Times-Advocate, 1980-10-22, Page 27• • a • • 7- • . ne"-N0 4 6T •••• • • ••• •r ,--• ,ial• a. . 40/ • • • IQ * 11.4 0. • •• . .4 • TimesArivecate, October 22, 1980 Peg. 11 A .7•1 " ""4 4" 4 ` •4 " • ir.• • • •••• • ••" . .0. • • • - • • • • f..* • .e r a • a .1.. igS . ea , • • Help to cover losses Forms set for weaner pigs ODDFELLOWS INSTALLING TEAM — District Deputy Grand Master Percy Noels and his Independent Order of Oddfellows installing team is shown here. Back left, Floyd Cooper, Bruce Delbridge, Bill Rowe, John Morgan, Fred Delbridge and Cliff Grasdahl. Front, Alex Meikle, Norm Stanlake, Percy Noels, District Grand Warden Alex McBeath, Bob Heywood and Ray Mills. T-A photo 0101 AA M M AA OA Adh The First Canadian Bank hid Bank of Montreal Exeter 235-2860 ask for Sandy Lucan 227-4473 ask for Angela Hensall 262-2524 ask for Dave Zurich 236-4384 ask for Carole Grand Bend 238-2381 ask for Neil If you own a home, use your equity to good advantage. If you do not own a home, perhaps we can assist you in purchasing one. If you are interested, or if you have any questions, just call. ommanimmaammormamannumannk BANK OF MONTREAL Has First and Second MORTGAGES - Life Insured (Free) - Up to 20 years to pay (20 years amortization, 5 year maximum term) - Completely open (prepay at any time without penalty) - Up to 75% of the value of your home (subject to prior encumbrances) - Disability insurance available (at a low cost) - Rates start at 15 1/4 % (subject to change without notice) BOLT NUT SUPPLIES Zinc Plated Grade 5 Buy what you want by the lb. no mini mum package sizes to purchase. Moisture Tester Take the guesswork out of your grain harvesting, drying,and marketing decisions with the John Deere Moisture Tester. This unit is portable, dependable, simple to use. - , '21 3 129 I lb. Chained Lightning... Stop in today for a demonstration on the new line of John Deere Chain Saws. Choose from seven models - 30 to 78cc, 12 to 27-inch sprocket-nqse guidebar. Each has a chisel or semichisel chain, automatic oiler, and counterbalanced crankshaft. Conveniently located handles and controls. Throttle/trigger interlock provides added safety. Get professional quality and, dependability in the new line of John Deere Saws. Put warmth where you want jt with a John Deere Space heater Two models are available to heat machine sheds, workships, cabins anywhere 115-volt current is available. All burn kerosene or No. 1 or No. 2 fuel oil. Fuel saving thermostat is standard on 150,000 Btu model, optional on the 90,000-Btu model. HURON MA= Myth 523.4244 Exeter 235-1115 41111111111111111111111111116111 ro Tough new laws will deter trespassing. How wale helping to protect you and your property. For nearly 150 years Ontario has had a law making it an offence to enter property where entry is prohibited. But now new legislation— The Trespass to Property Act -has toughened up the law to protect your rights. Trespassers can now be fined up to $1,000. In addition, they can be ordered to pay for damages they. have caused. An important part of the legislation designates premises where entry is prohibited without notice. These include your gardens, orchards, vineyards, land under cultivation, woodlots and fenced land. Where notice must be given to prohibit entry, you may use red markings on gates, trees or fences. Yellow markings may be used to caution that only certain activities may be permissible. It is the responsibility of the visitor to find out what you permit. LAND USED FOR RECREATION In the past; there was a great deal of confusion regarding your responsibility to people you allow on your land. Consequently many farmers and rural landholders would not allow recreational activities on their properties. Now another new act—The Occupiers' Liability Act—reduces your responsi- bility. In a nutshell, the law assumes that those who take their recreation on most rural land without paying a fee will take care for their own safety. ' A special system has been devised to allow you to easily indicate which activities you will allow on your . property. A sign naming or graphically representing an activity (for example, hiking) indicates that the activity is permitted. The same kind of sign with an oblique stroke through it means that you prohibit the activity. These new laws are part of a continuing program to streamline our legislation. By clarifying your rights, they afford you greater protection from trespass and also reduce your liability when you make land available for recreational purposes. For full details, obtain a copy of this free pamphlet. It's available at many supermarkets and liquor stores, or write to: Communications Branch Ministry of the Attorney General, 18 King Street East Toronto, Ontario M5C 105 Ministry of the Attorney General Hon. R. Roy McMurtry Minister bean'. marketing fraugthtyith p to the equal quality factors • similar to that of the Soya., Bean Growers' Board. He. asserted it is not the intent of the local board to have: Ontario soybean growera subject simply to the pricing. of the crushers without acceptable reasons for the change. payment, since this segment of the industry suffered price slumps just as bad as those experienced with finished hogs." Weaner prices dropped from more than $40 per piglet in the first quarter of 1979 to about $27 in the last quarter. Based on five-year average prices, weaner producers will be paid a stabilization payment of $1.00 per weaner pig. Weaner producers can apply. for payment on up to 5,000 pigs. Application forms have been available for some weeks at Terminal stockyard offices and federal regional offices. ,For con- venience to producers, however, Mr. Cardiff has placed additional forms in his office on the Main Street in Brussels, where they may be picked up. Alternatively, Ontario's soybean crop of 24 Million bushels representing today's farm value of over 200 million dollars is fraught with numerous marketing problems