HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-10-22, Page 22Pogo 6itt Timu-AdvIgat., October 22, 1980 First election in six years • T wo run ,or reeve Thirteen people in Grand rest were filled by ac- earlier that she would not be Bend,., will be hitting the clamation.. .seelting re•electioo, campaign trail in what is. This year elections will be Five people are after three shaping up. to be an in- held for all posts, There will positions on village ,council, teresting municipal election. be one reeve and one deputy Present councillor` Keith Clerk Louise Clipperton said reeve elected, three coup- Crawford is seeking Te- ti)* most of the netnin- cillors, elected, and two election, along with. ations came in late Monday public utilities corn- newcomers Angelo. Maruca, afternoon, just before the missioners elected, Mae 1Viorenz, Dennis Snider 5:00 p.m. deadline,. Mrs. Running for the reeve's and Bruce Woodie) Clipperton admitted that she chair are incumbent Robert was surprised by the number Sharen, (reeve for the past Prosper Van. Brunene and. of nominations., six years)xs) and.John R. eRoydoonh.naSesnpaurebisiceelt4ittiugitiree; It has been six years since (Dick) 'Manore„ Three election . Grand Bend had. a full people' are after the position. commissioners. Opposing municipal election. Two of deputy reeve: present them is former councillor years ago there was no 'councillor Harold Green, as Bill Baird, who was council's election, and all posts were well as newcomers, Ralph representative On the PUC. filled by acclamation, Four McKinnon and Ronald Baird announced earlier that years ago, an election was Landry. Present deputy he would not seek re-election held for one post, and the, reeve Judy Uniac announced to council,. Area ladies participate in ecumenical service iplow , NEW TEACHER — Kim Lewis, 4, of Grand Bend waits while her new teacher Connie Hodgins of Greenway pours her juice. Miss Hodgins accepted the position at the Grand Bend Nursery School recently when former teacher Cathy Smith left. Staff photo Civic holiday in October Clerk works anyway! 11111111•111111111111Milk HIGH SERVICE COSTS GOT YOU DOWN? Well this could make you smile! 16 Point Winter Tune-Up '12.504 cif!. 95.00 6 cyl. 18 00 8 cyl. (Parts extra where needed). Oil at"Filter $9.50 D.O.T.Safety Check $13.50 Offer good till Nov. 30th Call us now at 238-8613 BAKER MOTOR PRODUCTS Sales/Service Hwy. 21 r N. Grand Bend /38.8613 SNACK TIME — Trent Stellingwerf, 4, of Grand Bend offers a plate of cheese and crackers to Jodie McGee, 4, of R.R. 2, Zurich while classmates look on. Snack time is always much anticipated at Grand Bend Nursery School, Staff photo Hat Turkey Supper at GRAND BEND UNITED. CHURCH Nov. 5th Adults $5.00 Children $2,50 Pre-schoolers free Time 5 to 8 p.m, Take outs available. Delivery for shut-ins. Phone 238-8732, by noon, Nov. 5th at latest. Grand, Bend United Church Anniversary Sun., Nov. thoo a.m. Guest Speaker MR. JACK BURGHARDT of• London 7:30 p.m. Rev. Harley Moore. Everyone Welcome Anyone interested in being a Brownie leader please contact the Clerk's office, Grand Bend at 238- 8461. Grand Bend & Area Recreation Committee THE N111 kl 1:001) STORE Are you interested in taking a NATURAL FOOD COOKING CLASS? (one evening only!) It is an introduction to making bread, yogurt, granola, soup and growing sprouts. Ontario St. S., Hwy. 21 (just south of bridge) GRAND BEND 238-8489 HARWoOD DRUGS Ltd. 238-8540 Beside Post Office t 22, 81 CRESCENT GRAND REND, ONT. Grand Bend Decorating Centre's YEAR END INVENTORY SALE ALL STOCK 10% to 50%Off Below are just a few of the many values • on sale now )-mstrong limeWral Reg. $13.95 so. yd 795 NOW FROM sq. yd • ALL STOCKED WALLPAPER 25% Off • CARPET REMNANTS 50% Off GRAND BEND DECORATING • /1 and FLOORING CENTRE HWY. #21 238-8603 "711 01`11411 • SO ••• 4.• • *. a M - a • 1t. • • • R. open Monday, 'as it was closed August 4. At that time the postmaster said it would be pointless for the office to be open, because no mail would move in or out of the village. Other stores and services were open for business as usual Monday. Even the village clerk and shames province The provincial govern- in Port Franks, says he met ment is "embarrassed" with provincial government about the way the situation representatives, " and they at Port Franks has been have promised to sort out the handled, according to a cottagers' problems. spokesman for the unhappy Armstrong estimates that residents of that area, about 180 properties are Joe Armstrong, a cottager Please turn to page 14A Port Franks by-law her assistant had to work on the day the council, declared a holiday. Clerk Louise Clipperton and her. assistant Christine Smith