HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-12-24, Page 114g4'latWeW44/44$4440- .140V04114V44054044Wiir4ut$404)0W WARM iS Hope your ','- toliday is aglow 44th happiness. _A AO.- • The Watts; Don, Audrey, Debbie and Diane HELLO . Seasons Greetings to oil our customers andl friends. Don and Bonnie Frosts Lucan g Small Engine Repair. g 128 Market St., Luton Si Thank you far your g patronage in 1980 Avimumui%4404.4404,044.0 We wish you joy at Chris MEW its true d tmas. pea inftling light your Way to peace and COrtrentmebt. were Connfe De Schuttar and Kenneth Noon. A passenger Adrienne De Schuttar suffered minor in- furies. Saturday at 8,25 p.m. a vehicle driven by Kenneth Peebles, Lucan went out of control on Highway south of Lucan and struck a culvert. Constable Chapman listed damages at $800. In a similar mishap at 4.15 a.m. Sunday, a vehicle driven by David Salyn, RR 2, Denfield left County road 28, west of Adelaide street and struck a hydro pole, Constable Marshall set damages at $6,800, Seniors enjoy Christmas dinner I W0;1;0 ciiit 1.1"10.Vkt54*4.1M2.1 ...W2..;4.114.471Mal. 414076904:4440441kAt 41% vgisHEs FOR 1;ioirl ihri147:1 lie the Pate and quiet of this mow.ladensountrysidc, the air is atingle with the chap freshness of winter, and we zee the familiar signs and symbols of the good old-fashioned Christmas spirit spirit ever new. For you and yours, we wish a bounty of traditional pleasures, of serenity and contentment, At Christmastide, we PAW in warmest appreciation of your continued loyalty, trust and confidence to wish roil the very beat of the season, it la per continuing pleasure and wish to be able to serve you. Nich olson Flowers and Nicholson Garden- Centre 227-4283 Lucan teeteet-eeetit•Alkeele4ee.elitePiesgeMeXieetiie.ei,heNei,leas• Centre in the Masonic Hall, carols were sung with Muriel Cobleigh at the piano. Violin selections were played by Clarence Lewis and Gote Wetterstrom as well as duets, with' Muriel ac- companying. They were joined by Mildred Hirtzel on the spoons, Mary Kooy, Kazoo, Jean Miller, Maracas, Ethel Lewis', washboard, Kay ,Armstrong "cymbals" (pot lids) and Iva Hodgins, Jews harp for several numbers. A lovely letter and the the poem "The Wonderer" by Robert Service, received from Arnold Hodgins, was expressively read by a "42nd cousin", Murray Hodgins, which was followed by a skit type of presentation by 6 members, A reading "Christmas Greetings' was given by Iva Hodgins and duets by Leanne Sovereign 'and Vicki MacDonald "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better", with appropriate actions and "Winter Won- derland" accompanied by Beulah Hardy were enjoyed. Distribution of exchange gifts brought brought the entertaining aitetnoon to a close. The Busy Buddies con- vened in the upstairs room to choose their ceramic pieces ready to start off the New Year, but unfortunately the first class will not be 'on _the 8th as previously stated, but on the 15th„ More Lucan News on page 13A viltligitellettalleRO ellert:IltrgileIVA Season's Greetings Denfield 1111.5P General Store Open from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Christmas Day 1.40t1PWertftWki ttNtetWtrOttt*Nt Wtetlit5Wtt .....,,,......... .....„.,,A,,,,,,„.., CHRISTMIISi At time of the „ear this glittering we send 'Wishes 0 . for your happiness, • glowing with bright, hope for the future. We look forward to serving you again ti~ g Merry Christmas to our frionds, neighbours and customers. GEBEL CABINEIS LUCAN 227-4732 egettee• efieLeree4le4emerietel ,;*1k5liCaW&,W=4 4i0 WCI:ZIPie41;i'ett Wi:r4ikA W:?A WilMO 410.0k0 N%V1 ;;O:1 Wei% 14e1 Pfel:4 Pr4s.Vi1 /45.