call 193
HOOPER—In loving memory of my
dear brothers, who passed away: Al-
fred, on January 14th, 1914, Jim on
May 2nd., 1941.
Surrounded by friends I am lonesome,
In the midst of my joys I am blue,
With a smile on my face Eve a heart-
Longing clear brothers for yeti,
Also Dear Aunt Annie Thomas (nee
Hooper), of Cardiff, \Vales, February
26th, 1928,
Her memory is as dear today,
As in the hour she passed away.
—Ever remembered by an only niece,
(Anna) Annie,
FOR SALE-1 good set of Bench
Sleighs with flat rack, 1 set of
Light Sleighs. Telephone 4r4, Wrox-
Miss Edith Procter is a patient in
Wingham General Hospital.
Sixth Line Forum
The Sixth Line Farm Forum met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Blair with an attendance of twenty-
All the members of our Forum
market some of their farm products
Co-operatively. It was decided that
Co-Op. could help farmers understand
the need for grading by demonstrations
and explaining -why products belonged
in these grades. Contests and games
were enjoyed under the leadership of
Miss Agnes Mason. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Lewis Cook with Mr. Hugh
Blair as leader.
time, order them right here through
agent. Canada approved, breeders
pullorum tested. Join the ranks of
satisfied poultrykeepers, Everything
you say they are . . enjoyed real,
profits . . . . want to repeat saute
choice next season, only more"
-writes customer Mrs. F. E. Higgins, FOR SALE—Young man's winter
coat, (nearly new), Apply INIrs. Wm.
Reid, Catharine St.
house ott B. line. 8 rooms. Phone
FOR SALE-11 Chunks of Pigs, 16,
weeks old. Phone Don. Wallace,
602r4. Wingham.
111•••••••••=•=1.•• Hanover. Aged is Wilbur Hogg, R..
R. 4, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hooper visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville
Mathers and family while there visited
with Mr. and ;airs. John Geddes and
Maand Mrs. Robt. McCrea at Bel-
LOST—At Royal T. Gent's Gruen
watch, gold with expansion bracelet.
Finder please leave at The Advance-
Tintes. Reward,
FOR SALE—A Skating Jacket, tur-
quoise with brown trim, extelleet
condition, size 16. Phone 435W.
Once You Buy HILLSIDE CHICKS grave'
you'll likely do what scores of other Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers and
poultry keepers do daughter, Helen, visited with their
year after year. They
stay with them
know they're uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pea-
good. Quick growers, sturdy, healthy, cock, and their uncle and aunt, Mr. and
from good stock. Canada Approved, Mrs. Win. Johnston, their aunts, the
breeders pullorum tested. Ask us, misses Mathers, and uncle and aunt, now for catalogue price list, and or-/ Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Hooper at Bluevale.
Congratulations to Mr. Jas. Gannett
who celebrated his 79th birthday on
IONEER DAIRY FEEDS NOW January 6th. He is a patient in Wing-
contain Molasses, both 18(.;, and 24% ham General Hospital,
available. See Howson & Howson. The Bluevale Branch of Huron
der soon. Frank Green, Wroxeter,
Phone 5R17.
,.,_.xrmz,SALE--A Skating Jacket, green,.
in- good condition. size 14, Phone
SCH ATTE—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Thursday, Jan, 1st, to
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schatte, Wing-
ham, a daughter.
ARKELL—In Wingham General,
Hospital, on Thursday, January 1st.,
to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Arkell, Tees-
water, a son.
EDGAR—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, oit Saturday, January 3rd., to
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Edgar, Wroxeter,
a daughter.
HUMPHREY—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Saturday, January 3rd.,
to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humphrey,
Lucknow, a daughter.
Slierk - Rogers
Central tallied Church, Windsor,
Was the scene of a lovely wedding ott
Saturday, December 29th, a 2 o'clock,
when Lois Elizabeth Rogers, R. N.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lome Rus-
sell Rogers of Windsor, became the
bride of Ronald Joseph Keith 'Sheik,
of Wingliatii, son of Mr, and Mrs,
Frederick D. Sheik of Port Colborne.
The ceremony with Rev. Dr. H. Mick
officiating, was perforated ,against a
background of all white chrysanthe-
mums and palms.
'the bride entered the churdt on the
arm of her father, who gave her in
marriage, She was smartly gowned
in pearl grey wool with three-quarter
length full sleeves, The only trimming
was gold scroll work on the bodice
from. She wore a. beautiful heirloom
sunburst and earrings, which bad been
given to her by her geandMother, the
late Mrs. John Rogers. Her 'fitly hat
was a -climax of satin ribbon and feath-
ers in matching grey. Her flowers were
pink rases. '
Her `'sister-in-law, Mrs. Forrest Rog-
ers, wearing a inatelaitig ribbon and
feather hat and carrying yellow roses,
was matron of honour.
Mr. Votrest Rogers was best man,
'and the ushers were Mr. Jack Prince
and Mr, Hugh McLean. Mt. George
IPag presided at the organ arid Mr.
J tin Clazie sang, "the Lord's Prayer,"
and during the signiag of the register,
"Still as the Night."
A reception for sixty guests follow-
ed the church parlors, which was
FOR SALE 10 Pigs ready to wean.
Atoka Wm. Jenkins, Sr„ 'phone 637
r 12, Wingham.
forthcoming until we sltow that we are
willing and able to assume a share of
the cost.
Your membership in the Hospital
Association is a hall mark of good cit-
izenship. It shows that you have com-
passion for the sick, support progress
in your community and do not wait un-
til you are forced by taxation to sup-
port community welfare projects. A.
province as wealthy as Ontario should
never have to resort to taxation for
such purposes. We lead in rural com-
munity hospitalization. Let us also
lead in good citizenship. Evotry fant-
ily should have at least one member-
ship in the Hospital Association—$5
for one year, $25 for six years, $50
for 12 years, $100 forLife Membership.