could not leave their jobs Monday because it was the final' day for nominations for the upcoming municipal elec- tion. They will be given time off for working on the holiday at a later date. Srokosz acclaimed' ire met More than 50 attended the Thanksgiving ecumenical, held last Tuesday evening at Grand Bend United church, Rev. H. Moore addressed the ladies on a topic of Thanksgiving with reasons to give thanks. Churches participating in the program were Calvary United, Dashwood, Greenway United and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic church, From Dashwood, Anne Marie Hoffman sang "How Great Thou. Art." Greenway's number was two organ selections, "Work for the night is coming," and "Praise the Lord," played by Martin Eagleson. The Catholic ladies number was two solos by Roberta Walker, "The. Pilgrim song," and "Bless this house." Grand Bend United number was solos by Marlele Brenner, "I know wry„-re I'm going," and "I see the love of God." Pianist for the solos and hymns was Irene Kennedy. Charing the ecumenical meeting was Grand Bend U.C.W. President, Eleanor Durie, It was announced that Greenway would host the Christmas Ecumenical. The offering, of more than $60.00 will go to help the alcohol and drug concerns. Lunch refreshments closed a pleasant evening. Couples Club Grand Bend Couples Club met Saturday evening in the S.S. rooms of the United church. Millie and Morley Desjardine opened with a sing song. A worship service on the theme "Happiness in the home," was conducted by Harley and Elaine Moore. Guest speaker was Archie „Andrews, from Huron Centre for Children and Youth at Clinton,on Child Discipline. He stressed the im- portance of parental love to children, and compared loving children to God loving us. In the social time a relay game of tying ties was en- joyed by all. In charge of the meeting and lunch refreshments were Fred and Marlene Desjardine, Elsie and Le Roy Keyes and Harley and Elaine Moore. 4-H news The "Crazy Crepes," 4-H club number one held meeting six at Thea Stokkerman's home on Tuesday evening. Roll call was "The most interesting idea I learned during this project 'and my favorite recipe." They had a quiz test on, entertaining energy knowledge. This• was the girls last' meeting on this unit "Food for friends." They are planning to do a skit entitled, "The cost of wasting electricity," for the Achievement Day program to be held at Stephen Central school on - Saturday November 8th. Press reported by Rose Vandenberk.Leaders of this club have been Rita Smits and Thea Stokkermans. Church of God news Around 40 children and youth and their leaders met Friday night at the Church of God. The youth study was, "How you decide what is really important." The children's topic was on thankfulness. The Church of God ladies were in charge of the Sunday evening service led by ' Lucille Vincent. Continuing on a Centennial theme a film was shown on "We reach out our hands." A letter was read to the congregation from Stan and Pat Desjardine who are working in Tanzania. women's Institute meet Sixteen members attended the October meeting of Womens Institute held last Thursday evening in the S.S. rooms of the United Church, The topic was on Family and Consumer Affairs with convener, Mrs. Doug Russell in charge. Mrs. Betty Ann• Mollard from the auxiliary of War MeinOrial Childrens hospital, London was present with a display of items the auxiliary uses for the children such as jump suits and bcoties. Guest speaker was Mrs. Peggy Rivers, of Family and Children services, from Goderich, speaking on the need of services of interested people who would be willing to help. Roll call was "A way to integrate the handicapped into our community." Motto was "It is through service to others that we achieve our greatest hap- piness." President, Brenda Love, presided for the business. Clara Hamilton gave a report of the Fall Rally, held October 6, at Gorrie. It was announced that a crewel embroidery short course will be upcoming in the near luture. Lunch hostesses were, Minnie Curts, Ruth Hendrick and Elda Adams. Personals Mrs. Olive Webb became a first time great-grandma, September 30, when her grandaughter Sally and her husband Lee Cummings, of London, became parents of a baby girl, named Tarin Anne. Olive visited with the new baby and her parents and family on Thanksgiving day. Sixteen, United church ladies attended the South Huron Regional held last Wednesday afternoon at Greenway United Church. Topic was Temples, Tea and Technology. Mrs. Norma Desjardine and Lee Jennison have returned home after atten- ding the funeral of their brother-in-law, Ches Desjar- dine, at Sleemon in Northern Ontario. Winners of the weekly bridge