HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-10-22, Page 20Tiress.-Advecatei October 22, 1980
Craft Show
& Sale I
Pae 4A.
Lucan Ford's 3rd
Our Showroom has
1981 Models on Display
Special Price Discounts
On All
1980 and 1981
Cars and Trucks
Portable Television
Refreshments Served
LUCAN 116 Main St.
Phone Open Mon-Thurs 8-8
227-4458 Fri. 8-5 Sat. 10-4 RICK HENRY ART BELL
Ford's The World Car
WIN "B" PLAYOFF — Lucan won the "B" playoff title of the area minor soccer league
mosquito division. Bock, left, Simon Mould, Scott Finlayson, Mike Dillabough, Ian Craig,
Matthew Welsh, David Manders, Jeff Reyriver, ()avid Annis and Mike Cannon. Front, Mike
Gillen, Stephen O'Sullivan, Donnie Hugill, Erin McComb, Ron Van Geel, Johnny Miller,
Pieter Molenkamp, Dwayne McIntyre and David Hinge. Missing were coach Ron Annis and
Mike Arts. T-A photo
„ „.
Reeve, deputy acclaimed
Election for council
.for school trustee
Township of McGillivray
To the voters of McGillivray Twp.
for Reeve
• Nov. 10, 1980
Your support would be appreciated
Sat., Nov. 1, 1980
Lottery Ticket Booth
176 Main St.,
(in front of
Lucan Electronics)
WE Sell
•Super Loto
oBig Brother
*Go For Gold
*Orders for Lottario
Farm & Industrial
Equipment Repair
Welding hydraulic hose
general faro supply
Ph 293-3602 or
come in to see us at
109 Main St,
now your dealer for
, 1
! ,
I .... _
• RoOf Iltes. • Gravity vents.
• Rotiry vents. • Overhead door frames.
Now available at these
CONKLIN Home Centres:
Queen St. Ph: 738-2221
Erie St. South Ph: 674-5465
Hwy. 83 Ph: 235-1422
Hwy. 21 Ph: 797-3245
Or ask at any of our 16 Conklin Home Centres
PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT with a Fairford Steel Building
for farm equipment, machine shop, stock or grain storage.
You have a big investment—it makes sense to protect It
with the best. This top quality, corrosion resistant, galvan-
ized steel, coupled with the proven dependable design will
do the job for years to come.
• Superior engineered roof system and heavy duty end walls
to withstand wind and snow load stress.
• Tough, deep ribbed 8" corrigated arch panels easily
bolt together.
• Heavy duty deep contoured trapezoid end walls.
• Butyl sealer for weather-tight seal.
• Wide, easy access door system with door Iltes, ball
bearings and door guides.
• Colour coded pieces for easy erection.
• An obstruction free interior.
• Sizes from 12' to 100'.
• Also available In straight wall designs.
• a
Sat., Nov: 1, 1980
10-4 p.m.
Over 9Q tables on display
Admission 50e
Children under 12 free.
Twp. of McGillivray
Notice of Poll
Notice is hereby given to the municipal.elec,
tors of the Twp. of McGillivray in the county
of Middlesex that polls will be held at the
time and place as stated in this notice for
the purpose of electing persons to the of-
Advance poll Sat., Nov. 1, 1980
Location Twp. Hall West McGillivray
Polling hrs. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
(For advance poll only)
Regular polls Mon. Nov. 10, 1980
Poll #1 Neal's Recreation Centre
Lot 6, Conc. 2
Poll #2 James Cunningham's residence
Lot 24 Conc. 2
Poll #3 Brinsley Community Hall
Lot 15, Conc. 10
Poll #4 Bob Doerr's residence
Lot 17 Conc. 7 E.C.R.
Poll #5 Twp. Hall
Lot 16, Conc. 14
Poll #6 Clifford Ritchie's residence
Lot 10, Conc. 7 WCR
Poll #7 Corbett Community Hall
Lot 35, Conc. N.B.
All polls will be open from 11 a.m.'- 8 p.m.
Proxy applications. A person who has been
appointed a voting proxy may apply to the
clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the after-
noon of polling day Nov. 10, 1980 to
receive a certificate to vote by proxy for the
polling subdivision in which the person ap-
pointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote
given under my hand this 20th day of Oc-
tober, 1980.
W. J. Amos
Returning Officer
at United
The Sacrament of Infant
Baptism was observed
Sunday marring at Liman
United Church. Rev. Keith
Brown officiated as John and.
Jane Forster brought their
son Ian Kenneth Douglas,
and Bruce and Donna
Parnell their daughter,
Marsha Lynn, dedieating
them to. God and promising
to bring them up in the
Christian faith.
Mabel Froats gave a
"Minute Talk" on behalf of
the Mission and Service
Committee, reminding the
congregation that
missionary outreach is at the
heart of the Christian.
