HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-10-22, Page 23-2•N's
• 10,
Describes Passion Play
HENSALL GRAIN ELEVATORS BUSY — Grain elevators at Hensall have been going day
and night recently as area farms harvest their crops, Assisting Bruno Brecker.of Walton in
the unloading of his corn at W.G. Thompson and Sons Friday was Greg Campbell,
Tues., Wed., Thurs., & Sat.
8 cf,m. 6 p.m.
262-2017 MENSAL'.
itlatkElt place
for home
Vables effective until closing Saturday October 25, 1980.
We reserve the right to limit quantities.
Choice Local Beef
hind of (processed)
beef .1.89
cottage rolls .1 Maple Leaf sweet cured .69
lb, 79
lb, 39
store sliced
bacon .1 .59
pure kettle rendered 49
assorted Delsey bathroom Y roll
Jolt flavour crystals
ret 3tol k2o5 .89
plastic baps
food 'save Baggies o140r .89
dishwasher detergent
-Caigonite 14b1,1 2.69
h "Ial 1:69
round steak or
Quaker One Minute or
900 %oil kg pkg.
Quick oats
stole packed
head cheese
chopped suet
Cap Bubble 6"1 1 49 Factory 411
eon R ch$
CoffeRiche s
ttl. 49-
lAwon Arco. /0115 Sr
hamburger tk on
buns fi +QV
1500/t0/1 Puritan
Stews 1:69
Kraft Park3y
margarine a .99
Tetley tea bags 3.59
rirederxed laundry
Jet 'detergent
6 02 jar
cee grade
soup 11,
10 IL oz. tin I.111 CUSTOM
3 lb.
Mt jaY Roof
Tues4ny - Pork
Store 262./017
Abattoir 262.1041
YES * We have
Gift certificates
Johnson & Johnson
scans 1.89 1?', az. Frozen Old South
Orange Juice .89
frorto straight or
,rankle tut
lb. pkg 4 x$ O. tins
contender, Sadie Hoy, along
with. Gary Huston, ..Cecii
Pepper and John, *ea,
Four of those seven are to
be eleeted.
There will also be 40
election for ruc this term as
Charles Hay, Gary Maxwell
and Harold lf,night have filed
nomination papers.
Hay is the only ineinribent,
although Knight has served
on the Commission as the
village representative
during his terms as reeve,
Maxwell is a former
village works superin-
There appear to be no
major election issues in
Hensel'. Both candidates for
reeve have indicated they -
are running on similar
platforms, citing the need.'for
senior citizen ac-
commodation 'and • a
rejuvenation of the down-
town business area,
Clerk Betty Oake reported
this week there are no plans
fora ratepayers' meeting to
hear the candidates prior. to
the election.
gives talk
F 9 95
, rom 3 9 and trade
429” Prom and trade
• McCictry Fridges
• Hot Point Microwave Ovens
• General Electric Washers
, 262-2728 C Mc,Ptirly F 7,-1/ty ntg 1-v1 1,11 4 "The Place To Buy Appliances
ifiniversa' ry Sale
BUT for This Week Only we have
Special Prices on Odds and Ends
Stock must be cleared to make room for the 1981 models arriving daily.
We do our Own Service -Not Factory Service
Here are just a few of the Super Values available NOW
Many other Specials on our soles floor - Over 300 Major Appliances on display
Mrs. Laird Mickie visited
for a few days last week with
her son and daughter-in-law
Dr. and Mrs, Robert Mickle
and family in, their new home
near Ayr,
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
returned, home after spen-
ding Thanksgiving week
with her son and daughter-
in-law Mr. and. Mrs. Don
MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke
at Oakyilig:
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Noakes spent Thanksgiving'
in London with members of
their family at the home of
Mrs. Jean Amess. While in
London they visited their
daughter, Linda Fisher in
Victoria Hospital who has
been seriously ill for several
weeks and is scheduled for
major surgery.
Thanksgiving and recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Berigough and Mr. and
Mrs. Alphonse Grenier were
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Quemenville, Maddison
Heights, Michigan. Also
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Turner
and Kathy, St, Clair Shores,
Michigan, Mr, and Mrs.