game held Wed- nesday evening at St. John's Parish hall playing the Howell movement system were - first - Madelon and Harry Wilson, second-a-tie- Dorothy Child and Joan Gosselin, and Helen and Manning Jamieson. Nineteen attended the coffee Bible hour last Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. at Mrs. Ruth DeBrum's home at 12 River Road. The meetings are un- denominational and all ladies interested are welcome to attend. The meeting will be same time and place next week. A parent's meeting was held. October 6th, for the Grand Bend nursery school and it was decided to hold the Christmas craft and bake sale at the Grand Bend United Church on November 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Viola Ritchie, Mabel Gill, Clara Hamilton, Olive Miller, Nola Taylor Sharen Miller, Doris Bestard and Brenda Love, were guests at Crediton Womens Institute meeting last Wednesday evening. Bosanquet township reeve. Charlie Sr9kg$Z, will be returned to his post by ac- elaMation. At 5:00. p.m. Monday, the closing time for nominations, no one else had come forward to seek the reeve's post. Newcomer Dorothy Wight of R.R, .2, Thedford will be acclaimed as. the area's board of education. representative for the public schools, while Robert Hubbard, of R.R. 5, Forest Will he returned to his post by acclamation as the. separate school board trustee.. Gerald Edwards, who served on the school board for 22 years, • an- nounced last week that he was -not seeking re-election, There will be a two .way race for deputy reeve in Bosanquet township. For- jiler , councillor Bill Lindsay of Port Franks is running The Grand Bend Colonials soccer team beat West Williams Sunday to become the A:usable league champs for • the second year in a -row. • Grand Bend trounced the West. Williams team 5-2. Tony Mennen scored twice in the game, while John Mennen, Dave Nolan and Bill Vandenbygaart each scored once. A team spokesman said that Peter Backx played an excellent game. Backx had some good defensive moves and also set up most of the goals. As well .as being play:off champs two years in a row, the Colonials have been league champs for the past two years at the end of the regular season play. This summer they were the Goderich tournament champs, and the St. George tournament champs in London. They were the mid- Car & Truck Rentals .014111mar 4.1.11111111," Low rates by the day, week,• month .• "We've got your wheels" Located at Thompson-Warner Plymouth-Chrysler Open7Days Resort Rent-A-Car Ltd. ey(:,1,9d) 238-2 Bend %. against former board of education member Gerald Edwards of R.R. 2, Thedford for that post. Former deputy reeve Jack MacDonald announced that he was leaving the position earlier. Six people are running for three positions on the township council. Bill - Ki;ngdon of R.R. 1, Forest, and Don Tidball of R.R. 1,, Thedford are seeking re- election, Also running for the council seats are: Fred Thomas of R,R. 3, Tiled- ford, Hans Brenning of Port. Franks, Raymond Wight of R.R. 2 , Thedford,, and Mary Ellen 'Anderson of 11,R, 3, Medford. . The North Lambton Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring an all-candidates night on Tuesday, October 28, at the Thedford- Bosanquet arena. season tournament finalists, -and lost in a close game to West Williams., They wrapped up the season with 16 wins and two losses. Dave Nolan of the Colonials was the top goal , scorer in the Ausable league this season. Tony Mennen was the third top goal scorer in the league, The Colonials' win Sunday concludes soccer in Grand Bend for another season, The banquet is planned for November 15. If you won a lottery on the weekend, wanted to deposit your winnings in your bank account, and buy a bottle of champagne to celebrate, you were out of luck in Grand Bend Monday. Monday, October 20 was Civic Holiday in Grand Bend. To honour the holiday the two banks, Toronto- Dominion and the Bank of Montreal were closed, as well as the Brewers Retail Store and the Liquor Store. Council voted last spring to change the Civic Holiday from August 4 to October 20 at the request of the Chamber of Commerce. That kept the beer and liquor stores open on August 4. However the banks closed early that day due to lack of business. The Post Office remained Colonials take league trophy $600 ;500 1 000 $250 Plant Now For A Beautiful Spring Now is the time to plant TREES and EVERGREENS Fall Special' Skyline Lucust &to 8' White Ash 6' to 8' . White Mulberry 8' to 10' FV.; get • 1 b.. 7 ,v a Chinese Elm ' Hedging 3' to 4' See Our Good Selection Of Shade Trees Many Varieties To Choose From )1 GREENWOOD NURSERY R.R. 1 Thedford 2967 4665 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK