HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1980-10-16, Page 32HURON COUNTY 11'0410 OF FOODIFOON NOMINATIONS. N0;9.4 herlOY Iduett to Ow Public Schoele109190 from the .School piaision of the. Tolson of Exeter end the Townships of Usborne. end Stephen. in the County of Huron and that In ceinnhance with the Municipal .Elections. Act 1977 chapter 04 the period for suunkleffeti Is From .9 A.M. THLIRSDAY OCT. 16.1980 To 5 P.M. MONDAY, OCT 20,1980 at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Stephen,Credlton,during regular office hours, for the purpose, of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of , MEMBERS - Two to io elated AND FURTHER. TAKE NOTICE that when the number of mindidatts for en Oka who are nominated at the end, of nomination day is not ;uffiClent to fill the number of vacancies to which the candidates may be plected,on the Wednesday, following nomination dey, OCTOBER 22, 1980, the clerk may, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. receive and certify additional nominations for the office in respect of which there was an insufficient num-ber of candidates. The Required nomination forms may be obtained from the Clerk's Office. They must be completed, filed and accepted by the Clerk by the above died. line. For further information regarding procedures under the Election Act, contact the undersigned, Crediton, Ont. .Clcteher 3, 1980 WILMA* D. WIN, Clerk. 2344331 Decorate your home with beautiful CUSTOM DRAPES 'Choose the fabrics and the styles you wont and Barb Whiting will custom moke your drapes for you. You con also choose matching bedspreads and pillow shams. WHITING'S AREHOUS Wain St. Exeter 235-1964. Dashwood mark jubilee, church ladies, to bud dishes Ale 20A Times-Advocate, Oct*law 16, 1990 By MRS. .1RVIN :RAM PASI-IWOQO Dashwood Women's. Institute celebrated. the 'W.I. Golden Jubilee by en- tertaining Seaford*, Kippen and Crediton institutes, The District President, Mrs, Carl Payne was also a, guest and spoke briefly on'Institute work and the coming Con- vention, Mrs. Eben Weigand,. president, . welcomed everyone and following the Ode, Mary Stewart Meet and the national anthem dealt with the business, Mrs, Stuart Wolfe an Mrs. Weigand will be leaders for the Crewel embroidery course, Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan is delegate to the convention. A sing song was held followed by Mrs. Gordon Bender reading "Kinds" and the use of nylons on the farm. Bingo was played with a number of the guests taking home • a gift. During the social time the different Institutes thanked Dashwood. for a nice time. A piece of Golden Jubilee cake was served to each one. Will buy silverware,dishes Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held Wednesday afternoon in the basement of the United Church with the president, Mrs. Charles. Martene presiding, She opened the meeting with sCripture reading and, a prayer, The Altar Guild reported 14 visits. The new Guild is Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Mrs, Mayo Mellecke, The discussion centred on theopening of the new church and the bazaar, The executive is to buy new dishes and silverware for the kitchen. November 5 is the bazaar which is a congregational project and all ladies are asked to contribute not only to the sewing and craft tables but also the baking where possible. If you need assistance in getting your things to the community centre call 237-3412 or 3645. Mrs, Dave Rader displayed bazaar posters she is making, Pastor M. Mellecke for his topic acquainted the ladies with the lay out of the new church and why. Group 1 with Mrs. Lorne Becker convener served lunch. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Girls make pizzas The fifth meeting of Dash- wood 4-H girls was held Monday with 13 girls an- swering the roll call on making Crepes. The girls learned about microwave ovens and toaster-broiler ovens and their pros and cons. Discussion was on hot snacks such as saucy franks crispy chicken wings, bitty pizzas and deep dish pizzas. Each girl made her own pizza using English muffins and her favourite toppings and then they had the choice of baking them in the con- ventional oven or the toaster- broiler oven. Achievement Day is November 8 at Stephen Central School and the 4-H books are to be handed in October 27. Will see bird Sanctuary Senior Citizens one day fall . bus trip will be with McNaughton Tours Wed- nesday, November 19th to Swain's green houses, .West Lorne and Jack Miner's at Kingsville leaving Dashwood at 8:45 a.m. Seniors to meet Dashwood Seniors will meet October 20 and the Zone 8 Rally will be October 22 at Dashwood Community Centre at 9:30 a.m. Time takes tree It takes a long time to grow a tree but one of Dashwood's tallest and most beautiful spruce tree on the property of Bob Hayter which was slowly dying, was felled in less than an hour by Geo. Flanagan Tree Service,. Grand Valley. It is thought this tree was struck by lightning April 5 1979 when the Lutheran church was struck and destroyed by fire, Personals Mr, and, Mrs. Weliwood Gill,. Craigweil Gardens, and Mrs. Ron Mitchell, .Allga Craig, Were Friday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Hader. Holiday visitors were Mrs. Ernest Koehler, Mr. and Mrs, John Hayter and family, Dashwood; Jeff Hayter, Toronto; Rick Hayter, New York; Mrs, Spike Nagel, Susan and Chris Baynham, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hayter and David. Guests with Mr. and Mrs,. Lloyd Guenther and Betty were Joe O'Rourke, Chatham, Barb Guenther, London, Ed VanGorpe, Thedford, Jim, Susan, Ben and Sean Guenther, Exeter, Jack Guenther and Mary, . Richardson, Zurich, Bob Oesch, Barb Gackstetter, David and Peggy, Blake, Clarence and Laureen Diebel. Barbara Guenther has accepted a position at the London Psychiatric hospital Centralia ladies meet By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Mrs. Gladys Buswell opened the Centralia U.C.W. October meeting with a prayer and conducted the business. The ladies going to the Presbytery meeting at Greeziway are meeting at the church at 11 o'clock. Freda Rollings is to purchase a Study Kit for U.C.W. A bus trip is being planned for early November. Etta Powe, Lois Wilson and Freda Rollings are going to a work shop to learn how to do crewel embroidery, and will teach it to others later on. It was decided to sponsor the Senior Citizens again in the Community Centre. There is to be a silent auction at the November meeting. The nominating committee are to bring in 'a slate of officers for the new year. The Committee in charge of programme Eleanor Scott, Marion Abbott, Gladys Buswell and Ivan Blair gave a Thanksgiving poem. Hymn Count your blessings was sung. Scripture was read by Iva Blair. Prayer was given by Marian Abbott. Eleanor Scott read a story on Thanksgiving. Judy Mills and Faye Blair sung a duet accompanied by Lois Wilson, Gladys Buswell introduced our guest Mrs. Dianne Gerstenkorn who had a lovely display of dried flowers and decorations. She showed the ladies how to make a door arrangement. Dianne donated a Christmas decoration which was won by Lois Wilson. Eleanor Scott thanked Dianne for showing her talents. Everyone enjoyed the display. A social hour followed the meeting. as Medical Secretao. Mrs, Pearl Miller and Mrs. Thelma Sterling have. returned home after a two- week visit in California with Foga Lafond, Joyce Penton and Mr,. and Mrs, Dona Williams. and family, Port Hueneme, California. Due to the strike at Toronto airport: they wre flown to Montreal where they came by train to Toronto and ten minutes later they were on the way to London by train where they phoned •Thelme's. son, Harvey, and he picked them up arriving home after midnight, Mr. and. Mrs. George Wolfe and Claudine, West Hill, with Mrs. Stuart Wolfe and members of her family from London and Dor- chester. Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Miller and girls, Zion, with Mr. and Mrs. Irvn Rader. ALUMINUM STORM DOOR Get ready for cooler weather with this standard feature storm door! 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