—Wett' VIO.,Wat Wraith Family Pro Hardware Announces CIA WRAITH FAMILY 'PRO HARDWARE • INDIANS WERE HERE — $ ,.ygivikipmkt=roovarovmatowAm concert et-y4A-WA'go•ivoo,wosso,' to.tgatyotano,004,0;shosi.,044440/1 0' pi. ti May this • 4, Christmas bring 0 0 all the best for you tr o. and your family and P' 0 follow yOu thru the new year. 0. IG.A. Thomson & i .,. ,..., AUTO ELECTRIC 2274276 t, ae.elteeez•eoeeie‘voal-eeeceole..04?eveaveweaeeeeem ' To all our old faithful eestarners and all our new ones Thank You, relatives, friends and neighbours. May Jesus live through you at Christmas and in 1981 Nestle's . Honey Farm R.R. 2, Wean 227-4520 'Witeeree4ltlio- ' Www.40, a udents at McGillivray Central 'Schaal. presented .a play at Wednesday's annual Christmas T-A photo • Six accidents were in- vestigated this week by of- ficers of the Lucarfdetach- ment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police with damages es- timated at $19,200, Monday at 3 p.m. a vehicle driven by Ronald Glenn, Lucan and a snowmobile be- ing operated by John Vlasman, RR 1, Hyde Park collided on ,Elgin Street in Arva. Constable T.ft. Chap- man set damages at $550. A vehicle driven by Ferlin Sovereign, Lucan was damaged to the extent of $1,- 500 when it left County road .13, west of Lucan and struck the ditch. Constable D.B. Stables investigated. Vehicles driven by Mark Laur, Parkhill and John ,Gellaxit, RR 2, Denfield collided Thursday in Ailsa Craig. The street was slippery at the time. Constable D.N. Marshall listed damages at $550. Constable Marshall set damages at $9,000 when vehicles driven by .two Lon- don residents were in sion on Highway 7, near Highbury Avenue at 3.20 p.m. Friday, The drivers Six crashes in OPP area An excellent turkey dinner was catered to by the Guild of Holy Trinity . Anglican Church, for 73 members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies Groups, Thursday noon, December 18th, in the lower hall of the Church. It was much enjoyed and President Mildred Hirtzel voiced the thanks of the members to the ladies of the Guild. Eight dinners were delivered to shut-ins, etc. who could not attend the dinner. Returning to the Seniors' St. Pat's was busy for Christmas Whurelt, with lovely pain- Chris' MeChire's, grade 2, 3; celebrated in Wear" United Jean Hishon'S, grade 1.; Mrs. Settles, Holly and candles in Mr, .Blair Redmond's, banners as decorations Rev, Jack Gardiner's, grade? and the windows, the Chrieraen grade 4, 5; Mrs, Mary Tree lighted and several Maxwell's, grade 5, 6; Mr. Keith Brown reading the Miss Susan Barry's, grade a Story "The Hunchback and enjoyed the day, especailly heart touching Christmas participated. Everyone evening, "Christ Is Born" by volunteer in the school, schools at this re afye:r Thegradel alals4 rth!haseenbustgwthc:direeionov..44:oat decorated cheerfully with many hours creating aventwreandanpls,ithey were giving the Babe" by J.H. Hunter. when Santa Claus made a theme carol of the Cantata Tuesday, December 16 the presented last Sunday, staff invited the parents who tivity. the holiday spirit, There aee beautiful n t y scen es John W. Peterson. Father Finn, Trustee Pat Christmas Sunday was DAUmelumbe l-lrall1,7 I/a.V.0.18Mraet. St, Patrick School, like all Christmas trees and The Choir sang the lovely surprisep visit. United Ch urch -Dance Festival on Classrooms are diner, their teacher, spent ..cs,egrd hdaFo TheLnond Middlesex as At 7 p.m, members of the Crunican and Mrs. Crunican Sunday School presented and the P.T.A. Executive to their annual Christmas share a magnificent turkey concert with Barbara luncheon. Bannerman acting as Mr. Redmond's grade 4, 5 Emcee. held a white elephant sale The classes of Anne and raised $116.26 for Holden and Nancy Reed Mission Hope. combined to present Thursday, December 18, "Christmas in the Forest'l, Mrs. Marg Forrest's, grade with Anne's three and four 3, 4 presented a Christmas year olds acting out beavers, play about a creature from rabbits, mice birds and trees outer space who