Andrew Rau,Zurich,
Susanne Reiland David Bell,
Windsor; Mr, and Mrs,
Larry . Luther, Terrie Lynn
and Robert Grand Bend,
Karen, Janisse and Ray
Leslie, London.
Recent dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol
were Mr. and Mrs. 'Don
Dobbs and family, Seaforth;
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy,
Centralia, Mrs. Beatrice
Munn, Exeter and Mrs.
Dorothy Brintnell, Hensall.
A number of members of
the Hensel). U.C.W. attended
the fall rally held at
Greenway Church on
Saturday night visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. Sim
Roobol were. Mr. and Mrs.
Gerry Brenderhnrst, of
Mrs. Mabel Munn had the
misfortune of fracturing her
hip at the home of her son-in-
law and daughter Mr. and
Mrs. Don Gooding„ in
Parkhill. She was taken to
. South Huron Hospital,
Exeter and transferred to St.
Joseph's hospital London
where she underwent
surgery and is reported to be
making a favourable
recovery.Her many friends
hope to see her home soon.
United Church
The regular Sunday ser-
vice at Hensall United
Church was conducted by
Mr, Paul Schott of Centralia
at 11 a.m. With Dr. Ralph
Topp at the organ, the choir
sang the anthem, "For the
beauty of the earth" and the
children's talk was on, "Who
is good enough?" Mr. Schott
preached on the thought that
man is his own worst enemy.
Man has been made in the
image of God and has His'
example to follow. God is
ready to share His glory with
Flowers in the sanctuary
were in loving memory of
Russell Erratt and Chad
Peter Zwaan, placedthereby
their families,
"The only sure foundation
on which any ' truth can rest
is that those who reject it are
free to attack it, and those
who accept it are free to
defend it."
A trip last summer to
Oberammergau to see the
Passion Play was described
by Mrs. Grace Drummond to
the members of Unit two of
Hensall United Church who
met for —their 4 October
meeting on Thanksgiving
evening. Grace described
this as a profound, religious
experience and the setting of
the beautiful village in the
Alpine mountains added to
the overall drama,. Enact-
ment of this play started
many years ago when the
Black. Death was raging
through Europe and
Oberammergau was spared.
The villagers vowed to
perform the Passion Play
every 10 years in gratitude to
God and have done so except
for the War Years,
Mrs, Helen MacLean gave
the topic on Thanksgiving.
Thanks to God should be
given for senses, work,
prayer, sleep,- life, the
seasons and the promise of
Heaven, never forgetting the
things usually taken for
For the devotional, Mrs.
Hilda 'Payne read about the
old fashioned Thanksgiving
times and som.e. poems on the
topic. The meeting was
chaired by Mrs: Hazel
Corbett who opened' with a
poem, "Harvest" and closed
with a medley of
Thanksgiving thoughts.
Mrs. Joyce Pepper con-
ducted 'the business and
reminded all of Bible Study
being held on Tuesdays at 10
a.m. and thanked everyone
who had helped to decorate
the church for
Thankgsgiving. The
meeting closed with the
benediction and hostesses
Mrs. Shirley McAllister and
Mrs. Grace Drummond
served a delicious lunch.
Play euchre
A very successful dessert
euchre was held by The
Hensel!. Women's Institute in
the Legion Hall on Wed-
nesday, October 15 when 17
tables sat down to play.
Winners were; ladies high,
Miss Mary Broadfoot,-
Kippen, ladies low, Mrs.
Florence Keller, Dashwood,
lone hands, Mrs. Ina Neeb,
Zurich. Winner of the ham,
Mrs, Arnold Merner, Zurich'
and of the salmon, Mrs,
Myrtle Sherritt, Hensall.
Sitting in the lucky chair
was Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner,
Zurich. Sincere thanks to all
who helped in any way to
make the afternoon such a
Church news
The Church service tin
Carmel Presbyterian
Church will be at the hour of
1:30 p.m. on Sunday October
26 due to the time change,A
ladies day is planned and
luncheon will be served at
the hour of 12 noon.
Everyone is cordially invited
to attend this social
preceding the service when
a ladies' choir is presenting
special music and the guest
speaker is Mrs. Kenneth
Knight, Exeter. Please keep
this date in mind.