Fees are payable to W, H. French.
Treasurer, Winghant General Hospital
Building Fund, Wirigharn, Ontario or
to your local bank.
after first dose. RUMACAPS two-
way action attacks the cause, relieves
the pain. McKibben's Drug Store.
FOR SALE—Jacket heater, perfect
working condition. Phone 321. •
STEELE—In loving memory of our
mother, who passed away January
4th, 1946.
There is a sad but sweet remembrance,
There is a memory, fond and true,
There is a token of affection, Mother,
And a heartache still for you..
Noble and Katie.
. ill
i '11110C ii F1- =
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II ..ii a. at the Arena, i a a ...a a ii WING.HAM: 5-• a i i i a ._ Saturday, January 10 .i i i
-,-, . 9 p.m. i a
- - • • i
• Wednesday, January 18
o- listfismustisnsitocumnsimmtwimatunswimmusamismismom2
"AGE vouR.
8:30 p.m.
County Library Association was open-
ed last Saturday in the Corninuitity
Hall, with the librarian, Mrs. Joseph
I H Smith in charge. Mrs. Smith will he it efficient and popular cestodian, and
'this neighbourhood may be expected to
go right ahead in pursuit of culture.
On Friday, January 9th, Mr. Roy,
f Londesboro, will give another allow-
ing of the Dominion Film Iloaad pic-
tures in time Community Hall. These
pittures are beautiful, educational,
suited to all ages, and free of charge.
Sift flour onto a sheet of wasted
paper Or paper towelling. You will not
have to wash a bowli Do not throw
away the waxed paper after using.
Void it arid store sifter.
The Most Popular
Thoroughfare in Town . • . • •
'the Mostt Effective Medium through
Which Advertiser Sell Their
Goods — Take Advet.
sage Of It!
It's a street of facts—your newspaper—anti you,
the readers, travel along its familiar path weekly.
It is the thoroughfare which carries the news of
your community into your home.
it renders indispensable service to the home-maker,
the worker, the 'businessman. It is the crossroads
where customer meets merchant, 'writs his story,
buys Ms goo& It is a leader in your home.town,
a champion of democracy, the voice of the people.
Recently Cyril Richards welcomed
his wife arid family to their new home
on concession 4, Morris township. The
Richards family hail from Sheffield,
England, where Mr. Richards was em-
played as a steel works manager. Mr.
Richards explained that the many
shortages in England at presentinade
it extremely difficult for him to pro-
vide for his family, which numbers 10
in all. At the same time he contra-
dicted several of the adverse reports
concerning present-day conditions iii
England, "Happily struggling" was
the description he gavelof the people
in England. He said that they paid
their taxes cheerfully and continued 'to
hope that brighter things were just
around the corner. He also said that
there was a marked absence of grumb-
ling among the English people 'despite
the rigorous conditions mider which
Mastic Tile Flooring
for Homes, Offices and
Norman Rigout
'Phone 251 Wingham
WANTED—Pair of Men's Hophey •
Boots, size 8. Phone '088).•.
Huron County
Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be held in the
Council Chambers, Court House,
Goderich, commencing, Tuesday, Jan-
uary 20th, at 2.0Q p.m.
AU accounts, notices of deputations
and other business requiring the atten-
tion of Council should be in the hands
of the County Clerk not later than Sat-
urday, January 17th, 1948.
N. W. Miller, County Clerk,
Goderich, Ontario.
ALL persons having claims against
the estate of William A, McGill, late
of the Township of Turnberry, in the
County of Huron, 'Farmer, who died
on or about the 1st, day of December,
A.D. 1947, are notified to send to the
undersigned on or before the seven-
teenth day, of January, A.D., 1947, full
particulars of their claims in writing.
Immediately after the said seventeenth
day of January, the assets of the said
testator will be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereo, having re-
gard only to claims of which the exec-
utor shall then have notice.
DATED this twenty-seventh day of
December, A.D,, 1947,
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executor.
Mr. abd Mrs. Norman McDowell
and children and Mr. Win. McDowell,
spent New Year's Day with Mrs.
Osbaldeston of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox and family,
of Hallett, were guests on New Year's
Day at the'home of Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Mrs. Harvey McDowell and babe re-
urneil home from VVinglia.m Hospital
on Wednesday.
Recent guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wrn. McVittle, were Mr.
John Godfrey of Goderich, Mr. Ralph
Godfrey of Dungannon and Mr. Lloyd
Godfrey of Vancouver.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook and family
of Ilelgrave, were guests 'on Thursday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. arid Mrs, 'Kenneth Campbell and
Sandra Lynn, apeat Thursday With Mr.
and ,Mts. W, Carerptsell of Auburn.
Mr. andMrs, Sidney McCliechey and
family, of Auburn, were :guests on
Thursday at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs,
Wm, Walden,
The storm oft New Year's night
caught many visitors in the teighbours
hood unawares, 'cline people had to attractively atranged with white baby
Skate Sharpening
Shoe Repair
remain over till the next day. some had
to leave their cars stranded, and walk
home, while others had to have their
cars drawn to the division line where
the county plow was trying to keep
the road open. On Saturday it took two
team on each car stranded and several
men to get the cars to the division line.
Miss Edna Moffatt of Teeswater, re-
turned on Sunday to commence her
school duti-s on Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy aleVittie of Clin-
ton, Misses Dorothy and Roberta Mc-
\Attie of Goderich, spent New Year's
Day tinder the parental roof.
Mr. Warren Bamford returned to
Preston to resume his duties as teach-
er for another term.
on all makes and models of
For Satisfaction, Call
Radio Service
'Phone 380 Wingham
1.‘ aa