landed on and Nancy's five and sixes earth and discovered the were Mary, Joseph, the true meaning of Christmas. shepherds, a drummer boy The children decorated the and thw wise men. Nancy gym with their own art work was the narrator and the which added to the mood of children sang "Away in a the holiday. Manger" Santa Claus made his annual visit to the Betty Hall's class acted classrooms on Thursday out the Indian Christmas afternoon bringing pop, Carol ""rWas in the Moon chips, and an apple to each of Winter Time" as it was child, He brought a happy read by Debbie Hall who was smile to the faces of even the joined by Jane Holden to sing non-believers. the carol, at theclose of the Thanks to the fund raising playlet. The auto harp efforts of • the Student played by Donna Faye Council, the children saw a Milton added a different film calledKingGrizzlies, on touch to the number her the last day before the class of boys sang "Walking holidays. in a Winter Wonderland" Barbara Coughlin's class All the children were given presented a Russian Folk the opportunity create Tale, entitled "Baboushl5a,, poetry and prose for where she missed the first Christmas. It didn't take Christmas, the visit of the much to ipspire them. Wisemen, because of her household duties and when she finally got to the stable she found the manger empty. Each Christmas Eve you might see an elderly woman leaving a gift for your children, "Time to wonder, time to sing, helping hands and a loving heart". The high school class, under the direction of Barbara Bannerman presented the playlet "We Didn't Forget Anyone", a modern piece with the young people dressed alike, talking of the money they had spent for all their gifts, trees, decorations, etc. and hoping there were no birthdays early in the year. The play ended with them saying they hadn't forgotten anyone at all, but indeed they had, the most important person of all. To emphasize this they formed a cross and held that position for a brief period. The whole Sunday School, almost 140 voices, joined in a closing chorus: "Unto us a Boy is Born", accompanied by Helen Brown. Santa visited the younger classes as the older ones presented their numbers. UPCOMING - Everyone is invited to the Christmas Eve Candle Light service and Holy Communion at 7 p.m. If you have not yet renewed your "Upper Room" or your "Observer" please contact Mabel Froats, 227-4879 and Alex Young 227- 4633, respectively. Church books close December 31. If you wish income tax credits for 1980 please be sure your church treasurer receives your gift before that date. Tirnes4 vootte,Decemhe. 24, 1900 Pool11A rivolgotovo„41.01.4motoofttpotoomovittiokitiowsw Merry Christmas • May thoughts of peoCeondloye... joy and content- ment .Jae with you this merry season, LUCAN LANES • 'Mkfttita'Ottettelleleveleeieilettleete'etalwtenzetenelleWeel Joyous aristmas Christmas Eve - 7: 3 CI p.m. at St. James, THE CHRISTMAS EUCHARIST AND MESSAGE 11:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity A CHRISTMAS EVE CANDELIGHT EUCHARIST and MESSAGE (This Service will be preceeded by a short carol ser- vice of words and music which will begin at 10:30 p.m.) Christmas Day - 10:00 a.m. At Holy Trinity ' A CHRISTMAS DAY EUCHARIST Sunday Dec. 28th The Service at St. James and Holy Trinity will resume at their normal times Both Congregations Wish You . 3 and tr .4, w Yours A Very Merry and . Blessed Christmas t ti. Tr As cm tg,s•tqt,svis vt.ivtst:PAwsst;?tso•(,trqtac2ms•ve,s..•Fts ,ti Wiit:T4 (..te s44it. 6! C. Hackett. & Son • 227-4211 Furniture & Funeral Home Lucan lizteF.temdsw.?to.wirstswenritivtiAtigtlivtkomovrikj HOLY TRINITY, LUCAN and ST. JAMES, CLANDEBOYE If Invite You To Attend Their Christmas Services Damages hit $19,200 Scottgs Elevators Luton Ltd .4 227.4479 VifiCCCOitRiiii)~#444440144ifitfAtiAtitittat