according to Peter Epp, Chairman of the Negotiating Committee of the Ontario Soya-Bean Gorwers' Marketing Board. Epp reported to his: board, -of problems encountered at a recent meeting with the soybean crushers and the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board held in Toronto, As. soybeans are a regulated commodity under the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act, each year a negotiated agreement is. signed respecting the marketing'. of the soybean crop, Part of the agreernent establishes the pricing arrangements for Ontario soybeans based on the cost of imported soybeans in Canadian funds delivered to-. the .Ontario crushing plants. Concern was expressed as on Ontario soybeans specifically in the areas of moisture discounts, product yield and truCking, costs of soybeans 'delivered to the crushers. It is the contention of the. Gorwers' Board these factors should represent actual substantiated dif- ferentials without price protection being in- corporated. Trucking rates assessed to the soybean price to Hamilton-Toronto should not be based on the longest haul from Essex County to Toronto where the rate is 29 cents la bushel but either on an equalized rate or the pricing could be on a delivered basis at the crusher plant rather than on a F,O.B. basis local elevator. Epp stated that in the area of trucking, while the rate of 20 cents was plugged into the pricing formula, local elevators depending upon their location pay the actual rate of the tartiff and the difference between the two rates represents a further handling charge to the elevator, Epp reported to the local board the crushers at the Toronto-meeting stated they preferred the Growers' Board be disbanded in order for the crushers to purchase soybeans at their set price on the open-market basis rather than complying with a negotiated agreement designed to assure Ontario growers a price equal to that of imported soybeans of equal quality delivered to their plant. At the meeting the cru- shers cited unfair com- petition caused by the Federal Government's Western Canada rapeseed products transportation subsidy to the Ontario soybean product market. This subject was raised two years ago when crushers threatened to reduce prices 22 cents a bushel to meet the rapeoil competition. At that time the Ontario Soybean Industry and Government met in Ottawa with the Hon. John Wise, then Minister of Agriculture, and a review and program was under consideration. On Friday, October 17, the Soya-Bean Board office was advised from the office of the 'Hon. Eugene Whalen the rapeseed product tran- sportation assistance is being re-evaluated. Further., Mr, Whelan is calling a. meeting' of the Ontario Soybean Industry along with the Hon. Lorne Henderson of Ontario and his people within the next -Month. Epp stated the .continued threatof Ontario crushers to crush softseeds, namely rapeseed,, has been an an- nual remark throughout the years. Should Western rapeseed be placed under the Canadian Wheat Board,. rapeseed would be regulated commodity with set prices pensation to weaner- producers similar to that paid for finished hogs marketed between April 1, 1979 and March 31, 1980. When the stabilization payment for finished- hogs was announced in May, weaner producers were excluded. Mr. Cardiff questioned this exclusion in the House of Commons, urging the Minister of Agriculture to include farrowing or piglet operations along with finish operations in the stabilization plan. "Nothing happened on this issue until the late summer," Mr. Cardiff notes, "By which time farmers were too busy to pay much attention to the government's announce- ment, However, I am glad weaner producers have now been included in the ro lems lie reminded the crushers at the Toronto meeting growM do have Problems and cited the case of her- bicides, where the Ontario producer pays 15 percent more in their input cost as they cannot iMport her- bicides into Canada duty free upon request by phone to the constituency office, they will be mailed out to producers directly. "I would urge weaner producers to take advantage of this plan," Mr. Cardiff said. "Sixty per cent of the finished hogs marketed in Canada last year had come from specialized weaner producers. Now that weaner producers have been in- cluded in the stabilization plan, they too have a chance to recover some of last year's losses." For further information, farmers may contact the Agricultural Stabilization Board 9th Floor, Sir William BuLilodginagn 580 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario KlA 0Y9 Middlesex County Rd #2 UCO STOCKYARD UCO has operated a sales agency at the Ontario Stockyards in Toronto for many years. With growing interest, we are expand- ing. In addition to the growing business in Toronto, we are extending our service closer' to Cairngorm 10th Caradod STOCKER-FEEDER SALES BUTCHER CATTLE ASSEMBLY YARD NOW OPEN AT STRATHROY the primary producer by open- ing a stocker feeder barn and assembly point just south of Strathroy, Ontario. Whether you're buying or selling cattle UCO can be of service to you. Call today! • good selection • convenient location Town of Strathroy Co-operation in action! MP Murray Cardiff has announced that application forms for the Federal Government's weaner pig program are now available through his Brussels con- stituency office. The weaner pig stabilization payment was first announced in August, but according to Mr. Cardiff it has not so far come to the attention of very many of the eligible producers. "Out of some 30,000 to 40,000 potential applicants across Canada, fewer than 2,000 had filed applications with the Federal Govern- ment by Thanksgiving weekend," Mr. Cardiff said. "From Ontario only 111 applications had been received," he added. The weaner pig stabilization payment ,is intended to provide corn- - in like manner to, soybeans entering Canada free of tariffs for crushing pur- poses. So