Queen sway folk
enjoy touring
The residents of queen-
sway Nursing Rome enjoyed
a bus trip. to HOIMeSVille,
Barfield, Benrniller, and
Congratulations to Roy
Gingerich who was the lucky
winner of the fruit basket.
`birthday Greetings to
Neil Regan who celebrated
his birthday last week.
Visitors with Mrs. Wilds
were Kay Cockwell, Henry
and Marie Wilds, Mrs. Irma
Krueger, Ken Dogan, Mr,
and. Mrs. Abie Doerr, Dianne
and Don Wilfred, Mr. and
Mrs. Dogan, Mary Ann
Quesnel. Visitors with Louise
Mitchell were her son Les
Mitchell, Dorothy Brint-
nell,and Hazel Snell. Mrs.
Iva Ridley visited with Vera
LaAT.t, In ienebbie and Sandy
Rozendal, Mr. aand Mrs.
Steve Soepboer and Judy
visited with Mrs. Rozendal,
Mr. Nouque also visited Mrs.
Rozendal. Mrs. Irene
Finlayson and Beatrice
Taylor visited their mother
Mrs. Volland. Vistors with
Muriel Triebner were Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Triebner, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Finkbeiner
and Mrs. Elva Davey. Isobel
Alcock and Jessie Angel
visited Cora Alcock.
Visiting with Mac Beaver
were Mrs. Katharine
Schenk, Irene Schlenker,
and Irma Krueger.Christine
Telma and Helen Toonstra
visited with Aleeta Katz.
Unit 1 of Hensall United
Church entertained the
residents to bingo and treats
and Pastor Jack Dressler of
Zurich conducted Church
service accompanied by
Doug Klapp at the piano.
Hensall voters will have a.
full slate of candidates from
which to 'choose when they
head to the polls on
November W.
Two sitting members of
council,. Paul Neilands and
Harry Ellingel, will he op-
posing each other for the
reeve's post Whieti became-
vacant: through the
retirement of Harold Knight.
It's the first election. for
that post .in several years in
The other two members of
the present •council, Dick
Packbam. and. Maas. Van-
Wieren, will be attempting •to.
retain their positions and
will be opposed, by four
Returning for another
election fight is veteran
Rensill politician, Minnie
Noakes, She was one of the
first female members of an:
area council and then
became one of the first
women in the area to head a
council when she held the
reeve's post.
She's being joined in the
race • by another female
MEETING THE TEACHER — Huron Centennial School at Brocefield held an open house
recently. Talking with new teacher Rob Snell was Marjorie Hayter.
To see Royal fair
The September meeting of
the Three Links met on
Tuesday evening with a good
attendance. The president
Mrs. Ruby Bell presided for
the opening of the meeting.
Following the business the
bus trip to the Royal Winter
Fair in Toronto ' was
discussed and it was decided
to book the bus for Thur-
sday, November 20.
Anyone wishing to secure a
Seniors arrange trip
ride on the bus please get in
touch with Mrs. Gert Horton
or Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
as soon as possible.
Mrs. John Skew showed
pictures and narrated their
trip to Western Canada
which they enjoyed recently.
Everyone enjoyed these
pictures very much.
Progressive euchre was
played and Mrs. Percy
Campbell won the high prize,
Mrs. Elizabeth Riley won the
prize for the nearest bir-
thday and Mrs, Annie
Noakes won the prize for the
lucky cup. The en-
tertainment committee
were: Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Taylor and Mrs. Anita
Bengough; the social
committee consisted of Mrs,
Myrtle Sherritt, Mrs, Laird
Mickle and Mrs. Dorothy
An interesting and in-
spirational evening was held
on Sunday, at Hensall United
Church when members of
the congregation gathered in
the Fellowship Hall to greet
and listen to Miss Iris Castle
of the Baptist Mid Mission.
Miss Castle has spent 22
years in St. Lucia as a
missionary and the last few
years in New Zealand. She
showed lovely pictures of
that country and described
the culture of the native
people, who are fully in-
tergrated with the whites.
Preceding her talk all sang
gospel hymns and at the end
of the evening coffee and
cookies were enjoyed and
artifacts exhibited.
•su • 4,-•14 * 4 * 4,11 44 , or *,— 4, b 4 * • *IS
Seven run for council
Full slate for election