Gospel. Mission funds
support workers in needy
lands, but in addition to this,
each Christian must be alert
to opportunities to share
God's love in his own com-
Mr."Brown concluded his
series on the Ten Com-
mandments as he spoke on
the theme "Lying - Direct
and Indirect". He pointed
out that the words we speak
have power to bless or to
destroy others, A falsehood
harms not only the person
who believes the lie and the
person about whom it is told,
but also the one who speaks
it, for very often one lie
requires others to Cover it
and a pattern of dishonesty is
False sympathy, insincere
gossip, and unjust criticism
are common forms of in-
direct lying. Words such as
these violate Christ's law of
The choir, under the
direction of Helen Stanley,
sang the very appropriate
anthem "The Child We
Dedicate to Thee."
Nancy and Leroy Maguire
were the welcoming com-
mittee at this service.
Tonight, Wednesday, at
8:30 the Friendship Unit of
the U.C.W. meets at the
Church, and all women of the
congregation are invited. All
couples are invited to join
with the Couples Club,
tomorrow night Thursday, at
8:15 also at the Church.
The Choir will welcome
any others who would enjoy
participating in a con-
temporary Christmas
Cantata "Christ is Born,"
This week the practice will
be at 7:30 tomorrow evening,
rather than at 8:30,
Two causes of failure: to
do without thinking, to think
without doing.
Ratepayers in the village
of Lucan will. be asked to
name three councillors and
two members of the Hydro
Commission in the upcoming
November 10 election.
Reeve Ivan Hearn has
been returned by ac-
clamation. In a similar
situation is councillor Norm
Steeper moving up to fill the
newly established post of
Battling incumbent
councillors Larry Hotson,
Gary McFalls and Harry
Wraith will be newcomers
Robert Brady, and Russ
WI meets
Citizenship Wand World
Affairs was the topic for the
Lucan Women's Institute at
their monthly meeting on
October 15 in the Masonic
Hall under the convenership
of Leda Revington.
Mrs. Revindton spoke
most interestingly on the
Motto' WhatCanada has done
toward unity in connection
with immigration," and read
an article on a new Canadian
Farmer in Huron County as
well as one on the recent
Clerks' strike. A most in-
teresting story was read on
the work of Mrs. Florence
Diamond, the F.W.I.O. Pres.
since she joined the Institute
as a Branch member years
During the business
meeting chaired by the
President Vina Emery a
letter was read from
Margaret Hodgins resigning
as Sec. Treasurer and Iva
Hodgins was appointed
Secretary to complete the
year. A letter of appreciation
and good wishes has been
sent to Mrs. Hodgins.
The new secretary was
appointed delegate to attend
the area convention on
Monday, October 27, in St.
Marys and the president will
be the delegate on Tuesday.
Arrangements were also
made for the craft article to
be provided for sale at the
A discussion on changing
the meeting night resulted in
telephone contact to be made
to absent members, before a
decision to meet on the third
Tuesday, rather than
Wednesday could be reached.
The next meeting will be
on the Remembrance Day
theme. All members are
asked to be present to share
"A Remembrance Day
Thought" which is the Roll
A decorated Thanksgiving
Cake and ice cream was
served by the hostesses,
Vina Emery and Frances
Pruss. Margery Crozier
thanked all who took part in
any way, in the meeting.
Fire Call
The Lucan volunteer fire
department answered an
early morning call on
Saturday to the former
"Hedden Store," converted
to apartments a few years
ago byPaul Dykeman,
The building on Alice
Street, near Main, was ex-
tensively damaged and it is
believed thefirestarted in an
electrical fuse panel in the
basement, spreading
through the unoccupied
building, about 6 a.m.
Fire chief Wes Hickson
says the amount of damage
has not been calculated, "but
it's going to be high." It will
be partially covered by in-
Contesting the two
positions on the Hydro
Commission will be Richard
Acres, Rudy Engel, Murray
The members of the
Sunshine and Busy Buddies
groups held their meeting on
Thursday afternoon in the
club rooms.
During the business
meeting, chaired by the
President, Mildred Hirtzel, a
communication was read
from the Medway Key Club,
via Karen Toohey, offering
to help theSeniors in any way
possible. For assistance with
window washing, lifting and
replanting bulbs, or any
other • "odd jobs" please
telephone 225-2710, and
Karen will pass the request
i r on to memos of the Club.
It was 's 04ed that' the
Busy Blicldie InIttice ceramic
bud vaseS'and the Sun Shine
Group buy the flower to put
in.it, for distribution to those
reqUiring a remembrance,
Laura Williams showed
lovely gift items available
from her niece and members
were invited to contact her if
they want some of them.
The flower arrangements
from the dinner held with the
Montrose Club were sent to
Florence Hodgins and Jean
Brown and were much ap-
Tentative plans were
made to visit Coyle's Nut
Factory in Tillsonburg, have
dinner out in Delhi and view
the Simcoe Christmas lights,
on Wednesday December
10th. Club members not at
the meeting have been
contacted and it is necessary
Holy Trinity
At Holy Trinity Anglican
Church, Lucan, On Sunday
morning, Jim Shipley and
Andy VanGeel read the Old
and New Testament
Lessons, respectively.
Based on these readings and
the Gospel of Luke 18:1-8a,
Rev. Bruce Pocock
presented the question "Will
we be found faithful when the
Son of Man returns, or will
we be as Paul warns 'people
who will not listen to sound
doctrine but will follow their
own desires and collect for
themselves more and more
teachers who will then say
what they want to hear"?"
Our faith is found in our
Lord and Saviour not in such
man-made legends as zodiac
signs, or the use of tran-
scendental meditation.
The Rector celebrated
Holy Communion to close the
service. Members of the
congregation were
welcomed by Dorothy and
Dwight Henderson.
Up-coming at Holy Trinity
Bible Study continues each
Tuesday evening at the
Rectory at 8 p.m. You are
"Hey Kids" - it's a party -
a Halloween Costume Party
at the Church tomorrow,
Thursday at 7 p.m. The
Sunday School is sponsoring
it. Come and have fun.
The Sacrament of Baptism
will be celebrated on
November 2nd at 11:15. If
you have not contacted the
Rector, please do so now.
Annual Turkey Supper,
next Wednesday. October
29.Al1 members are needed
to help at various times and
in various capacities.
Hodgins and Martin Wraith.
During the last term the
Hydro Commission seats
were held by Rudy Engel
and the late Clifford Abbott.
Five accidents were in-
vestigated this week by
officers, of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario
Provincial Police. Damages
totalled 0,5,500.
Three vehicles were in-
volved in an accident at 4:0
p.m. Sunday on Highway 4 at
Concession 7 in. London
Drivers were Madelina
Basacco, R.R. 5, London;
Paula Martin, London and
Sunday morning at the
Revival Centre Ken Allen
played "Have Thine. Own
Way Lord" on his violin,
Doug Butler led the Junior
Church in singing a country
song" Be a Friend, Be a
Christian," while Loys
Melanson played her guitar.
. Ray Brewster ministered
from Col. 1:3-4, I Thess, 1:2-3
and 1 Cor 13:13 saying the
home , is the church in,
miniature. In the Old
Testament the home was
almost always joined
together with the church, We
cannot take the instructions
the Bible gives to the church
unless we first apply them to
our homes. The marks of
maturity of a church are
faith, hope and love. The
degree these are expressed
in the home is how our
children will mature as
At the evening serviee Rev
Ray Brewster spoke of
man's condition before
Christ's return. After
reading 1 John 4:1-3, he
showed the chart of the time
line of Bible prophecy.
According to world events in
line with Bible prophecy, we
are in the time of earnest
preparation for Christ's
return for His church.
Before Jesus returns the
Bible tells us we will go
through persecution. The
church grows under per-
secution, even when having
to go "underground." The
only way Christians can
survive under persecution is
by knowing God's word.
Five ,accidents
in OPP district
Upcoming Events
November 11, there will be
a bus tour going to Toronto to
100 Huntley Street at 6 a.m.
Youth meeting Friday
October 24 will be featuring
the movie "Welcome Home,"
at 7:30 p.m.
The Sunday evening
service will be concentrating
on organizing Small Group
Ministries, October 26.
Stan Hodgins, R.R. 3„
Ilderton. Constable T.R.
Chapman set damages at
The.same day at 5:29 p.m. I
vehicles driven by Steve
Gelanyi, London and Frank
Van Busse% R.R. 3, Lncan
collided on Highway 4 at the
Roman Line. Damages were
listed at $7,500 by Constable
B.D. Munro,
Both drivers amid
passengers Gararda Van
Bussell and Julia and Sandra
gelanyi suffered minor
At 3:10 p.m. Friday, a
vehicle driven by Leah
Toombs, London left High-
way 7, a half mile east or
County road 23. Constable
Jim Craig estimated
damages at $1,000.
Sunday at 1 a.m. on Main
street of Ailsa Craig a
vehicle driven by Lewis
Slater, Ailsa Craig was
damaged to the extent of
$5,500when it struck a hydro
pole and wires. Constable
D.N. Marshall investigated,
Help for seniors
to arrange for a second bus.
This being the case there is
room for non-members who
will be accommodated on a
"first come-first serve"
basis, 'phone 227-4595 or 227-
4714 at once, if you are in-
Muriel Cobleigh won the
Craft group prize with a
birthday closest to October
16th and Euchre prizes went
as follows: Lady's High Jean
Miller, Lone Hands Jean
- Elliott, Low Score Charlotte
Barker, Man's High Cecil
Robb, Lone Hands Mae
Bowman, playing a man's
card, and Low Score Alex,
Lunch was served by
Muriel Cobleigh, Liz Conlin,
Ethel Crouch and Gayle